>Thanks for inviting me out to eat, user!
>I know it's a weird topic for a first date, but everyone says you're very passionate about politics, so what are some of your views?
What do
>Thanks for inviting me out to eat, user!
>I know it's a weird topic for a first date, but everyone says you're very passionate about politics, so what are some of your views?
What do
Ask me later. When the check comes.
"I'm a strong believer in Social Darwinism."
Only one thing to say
well i hate gays trannys beaners niggers and mudslimes
I feel very strongly that nonwhites like you need to be gassed
Death to the Irish and Canadians
Deus vult
As if any of these edgelord alt right kids ever get any pussy. That's why they're losers and have the pro-Trump views that they do.
Man, if you're charismatic enough, you can take Hillary Clinton out to dinner and convince her that Trump is right.
Whenever a girl asks me about my political opinon I straight out tell them everything I think. If you hide that, you're a pussy beta with no stance in life.
Stand your ground pussies
Religion, independencia y union.
Also, fuck AMLO
>Change subject
Talk politics with a female? Yah, no.
Why the fuck are we drinking water out of wine glasses? What the fuck are you even eating? This isn't Jack in the Box. What the fuck is going on?
"Hitler did nothing wrong."
I like the shift from Trochaic to Iambic in the latter two lines.
You've got something special in dimeter.
>im a male feminist
>can you pick up the check
I can't get into this.
>Thanks for coming to pick me up from Chad's place user. Is that true you watch Japanese children cartoons and you think Trump will make them real?
I just tell her How I much love hitler
So let's talk about bulls
If I want to fuck the girl, I tell her what she wants to hear. Address your audience.
i said this exact thing when my parents asked about why jill stein wanted a recount even though she wouldn't win.
to be honest i'd say it again but i always preface it with "do you REALLY want to know?"
The state is a load of horseshit that's used to enforce common customs which ought not to apply to anyone sufficiently advanced as to respect the NAP, however, such a burden should not be easily granted and the ability by which to self-govern should be the one restriction the state holds over the individuals within it. While the USA already trends towards anarcho-capitalism, the failure of the state is the inability to recognize and exonerate individuals who do not require state care.
this. i never take the initiative to talk about politics to people i dont know very well in real life, but if someone asks me in a genuine way ill tell them my honest opinions. ive never had any negative consequences from it either even though obviously many have disagreed with me, which is fine.
There is not enough children's blood for you.
PLEASE GO back to netscape!
> eat your own food
>not pints
Have you ever read Marx' manifesto?
>Man, if you're charismatic enough,
>If you hide that, you're a pussy beta with no stance in life.
Trust me, I'd be doing more harm than good. Spergs like me should stick to online.
The silent majority still won, kek be praised.
Women who care about politics beyond taking out wife beaters, rapists and kidbappers are not marriage material.
Ask to split the check.
I literally said that to my grandfather, expecting him to understand, because my parents are pretty redpilled, but to my surprise he was a huge cuck.
I'm just in this to say fuck you to political correctness.
I couldn't care less about Islam or a future for the white race. More people that die, the better.
Still haven't got any pussy for 7 years. Dumb bitch who deprived me of wizard status is a feminist now.
Show me yours I'll show you mine.
Who did you vote for?
"hurr durr maybe America should be majority white because it's good for societal cohesion that way"
she still calls me a neonazi and a white supremacist to this day
Meh, my gf's racist af desu.
Married with kids, but if I was a younger Sup Forumsack, I would
> Lie
> Fuck
> Dump when bored
> Rinse, repeat
Leftie here. Once went on a date with this conservative chick who wouldn't shut up about how much she admired Ronald Reagan. Needless to say she didn't get the D that night.
I never really did "dates" like you Americans seem to do, but I'm pretty sure that bringing up politics on a first date is pretty autistic regardless of your ideology.
Hey, I'm against d-degeneracy and George Soros who runs the world and pollutes water which makes frogs gay!
>I'm just in this to say fuck you to political correctness.
>I couldn't care less about Islam or a future for the white race. More people that die, the better.
Yeah pretty sure that's what they imagine most of the "alt-right" to be.
I just support Trump because he's a protectionist. We're not even talking a lot of protectionism here, just a very bare minimum. I used to support the democrats but if they don't even want to do this bare minimum, then fuck 'hem.
I didn't actually trust Trump before I realized how hard the establishment went against him and that it was all BS. The extreme bias of the media coupled with the PC self-censoring was especially disturbing. This was only going to get worse.
You're not even white, you wouldn't understand my political views.
I wouldn't date a woman who would muddy my superior blue eyed genetics.
>tbqh famifoo hitler did absolutely nothing wrong
>"what the hell user what is wrong with you!"
>after good dicking
>"you know that hitler thing is making sense now"
its always this way
uhhh.. waiter, get this subhuman away from my table.
We're gonna need a timestamp, Kim.
what the fuck is that flag
how did you escape the laboratory and post this
어떻게 게시했는지 설명해 주시겠습니까?
Fucking North Korea.
Two of my friends stopped talking to me because I said I was a conservative. I even denied voting for Trump. Even revealing 1% of your power level is a fucking mistake. As far as normies are concerned I don't give a shit about politics
>I believe we should all have the freedom to align with any political party and not be discriminated against =)
This is enough to pacify any woman who wants to talk politics. Just avoid specifics and talk in broad strokes about freedom and liberty. All they want to hear is that their life choices are validated.
its not always what they want to hear, i cried 2 days straight after taking basically the entire redpill in a day.
start showing her Hoppean Snake Memes on my phone
i am conservative, and i think its beyond politics, we are in a cultural war for the future of mankind and i refuse to this war. Liberal thought is a cancer on mankind and conservative is the scalpel that will remove it once and for all. How is your salad.
> Angry sage
Retake Constantinople!
This gets all the Orthodox girls hot.
"I don't think you should talk about politics until you have enough power to make change" "It makes people either hate you or like you and nothing changes"
Tits or GTFO
well first of all you are definitely not white so i don't see us lasting
i know a jew trap when i see one.
Honestly, I'd make it clear I'm conservative and a nationalist, but I would only scratch the bare surface of my political beliefs early on. If all goes right, you simply reveal your power level slowly, and redpill her.
NAP is spook.
>Be spic
>Have life long friends from LA
>Tell them I voted Trump
>They say anyone who voted Republican is no friend of theirs
>Tell them to eat shit and if that's the case, to BUILD WALL
>Find out many of my co-workers voted for Trump
Feels ok man
second post best post
whats up with the pic
its like someone painted average painting, put fingers to the top and went
dick in pussy u want?
Let it be swift.
Benis in bagina?
I'm on Sup Forums till 4-5 am each day.
When the fuck would I have an opportunity to have dinner with a girl?
You need to find better friends then. I can't imagine no longer being friends with someone just because of their politics unless they were already a shitty friend.
>he doesn't have a waifu
Gas all gypsies
This is correct. Women, especially younger ones, are incredibly malleable. Be vague at first, and drop subtle red pills later on and gradually-especially those based off of shared observations where you can frame the events to your liking.
My wife wasn't very redpilled initially, but after 1+ year of dating I was forced to do damage control when she was spouting off to co-workers at a party about how terrible every black co-worker is when she had too much alcohol.
Be subtle but alpha, and you will have that pussy on lock.
>so what are some of your views
Down your shirt now, later up your ass. Now shut up and finish your free meal.
holy shit took me a minute to see him
everytime you meet a new girl, you have to talk about the jews
That bird looks so fucking cool.
That's clearly a trap.
ever slept with a non-white?
Is that Cruz missle in your pocket or are you just happy to serve your country?
My salad is fine, thank you user
oops wrong proxy
All memes aside I've done this with like 5 dates in the past year
wtf, second from the left looks like my grandfather
Christian National Guild Socialist.
Moderately I am a National Progressive.
From my experience, attractive, well adjusted wife-material women are especially impressed if you use the word 'nigger' in the initial conversation as well. It shows that you're a bold freethinker who is untethered to conventional social norms and is bold enough to keep her safe.
I have already done this
>How does 'everyone' know I'm passionate about politics when I keep my political views to myself, you fucking vegan?
Gas yourself Un
Was hanging out with a girl and sucking her strapon.
>"you didn't vote for Trump did you?"
>N-no ma'am. I voted for Hillary.
>"Ok good"
That's been my experience, totally cucked out. Really hot though
i fucked some girl a few days ago, she was a bernout. all i said about that was "too bad about the election"