Do you think we will return to the moon again in our lifetimes?
We can't return unless we've been there before.
"we" may have been there, but not with the 1969 tech.
If humans ever flew to the moon, it was in secret and probably a later date.
> Usa is indian giver, no?
> no give back
>sorry face.gif
Yes. It's possible that we will return there before a mission to Mars.
Before I get a ton of flack from this... saying that we did go.
Look at the motivations that put us there. Do you see any sort of resurgence from the government to invest the funds to do it again? The ONLY way we will EVER return to the moon is commercially. I think SpaceX is pretty gamble to do it in the next 30 years. Outside of commercial incentive, we will never go back.
why? what's the point of going there
A test before Mars.
Also a nostalgic journey to revisit the old artifacts NASA left there.
So a bit of a waste but still cool.
how come the ship in OP's pick was able to land but now we cant because of the radiation outside low earth orbit?
Did he not effect us then because we didn't know about it?
Not even memeing, legit question.
Why are we wasting so much time and money on the Orion space craft, we already solved the 'humans beyond low earth orbit' problem in the 60's? why dont we just use that same tech?
Lander is behind picture taker in the second picture.
Do the people that make these things have no sense of perspective?
Yes, they need to probe it for mining purposes and if they find something valuable, it will be good man.
Probably not. And it's really sad to see how far we have fallen.
Hopefully Russia or China will continue pushing to get our species off this world.
But we decided to make war instead of continuing to push new horizons.
pic related.
Depends how long we live.
But I think so. The new NASA administrator has asked for a study about whether the scheduled unmanned 2018 Orion lunar circumnavigation can be manned instead.
It wouldn't be unprecedented. STS-1 (first space shuttle mission) was manned on its first test flight.
god this is so fucking stupid
some of our stuff was more advanced than it is now, because we stopped giving a shit and forgot how to do stuff. There is literally no reason not to believe we did something as trivial as go to the moon when we were already doing pretty much everything else that lead up to that point.
In any case, a manned lunar mission is scheduled for 2021.
>The ONLY way we will EVER return to the moon is commercially.
Because the fed gov is now broke.
The Endeavour ALTs were test flights.
Fuck. Enterprise not Endeavour.
that's really fucking stupid, there's absolutely no chance we won't either return to the moon for helium 3 at some point or continue scientific advancement involved with space travel.
>In any case, a manned lunar mission is scheduled for 2021.
We will never make it.
Watch a documentary about the development of the LEM. They sure did a shitload of advanced technical work all for the sake of fooling people.
China is building this rn
no, we'll all be dead in 10 years
just found out, bye guys
In any case the one positive thing about getting rid of the gold standard is that it wouldn't survive space mining.
But even space mining today may be dangerous.
fuck no. we're too fat now. and we still use fuckin dead fossil combustion juice
Enterprise was not a spacecraft, it was a glider only capable of atmospheric flight.
how about this though?
Do you honestly think that the US hasn't done secret military operations on the moon?
Out of all the stuff that Alex Jones said on JRE, his stuff about the moon made the most sense to me (e.g. why people think, understandably, that the moon landing is fake, etc.)
And we have nothing.
It makes me so sad.
Only superpowers have a manned spaceflight program.
We don't, therefor we aren't.
The Van Allen belts are a meme. If they were that bad, they would fry the electronics of everything that flies through them.
>our lifetimes
Not until after the Second American Civil War.
Shit I wouldn't be surprised if the US had a military base on the moon.
Probably not
>Do you honestly think that the US hasn't done secret military operations on the moon?
Yes. Every rocket launch with enough power to send something to the moon has been heavily documented.
Unless we have a secret launch base in Antarctica or something.
Unless Orion uses the same modules as Apollo there's nothing wrong with that. But obviously NASA is using more advanced technology.
With a black budget annually of over $50 billion I would think they'd be able to figure something out. Even if it were something as simple as placing CIA operatives in key posts to "look the other way" when launches happen.
Thats not what the NASA engineer said.. but i guess if some faggot on Sup Forums says it, it must be true
>humans in space
Hmm interesting, it seems like the gap between BIG PIT 1 and Module pit 2 has increased to such a size to fit an entire buggy between them.
This is truly firing up my neurons
The NASA engineer straight up says that people cant go through it, and thats what their testing for
heres another compilation of NASA saying they havent figured out how to put people past LEO
The moonlandings were the zenith of human achievement. It's been downhill since.
The 1960 - 70's social movement, which included things like architecture, philosophy, womens rights, working standards, were all degenerate. The decadent, narcissistic, shallow, and entitled baby boomer generation destroyed the progress that white people had suffered throughout WW2 to achieve.
Western culture used to strive for a white family with a working dad, a housewife and three kids. The father would have a decent degree like in science or math. He'd work a blue collar job and take home decent pay. The kids would go to a decent public school and learn.
Now we have families with two parents that work. they work four jobs between them. Mixed race. They'd have a bullshit degree they're both still trying to pay off. Two kids to two different fathers, neither of them is the father of the family. The father settled, as he found it hard to find a decent woman. The parents work at some bullshit job like a social worker trying to pull together more broken families. The kids will go to a nigger infested school where no learning takes place because of the constant distractions.
It's easy to point the finger at the left or the right for allowing it to happen. The reality is, you let it happen because you didn't do anything about it.
>The moonlandings were the zenith of human achievement. It's been downhill since.
NASA in hebrew means "to decieve".
all of your information about space is from NASA and their affiliates only.
Nigga we weren't even born
oh shut up faggot, go outside and get a girlfriend
>le black man brought us down
>its all the jews fault.
There is no ((((((((space)))))))))))
>Why are we wasting so much time and money on the Orion space craft, we already solved the 'humans beyond low earth orbit' problem in the 60's? why dont we just use that same tech?
The Orion is a new piece of hardware so it needs to be tested regardless.
In the unmanned flight last year they put a part of its orbit inside the belt so that the craft would have prolonged exposure to the radiation, rather than the quick trip through that apollo underwent. Apollo also sort of went around the belt as the radiation is at its most intense at the equator, while Apollo went trans-lunar at an inclined orbit.
We did. Multiple times.
What is a magnetosphere?
This is the shit that mKes me cringe the most
Florida is used for a reason, its close to the equator, so engineers try to harness the max amount of rotational energy out of the earth and use it to get to space
Onky a retard would think a space ship simply goest "straight" up
>molecules are immune to gravity when in a gaseous state
>people can make models!
>therefore the moon landing was fake!
>i dont know how an orbit works
>Hey guys did you know space is a conspiracy i read it online
>Yeah its true its da i-l-u-m-i-n-a-t-i. We never even went to the moon!
>So how do you explain the reflection prisms?
Its that easy to disprove conspiracy nuts. They ALWAYS stop replying when you point that out.
Just look at this now: He will totally ignore me and offer no explanation.
senpai what is your take on AJ's explanation? makes sense to me.
play some kerbal space program dude
norh pole in the center. with ice ring. then continents and water then antartica ice wall surrounding.
The people of the treaty are positioned as if looking in
Oh boy NASA shills coming in full force.
Learn how to spot them.
Secrete society?
I know the author meant secret, but this is funny.
Do you get payed to turn these threads into a mockery you absolute faggot?
>hey goys
>did you hear about space?
>I saw it on TV
do you ever win a war?
The way things are looking now i don't think we are going to live much longer.
>what is focal length
Still waiting for a reply. Can you please explain the prisms or are you literally retarded?
I'd also love an explanation on how i can pick up the ISS from my shotgun antenna.
So you can't explain the shotgun antennas or prisms either then? Huh how odd.
Your evidence for a globe earth is CGI cartoons
Are you fucking serious? All you need is a basic understanding of fucking camera lenses to debunk your bullshit.
>radio waves
>not possible to tell which direction they are coming from with stationary antenna
>What is a fishy eye lens
I know its stupid shit bait but I dont doubt someone believes it
>zooms in on some clouds
>the earth is flat!
what did he mean by this
Still not answering the question. Thanks for proving my point though.
It amazes me how stupid people are here. How do you even figure out how to use a computer?
>Look guys i don't know what a directional antenna is nor is foxhunting a radio tracker a real thing trust me just don't google it our build one yourself just trust me on this one.
Kek are you not even trying anymore?
>very distant large objects look the same despite moving a few yards
You wouldn't understand.
>you will never experience zero gravity