

Other urls found in this thread:

Step 1. supply free gibs to make hard work seem like a pointless endeavor
Step 2. import people to do hard work that don't get gibs initially
Step 3. imported people figure out how to get gibs
GOTO Step 2

What about black people? They're poor. They could use a job or two.

> Implying migrant workers = Illegals

Literally nothing that has been done will have any effect on legitimate migrant workers, unless they were coming out of one of those 7 middle eastern countries for a brief period of time.

t. grew up on family farm and has lots of migrant workers


> tobacco farmer from NC

OP BTFO in one post.

>this thread for the 4th time

Don't you shills get tired?

We should automate and use prisoner labor.

The wages for those jobs has already been slashed by cheap imported labor to the point where legal citizens' effort is MUCH better spent elsewhere.

If I can make the same or better money working an easy fast food job why the fuck would I break my back in a field next to paco, the illegal immigrant that got here yesterday?

Offer shit pay for shit job; get tiny amount of applicants. "Oh well, better hire some illegal workers for even less and oops guess we didn't pay any taxes on that either haha stupid white people they should've taken this minimum wage physically demanding job or they can't complain."

Make labor-demanding farm work (and other jobs which are short on workers) a mandatory requirement for continued welfare/EBT.

In one fell swoop, you get to keep farm subsidies, reduce dependency on welfare, and develop new job skills.


>Democrats once again complaining about people taking away their slaves

>the party of the working man advocating for slave labor competition

that's not hypocrisy at all

>no one wants to do the job
>start automating it
>no need to hire illegals

Or make some of the people on benefits work for it if they can.

sage, this bait has been regurgitated frequently for the last few days



I love that the party screaming that its cruel to not pay people college dropouts $15 an hour to fuck up my McOrder are totally ok with the literal slave wages for non whites and in this world they arent racist.

>implying they will pay what you want

they can make more on welfare.

>be conservative
>see bait
>take it as a fact that all liberals believe
>type retort against straw man
>that showed em
>go to bed soundly knowing own beliefs are validated and the best ones

At that point that is a subsidy, though. The problem with these types of workfare solutions is that you're 100% subsidizing the salaries of the workers which gives that farm or company a major unfair advantage compared to other companies that don't have subsidized salaries for their workers. It messes up the free market and destroys competition.

So we basically keep these people around only to take trash jobs. Sounds kind of cruel if you ask me.


You typed words together but I'm not sure you understood them.

>we need slaves, goyim, the white man is too proud to do shit work
Democrats haven't changed

>democrats voting for their slaves back
not surprised at all.

Not when Shareblue pays them for every "CONSERASHIT" thread they make.

We need robots to replace immigrants.

>Occupy Democrats
>literally 0% true statements
>what is fact checking

Conservashits" is a worthy moniker . Exactly describes how deplorable and retarded conservatives have become


sudo apt-get upgrade share-blue-strategies

>1 post by this ID
>1 pump chump
Explains a lot.

It's very simple, the reason first world people don't want to work in farms is that they get paid third world wages.

raise the wages and people will do that work

that will slightly increase the price of things like strawberries but it's a small price to pay for ethnocultural homogeneity.

America's prisons are full of lazy niggers sitting in jail doing nothing. Rent them out to farmers and make them do the one job even they can't screw up.

Oh, is that racist? Fine. Send shitlibs in PMITA prison for sedition out to join them. With luck the pajama boys will drop dead first.

Right now American prisons cost taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars a year per prisoner so jailbirds can do nothing all day. They ought to be a revenue source for federal and state governments so honest, decent people can get tax relief.

What is the free market? The farms need to pay workers more if they want to attract employees. This isnt complex stuff.

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Conservashit thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting shill that you actually paid for a Sup Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" Occupy Democrat Infograph, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Sup Forums posting about a bullshit statistic. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a SHILL. A pathetic Shareblue SHILL. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "CONSERVASHIT CONSERVASHIT CONSERVASHIT." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.




Come watch tv with Sup Forumslacks


>occupy democrats


Just like enslavement retarded the formention of the industrial revolution, keeping illegals is retarding advancements.

Today, we have farms that operate far more efficiently, within city limits, that can grow food 7-10 X quicker and safer than traditional methods. Hydroponics is our destiny.

These illegals are picking produce by hand, slumped over, and inefficiently gathering for low pay. In hydroponics, two technicians can pick the same amount as all of these criminals combined, and still make lunch breaks. Some plants have transitioned to robotics - a desirable advancement.

I think it's time for a new homesteading movement. Where folks grow crops hydroponically on two acres, livestock in automated facilities on 20 acres, with things like cereals and such still grown in the old way. A homestead where the 2 acres is a greenhouse; with a modern living quarters. The rest of the facility is run by him and automation. Possibly can work it part-time. Food prices would drop to such levels SNAP cards would be discarded as an inconveniece.

We should send the illegals back; this is outdated and dangerous. We must advance.

Cool, then we wouldn't be taking their jobs by putting a tariff on imports from Mexico.

I like the way you think.

This is happening now. Automated hydroponics, FarmBot's, drone combines, automated dairies! Hiring illegals suppresses adoption of advancements, just like how slavery suppressed the industrial revolution.

Fuck Donald Trump, fuck white people, fuck Hitler, fuck Western civilization, fuck white culture and most importantly - FUCK Sup Forums

I see you in the other thread friend

Because they underpay and don't provide good enough benefits. Why pay a wage equal to what you're doing when illegals will do it for super cheap? What will happen if we get rid of the illegals is they will he forced to raise the pay so actually citizens will be willing to do it.

>Democrats defending slavery
This is new.

No it's not

[citation needed]

Democrats, circa 1860:
>but the south can't survive without our slave labor!

Democrats, circa 2017:
>but the farmers can't survive without our cheap labor!

The more they change, the more they stay the same.

>pro migrant worker

That's nice and dandy, but here's a question that will change the landscape of this situation dramatically:
Did North Carolina get the 6500 farmworkers they were looking for?

If so, they hired 6200~ illegal immigrants, that might not know English and might not like Americans. Unable to communicate with people they don't share a language with (which is the majority of the workforce speaking a language that's not the primary language of America), they sought work elsewhere, with only those that could work with them still remaining (i.e., those that know Spanish).


Then check this out: fully automated hydroponics greenhouse.

All that sounds very expensive. Who is going to pay for all of this new tech?


What the fuck is wrong with you idiots? OP couldn't care less what you have to say, and I won't be bothered to read comments for copypasta.

No one cares, this is stale pasta.

hey demotards, when there arent as many spics you might get the fair wage youve been crying about, ever thought of that?


Right, meanwhile let's just repeal environmental policies and boost fossil fuel and coal consumption.


If they were paying a living wage, people would have stayed.

Farms are allowed to charge people far under minimum wage. Get fucked. My dad used to get paid 25 cents a bushel for strawberries when he was a kid. That shit isn't livable wages for anyone not living 30 to a house illegally.

You just want slave labor and you're willing to sell out your country and it's values to do it

They'll inflate the price of everything and while wage standards remain diminished.

Even if it was a straw man its a huge media talking point nowadays and our generation is wearing it as a badge like its going out of style.

So im not sure what your endgame is here when people actually take the time to expose the logic.

what was the pay?
what benefits do they offer??

hiring migrants prevents these two categories from being good and improving. stop trying to justify holding down wages.

>be conservative
>realize the entire leftist platform is ironic shitposting
>people start unironically memeing it
>country becomes a satirical parody of itself because you did nothing

Why the fuck do we need farm hands? Don't we have machines to do this for us


It's not as smart of a proposition as you'd like to believe.