Is anime just an alt-right safe space
Is anime just an alt-right safe space
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Anime is degenerate and has no place in a true alt-right space.
anime is fucking cancer and people who watch it need to be gassed
No, it's a virgin safespace.
The 2 do overlap though.
Yes, because there are not big strong niggers to fug our waifus in anime.
oh wait
you are all faggots that should go back to plebbit
fucking Sup Forums muslims
saying anime is cancer, is like saying cars are bad just because there's plenty of shit cars.
a looot of anime is cancerous though.
some are totally cancer-free, however.
get the fuck of my board degenerates
t. goon kike shill
Get the fuck off my site redditor
Tomoko hates niggers
Anime is worst thing of east. Fucking destroy the Japan.
I remember when I was 13
when all of western media is subversive shit, what did you expect to have happen?
I can't believe the normies haven't unpacked the unsubtle redpill that is K-On
Just shut up
Brazil needs to go first
Nope, this thread is off topic and has nothing to do with politics and is exactly why people truly interested in political discussion, despise anime and anime shit posters.
Can you really consider it lesbianism when the girls actually are still girly and not disgusting freebleeder, man hating, fat dykes with short hair and facial piercings?
Only if you consider non-anime to be a safe space for some other demographic.
The weebs will reap the whirlwind
>He fell for the alt-right meme
/pol is board of humble neck-beards masturbating to our Japanese cartoons
Kill your self, you imposter. You're an immigrant of the site, integrate or go back to the shithole from which you came.
Not really a safe space. Too many normies and SJWeebs and such. It's a nice form of escapism, though. Everyone I ever loved is dead, I'm a depressed, crippled alcoholic and my rights are steadily being sapped away to protect the feelings of women, trannies, and muslims, but at least I can turn on an anime and kind of unwind.
>tfw animu pinnacled in the 90s with Key the Metal Idol
>nothing's topped it since
How do we save animu, Sup Forums?
Anime is the best.
You're the one who is on the wrong website, pal. They love anime there, nearly 500,000 weebs.
Here's a link free of charge. Please don't come back to Sup Forums!
Don't let the gas hit you on the way out!