ITT: we look back on Hillary's campaign

What went SO wrong?

Webm related.

Other urls found in this thread:,_Kentucky

Reptillians can't run political campaigns

We didn't Pokémon GO to the polls.

damn they had all the cool stuff

Media lies about her, Russia hacking the election, racism and sexism?

The Pokemon did, they just voted in place of their dead owners

hahaha holy fuck I couldn't believe that shit when I saw it, right out of 1984, the world held it's breath

The dems need to stop putting people with alzheimers in positions of power.

The deplorables thing also hurt her really bad and she stood for no change, and people are sick of Obama and his fucking legacy,

In what world does that look good?


They cheated Bernie out of the nomination. A good chunk of the party got eternally butthurt and redpilled at the same time about corporate politics.

From then on it was just one ingenuine move after another. People who voted for her were either a minoritiy/disabled for gibs or were reconciling the fact that she was the only other option besides Trump and didn't want to be called racist

Would probably be easier to ask what didnt go wrong.

Enough people left the cave

obama was shit and shillary is an unlikable old hag, also white Americans apparently did some soul searching and decided they dont want to be outnumbered


how gay was the guy that came up with this idea in their staff meeting?

so gay that mike pence writes him birthday cards with thinly-veiled death threats each year.

Hillary believed the polls the media outlets she was bribing made up

So despite having 500 million dollars to Trump's 250 million she decided to spend it all registering spics in California, Texas and Arizona and niggers in Georgia and other southern states in the belief that she'd get a landslide. Her only sensible spending was in swing states like North Carolina, Florida and Pennsylvania. But she didn't bother to properly take into account the Republican party's strength in Florida and North Carolina- both southern states (fuck off miamifags no one cares what you think). And she didn't take Trump's appeal in Pennsylvania and the rust belt seriously even despite Bill begging her to spend more time there.

She factually spent more money trying to win over that one swing district in Nebraska than she did in trying to win Wisconsin.

So as a result she won the popular vote because she got about 2 million more votes than Obama in solid red states like Georgia, Texas and Arizona and something like 4 million more votes in solid blue states like Illinois, California and New York. Meanwhile Trump actually won the election because he didn't waste time and money registering more voters in solid red states and fruitlessly registering voters in solid blue states and instead focused exclusively on registering voters in targeted purple states.

Hillary Clinton's campaign is the biggest blunder of the past 100 years, outdoing such failures as Walter Mondale.

Lol gold!

it was all downhill for hillary after this

anytime you heard about her on the news it was either she was falling down or low turnout at rally or she was yelling at cartoon frogs

what little media coverage she got was bad pr, trump got a ton of bad pr by the jews in the media but he also got 99% of the news coverage

Once they cheated Bernie, I just wanted to revenge vote against her and the feminist DebbieWShulz and DonnaBrazille. I don't think I'll vote Democrat for the rest of my life now that I see how bat shit crazy the left is behaving.

My fucking god this better be b8 m8

Her overconfidence was her weakness.

Seriously, they spent the entire fucking year leading up to the election acting like it was a big fucking coronation. They were so smug in assuming she'd win that they didn't bother to address any of the glaring problems hanging over her.

She started to believe her own bullshit and became complacent


A politician know to be robotic and calculating used a literal AI to make major campaign decisions, lost, and now her campaign manager will have an (((accident))) over it.

Had Hilary played a centrist, blue color focused strategy should would have won. Instead she went hard left, and tried to win on progressive/pro-gay/pro-immigrant nonsense. In hindsight its no wonder she failed.

Why can't the left blame Hillary? Even this reptileress? Hillary was the problem with the Hillary campaign. She was a fucking mess. Podesta just fucked up shit for other people. Hillary fucked herself when she was an unbearable cunt as First Lady, and a criminal cunt as senator, First Lady of Arkansas, and Secretary of State.


Podesta had an aide that said mean things about Lynn Rothschild in some leaked emails. I can see why she would have a personal grudge against him and his campaign staffers.

You are right though that someone like Bernie may have had a better chance than the very unlikable Hillary.



Holy shit it wasn't even close, the county's tiny villages of people just did a total flip in only 8 years

This a homogenously white county which overwhelmingly voted against Nixon and Reagan in 1972 and 1984 despite them winning overwhelmingly nationally.

The Democrats are fucking finished, it's over- time to pack it in. Trump is going to get a Nixonite landslide in 2020 and that's going to be the end of the Democrats and Neocon shitskin lovers for the rest of my life. This is great.


The day she had a speech about us and alex Jones was the day I realized she was likely going to lose

I agree completely. Everyone blames everything except for Hillary. At the end of the day, Hillary ran everything - her campaign, the media, the DNC. Any failure was either her's directly or a product of her poor decision-making in placing the wrong person in the wrong position.

She was a shoo-in, running against a celebrity steak salesman and his band of degenerate frogs, and still managed to screw up. It's a good thing she didn't get the nuclear codes.


A truer version of your webm.


Having a large applauding audience is cooler.

Nice try I'm not going to save your future run at the presidency for free faggot. Fuck off



A few central points that are easy to point out.

>media spends a month laughing at her bad health claims
>has to reluctantly report her passing out from 'heat exhaustion' which becomes pneumonia
>everyone clearly sees media are shills and she is in bad health

>uses green frog cartoon to call her opponent a racist
>even anti Trump millennials cringe at her war on cartoon frog
>she becomes incapable of being the cool youth candidate

>wikileaks proves she is a lying cunt
>releases of speech transcripts from private bank meetings piss off left and right she is trying to court
>the media damage control further pushes her corrupt connection candidate attacks as on spot

>smugly insults a large constituency as irredeemable people
>apologizes while doubling down
>literally makes her large supporters and on the fence voters who didn't like the way she worded it both hate her reaction
>continue to take hits for the words while ignoring giving a response to them

She was a text book example on what not to do to win public trust. If it weren't for the media and powers that be courting low information voters this race would've been a even larger landslide for Trump.

I think he is being sarcastic.

Nothing went wrong. She won the popular vote.

No one wants the "first woman president" to be someone who rode into power on her husband's back.

She ignored the 'leans democrat' swing states and the entire middle of the fucking country.

She forgot that winning the west coast by 5 million votes doesn't mean jackshit.

She won it in the wrong places, though.
The fact that her huge margin comes from just California is ridiculous.

What does the popular vote win you?

>I won the chess game because I have more pieces

>30 million illegals and dead people should be allowed to vote

Time to kill yourself

Paragon of nepotism and elitism in an era of outrage over nepotism and elitism.

What the hell was she thinking???

She would have had a much better chance of winning if she didnt cater exclusively to SJWs and muslims.

Yeah as soon as this Pepe thing broke there was nothing left.

When she retweeted her support for #Draftourdaughters... It's no fucking wonder 54% of white women voted for Captain Trump..

No fucking way, i dont remember that one, screencap, archive link?

Shhhh leaf. You're supposed to be the one trolling about the popular vote

She listened to Robby Mook over her husband about how to target white working-class voters and paid for it.

If she had flipped a mere 120,000 votes in MI, WI, and PA, we would be talking about Madam President right now.

How could anyone have seen this shit in a positive light? Every president, including Obama, being shattered apart.

Perhaps coronating an international crime lord as the candidate was not the wisest approach.

The Democrats did what the Republicans did in 2012.

They threw away an EZ election by choosing some corporate puppet. And not just ANY corporate puppet, but queen shill herself.

The fact is, if it wasn't for Hillery, if the dems had put forward someone competent and with a clean record, it would have been a slam dunk.

Really, they deserved to lose. They were so up their own asses that they thought GEORGIA would flip, and ignored the weeds growing in their backyard.

Even if Trump turns out to be shit, this election was a good case study for a variety of issues.

She was an incompetent Bond villain. There is literally nothing positive about her. If it wasn't for her world class evil and being a cum receptacle for a very fondly remembered President, we wouldn't even know who this person was.

Her campaign was hilarious in being so disingenuous and fake. It's like it was designed by literal retards for literal retards. The pandering and cringe of her campaign was unlike anything I've ever seen before. Mix in how just completely evil and Orwellian CTR and her campaign was. It's almost beyond belief and description. If we didn't live it, I'm not sure it could be believed.

Overall, she would have the shittiest American leader in our history if she was elected. We are extremely lucky to be living in best timeline.

That... didn't happen..? If it did please share I feel like I would remember that

Actually Obama slid harmlessly down the corner lmao

>Elliott County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 7,852.[1] Its county seat is Sandy Hook


Her goal was to become president. She is not president. So clearly, something went wrong.

Hillary elevated herself to such a high position in the #realpedostate where virtually no one on the inside could dare challenge her.

Unfortunately for her, most voters aren't blackmailable pedos. Hence, she lost.

Fake news

She did enough actual stupid shit without you having to make it up

in some sense I even think it is worse than landslide losses by Mondale, Dukakis, Romney etc because she could have actually won quite easily.

Her hubris allowed her to decisively snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

I'm With Her is a terrible slogan.
She's with me might have been better but would never come close to MAGA.
She picked a dud of a running mate then fell like the twin towers on 9/11 was the final nail in her coffin.

See kek