What is the single greatest thing you've learned from Sup Forums?
What is the single greatest thing you've learned from Sup Forums?
That I can be a LARPING NAZI and a total cuck IRL
That Canadians, Swedes and Germans are nothing intelligent, they are deluded and cucks.
magic is real and its powered by frogs.
That cuck hentai is pretty nice
That this board is filled with racist sexist angry white males who worship a fucking frog
I've learned that most Americans don't hate Canada, most Brazilians are bitter shitlords with an inferiority complex, most Canadians (at least on this board) are rampant shitposting faggots, most Europeans don't see themselves as cucks when really they are, and the most uninformed people on Earth appear to be the Nordics.
But the SINGLE greatest thing I've learned from Sup Forums: liberalism is not the same as leftism.
yes this so much; but they like to imagine their rejection of european principals as so cosmopolitan and sooo kind and soooo honourable. Only a dumb Nazi would be a bad goy.
That Milhouse is not a meme
Britain is 10x more cucked than Canada, yet they refuse to accept this reality.
>don't forget to licence your TV
>most Canadians (at least on this board) are rampant shitposting faggots
>says the leaf
I spit my beer everywhere. kekeekek
Question everything, and be skeptical until it is proven genuine. People are far too easily deceived in this world...Sup Forums may have opened me up to the horrors of this satanic conspiracy, but it has overall made me a happier, more purposeful person. It's given me a great battle to fight, and it has cemented my firm believe in my faith. Whether it's the Jews or the Khazars, the Satanists or the Pizzas, there is a great conspiracy going on, and in this age of internet and information, we can finally bring it to its knees.
I've learned to open the eyes of the blind, starting with myself. In a more specific manner, I've learned the truth about Hitler and the Nazis, and that they were quite literally the polar opposite of what the Media portrays. He wanted peace, was economically and environmentally liberal, respected all races but wanted the majority of them to remain in their ancestral homelands, and, contrary to belief, hated the ((Jews)) and not the average blue-collar Jewish person.
I've also learned that in this world of subversion, everything seems an opposite in general. Sup Forums is accused of being racist white supremacists, but half of the people posting on here are far from being White by anybody's standards, including me (Lebanese Christian). This board is proof that people of all races, cultures, and background can come together as one and shitpost for the greater tomorrow.
That there's an entire subculture dedicated to obsessing over nips who wouldn't cross the street to piss on their fat asses if they were on fire.
There's more NEET whites than I ever could've imagined.
Anime basically destroys a man's self worth.
I'm sure there's more but this place is so pathetic it's unreal.
Blaire White looks prettier than most actual women.
Right now, but the british frog has been boiling in the pot long enough to know its cooked. Your country is on an exponential path towards race replacement, and your PM is makes totally cucked speeches all day inviting everyone over.
idk dood different shades i guess.
Well it's true. I shake my head at 90% of the leafs I see posting here, they act like retarded 10 year olds.
Aussies are a near second, and Brits definitely provide the lowest-quality posts of all. They're rarely even amusing, just bitter trash and self-indulgent narcissism about "muh british empire". Fucking cucks.
On point.
Everyone is fucking stupid. No exceptions. Including myself.
Never trust anyone, not even yourself.
Especially not yourself.
Also, edge =/= truth.
Kek, and praise it.
Embalming is not a Jewish practice and is a Jewish plot all at the same time.
>There's more NEET whites than I ever could've imagined.
Come to think of it I've noticed this too and it's quite astonishing. The hell are their parents thinking, letting them get away with it for so long??
Jews are behind everything
Thanks, and nice pic.
the power of memes
That's all I gotta say...
I can post bog boys at all hours
How The Greatest Story was Never Told
I don't think they're all NEETs, I think most of them are just pathetic losers who work a shit job as an assistant Wendy's chef. They're ashamed to admit they're failures, so they just say they're rich and living the NEET life instead.
It's pathetic for a grown man to not have a job, but it's even more pathetic for him to brag about it.
(((Who))) is behind the collective madness and subversion of Western society
We must purge cultural marxism if we are ever to secure our future in the stars
Space elevator soon pls
If I'm being honest the best lesson I got from this place was to accept no boundaries on what I would question. It's such a simple concept, one most normies wouldn't hesitate to ascribe to if you asked them. But if you follow up with a question on race and IQ, or the holocaust, or anything really controversial you'll watch them back off quick. Even the supposedly controversial ones don't dare touch the actual taboos.
That doesn't happen on pol. I can't judge any of you, and none of you can judge me, you can only judge the words I type and vice versa. There's no risk or reward in it for any of us, other than the potential of having our ideas confronted or accepted. I could come here and tell secrets that I couldn't tell my closest loved ones, and I can come here and read people bearing their souls in ways that a therapist would fucking kill to have their clients do.
I've had my beliefs confronted and I've seen posts that made me consider life and my position in the universe. I have no way to prove this to any of you but I once convinced a depressed person that life was worth living and to this day I count that as one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. Either that or I got fucking trolled.
This is a board where there are no taboos, and because of that it's a kind of pure and unfiltered look at the human condition. There's boatloads of shit to sort through, but every now and then amidst the detritus you find a nugget of gold that you'd never have known existed if you'd stayed in the realms of reality and the rest of the online world.
That feeling you get when you see something wrong that everyone else accepts, that's what pol is. We are the stream of consciousness of a person in a lynch mob having second thoughts.
can confirm:
>Pathetic loser (aka Normie)
>Assistant chef (i.e part-time NEET)
Dont be so fatalistic: if a person works a shitty job does that make them a failure in life?
No it doesn't. People have qualities which money cant buy, qualities which greatly improve personal value or life satisfaction.
I hope you recognize next time you see a happy fufilled alpha young wendys chef, that your comment was a strawman.
That was beautiful user.
That I'm not alone in how I feel about this mess.
I hate Canadians
Me too
If you want to find out who the bad people are, find out who you are not allowed to talk shit about.
you can change an election... with memes
also, ron paul 4ever
That the amount of LARPing and meme-age on this board is going to upend the entirety of global political stability.
And I love it.
Meme magic is real
This. People will tell you that Sup Forums will make you worse (i.e. a terrible person), that it will degrade you, and so forth. This is not necessarily true.
The greatest thing Sup Forums has done for me is make me want to become a better person; because of it I become less degenerate everyday (i.e. more and more studious, patrician, etc.).
that people and even Sup Forums are easy influenced by media and can change their views on something in one week.
Commies are the scum of the earth.
I have learned more or less the same lessons as these two, minus the stuff about Hitler (still in the middle about that) and satanic conspiracies.
I work a very normal job and go to a prestigious university. I didn't realize how restricted, conformed, and controlled normie intellectualism was until I came here.There are ideas you cannot explore with anybody, and if you care about your job or position I society, you should not. We don't have freedom of speech basically. There are repercussions for stepping out of line in society, and they can be severe. I often feel like I'm navigating a minefield during discussions with people who can influence my career. I don't think our society is much more enlightened than our historical predecessors in any sense other than scientifically.
Sometimes when im om the metro, on campus, etc I feel like I'm hearing the same damn opinions coming from a bunch of conpletely different, unrelated and unconnected people. Like they're all following the same exact script. There's no way everyone can feel the same way about everything.
It showed me how those in power have no hindsight nor long term planning. How short sighted their decision making is is baffling. So much so I couldn't believe it until names were posted. Until statistics were posted here and ignored in the media. How our education systems were torn to tethers in the guise of being progressive.
Technology is 100% controlled. There are so many patents not being made if you knew of them all it would make you sick like it did me. The Venus Project for example was denied patents to create four bedroom homes using a mould for ceramic building. A cost of only 5k dollars denied by the US Jewish government. A fucking abomination to deny that. Everything is made to break in order to be reused or sold. A giant meat grinder.
also Hitler literally did nothing wrong. His supply trains being bombed killed off his ability to supply camps. Millions died of typhus because of self interested Jews paying off Britain and France. Then blamed Germany and it's people.
This world history is written by the winners and the winners are fucking sick. The worst part is they are mere reflections of ourselves if we were to switch. The current year isn't even in the 2000's yet. Look it up. It's more like the 1800's but we can't know for certain because time was literally lost in the dark ages. China references our times way off too. It's impossible to grasp yet alone claim it's 2017.
A lot of white people are actually SCARED of black people
I understand being uneasy, but actually scared? Come on son
>I have no way to prove this to any of you but I once convinced a depressed person that life was worth living and to this day I count that as one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. Either that or I got fucking trolled.
That's the beauty of it isn't it? I've had similar moments (some on other boards, but only on Sup Forums). You don't think you've been trolled, because it doesn't seem like someone could imitate the genuineness you experienced. But then it is Sup Forums. But you still feel good about what you tried and probably did do.
>We are the stream of consciousness of a person in a lynch mob having second thoughts.
Top notch.
I found Evola, and Evola changed my world.
>Greatest thing I've learned on Sup Forums
>The board culture and the neato flag system
For me I think the hypercritical view Sup Forums has towards (((media))) and the general cultural engineering of western society is subjected to has been the most significant think I've learned. Taking psychedelics and spending an hour or 2 of the trip on Sup Forums has also been elucidating.
That if you double space or start a thread with
>be me
then you are from reddit and your opinion will be ignored.
Jews control the world
Never fell for the whole nazi thing though.
That Australians are leaders in their field
Can I be a libertarian if I don't like books?
>Like they're all following the same exact script.
When the devs get lazy and only write three lines of dialogue for all the npcs in the game...
Britain reached Canadian levels of cucked before they realized something was wrong, Canadians however are desperate to reach Sweden levels