Secular talk

What is pol's opinion on this guy and secular talk?

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Super progressive tard that somehow managed to not completely lose his mind.

Literally a 15-year-old filming in a basement with his parents' room dividers as the backdrop.

And I thought the Armenian Genocide Deniers had low production value...

As said one of the saner turboprogressives. Probably going to go full Fash eventually. People with his kind of outlook eventually realize they were being used and swing hard.

He's going to lose his mind like the sane progressive chick. Their world is actually crumbling as they recognize they've been duped by the democrats.

Not insane(yet).

"Secular" my hairy balls, (((( Kyle Kulinski))) is a filthy, filthy, filthy, FILTHY rat-faced jew.

He has Polish ancestry you dumb fuck.

He's a Pole. Actual pole, not Khazar.

I actually like him. He's at least somewhat honest. At least more so than Cenk and the rest of TYT

I like him, even though he has a left wing bias he tries to be mostly objective. Also he hates Clintonesque politics and neo-liberal/neo-con policies which is a huge plus.

He loves Clinton now. Total fag. I hope the Justice Dems crash and Bern (which they will).

Eh, Clinton will probably 'suicide by two shots to the back of the head'

I watch this guy, he's a progressive Jew but he's sane and doesn't buy into any of the SJW or regressive bullshit.

He's been attacked by SJW's and the alt-right. He was called a misogynist for having pro-gamergate people on his show and he was called an islamophobe for covering Reza Aslan who is an Islam apologist.

>If you sell out you're bad
>If you don't sell out you're poor and live in your mothers basement

I'm guessing you're insecure about your own financial situation from how you talk.

Even though we on Sup Forums are conservative I feel bad for the left. They wanted Bernie but they ended up with Clinton. It would be like if we got Jeb instead of Trump.

>he's a progressive Jew
I watch Sam Seder sometimes. Does some good take downs of libertarians.

Sam Seder is a bit cucked though. I feel like he is more likely to be infected via groupthink.

I don't watch him for anything other than the libertarian takedowns though. And he has a bunch:

Oh, fair enough then.

Whats secular about him? Is he against Christianity ? I dont know much about him but saw one video which was quite logical.

He's for the separation of church and state. He isn't against freedom of religion.

Cool, the classic definition of secular. Glad he isnt anti-religion or alt-right.

We sure are in danger of establishing Christianity as our state religion, aren't we?

No. It'd be Christie rather than Trump.

Also, well.

Jeb! at least had the decency to not bank on his brother's credit /too/ much.

>I hope the Justice Dems crash and Bern
He hasn't done anything with them aside from bitch at the Establishment Democrats.

Rather than launch a somewhat uncoordinated but vehement attack.

Fuck of christcuck.

>Literally believing a Jewish man was the son of god and letting it inform your politics and lifestyle choices

Pakman is progressive in the hyper-partisan way. If it's Dem he treats it like something sacred. Kyle has the honesty to not let 'his' side get away with the more egregrious bullshit.

Yeah, he is definitely partisan but he will atleast hear out what the other side has to say.