>tfw a lot of civic nationalist quasi-liberals from /r/The_Donald browse this board
>tfw a lot of alt-right fags browse this board
>tfw they both make fun of libertarianism and have multiple threads a day mocking it
>they both, for different reasons, think big-government Trump is gonna save this country
>they don't realize that anything good he's doing (and the only good stuff he's doing is whatever can fall in line with libertarianism, though he's certainly better than our last few presidents) is now forever poisoned because guilt-by-association
>globalism is now being pushed by all my once more moderate leftist friends who don't like "isolationist" Donald Trump
>leftist-authoritarianism is now being pushed by people who don't like Donald or Richard Spencer or Milo Yiannopoulos against anyone who supports any of those people
>alternative independent media sites are now scourged forever as being baseless conspiracy theories and how we should just trust the underdog (globalist pushing) mainstream media that Trump is supposedly waging war on
>with few exceptions, everyone but donald trump supporters are supporting a war with Russia
>CIA shill Evan "New Hip Conservative" McMullin is working 24/7 toward getting the right wing to EMBRACE the CONCEPT of globalism(in practice, some of them already were going along with it to a ["good but insufficient"] degree a while ago whether they realized it or not), revealing his latest trick by slimely ending Milo's career with the edited tape
>the wall will be torn down and anyone who warns against mindlessly flooding the country with Muslims or Hispanic criminals will be compared to that evil Hitler reincarnation
Other urls found in this thread:
>every fringe group or any group at all that isn't in line with ultra-retarded progressiveness will be seen as Hitler or as one of the supposed Nazi's assaulting people (very overstated problem, and Hillary and the left are actually more responsible for those few that do exist because they over the past few decades successfully convinced enough people that anyone resembling someone like Trump was Hitler and so when he won the primaries and the election the also-convinced violent neo-nazis thought most people supported Hitler too, so why not come out of hiding? and btw, the leftists/blacks assault people far more people in REALITY)
>the wall will be torn down and the New America, the all knowing all powerful big government America, will begin
It would have been worth Hillary winning. The Republican majority congress would have stonewalled her any time they could, and then her shitty ideas that DID get through would have backfired, and aroused a new Libertarian, small government mindset in the country. Ending welfare and actually enforcing basic vetting procedures would have been seen as more humane now if the idea of the wall had been put out there (not the wall itself being erected, and this is only effective after the backfiring of Hillary's ideas) and also been far more effective in dealing with illegals than a wall. We could have beaten the Democratic voting third-worlders that DID get in past the now united factions of the right wing come election time and a more small government, anti-globalist, libertarian leaning president (not Johnson -tier but actually libertarian/constitutionalist in the spirit of the candidate we should have supported in 2016, Darrell Castle) could have won, as a more reasonable approach to the two-parties that dominated politics last election, especially because "it got 11% last year, so it's a viable option!".
Bullshit, anyone who still has faith in the MSM is clearly a brainless husk at this point. Their opinions do not matter and can be permanently disregarded.
Instead we got trump, and while he's not SO terrible in reality, he's SEEN as terrible by the hysterical faggots, and they have been able to poison all his good traits in enough peoples' minds so they're forever damned.
It's over. The establishment wanted Trump to win because they're playing the long game. There's no turning back now. Next election will swing hard left. Super big government, super authoritarian, super global, super war-waging. congress will be super left too, so no stonewalling the efforts of the left like we could have this time and so TOO many illegals will come in that we could never defeat, especially because we'll now be seen as Hitler.
But yes, please goyim, keep making your ancap ball threads. So hilarious. You're the TRULY enlightened ones
One of the hardest red pills there is to swallow.
>reddit pleb
Seeing you serpents writhe and eat the ground is worth more than anything you will ever achieve.
This board needs to be cleansed, I think this board is a containment board other Sup Forums involving an 8 is a much better board, people should migrate there for better content.
setting aside ideology 2012 Sup Forums was objectively better than modern day Sup Forums
This board is bought and paid for all true Sup Forumsacks need to migrate out.
>ron paul memes
Ron Paul Revoluton when?
Civil Disobedience should be mandatory literature for any member of this board. Fuck off if you don't read in general as well. You are the cancer that is killing Sup Forums.
Your points are fucking stupid.
>The establishment wanted to lose a huge portion of their seats, the supreme court for the next 20 years, and the presidency while most of their social capital has turned sour
Let me be blunt. If things go well under conservative nationalist governments, fully expect the next election to go to conservative nationalists. If things go poorly, then expect a change. People cannot be hysterical for 4 years; eventually people will evaluate the situation.
Eitherway, the Democratic party is in shambles. The party has not planted the field well, and has generally nothing going for it besides a demographics bomb... which may turn on it.
>old Sup Forums was better than current Sup Forums
as the old adage goes, Reddit ruins everything
trump is big government huh? get fucked
also Sup Forums and degenerate Sup Forums faggots killed this board
Sup Forumseddit came for the manchild cause gamergate
>get fucked
you sure showed him
Rand is such a political whore. I didn't like his PC crusade back in 2015 but it doesn't mean he should have stopped fighting Trump, he just needed to not use faggoty tactics.
I have thought the same thing as you OP. I hope you're wrong though. I hope after this people won't be so lazy and try to understand what happened and won't just write off any good idea just because Trump talked about it.
Can't say I have high hopes though.
This thread should be page one but instead it's probably some underage b& Kek thread
I love seeing Alex Jones try so hard to get Ron to jump on the Trump train and Ron being firm in his stance.
I don't agree with this, I think the dems will get mopped up at the midterms
And things will be even worse for them if they split
I'm any case this is a good thread on this cancer board so thanks
Infowars royally fucked up by not backing Austin Petersen the second Rand dropped out. He could have won the Libertarian primary with their support, and he could have gotten more than the 5%. He also may have taken just enough votes away from Trump to give the election to Hillary (never say never). In the short term that's scary cause Hillary is a lot worse than Trump no matter what Penn Jillette says, but in the long term this would have worked out for the best.
The right is too divided now, and the Democrats will destroy next election with little unified resistance. Our only hope is that California really does secede, and in a timely manner.
quads more honest than msm
I know it, you know it, everybody knows it
Pearls before swine. These underage newfags are too much all over Trump's dick to see the big picture.
It's a scary picture you paint. And when a democrat starts warning about the Deep State you know things have gotten bad:
The Democratic party is a joke now. They are going to drive away so manny voters into voting republican or 3rd party it won't even be funny.
All of the Democrats running around calling all of their political opponents Hitler/Bane/He who must not be named Is going to bite them in the ass at least the next 20 years.
In 4 years when they realized Trump hasn't sent anybody to the gas chambers shit will die down.
>wall of autism text
Seriously, the bullying against ancap members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since ancaps are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only ancap who finds it hard to take pride in his own political ideology after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my ideas from insecure losers here. Why not bully liberals or communists? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful nice as fuck ideology?
Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful !
Would you call an ancap "delusional" in his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and hard working salt of the earth ancap that they are a "stupid nigger"? Would you say those words to your fellow Sup Forumsack? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?
Your destroying anarchist pride, your dividing Sup Forumsacks against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.
>they think the dems are losing
>they expect hysteria to die down and for people to behave rationally
You haven't been paying attention...
>stale pasta
The ancap threads are geared to convert trumpfags now, by an outside Reptilian or Semetic force. You are all being played.
libertarianism is just mental masturbation for kids, a bunch of what ifs with no practical purpose
and the movement right now is a fucking joke hijacked by lefties
>post yfw Darrell Castle wins the 2020 election and restores America to its small government roots
Libertarianism is the best way to prevent corruption. Centralized power breeds mass corruption. The best societies are those closest to this ideology. You don't get it at all, you nanny state shill.
Thinking your fellow man shouldn't make his own decisions is an incredibly condescending, elitist, globalist view to have. Keep playing into their hands, you sheep.
I just want you to know that I've thought all of these thoughts myself. I'm fucking amazed to see this post to be honest. I wanted to make it myself but I wasn't sure exactly how to word it.
So, if it makes you feel any better... you're not alone.
New shill strategy: dampen critical thinking through shrill cries for solidarity
>muh ebil liberals
>muh righteous ancap
These are confusing terms, meant to obscure the identity of the groups who tear at our republic's foundation, and split right-leaning factions off the main body and into a third way that will be harmless to the left wing.
thanks for the retard opinions ron paul
Don't you have anti-Christian post to write, Panama?
Well there is always the possibility that Clinton corruption can be exposed. That would kill the Democrats. Besides who is gonna vote for them when Trump deports all the mexicans and muslims?
can't tell if there's some reference I'm not getting, but if this is serious, thanks leafbro
You don't get it. Libertarianism was always destined to be a pilot light for liberty itself, an expanded set of ideas worked on by a dedicated minority, so that when the time was ready and we were really needed... the fires of liberty could be reignited once again.
Make no mistake, we are on the precipice of a global sovereign debt crisis the likes of which hasn't been seen for over 300 years.
There is a war coming, and those who claim some moderate position will be left in no man's land.
I would like to set the record straight: Ron Paul is a paleoconservative masquerading as a libertarian. He is fraudulent.
You are such a fucking idiot. Why do you insist on having such a black and white view on everything, it's why you get mocked so relentlessly
No one is mocking minarchism, it's probably the most popular form of governing on here, but idiots like you make it out the only options are authoriatarian communism or ancap. Both are retard and both get mocked equally deservedly so.
And you're a fucking hypocrit whine about civic nationalist while promoting ancap which has no racial guideline either.
Stop thinking in such black and white terms, because it's embarrassing and what ancap balls were designed to mock, autistic absolutism.
Also you're a complete fool if you think there will be a hard swing back. It will swing left (like after every president it tends to swing back), but faith in the MSM has been completely crushed for everyone under 25.
lol thats only true in your mind you brainwashed faggot, just because you and your little gang of autists have been conditioned to think your retarded views are what the majority of people think dosnt mean its true
I'm very serious. This is exactly the way I've always viewed Trump. He can potentially taint the ideas of liberty just by being in office at an unfortunate time.
I believe we're in the early stages of a global sovereign debt crisis, and I think the whole thing is going to begin to blow within the next 4 years.
It will begin with the EU, it's finished, just watch. If Marine Le Pen gets elected it will happen sooner rather than later.
>libtard who went to libertarianism for weed detected
im an ancap that voted for trump because no one is trying to make taxes zero
if no one is trying to make taxes zero, then build that wall to protect the welfare state
what, youre gonna force me to be robbed and im not supposed to try to make sure the robbed money goes towards not-waste?
Hahaha, I assure you we're very aware the majority of people have never shared views.
>the US is on the cusp of something big
No shit.
it's not black and white at all, and I never said it was.
a lot of people in the ancap threads are mocking libertarianism in general, whether you realize it or not.
I'm not even all that concerned with the racial aspect of all this, so I don't know why you're bringing that into the equation.
I know this is a complex situation which is why I went into great detail but when the dust clears, I think we'll see the people average out at a very bad spot in an ideological sense.
All the youngsters I talk to generally trust the media, besides "le Faux News". Besides, the MSM was just one aspect of my post. The globalists are winning and will infiltrate alternative media even moreso if they have to. MSM or not, the globalist narrative is winning.
Best thread from this shithole board in a while.
alright, glad to hear it.
unfortunately I have to agree with your analysis.
>t. liberaltarian
look reddit, you are new so here you go
also all the wikileaks can be verified by google itself
Ancap and libertarianism is literally cancer to a society. Kill yourself.
>t. hypocrites
Not him but Darrell Castle's plan was to eliminate income tax.
So because taxes wouldn't have been absolute zero it's better to pick a guy who will give us much higher taxes (Trump) than the guy who will reduce taxes drastically (Castle) ? I'm trying to see the method to this madness but I'm coming up blank.
Also Darrell Castle would have eliminated welfare, cut federal funding to sanctuary cities and halted immigration for a season, these things would be much more effective than a stupid wall.
Lol what exactly did you disprove with this?
The dude agrees with you that the MSM is cancer and infiltrated
He only disagrees to what extent normal people realise it
His whole arguement has been one of perception
I don't even really agree with him but you are just sperging out man
I do agree that ignoring the racial aspect is sort of plebbit though
Absolutely not you shill
I've been on this board since Jan 2012, and the site since 09. Fuck off m8.
It doesn't matter that the MSM was outed. Most youngsters I talk to still don't have much of a problem with it, which is the point, and some actively support it now since Trump has supposedly waged war on it. Also, MSM or not, the globalist media will prevail one way or another, based on the current trajectory.
I think that's the whole point. Fuck your "society", it's just a cult you idiot.
how are these posts hypocritical?
at least try to be creative with your insults
Trips is truth
The racial aspect shouldn't be ignored but it's been way too focused on and used as a diversion tactic.
>inbred island calls someone plebbit while using plebbit spacing
We just think ancaps are dumb. If your ideology's defining feature is how easily it is to strawman, it's not very good. Sorry.
I have never made a post on plebbit and have likely been on this board longer than you considering how you present yourself
Or maybe you are just really autistic which I guess means you have been on longer than any of us
can you elaborate fag?
that makes zero sense
>implying the explosion of strawmen arguments it produces isn't proof that it hits the truth dead on.
Come on... you're in a cult, just accept reality and deal with it before reality makes the decision for you.
>if you can strawman something it must mean it's weak
you can easily strawman any topic based on nothing. did you not pay attention to liberals and comedians/comedy writers over the past 4-5 decades?
old pol was just antisemitic, national socialism, and black hate shit with the occasional libertarian sperglord. This place hasn't changed, it just grew larger
>For a season? The fuck?
Those plans are maybe appealing to a 12 year old on the internet because they're butthurt at the idea of paying taxes. In practice you'd drive quality of life into the ground.
This Canadian is BASED!
I used the word strawman because that's what an ancap would call it and it's late here. Basically, they all come down to "What if I dion't give a fuck about the NAP?" Or probably more practically "What if my 3 best friends and I gang up and don't give a fuck about the NAP"?
The second someone doesn't care about your Ancap utopia for its own sake, the whole thing falls appart.
there's a reason it's called free trade, if you pick one over the other you've picked neither
shill thread
Thankyou, now I need to know if you have an attractive young sister or cousin I can marry so I can become an American. Prefer virgin or I'l accept a maximum of 2 former boyfriends if she's supremely attractive.
i'm a simple man, when i see trips, sister's for sale
>setting aside ideology
It's like you can not read.
The culture of this place has changed dramatically since 2012 and even a lot within the past year.
I see shitty reddit and what passes for humor at Sup Forums and normie book flooded onto us.
It could not be more different just because the ideology happens to be the same.
It's gotten so underage but people are also trying to use Sup Forums as a legitimate vehice for their irl movements. Talk about cancer. If mootles were here he'd bAn them just like Chanology and Gamergate.
Also on ideology, there used to be more of a tolerance for different fringe ideologies that were not necessarily compatible with one another. Now it's mostly just normie civic nationalism (a somewhat liberal flavor) or the Alt Right.
It's either very immature or very fanatic. This was so not Sup Forums back in the day. It has changed dramatically.
Dude seriously. For half a second. Think about how it could fail, and not about how much you want it to work. Try to take your own bias out of it if you can.
Are there any metrics for societal success that you can agree on other than #freedom? Just for the sake of discussion.
did he sign any of those "Pomises"
It doesn't hit any truth man. it fails literally any time someone decides that their highest virtue isn't the success of anarchocapitalism, which of course it isn't, because it's a completely individualist mindset.
Your anarchocapitalist society would be my dictatorship in a year. 2 tops.
>per capita GDP
>national IQ
>birth rate
those are my top 3, it just so happens freedom is the best way to insure the stable growth and preservation of those things, at the end of the day I voted trump and so did pretty much all the other ancaps so what difference does it make?
You clearly don't even know what an individualist mindset is. You're just another Sup Forumstard who thinks it somehow means not caring about the success and well-being of the society you live in.
>good little goy, gotta pay taxes. our current tax system is perfect
Faggot the tax system in it's current form is manipulated so government can acquire more money and expand their power. Drastically reduced taxes with a simplified tax plan like Darrell's that returns the power back to the states and people would be the opposite of this.
>Hurr durrr only Mexicans and muslims vote democrat
Need I remind you the massive republican Hispanic voting bloc exists and is growing. You're becoming a part of (((them)))
It honestly doesn't make much difference. I don't want to presume your age, but certainly there was a time when I was too idealistic about these things. One hard red pill to swallow is that neither of the extremes are an answer. You have to wrestle with the shades of gray.
Most people don't because the shades of gray are hard.
I'd suggest median income or something along those lines instead of per capita GDP. Per capita GDP is an okay metric, but we're talking about a political ideology that could involve serfdom and indentured servitude and all sorts of other things. I'd rather the metric be weighted a bit more towards equality, otherwise it could be a pretty shitty place to live for everyone, yet still look great in this metric.
national IQ requires education (at least early childhood education) and is probably inversely correlated with birth rate just because big families educate each child to a lesser degree. Nevertheless I like this metric.
I'll grant that high birth rate is probably necessary for mutual defense in this model (defense from outside armies/influences). I'm not convinced it is a great metric in modern societies if they have the will to secure their borders, but that's another discussion.
If you want to fix the balance between state and federal power, the only issue that matters is the repeal of the 17th amendment. Everything else is treating the symptoms.
You know those people that care deeply about their society, that get together to take action when someone steps over the line? That's the state in function if not in name.
If they don't exist, one guy being willing to play dirty fucks the whole system. There's always that guy.
what does a sovereign debt crisis mean for us leafs? geopolitically speaking, not domestic/economic.
>they both, for different reasons, think big-government Trump is gonna save this country
He's going to destroy the power structures of the world one way or another. Praise KEK.
Even libertarians can recognize that government is a necessary evil, just keep it as minimal as possible.
Limited government promotes more freedom than anarchy or big government.
>repeal the 17th amendment
that's certainly a good start but is hardly the only issue
>In 4 years when they realized Trump hasn't sent anybody to the gas chambers shit will die down.
Let's hope not
>Praise Kek
Underage b&