Why do you retards think it's ideologically consistent for right wingers to hate Israel? There's a reason almost every right wing intellectual and politician is pro Israel, Israel itself is a right wing country that continually BTFO mudshits. The main opposition to Israel is college leftists and mudshits, people that Israel would love to ally with you against.
Why do you retards think it's ideologically consistent for right wingers to hate Israel...
because they wont let other countries imitate their foreign policies
Because they did 9/11
>Fuck Israel
Eventually they'll pay for murdering 1000s of American and British civilians and soldiers with their fake war on terror
Fuckin' right, baby! If you're anti-Israel, you may as well just spread your cheeks wide open and get your rumps BTFO by college campus leftist shills. Palestine is for shills with micro-penis syndrome.
>Why do you retards think it's ideologically consistent for right wingers to hate Israel?
Wrong board. We don't.
Only Muslims, niggers and leftists hate Israel.
Israelis are white and based.
Sup Forums has always been pro Israel.
>Why do you retards think it's ideologically consistent for right wingers to hate Israel?
I don't. It's why I'm NatSoc and pro-Israel.
Well said!
Take your Israel worship and shove it. Fuck sand people.
Look at this sad ass, redneck bastard. Go play with your 58-gendered leftist high school play pals.
>ideologically consistent
it's natural to hate jews.
and also natural for AIPAC prostitutes to populate any political view.
>Not knowing Israelis are the old jews from Germany who was actively trying to turn it into a communistic state and then Hitler tried to send most to Palestine and Israelies turned Palestine from mud shits to an actual city thanks to bro tier USA and we are now combating the kebab together
But an Israeli company offered to build Trump's wall and Bibi is very pro Trump.
true many Jewish open border shills and general marxists/ANTIFA types seeking to silence any nationalism elsewhere. Maybe stop being paranoid about Nazis wiping you out, support ethnic homogeneous countries elsewhere. Until then can't expect goyim to support nationalist Israel.
FYI: You don't necessarily have to like Jews in order to be pro-Israel. But if you still make common cause with the leftists by supporting Palestine, you should just deep throat a BBC and die from asphyxiation.
>Why do you retards think it's ideologically consistent for right wingers to hate Israel?
I don't hate israel, but I don't think we should subsidize their existence, because I don't believe in national welfare. Is that not a conservative position?
That's a debatable but legitimate concern. Once more, you don't have to be pro-subsidies in order to be pro-Israel.
>There's a reason almost every right wing intellectual and politician is pro Israel,
Yes, they are neocon cuckervatives who care more about donations and bribes than telling the truth.
That is why they have failed at conserving anything.
Republicans, conservatives, are ll controlled opposition.
They opposed Trump, they don't want to win, they just want to keep their right wing establishment under their control for their jewish masters.
> right-wing country
> welfare nigger of other countries
You may only pick one
>us military outpost
gib back palestinian clay then we can execute you humanely
*GIANT DISCLAIMER* You can hate neocons & anti-nationalist pussy liberal Jews and yet STILL BE PRO-ISRAEL!
If you don't know this you haven't taken the redpill
A lot of conservacucks are pro-israel shills. They are just as dumb as these libtard SJW's. Anyone who supports genocide and the racist ideology of zionism needs to be deported.
But Trump is far more pro Israel than most establishment Republicans.
Hitler gassed 6 million real jews. The so called jews pulling the strings barely count as jews.
I thought you white supremacists were supposed to be scary and proud. How did you all become so faggy and lame? God, you're a bunch of manginas. You guys need safe spaces now to protect you from Israel? Fuck you guys are lame! XD
>combating the kebab together
Wait why are some samd people thousands of miles away even a factor in Murcan politics? Almost like all those AIPAC, dual citizenship Israelis, and (((neocons))) started a war that tore their countries to shit. Almost like if the jews had just let us stay out of it we would never have had the problem in the first place. Almost like there were literally no Muslims in America before Israel. Almost like all of our refugee influxes directly coincide with wars that Israel push, like they're doing with Syria and have been trying to do with Iran.
here's your (you)
Sup Forums is a board of peace, the stormfags are either asleep or gone.
Because the Israeli leftists have disproportionate power and reach, so getting rid of the whole country would be a net positive. It's like nuking Germany, yeah you're gonna wipe out a few cool Nazis, but it's mostly just mudslimes.
This is all just a giant ruse to hide the fact that you desperately want to get rammed in the rump by kikes, right?
I think the fact that trump is the first president to present a lobby ban speaks volumes for any type of foreign influence on US policy, does it not?
Excellent point!
He can talk about it all he wants but it won't change a thing. The Jews will always hold America by its nuts.
I'm going to pose as a concerned liberal and petition that Trudeau ban this hateful site from Canadian IP's.
Get out, shill fuck.
Nobody gives a FUCK about the politics of Israel. The only reason Israel even exists at this point is because it recieves military aid from the US. Israel constantly receives donations/reliefs from the US government. Billions upon billions of military aid. Why? The only reason the US supports this bullshit nation is to have an established military presence in the region. Not only that, but Israel receives donations from the US because to placate (((them))) and show (((them))) that we are tolerant and supportive of (((them))). Other than that, the nation is a farce. The entire nation of Israel in and of itself shouldn't even exist according to a large portion of (((them))).
A bunch of fucking cheap kikes and a bunch of retarded sandniggers can't figure out how to fucking peacefully share holy cities like Jerusalem; meanwhile, the Western world is performing research on neutrinos, quantum computers, and AI. Israelites fucking attack Palestinians because you're too fucking retarded to figure out a way of sharing a historical city with another group that has a historical presence there.
Fuck you. Fuck Israel.
You know how many people live in America? Roughly 320 million. You know how many are Jews? Under 6 million. If Jews really do control the U.S. that means you fucking R-tards are the weakest lot of them all! I believe America is too strong and beautiful to be bullied by so few. Man, you stormfags are such pussies. Jesus Christ! You don't even know how to hate properly. Fucking losers, the lot of ya!
Are you retarded? You're the ones always talking about disproportionate representation. Go look up how many members of Congress are Jewish, how many bank CEOs, how many Hollywood executives. Do it, I dare you
>Almost like there were literally no Muslims in America before Israel.
Excuse me sir, I couldn't help but notice a factual inaccuracy in your post. Around 10 to 15 percent of African slaves in the US were originally Muslim. There are even Arabic documents in the south because of it.
Please don't make this error again in future posts, thank you.
Cry me a fucking safe space, you fag! Again, you stormfags ahave got to be among the dumbest tards in all of existence. How did you evolve to become as dumb as leftist shills?
>members of society
>considered humans
>not forcefully converted to Christianity and killed if they refused then banned from reading or discussing politics or religion for multiple generations until they literally didn't know what country they came from
It has nothing to do with outright dislike of Jews themselves and their practices. Once you realize the level of controls that Jews have over society, once you realize why Jews have been kicked out of HUNDREDS of nations over the course of history, once you realize that all of the media, banks, advertising firms are controlled by them....
Get redpilled.
> I'll oppose every leftist policy on principle, even the reasonable ones
> I'll stop drinking water if I see a lefty with a glass
whining about a few billion sent to Israel who works with the U.S. on weapons development, intelligence, medical inventions, etc
Cuck'd again.
So you're telling me that hundreds of millions of white people let themselves get controlled by just a few Jews? Man, that makes you guys the weakest bunch of losers since the dawn of man. You guys are bigger pussies than pimple-faced teens. Bunch of fucking losers!
Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave my thread. There was no need to be so rude.
Simple. Steps to controlling oil. You seriously didn't think that the oil trade market is based on U.S. dollars for no reason right?
this guy got it. i wish we didn't have to hate israel, but they won't trying to enslave us to their whims. at least the arabs are mostly too stupid to even try the bullshit the kikes have already pulled off..
All these white nationalists claiming to be the master race and yet crying like fags because the "poor meany Jews" control us. XD How many diapers do you wear at once?
go back to israel, KUk
What is nepotism?
Just anti Jew
Look at you, cryin'. Man if white nationalists really have become this pussy, maybe I should convert and become a heeb. You guys are a bunch of whiny fags! You've let down the U.S., E.T., and Lord Kek. :.(
Tbh Israel is a huge part of all that research and innovation.
Who here in this thread is claiming to be the master race?
>did 9/11
>aggressive, pervasive espionage campaign against western nations
>get billions of dollars in money and free shit from the west for no reason at all
annnnd lets see... what else.... oh yeah
>they are jews
Another pussy! "Oh, no! The scary Jews are after me. I'm a big vagina who can't protect myself or defend my country's interest." I think even the SJWs might have more balls than you guys.
>>did 9/11
Because Muslims would never commit acts of terror, right?
>>aggressive, pervasive espionage campaign against western nations
>>get billions of dollars in money and free shit from the west for no reason at all
No, they get almost all of their support from the US, not other western nations. Most western nations besides the US are pro Palestine. And our aid isn't for no reason at all, the vast majority of the aid is tied so that they have to purchase American military equipment. The US CHOOSES to do this because it allows us to beta test our latest equipment on the battlefield.
Finally! Someone who actually knows something. Well said!
They are BTFOing so many mudslimes that Europe is overrun.
Tell me more about how wonderful Israel is for the world you fucking race traitor.
Where are the proofs
Are you a retard? What do the refugees coming from Africa and Syria have to do with Israel? Idiots like you are a disgrace to Sup Forums. Go get mummy to tuck you into bed, okay sugar tits? BTFO!
> The US CHOOSES to do this because it allows us to beta test our latest equipment on the battlefield.
That's plain evil shit. And it's backfiring badly as these broken countries bleed rapefugees
Never forget the USS Liberty
$0.02 has been deposited into your account.
Here's one of the Arabic documents I mentioned and a famous Muslim slave.
>17 posts by this ID
Calm down haven't you baited enough people tonight? Get some chickie tendies and relax for a bit, come back and bait tomorrow.
Welcome to Sup Forums newfriend.
This is not a right wing board. This is National Socialist central.
To all the Jews & Pro-Israel peeps in this: I am so ashamed to be white right now, it's not even funny. These pussies do not represent us. Successful, proud, and intelligent white people SUPPORT ISRAEL!
you keep wanting to pigeon hole people into a term you made up for them. this is why you get so emotional. because the reality that presents itself to you is different from the idea you try to super-imposed upon it. this cognitive dissonance is the reason why you have so many suicidal ideations, and will eventually succeed at killing yourself.
do it. kys.
>Because Muslims would never commit acts of terror, right?
oh they would, but they didn't. it was mossad. the dancing mossad agents on 9/11. plus the truck full of explosives driven by israelis that was stopped but then (((vanished)))
>No, they get almost all of their support from the US, not other western nations. Most western nations besides the US are pro Palestine. And our aid isn't for no reason at all, the vast majority of the aid is tied so that they have to purchase American military equipment. The US CHOOSES to do this because it allows us to beta test our latest equipment on the battlefield.
BB is my BB
"Sup Forums hates Globalism, Corporatism, the elite that control our economy and welfare assholes!"
*points at israel, the epitome of globalism, corporatism, the home of many of the elite that control the economy and a massive leech that takes welfare off the US*
"nonono, those guys are fine, m-muh Palesine you fuckin mudslim lover"
I hate Palestine too. I wish they could settle down and agree on peace but as of right now Isnotreal and Poostine need to be nuked.
Fucking leaf. Day of the rake when?
Netanyahu attacked Trump in Jan2016 for not taking any Muslim refugees. The chutzpah of these people is truly awesome.
>kings force Jews to be bankers and money lenders because the church forbade Christians from doing it
>Jews accuire access to a good bit of money
>king wants to go to war
>not enough money
>kicks out the Jews, takes all the money they have
Oh noooo! You referred to me as a leaf. Whatever shall I do? How offensive. HAHAHAHAHA! BTFO!
The religion of Judaism is what is terrible. It is a religion of pride and spiritual death. There are some Jews who seem to retain that pride even if they are not religious, and that is also terrible. It is wrong, however, to discriminate against ethnic Jews for being ethnically Jews alone, because they may not be smug and prideful like the stereotype that all Jews are like that. It is like hip hop culture in the African American community: hip hop culture generally promotes things like violence, drugs, hustling, gang loyalty, etc.; however, not all black people are into the hip hop culture, and it is wrong to condemn all black people to that stereotype.
Fuck off Schlomos, you have no power here.
can't tell if controlled opposition, troll, or cuck
regardless, supporting the fashy antimudslime aspects of Israel doesn't mean you take US-Israel policy wholesale
smug life
this is now a Jew-thread
"The Leaf is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Leaf and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out." -- Joseph Goebbels
You're just angry cuz Frau Merkel has cucked your nation into oblivion. People like you make white people look retarded. Why do you insist on making us look so dumb? Ich bin ein moron!
Anti-Semitism is the elite's oldest disinformation campaign, dating to Roman times. Far easier to pretend there's a Jewish conspiracy to keep people from having nice things than admit you spent all the money on orgies and free shit from gibmedats.
Shocking how Sup Forumsacks who are clearly smart enough to see through it blame everything on kikes.
The only thing I "found out" is that you need to come out of the closet. XD
>The kikes dindu nothing
oh no, an unsourced infographic
FINAL THOUGHTS: Before the start of this thread, I was pro-Israel and proud to be white. I can no longer honestly say the latter is true. I hope to regain pride in my race as of tomorrow, but if idiots like you keep making retarded comments, there is little to no hope of that ever happening. GO ISRAEL GO!
>you need to come out of the closet
with your mom, I hope I didn't contract Canadianitis
It's not a secret, everyone knows who founded the Frankfurter school to plant the poison seed of degeneracy into Western scoeities, who the precursors of the bolshevik revolution were in Russia, who the architects of the Iraq war were in the United States. The information is available for everyone to read, on mainsteam media souces mind you. Then there's this:
OP you are retarded. Its not israel we hate, its the jews. And since the jews run israel, we have no choice but to hate israel
The infograph is so retards like you can see something digestible. You can do all the research yourself if you want, but no moniter would be able to display text small enough to show enough Jews involved in those activities for someone as deep in denial as you to care.
>wah you won't break down macro amounts of information and explanations and evidence of causation and correlation into a simple infograph jpg that I can look at and understand the entire topic in a glance
Shouldn't you be in a fish bowl?
fuck outta here niggoy, jews are shitskins in disguise