Free healthcare

>free healthcare

>Girl, 5, died of an asthma attack after her GP refused to treat her for being FOUR MINUTES late to an emergency appointment... even though the doctor knew the youngster's life was at risk
>Ellie-May Clark died of an asthma attack after Dr Joanne Rowe refused to see her
>Her distraught mother, Shanice, said they were 4 minutes late for appointment
>Dr Rowe was warned the girl was at risk of suffering a life-threatening seizure
>Ellie stopped breathing an hour after she was put to bed, and died minutes later

Other urls found in this thread:

>force way into ER
>strangle doctor until they do their job

lol totally. I wonder what was wrong with them, while their kid was dying and stuff.

Do they not have emergency rooms in United Bong?

I feel a criminal case coming.

she died later at home, read the fucking article you fucking nigger

If this were in America they wouldn't treat you unless you could pay. So it evens out.

That is a classic discrimination case. Good fucking job Dr. Rowe. Should have minored in law or been born Jewish.

>doctor was suspended for six months on full pay because the UK lets doctor's unions run the show in their horror show of a health care system


Brits and Canadians actually think stuff like this is normal and perfectly acceptable.

what happens when women are doctors

>be america
>no money to pay for care
>go to ER
>wait behind shooting victims for hours on end
>die miserably

>next day
>bill in the mail
>$100,000 for dying in the waiting room


In America, those who claim to have trouble breathing go to the front of the line. If you call them on your way, they'll likely even have a nurse waiting for you.

t. took child to ER for breathing trouble last week

I find it hard to believe that the doctor was just like ehhh no I don't think I'll treat you even though I'm not doing anything else, what's the whole story?

The whole story is socialism kills.

Yea don't be late. It's hard to believe that the mother cared that much if she was late.


Daily mail?
>Aliens under Antarctica
> mother dies from smoking one joint
> bat children eat Hillary Clinton
Nice source

White people can pay though

And those that can't don't deserve health care.

>Good Healthcare

Pick one.

An emergency appointment is for when you just need to see your doctor about an issue on the same day. You book it early in the morning and they fill in any free spaces.

If it's an extremely serious problem, ranging from a bad cut to car crash you go to A&E. What happened in this case was:

Mum noticed her child was ill
Booked appointment in the morning for later that day, so she could get seen to.
She was late, so the doctor told her to fuck off home she wouldn't be diagnosed or looked at
Later that night when the child was sleeping she had an Asthma attacked and died.

It wasn't an emergency situation like you'd go to A&E for. By the time it was the kid was already in bed sleeping and nobody knew she was dying.

Nice job your Conservative government is doing to wreck the health system.

Doctor was an evil cunt and the mother was a stupid cunt.

If your kid can't breathe properly then it's a fucking emergency, go to A&E.

Since when do you get an appointment for the ER?

If it wasn't an ER where the mother had the appointment why didn't she take her daughter to the hosptal?

Something about this story is not making sense.

There is no such thing as "free" health care

>britbongs show up and defend this because the NHS is a national religion and they are spineless cucks

Doctor must have been busy with a migrant.

>Someone asks about what the emergency appointment means
>Explain what it is
>That means I'm defending it

I'm not surprised you can't read, to be honest.

I literally didn't defend it. The doctor was evil, and I use Bupa not the NHS.

Bat children did eat Hillary Clinton

>6 month suspension
>full pay
>socialized health care
Literally awarded a 6 month paid vacation on the tax payer's dime for killing a little girl
Fucking Bongs.
Your entire Parliament deserves to get Jo Cox'd.

Get your fucking shit straight.

they're so fucking passive. I read the story and look at the picture of the little girl and I'm almost ready to fly over to England and strangle that "doctor" to death with my bare hands.

dont worry guys, they dont teach reading comprehension in america

thats why half the country cant understand what they're reading anymore and just want the news/gov to tell them what to think

ameritards boys

Women are made doctors through affirmative action, government paid schooling, and kept on through socialism and disgusting beauracracy.
Most do less than 5 years before becoming stay at home mom's for 10-20 years leaving their retarded socialized system chronically understaffed.

I don't understand how these cucks fail to go into a justly murderous rage over shit like this.
Soulless weak-willed shits.

Britbong here. I have my own NHS story.

>Mum has extreme fatigue, chest pains and constant nausea
>Goes on for months
>GPs guessing over and over
>They try her on all kinds of medications
>Constantly adjust her diabetic treatments
>They blame everything except her heart
>They say it's her mental health meds that are causing it
>They take her off it
>She relapses back into mental breakdown
>She has a cardiac event
>Goes to hospital, told her valve is fucked
>Gets operation
>They refuse to put her back on her mental health meds to cover their mistake
>Now she ran away from home, lives alone and is losing her sanity
>Every time she gets ill and is bed-ridden I have to call her doctor to fight with their receptionist who refuses to send a nurse/doctor
>''Your mum is only 56! She's young enough to walk 0.5 miles herself!''

I fucking hate our healthcare so fucking much.


She looks pretty sharp in the picture from the article. A suspension was a fair punishment. Don't be late to your emergency visit.

Sad for you mate.

Good luck with your mum.

>the main difference between America and Bongland

>Don't be late to your emergency visit.

Yeah, because when you or your loved one is on the brink of death everything has to be neat and organized with no panicking and nothing to cause delays in-between. Give me a fucking break.

Medical emergencies catch everyone off guard. The girls family were probably trying to get their shit together, they were only 4 minutes late, fucking 320 seconds.

step one get the person who's dying in the car
step two drive to the hospital

Yea you're right, they probably scheduled the appointment for 3 minutes from when it was made and they had to stop to get mcdonalds or take a piss or something.

>Honey I can't find her inhaler
>Ellie can't breathe without it
>We can't go without it what if it gets worse in the car
>Can't find keys etc
>What is traffic?
>What is distance from house to hospital?

Four. Fucking. Minutes.

>suspended for six months with full pay

I don't even

just ignore the troll

>Daughter is dying
>Can't even be bothered to show up on time

Coal burner? Because the girl's hair is a little bit curly?

Chest pain is also a free pass to avoid the waiting room.

>what is EMTALA

Jo Cox yourself.

>tfw ice kief bong

if the mother had actually thought her daughter was in danger she would have gone to A&E not book an appointment with a fucking GP

FUCK Medical industry capitalists, Fuck Donald Trump, fuck white people, fuck Hitler, fuck Western civilization, fuck white culture and most importantly -

FUCK Sup Forums and FUCK (You)

>darker skin
>black eyes
>curly hair
>wide nose
Probably burned coal with a mixed nig, but still burned coal

>Any breathing issues
>Not an emergency
I had asthma as a kid. One time it flared up pretty bad and my mom called the family doctor. She said skip the appointment and go to the ER now. I could still breathe with difficulty, but the ER staff jumped like they were in fire and rushed us back to a room once they heard "breathing issues". In 5 min I was treated and good to go. Granted, we had to wait like 45 min for the paperwork, but they were damn fast about it.

Britbongs pls

literally no. they treat you first and you figure out payment options later. lots of those payment options have extremely generous financing arrangements, too.

>calling your walkin or urgent care service "emergency appointments"

So what happens if you refuse to give your name, address etc to the hospital staff, how will they ever chase you for debt collection?

they don't you fucking retard, the bongs already explained that urgent care is called "accident and emergency" or "A&E" over there.

emergency appointments are same day appointments.

you're nuts, that girl is white as it gets.

You need to sign off paperwork before they let you leave. Runners have to outrun orderlies, guards, and cops, so good luck. But why would you run? Insurance will cover most things, and hospitals have pay plans and special programs if you can pay right away or don't have insurance.

>if you can pay right away

>liberals and foreigners actually believe this

Even if you have the flu if its not crowded you can walk into the ER and spend less than 30 minutes in triage and not have to pay much, if at all.

>Be basement dwelling NEET
>No job, no income
>Exempt from taxes and provincial healthcare fees due to "low income bracket"
>Go to emergency room the other day due to abdominal pain
>See triage nurse almost immediately
>Have blood and urine tests done within an hour
>Within second hour have x-rays done
>20 minutes worth of thorough ultrasound examination shortly after that
>Wait for like an hour
>Doctor arrives, discusses symptoms and test results
>I have gallstones
>Surgery booked in a couple weeks
>Hospital visit went really well, I was home in less than 4 hours
>All of this, literally free of charge

Was Sup Forums wrong about socialism?

btw both the x-ray tech and the phlebotomist were female Muslims wearing hijabs and they were professional and polite

>literally free of charge

That's where you're wrong, kiddo. The taxpayers had to foot the bill you fucking parasite.

>Surgery booked in a couple weeks
In America you could have had that surgery in a couple of hours instead of weeks

>All of this, literally free of charge
For you. Everybody else in your country had to pay for your lazy ass.

Sounds like an extreme waste of resources. That being said I honestly believe suicide booths or something should be available after a layer of work programs.

Do you actually live in America? I bring cash with me to the doctor's every time I go, but the receptionist almost never even takes it. They just say, "We'll bill you," even if I wave the money in their face.

Britcucks and Canadians are pathetic. If you criticize the public healthcare system you are branded as a neo-nazi who doesn't care for the poor.

Only because you had abdominal pain. Good luck getting treated if you have less obvious symptoms like fatigue.



>plus tip

Why the fuck did this cunt give her kid asthma then?

ER nurse here. Can confirm. We follow the ABCs priority order. Airway is always number 1 priority, then breathing probs, then cardiac probs. If youre brought in by ambulance youll be seen immadiatly by the physician and rest of staff. The ER is usually filled with people who come in for useless stuff like headaches and stomach aches, they are usually the mentally ill. Last week i had someone who had been to the ER over 900 times in less than 5 years. Just looking up the pt. Info on them crashed the computer. Thats over 10 million in medicare costs.

This can't be real right?
Bongland can't be this fucked up.
Anyway, even though I can't say that this has nothing to do with free healthcare, it sure as hell doesn't have to be this way.
In Germany you can literally just walk in on any doctor and he HAS to treat you no matter what. If you're sick you get treatment. Although hospitals ARE fucked up in that you sometimes have to wait a real long time.
Of course you can always just call 112 and call an ambulance.

Diddling the nurses.

He was referring to the doctor. Read the damn post you dumb leaf.

>American education
Emergency rooms are obligated to treat you regardless of your ability to pay.

You're thick as pig shit.

>4 hours

well it's not like you were going to use the time productively anyway

One thing goes wrong. Destroy the NHS!

Poor kid

Briton had over 1,500 children systemically raped in a single city. The officials covered it up, allowed it to happen, and threatened / arrested parents to shut it down. The people responsible are walking around, living their lives, no security, no fear, as calm as Hindu cows... do you know why? BE EUROPEANS DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT THEIR FUCKING CHILDREN! This "mother" is probably just bitching about her dead kid for jewbook likes.

Not a single retaliation was conducted for Rotterdamn. Not a murder. Not a fist-fight. No one even threw a fucking water balloon. The best thing that can happen to Europeans is that they finally end, once and for all, hopefully this century. Despicable people.


The NHS is serially incompetent. Anyone with sense would get private insurance.

You fucking moron

Medic here:

NHS is full to bursting with superfluous staff members who achieve nothing - There is no true nursing shortage, only a lack of nurses and healthcare assistants willing to knuckle down and do some work. Standard of care is actually reasonably good from the medical/surgical side.

The NHS is first and foremost a jobs program for grossly overweight middle aged women - it provides healthcare as a distant second

>gets buttblasted because someone tries to make a joke
fuck man, we need to put an autism filter on Sup Forums