>it's an ancap universe
>your 6 yo daughter needs life-saving proprietary pharmaceuticals that cost $100k
>you could never make $100k before she dies
>megajew is willing to offer the $100k medication in exchange for 1 night of diddling your daughter
>alternative is she dies
wat do?
It's an ancap universe
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dont really know but I want to hear an ancap defense of slavery. I've been thinking this one up for a long time and can't think of any mental gymnastics to get around it
The argument is more of what constitutes slavery as it has historically varied greatly.
For instance, to take force one into slavery is seen as violating the NAP as you are using coercion to force someone into a contract.
For the opposite, at what point does a third party have the right to determine a contract between two consenting individuals? If someone chooses to sell themselves as a slave, why should that be forbidden? At what point would a contract simply make someone a slave in all, but name?
Indentured servitude, you tard. don't you remember anything from school?
Ancap is a beautiful way of life in an utopian society... Sadly it will forever be "Memeland"
>>it's an ancap universe
>>your 6 yo daughter needs life-saving proprietary pharmaceuticals that cost $100k
>>you could never make $100k before she dies
>>megajew is willing to offer the $100k medication in exchange for 1 night of diddling your daughter
>>alternative is she dies
>wat do?
>it's an ancap universe
Right, so let's say some people do sell themselves into slavery. Can you defend enslaving their children?
Then what of the economic conditions. In theory, couldn't the upper class simply continue to up prices and reduce wages until slavery must be accepted? What if slavery becomes the only viable alternative?
Allow the diddling because she's already my heroin-addicted high-end child prostitute and charge the pharmaceutical CEO $200k for 2 nights with her.
So you're saying slavery simply wouldn't happen in a society with 0 governmental regulation
Price shopping, Contact rights enforcement agency, Respect the NAP.
>Your daughter needs cheap medicine to survive
>big government says you can only use that cheap treatment if you spend 500k on clinical research
>your daughter dies and the doctor that tried to treat her gets depressed for the rest of his life
Good job gobmint.
>He thinks medicine would cost that much when there isn't a state to enforce pattens
>Can you defend enslaving their children?
Until a point at which they become a free actor.
>Class Warfare
It doesn't exist in classical economic theory. A better why of phrasing this would be the Lockean proviso; at what point does man have a responsibility to not inhibit the growth of others or the limitations on claims of common.
>What if someone owns all the land in the world and refuses to let me live on it unless I agree to be his slave?
Besides, there is always an alternative in a free market, and large scale cooperation is not seen as desirable or particularly useful. Why would they want all these slaves? And at what point does it actually matter? This would essentially be labor contract.
>What if it does happen?
Then you've essentially become a government because you have forced people into a contract by necessity that they cannot leave.
Go to 8:35 manually because time stamps don't work on this shitty fucking site.
This would require an extreme concentration of wealth and the formation of an extremely powerful trust in order to manipulate the markets so heavily.
In a free market environment intentionally skyrocketing your prices is a good way of going out of business, especially in a universe without any form of patent protection.
That's the theory anyway, in reality their might be a few Rockefeller's, who knows?
Rightful German clay
>classical economic theory
No one cares about classical economic theory. In a truly free society each will do as they please, the rights of others really dont matter. See feudalism for more on this.
>free market
You underestimate consolidation. If this free market argument rang true, everyone would strike at McDonald's until they got higher wages. They don't because the real world isn't a manifesto of how things should work. Some people at some point some where will need to adhere to the present system because of present conditions.
>you've essentially become a government
Yes. That's the issue.
>might be a few Rockefellers
No, there will be. There'll be Mellons, Morgans, and Carnegies to go along with them. Wealth consolidation will eventually happen. See: royal intermarriage
Ok, basically it is a similar scenario to the one in the op except the megajew doesn't want to fuck your daughter he wants you as a slave. So to pay off your daughter's health costs you become a slave. Child slavery would basically be the parents telling the kid either you become my slave or I don't feed you.
The ancap community is split on both of these scenarios. Personally, I think you can sell yourself into slavery, but I don't agree with the Rothbardian view that the parents have no positive obligation to feed their children so I disagree with the second method of enslaving children.
how would this happen when every hunt commands a market price and poaching is penalized with summary execution?
>it wouldn't.
Disagree shit. We're talking about practicals here. The moment we start talking about what we *believe should be* we're no better than utopian communists. AnCaps need to either own up to complete, full on slavery or deny it.
Pay a midget to pretend to be your daughter
Well we're split on the issue. Rothbard, for instance, doesn't think that you can sell yourself into slavery because you may deny the arrangement in the future. I, personally, am fine with selling yourself into slavery permanently, I just don't think the common way that you get child slavery is a legitimate one.
>Make 2nd deal with megajew
>Film it / rent her out
>Become megajew myself
>Rinse repeat
I make the megajew an offer of 30 bitcoins. If he accepts, great, problem solved. If not, I contract a mercenary organization and hire them for the low price of 50 bitcoins to terminate the megajew and retrieve the pharmaceuticals from his compound. Before deploying the mercenaries, I short the megajew's company stock. In the wake of his untimely demise, the stock plummets, I cash in my short, and produce more than enough profit to recover the cost of the mercenaries.
I then walk to the local Redbull Presents Democracy polling station, deposit my 2 Bitcoin fee, and cast a vote for the new flavor of Mountain Dew that will be sold this summer. I write in Ron Paul.
I like ancaps and libertarians, not sure why these threads are always started. I think we can all agree that communism fucks everything and jews needs to be gassed.
I think we can all agree that too many people read books on social politics when they should be reading more books on economic philosophy.
>No one cares about classical economic theory
Fampai, what the fuck are you even talking about?
>You underestimate consolidation. If this free market argument rang true, everyone would strike at McDonald's until they got higher wages. They don't because the real world isn't a manifesto of how things should work. Some people at some point some where will need to adhere to the present system because of present conditions.
>Free market
slavery would violate my McNAP®. you fucking statist
>Fire up my printing press and print $100k
now thats McThinking™