Is evolution true?

Is evolution true?

Microevolution is in my opinion true... Macroevolution is a meme made by zionist jews


Why do you think whites are so much more advanced than niggers?

sort of.

Yes. Next question.

lmao dude, watch a bbc documentary about fish doing fucking wild things and then tell me that isnt the product of evolution

wtf is the difference? micro is macro if you look at bigger changes over time


Its only half true.

The gods / Anunnaki are the Missing Link.

They came and made us in their image and in their likeness.

Archons cannot create they Manipulate.

They are the Lords of the Garden who found an already existing primitive primate humanoid and they mixed their DNA with it.


>zionist jews
muh jews

Wouldn't they want you to believe in their holy book? That the earth is only 6000 years old?

I swear reverse psychology works on you fuckers.

Evolution is not real. It was debunked in Darwin's day and should be delegated to the chasm with Freudism, Marxism, Hitler's NatSoc, Lenin's communism and Obama's DemSoc with the rest of the trash ideals and where discarded cults gather.

The Jews will do everything to prevent you from believing in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Only the power of Christ can stop satanism.

>Jesus Christ
Pick one and only one.

There is no mechanism for macroevolution to occur. Only preprogrammed variations exist (microevolution).

no where in the bible does it say that the earth is 6000 years old. That theory is man made.

>That theory is man made.

So is the Bible :^)


A day is equal to one year.

Yes. The Bible was written by men. The same as Winston Churchill's histories. Read it as a chronicle of our history. The early history of man.

Yes it's true

How stupid do you have to be to answer this way? You might as well say "Your question offends me because evolution better be true WAH ;_;"

"Duh" isn't a reason, idiot. You are fucking retarded. Duh. I apologize if you were only pretending to be stupid.



>Is evolution true?

What is an ape and why are they still here.

Evolution produced 1, count em ONE silly ass missing link skeleton, half of witch had bones from other species used to "complete" the skeleton. Evolution......riiiigghhhttt.

I'm a creationist but evolution in a smaller form is undeniably real, I have issues with macroevolution that I can't really get around, like the Cambrian Explosion

Evolution is true. There is only a dissenting opinion if you do not understand how it occurs.

The only animals that evolve are the ones that are forced to deal with new, constant stresses that aren't severe enough to drive them extinct but do thin the herd of those who can no longer compete, see the long term effects of frigid climates and the inability to grow food for close to half the year on white people compared to niggers.

The differences in the human species alone that are obviously based on the surroundings of those human's ancestors should convince anyone of evolution.

Evolution is all about whatever is better suited to reproduce. If a mutation simply made an individual more attractive to mates, eventually there would be a change in allelic frequencies in the population...evolution. Of course, selective pressures play a massive role but it doesnt have to be that. Just clarifying because the people in this thread have no clue, apparently.

>burger education at work

nah m8


Adaptability written into the genetic code is not an evolution from one "species" to another.

Canines are canines.

Felines are felines.

etc. etc.