This is YUUUUUUGE! President Trump has announced a federal investigation into the Pizzagate elite pedophile scandal involving human trafficking on Tuesday and promised to help put an end to the “horrific, really horrific crimes taking place.”
The president held a short, dramatic press conference after meeting with human trafficking experts to announce that he will direct “the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies” to devote more resources and personnel to the investigation.
Appearing at the press conference for less than two minutes, President Trump said that the issue has been on the radar of federal government “for some time” but since taking office in January the investigation has become “much more focused.”
“It has been much more focused over the last four weeks, I can tell you that.”
Appearing calm and determined, Trump thanked staff members and his daughter Ivanka for their hard work on the issue in the lead up to his announcement. While the establishment and mainstream media have been trying to destroy the investigation into Pizzagate and suppress the findings, the Trump administration have been quietly researching and launching low-level take downs, gathering evidence in order to move up the chain.
Trump made it clear that the investigation intends to go all the way to the top, promising to bring the “full force and weight of our government” to eradicate the insidious problem.
It’s happening!
Trump Announces Elite Pedophile Human Trafficking Ring Investigation
“I want to make it clear today that my administration will focus on ending the absolutely horrific practice of human trafficking and I am prepared to bring the full force and weight of our government at the federal level in order to solve this horrific problem that is getting worse.
“Human trafficking is a dire problem, both domestically and internationally, and is one that’s made really a challenge. And it’s really made possible to a large extent, more of a modern phenomenon, by what’s taking place on the Internet, as you probably know.
“Solving the human trafficking epidemic, which is what it is, is a priority for my administration. We’re going to help out a lot. “Solve” is a wonderful word, a beautiful word, but I can tell you, we’re going to help a lot.”
Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney welcomed the news on Twitter and provided D.C insider information: if Trump goes straight all the way with the investigation, senior Democrats and Republicans in D.C are going to be bought down.
Well than, shut down the Houses of prostitution in all cities. "Massage parlors". $160 to fuck per hour. NightShift!
>shut down the Houses of prostitution in all cities
we should start by shutting down the rings in DC, then we start taxing churches
he is with us
Praise be unto Kek
drone the pedos xeno war now
took quite a while for trump to come out with this. i'm scared because trump does a lot of things that are contradictory that end up biting him in the ass. for example, we know he was buddy-buddy with jeff epstein and several other elite pedos. if he somehow gets taken down or implicated in all of this, this country is fucked.
so far it seems only podesta and clinton will be taking the hit on this, Bill and Obama will squeal to save themselves and they'll brush it under the rug as much as they can, but I imagine McCain, Pelosi, Schumer and Ryan are going down also
#realpedostate going down.
I....ugh...hmmm. Seriously what would happen if the investigation gets him impeached? I think that would unite the nation back. Repubs would be so pissed they'd be up in arms at DC with the democrats, anti pedo uprising?
This could easily mean a coup d'etat, they won't go down without a fight.
Trump v&s half of congress if i roll digis
fug, all of those names are almost too big to fall without huge collateral damage and major political upheaval. i guess we'll just wait to see just how deep it goes.
>Seriously what would happen if the investigation gets him impeached?
the same nothing that would happen for any other reason he would get impeached,
in my heart I get the feeling this will set off WWIII and it was contrived to do so
>too big to fall
no such thing anymore,
we're all dead already from Fukushima anyway, massive amounts of celebrities getting rare cancer and miscarriages, celebrities fly more than most people, being in the air exposes you to higher rad levels
we're all dead already we just don't know it yet
It won't. The economy is gonna blow any minute now. Obango's been cooking the books the whole fucking time, and the elite freaks falsely believe using the #realpedostate to coalesce blame around Trump as grounds for impeachment.
Once the slimes are exposed, nothing they say will matter. Everyone will just assume it's all BS to avoid accountability for their own heinous crimes.
KEK is aiding him in this crusade.
Wake me when John Podesta's in an orange jumpsuit pleading guilty on all counts and singing like a canary in open court, naming names of rich pedophiles.
>uh oh bros, I'm concerned just like you..
David Seaman took his pizzagate vids down and his twitter is gone
>WWIII Is goint to be agaisn't globalism and people like Pedoedesta
Damn I love being in the right side of shitposters
Either asked to do so or Google did it. He did come out of nowhere. Possibly shilling for the good guys?
seriously? proof?
Have you considered a career as a creative fiction writer?
>implying we can't meme this into existence
do you forget what timeline this is?
>The economy is gonna blow any minute now.
just in time for Trump to issue greenbacked Ameros and build us our very own autobahn and high speed rail
which we will be paying extra taxes for the next hundred years because of all the brown people we killed who will be imported anyway, the brown wave is coming and there is no stopping it,
maybe Trump will call in the national guard that is 50% Mexican and 25% black
go enlist, the air force is desperate for people who are good at video games to pilot drones
His youtube page is very strange, you have to hit reload a lot to load his old vids and the recent ones where he discusses his findings are gone.
check his account, all videos gone, he might be dead
>mfw Podesta is in Thailand enjoying some thai boys
If I lived in your country I would do nothing but train muay thai and have 4 ways. Thailand is what America aspires to be.
That isn't good... if he wasn't forcibly taken down/killed, then he completely just outed himself as a shill. this is odd.
his twitter was shut down he was complaining about it
big distraction from he real threat, we're all dead anyway
complaining that his videos were removed? did he say why?
>we're all dead anyway
still think it's strange that after hilary dried up, soros b-lines it to McCain
what kind of shit does soros have on McCain i wonder.
Nice digits
Kek yes! Feeel the power coursing through the thread!
Probably a lot since now he is his little puppet.
You needed real connections to get invited to Epstein's special parties where the chief entertainment was gangraping children.
Trump didn't have them. The elites regarded him as a joke right up to election night. The chance that anybody invited him to these affairs or discussed then with him is zero.
They have nothing on Trump.
he's gonna explain himself with some bullshit existentialist-nihilistic response about how we all die, i'd disregard whatever he says.
This. They would have anonymously leaked a vid of him banging a kid if they had one and woulda forgone the election process altogether. The best they have is women love him so much hes grabbin pussy for days.
>complaining that his videos were removed? did he say why?
complained they shut down his twitter, the youtube videos just happened, it's pushback, if it fails to generate a response then the bullshit fake alien pics worked and people have moved on and they can allow Trump to sell some lame shit with his busts, if people are furious then he has to sell them high value targets
we are about to see many many people die and it will start in California with people who fly a lot. Trump needs to start taking the train and driving everywhere.
Thailand is actually very conservative and grudgingly tolerates horny tourists for the money. And the Muay Thai training they do is serious, and precludes frequent ejaculation.
McCain is #realpedostate, so quite a lot of shit, I'd imagine.
Televised PPV day of the rope for these sick kid fuckers... all profit goes towards building the wall
WTF I hate Trump now
I have a deep respect for Thailand and as a white American I never say that. My Kru didn't just teach me muay thai he was like a father figure/role model to me.
As a good canary he is, he'll be the fist to die when SHTF
>I don't understand how ionising radiation or the inverse square law works: the post
Checked, mfw hunger games will exist in your life time.
people already dying, massive increase in rare cancers, just be thankful it will effect you last britbong on the opposite side of the globe
Although you're right that more air travel = more cosmic ray exposure. But Fukishima is only a big deal if you live relatively near it or eat food that was.
Should I be taking extra iodine? (Midwest America)
Kek. You never know the effects of chemtrails and interdimensional babyraping on the spread of radiation. Expansions might not be spherical.
That's just for you Commiefornia. Never forget Japan is best ally.
some friends of mine work for nasa and are telling me they are seeing massive increase in radiation related sickness and death since 2012, and it continues to escalate
not making this shit up, these people work for boeing, they're not stupid
You hear that, drawfags?
You know what to do. Remember to use VPN and 7 proxies.
California is done, thats why calexit, thats why the wall, we're building a wall but it's not to keep people from coming in, it's to keep us from getting out
calexit has to happen to hide the necessary quarantine of California
>Wake me when John Podesta's in an orange jumpsuit pleading guilty on all counts and singing like a canary in open court, naming names of rich pedophiles.
I wonder what would happen afterwords if this happened
My bad.
>Calexit happens
>Wall built
>Dam breaks
>Mass flooding
>The Big One
>Major cities destroyed
>Hollywood's propaganda influence ends
>All while they're getting hit with radiation
>Not America's problem
Based Lord KEK won't be denied.
Praise him
Checked, kekked and praised!
I witness thee, oh lord kek
> High tier shill post
Bravo. They must've sent the veterans for this one.
Checked. Its happening praise kek
Attacking them at their weak spot to roll up their entire offensive. Who says Trump isn't qualified as our Commander-in-Chief?
He's talking about trafficking people across the border. You know, illegal immigration. He didn't even mention sex trafficking once, much less pizzagate.
So if Pedophilia is a big thing in US elite society, why they didn't just legalize it? It's kinda ironic that it's the liberal who banned the child prostitution during 18th century. And now the large percentage that involved in Pizzagate are liberal.
inb4 Ashton Kutcher commits suicide with a baseball bat to the back of the head.
its used as blackmail. they're recorded doing it and then it's used against them to ensure they follow an agenda
two things
1. Because the general population isn't ready for that yet. They are quickly moving that way and its probably one of the goals of the regressive left politics.
2. Just like with drugs, rich powerful people like to have hobbies that poor people just can't indulge in. Its like the cool kids club and you aren't invited.
Bullshit, he is calling it "human trafficking" when he should be calling it MASSIVE PEDOPHILIA IN AMERICAN HIGH SOCIETY.
What kind of haircut is this? isn't this guy like 40?
you can take the man out of underwear modelling, but you can't take the underwear model out of the man.
This plus
It's not homogeneous. It's not all worst case scenario. Some of it is normal hetero guys getting entrapped with a mature looking borderline girl. Recall the cathouse scene in Godfather II and ask yourself if the senator killed the girl.
So another fun thread to check out, somewhat related
Did somebody say pizza..