When will BLACKS admit that if it weren't for WHITES slaving them and then WHITES giving them FREEDOM they would still be living in mud huts and hacking each other with machetes?
When will BLACKS admit that if it weren't for WHITES slaving them and then WHITES giving them FREEDOM they would still...
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When we stop paying welfare for them..
Tribes of this type still exist in Africa and they seem relatively content with their lifestyle.
It's my (superficial) understanding of things that it is only these "urbanized" blacks in Africa, who have been reached by the ideal of modernity without really being a part of it, who then wish to come to the west.
It would have been much preferable for us to leave them to their ancestral ways. Empires fucking suck, let me tell you, especially if they subsequently morph into a universal humanitarian project.
You mean rocks OP.
Blacks would be killing each other with rocks.
They never invented or discovered the necessary tools and material required to craft a machete.
Where would they get the machetes from?
Probably pointed sticks.
than we would be happy in a jungle with matchetes not having to compare ourselves to a bunch of whiteys who enslaved your grandparets
Pic is Nigeria.
No mud huts. Didn't need to be slaves to become modern, but did need European technology.
Basic ass city but still pretty impressive for Africa.
>Salt Lake City
New Zealand Education
Makes me want to play Sim City again
Where do they get AK's?
>my definition of happiness should be the standard
If that's what made them happy and they weren't affecting us then why the fuck should they be happy to be brought over, turned to slaves, raped, beaten, sold like animals, and still treated like shit and looked down upon generations later because of systemic racism and isolation.
Think about it; if they were still in africa then they'd be doing tribal shit without affect us and our economy.
Basically, it's your own fault and your own problem that you're ignoring and hoping will go away.
Fuck Donald Trump, fuck white people, fuck Hitler, fuck Western civilization, fuck white culture and most importantly - FUCK Sup Forums
There are some shitty places in Nigeria. Source: I am from Nigeria
Nigeria is a rich country. It is just full of corrupt cunts that steals the citizen's money
I'm Black and yes I'm glad I was born in America the land of opportunity. No I don't walk around with a chip on my shoulder about anything.
The problem is that Whites who think like this are basically saying "don't complain about jim crow,the kkk, being treated as a second class,ect because if slavery didn't happen you would still be in Africa." That doesn't excuse your inhumane treatment of us.
That's like saying "When will WHITES admit that if it weren't for hordes of muslims raping their women and children by the thousands at the hands of Globalist kikes who want to exterminate you would still be living in the horrible E.U. instead of leaving it and having FREEDOM.
Wew fpbp
the wire sucked ass
First Sunday of never. You might as well expect gratitude from a snake.
Women are no better. Forget the mudhuts---had it been left up to them we'd still be living in the jungle.