How did Sup Forums come to decide that the Jew was their enemy?
Genuinely curious
How did Sup Forums come to decide that the Jew was their enemy?
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Because when you look at any problem the US working class is facing and then find what's behind it and look at the leader of the group, the last name is usually "berg".
Anti-racist is code for anti-white.
Then I started noticing all of the (((coincidences))) when it came to bylines.
No one decided this but the Jews. You act like we have a choice to stay wage slaves and participate in globalist funded world wars
probably stormfags. I think the Jews' purpose on this earth is misunderstood. A lot of the things they do are pretty good.
Spot on
Spotted the Jew.
Next time don't use words like "Purpose" and "misunderstood"
You may as well say "Froynlaven Goyysss!"
That didn't take long
Jews are only mid-high level, they're not the ultimate centerpiece of this global conspiracy.
lurk more
>How did Sup Forums come to decide that the Jew was their enemy?
I'd like to think that's because most people read The Culture of Critique but I know that's not true.
That book needs to be required reading for high school students.
Lemme give you a basic gestalt
Jesus was not a Jew. During His lifetime, no persons were described as "Jews" anywhere. That fact is supported by theology, history and science. When Jesus was in Judea, it was not the "homeland" of the ancestors of those who today style themselves "Jews". Their ancestors never set a foot in Judea. They existed at that time in Asia, their "homeland", and were known as Khazars. In none of the manuscripts of the original Old or New Testament was Jesus described or referred to as a "Jew". The term originated in the late eighteenth century as an abbreviation of Judean and refers to a resident of Judea, just as the term "Texan" signifies a person living in Texas.
In spite of the propaganda effort of the so-called "Jews", they have been unable to prove in recorded history that there is one record, prior to that period, of a race religion or nationality, referred to as "Jew". The religious sect in Judea, in the time of Jesus, to which self-styled "Jews" today refer to as "Jews", were known as "Pharisees". "Judaism" today and "Pharisaism" in the time of Jesus are the same.
Jesus denounced "Pharisaism"; hence the words, "Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites, Ye Serpents, Ye Generation of Vipers".
The Pharisees, or ashkenazi as we know them, were the temple of Set, of Satan.
The pharisees that murdered Jesus didn't do so because they thought he was false.. they all knew he was who he was and they did it anyway. He even said it in the Gospel. That's why the talmud has references to pagan gods like Molech.
In fact, the story of Exodus is now known to be war propaganda and the exact opposite occurred - the ancestors of the jews were probably the Hyksos who invaded Egypt as merchants and beggars, worked their way to the top of Egyptian society through corruption and nepotism, then took over and changed policies to favor themselves and harm the natives until they got kicked out.
Jews were jewing 4,000 years ago.
Because, the bluepilled faggots on this board have deluded themselves into the belief theres an invisible safety net where the elite have a plan. They cant come to terms with the randomness of the world and instead turn to a belief that "Jews control the world" why? Because they'd rather believe a lie and feel comfortable than live in the real world.
Jews are just historically the best scapegoat, small population, misinformation about the religion ETC.
I read the opinions and ideas and news of American jewish writers working at ie National Review and for Israeli publications
When the jew decided that the white man was its enemy
If you pretend to care about people, how can you forget how many arabs have died in the past 20 years for Irsael? 1.5 million at least.
Here's another tasty redpill. Jews and Arabs hate each other right? No. Arabs are Jews. Look up the origin and the name of the house of Saud.
Here's some more info.
>Ataturk and Saud are both jews
>The Jewish Roots Of The House Of Saud Family Tree
>Ultra-Secret Conspiracy in the Middle East Revealed: The Donmeh, the Wahhabi and Zionism’s Sephardic Jewry
>The House Of Saud: It’s Jewish Origin And Installation By The British Crown
>Two Old Foes Unite against Tehran
>The Alliance Between Israel and Saudi Arabia
There is literally nothing that this Luciferian cult hasn't lied to you about.
greatest story never told
>Jews are merely a scapegoat. They in fact did nothing wrong.
>Jesus was not a Jew.
The hell he wasn't
>age 30, he was single at living at home with his parents
>His father was a literal cuck
>worked in the family business
>Mother thought he was gods gift
He was Jewish, get over it
>so whats dreamland like?
bernie sanders shitting on white people but saying he's caucasian really pissed me off
No dice, that applies to Mexicans too, and he wasn't that either
Then why have they been booted out of over 100+ civilizations over the course of human history?
Hitler said so. Some think its edgy.
What did Hitler do wrong? Believe it or not, this isn't a meme question.
>only monotheistic religion at the time is Judaism
>jesus claims to be son of god, one god.
somebody is losing fucking ground here.
Yea, we chose for most our media to owned by Jews and for them to push degeneracy and anti-white propaganda
scapegoating again. Find a group to pin your problems on, never own up to reality sort of like how you are acting right now. You also want to ignore the fact Jews were scapegoated as causing the fucking bubonic plague, it really wouldn't be that surprising any major problem with civilization could be vilified the same way.
Judaism, the term as you know it today, did not exist in that understanding then.
Its evolved sure, but the fact still remains that the same scripture existed, the same initial belief system existed. Jesus was a jew sorry friendo.
the only jesus i ever met, actually was a mexican
No, it did not. It (((evolved))) into what the jews have rewritten. Judaism as ee understand it didn't exist, "jew" was not used in Jesus's time in any way related to race or religion.
Eff Pee Bee Pee
It's not like we got together and made some sort of random, conscious decision to brand the Jews our eternal enemy.
We researched everything that's been going on in the world over the last century, came to the same conclusion, and wound up here.
You're mixing up the causality of this whole situation.
any proof of "wreriting". again the only monotheistic religion was judaism, eith christian believe in polytheism or jesus was a jew. Yes, the phrase jew as you so eloquently observed wasnt the phrase they used, oddly enough thats why etymology. some ancient hebrew word meant Judaism back then, again hes still a jew.
clearly your "research" was piss poor.
once you recognize the pattern - you can't unsee it
once you bluepill yourself into a pattern you cant see reality inherently.
>some ancient hebrew word meant Judaism
Not worth the time ATM, try looking up idk like "ancient words for judaism" or similar im sure youll turn some results.
18 million unique users visit Sup Forums monthly. Sup Forums is one of the largest boards here, but let's make a conservative estimate on the number of unique posters on Sup Forums: 2 million.
Let's say half that number is shills, and the other half are people who are MUCH more likely to agree with the statement: "Jews are a negative force in the world."
That's a million people, per month, all making the exact same mistake in the exact same way while researching entirely different things (who decides which movies get the greenlight? how is the value of money determined? what percentage of my red cross contribution is being directly used for charity work?).
A million different people, going down dozens of different paths and topics of research, all united by the fact that they have come to draw the same conclusion about why the world works the way it does.
And you think it's more likely that they've fallen victim to some sort of collective logical fallacy, instead of the much more likely option that they're all reacting to smoke billowing out of the exact same fire.
what if jesus was black guys? didnt think about that huh
mainstream media and film organizations push liberal agendas intensely. Most mainstream media and film companies are owned by Jews (you can look this up for yourself)
>any proof of rewriting
No. Find a source. Protip, it'll be really hard.
path to hell is paved with good intentions.
this entire post is just an appeal to popularity, so id be safe in assuming this is a logic fallacy.
>the world is either a 100% controlled experiment by elite forces or everything is chaotic and nobody can influence anything
>there is no middle ground
hate seeing this way of thinking. Not everything is controlled and the controllers are not made up of the entirety of a single demographic but that doesn't mean there aren't powerful and influential families that have manipulated and shaped global politics from behind the scenes.
>addressing a separate and monolithic pol
>telling us what we think
>"genuinely curious" = "be honest" = "Now That The Dust Has Settled"
The bible being the key word, shit like the book of Romans ETC. isn't in the old testament, the old testament however has retained mostly concurrency so its safe to say the belief systems of both still are highly similar.
>so it's safe to say
It's really not, though.
But this post is just the fallacy of composition, so am I equally safe in assuming that you are as prone to fallacy as I am, and perhaps not the ideal to judge to answer the question "Do Jews harm the world?"
I hate this Sup Forums and reddit shit.
Come watch tv and chat with Sup Forumslacks instead
Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, 2 “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat; 3 therefore, do whatever they teach you and follow it; but do not do as they do, for they do not practice what they teach. 4 They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear,[a] and lay them on the shoulders of others; but they themselves are unwilling to lift a finger to move them. 5 They do all their deeds to be seen by others; for they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long. 6 They love to have the place of honor at banquets and the best seats in the synagogues, 7 and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have people call them rabbi. 8 But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all students.[b] 9 And call no one your father on earth, for you have one Father—the one in heaven. 10 Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Messiah.[c] 11 The greatest among you will be your servant. 12 All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted.
So source user talking about Israel and Saudi Arabia being brother and sister makes a little more sense now after this.
But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you lock people out of the kingdom of heaven. For you do not go in yourselves, and when others are going in, you stop them.[d] 15 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cross sea and land to make a single convert, and you make the new convert twice as much a child of hell[e] as yourselves.
16 “Woe to you, blind guides, who say, ‘Whoever swears by the sanctuary is bound by nothing, but whoever swears by the gold of the sanctuary is bound by the oath.’ 17 You blind fools! For which is greater, the gold or the sanctuary that has made the gold sacred? 18 And you say, ‘Whoever swears by the altar is bound by nothing, but whoever swears by the gift that is on the altar is bound by the oath.’ 19 How blind you are! For which is greater, the gift or the altar that makes the gift sacred? 20 So whoever swears by the altar, swears by it and by everything on it; 21 and whoever swears by the sanctuary, swears by it and by the one who dwells in it; 22 and whoever swears by heaven, swears by the throne of God and by the one who is seated upon it.
Sup Forums is group autism on the internet
and the anti-jew side has better memes somehow
Well, i never made the claim that every individual visiter follows that mindset. my argument is rather that those who hate jews are the focal point of it. Sure, there is a generalization within the logic but, the intricacies in the though process between each individual "Redpilled" user has never been individual its the same regurgitated argument. so perhaps we are both prone to fallacy, but one is clearly more fallacious.
>How did we decide
They decided themselves. Picture related.
They talk about a rabbi winning an argument with God and it humbled him. That's the most blasphemous bullshit possible.
If you want the whole red pill, you gotta do your own research.
My suggestion, start with a banned book called "Behold a pale horse" by Bill Cooper. Then you will start to understand the position we're all in.
They control the porn industry, hoping to cuck you in to accepting that yes the women in your race LOVE other races except your tiny dicked self.
They have destroyed religions from inside out.
THEY want to control you and destroy religion, destroy the family unit, disperse us and divide us. Poison foods, water, air. But meanwhile, in Israel..... they are commiting war crimes and killing innocents, but nothing to see here, as they change the laws to circumvent UN crimes.
Do you understand that in their bible, they believe that they alone are Gods chosen children?? Let that sink in. What do YOU think they'd do to you, in order to speed things up that you should all perish early?
And I don't care who doesn't believe in this, as long as THEY BELIEVE IT, we are all fucked. It is really happening whether or not you want it to.
>Kicked out of every country for eons
my response
You're delusional.
If you're intellectually honest with yourself and don't come to the conclusion through logic and reasoning that the Jews are a cancer then you are brainwashed and don't realise it.
There are far too many coincidences.
Do your own research and you will come to this conclusion as well.
Perhaps, they are individuals some of which happen to have political beliefs that differ from that of your own.
Like seriously do the research.
I did not want to come to this conclusion but you have to due to the overwhelming evidence.
It's not about politics or individuals
It's about a small ethnic group of highly intelligent people that can blend in with white people working collectively to further themselves and their agenda at the expense of others. That's all it is.
Get familiar with Jewish surnames and look for them in positions of influence pushing their agenda. They are parasites.
Hot opinions here, but this is actually where I think you can find common ground regardless of political alignment. I'm a classical liberal and that probably makes me different from the rest of the board. However, history is important. Once you see the larger patterns, follow the money a bit, and learn how to recognize deep state and shadow governments it really helps make a lot of things apparent about each side.
Didn't some rapper say some shit like, "everyone is the jews nigger"
at this point theres really no argueing with you dude. confirmation bias meme thats all im gonna say on this one.
Yes, B.O.B did say that, along with claiming the earth is flat and the antichrist is upon us.
Now, im aware this word is a little bit taboo on here, but the fact is every race takes part in corruption, perhaps individual jews did so more frequently, but it still loops around to individuality not some hive mind.
The Jews are behind the modern left.
Most of the left's idealogy today is a Jewish construct designed to destroy western civilization.
can i ask for some evidence to support that claim?
It's not a hive mind.
It's a collective of individuals bound by ethnicity and religion with the same shared agenda.
It's not confirmation bias dude.
Open your eyes and mind.
How is it confirming a pre existing bias that I held if I didn't want to come to the conclusion that I did?
Why is it so hard for you to grasp that a group working towards common shared interests at the expense of everyone else exists?
Read the Talmud.
You're one of those idiots that actually believes the meme that Islam is a religion of peace as well right?
>Ye Serpents
In Genesis it was a Serpent that lead Eve to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge.
Jew bastards been at it since the beginning.
there's this dude called Hitler, look him up.
Frankfurt school. Look at the members and their ethnic background.
I could cite numerous sources but I'm half asleep at this point.
Just look at where the idealogy comes from and there while be a Jewish man behind it.
I've worked with Jews that started playing Jewish tricks as well.
Their religion basically teaches them how to fuck non Jews over by rationalizing that non Jews are basically cattle
yea thats what we call a hive mind mentality.
anyone that can reach the conclusion "BUT MUH JEW ELITE" is already pretty fucked.
The talmud, now i am married to a jewess so i have been to my fair share of services and seminars ETC. The talmud is more or less a group of ancient jewish pseudointellectuals arguing. its not the smoking gun you guys seem to portray it as. in reality its more of a book regarding what the best way to herd sheep is, along with riveting content like how to properly make bread. I encourage you to read the whole talmud, and tell me how horrible it was.
No, islams teachings are fucked. mostly because the culture that exists in the middle east hasnt allowed for a western reformation which leads to attacks, and internal shit like the murder of farkhunda or otherwise. Tl;dr my stance on islam is pretty much kraut and tea's.
The eye at the top of the pyramid is Lucifer.
yes, an individual group of dumbasses, thats just a composition and division fallacy all at once.
Jews are naturally more intelligent and generally superior, therefore they tend to be at the top of their field, whatever it might be. This is way their are many prominent Jewish politicians (both left and right wing), lawyers, doctor, scientists, etc. Ashkenazi Jews have an average iq 15 higher than whites, the same as the average difference between whites and blacks. So when you see the stormfags complaining about the (((Jews))), remember that it is akin to the nigger complaining about how "whitey is keeping him down"
It took the redpill
what the fuck? another pro-kike thread tonight?
>jews dindu nuffin
fuck off.
Again, ive been to jewish services, and am a member of a fucking synagogue. Ive never once been told the message "the goyim oy vey they been animals" because. Describing people as animals is fucking stupid, and judaism has westernized. Heres my advice to you, actually attend a jewish service, go to a synogogue and sit through a friday night service, or really any service. what you will see is an innocuous faith.
Jews chose, not Sup Forums
> kraut and tea
Stage 4 terminal cancer
Fags like him shit up their countries and run away
Now he's moving here
>I am married to a jewess
There you go
they are still very tribal and take care of their own, yes?
seems to be contrary to what they peddle in the MSM. pay attention to what they do, not what they say.
Interesting story. Source? I'd love to read more
That's really the problem. The guy you see going to synogauge isn't even close to the head of the hydra. It's only when you see the heads that you recognize how similar they are.
No, that guy you know that lives in your neighborhood is not part of the zionist illuminati, holy shit. But that doesn't mean you should let that be your own personal confirmation bias, as you accused user of, when you do your own research.
I have read the talmud, by the way.
yes, everybody that doesnt believe your rigid world view fucks up the country. flawless logic there. uniformity of thought, no longer just a liberal thing.
Yea, so i actually know far more about the jewish faith then you do inherently.
Nope, not really its a community but no more so than a church or alcoholics anonymous.
Dude I am a Jew lol
A self hating one because I see what it really is. It disgusts me how my race uses their superior intellect not to further mankind but only their own interests at the expense of all.
You don't really know what it's like because your not really one of us.
You're too biased to see things as they are.
Really ask yourself the question. "Why do I think the things that I think and why?"
You have been subjected to Jewish propaganda your entire life.
Think about it.
I really hope you have you have the ability to challenge your beliefs. Most people don't.
I wish you the best man.
I wish I wasn't so drunk and tired right now or I could make a much better argument with sources etc..
Everything you know is a lie.
So, the majority of jews dont do anything, arent taught the evil hydra ways. yet all of them are at fault. give me a fucking break.
I'm kind of jumping through threads here, so if Cooper's Behold a Pale Horse hasn't been mentioned it to yet, that's a really good read. I'm pretty sure you can find it online. Otherwise, there's tons of videos out there on the history of Judea