GOP close to constitutional conventions


Other urls found in this thread: many states are needed to ratify an amendment to the constitution&*

2018 will be the end for those fuckers.

The Democrats are gonna have a hard time for the next 100 years. I wonder if the average libshit even knows how hard their party is fucked?


What would even get passed?

Use your imagination user. Anchor babies could get BTFO

probably a bad thing. GOP would try to do social issues like abortion and gay marriage, or try to enshrine protection of Israel in the constitution.

They'd either get everyone to hate the GOP while getting nothing done, or they'd do some serious god damn damage.

The good amendments that you all want would never come close to being considered.

The first constitution to be written entirely by lobbyists. ALEC probably has a new constitutional already drafted and being shopped around the hill. Will probably be as verbose and complicated as Dodd-Frank. Hooray America!

Proof there is a god one more seat to ending this Babylon liberals have created.

Repeal the whole thing

Trump GodEmperor for life, passed to the first child of current wife (Barron) upon his death

Yes this would be great. It would ensure whites retain power in this nation forever. They could roll back voting rights to those who pay taxes and contribute in one way or another (military service), they could end the federal government imposing social agendas (no more tranny bathrooms), put in strong provisions to restrict immigration to only those who will contribute (if you need government assistance you can't come), make English the official language and Christianity the official religion, give states more rights and so much more. We need to find elections in states that are winnable and focus on getting this. This will truly make america great again. Any other new ideas of what could be done to amend or add to the Constitution?? This is getting me SO excited.

Aw man, I love mints.

Repeal the 17th when?
No representation without taxation when?
Jus sanguinis when?

I personally don't think the GOP would do anything that bad with the constitution. I personally am a libertarian who supported Trump.

Isn't 2018 supposed to be insanely in favor of GOP too?

Fuck Donald Trump, fuck white people, fuck Hitler, fuck Western civilization, fuck white culture and most importantly - FUCK Sup Forums

Fuck yeah! Overturn Amendments 13,14,15, and 19 unopposed!

14th amendment BTFO

Nice, right to self-defence and voter IDs should be constitutional laws.

Yes. Dems have a lot more seats at stake and they arent in deeply loyal states like the Gop seats.

It definitely is if the liberals keep up the same bullshit that got Trump elected, and right now we have every indication that they will.

If we repealed the 14th amendment and retroactively cast out a few years of spic rats, the DNC would literally cease to exist.

This is our chance to permanently redefine our culture. With an ultra-conservative SCOTUS any law that threatens our order could be struck down.

The danger is neocons. Trump needs to be very, very careful here.

I am praying that this happens. Whatever the case, the dems are fucked for a very long time. Hopefuly RBG gets popped by some psycho before the first 4 years are up so we got the supreme court nice and cucked.

>rewrite constitution that president can be president forever
>donald trump lineage until end of time

That doesn't mean Republicans control the other 37 states. A bunch of them are split.

Midterms always favor republicans because degenerate lefties are too stupid to realize they need to vote in midterms too.

How you you think we got so many states to begin with?

we need to ruin them in 2018 at all costs

we cannot become complacent, we must de kike america

a constitutional amendment banning a socialist form of government

>yfw Birthright citizenship abolished and retroactively revoked for any anchor babbies born in the last 30 years

considering you would need all 50 states to pass a new amendment, it's never going to happen again

Maybe they will pass the first and second ammendments.

Trump should cast the neocons out of the party permanently. They should all honestly have a (D) next to their names.

Its great how the GOP is almost has 3/4 of state legislatures but that only means they can propose an amendment. In order to pass amendments they need to get 3/4 of the delegates in the conventions which are elected from the popular vote (all voters).

Am I missing something? many states are needed to ratify an amendment to the constitution&*

you're making us look bad user

If digits 19th amendment gets repealed.

I'd be fucked.

I hope they elect ellison.

>considering you would need all 50 states to pass a new amendment

The already elected Perez.

That sounds very scary


no no no no

I do not want any contemporary modifying that document in any way. They will fuck it up.

As democrats get darker they become even more incompetent, they're like the ANC.

Its 3/4 of the states not 3/4 of the delegates

35 actually is the magic number of states needing to ratify a constitutional amendment.

BUT you still fucking need a super majority (67 in the Senate, 2/3rds in the House) to finalize the creation of a new amendment. And even on a good day, the GOP won't be able to muster THOSE numbers after 2018

hopefully this, but socialism comes in moderate policy that wouldn't be easily targeted to ban.

feels good pepe.jpg

This makes me hard. All my family was here long before USA founded. 5x grandfather was Captain in Virginia militia.

>Trump should cast the neocons out of the party permanently. They should all honestly have a (D) next to their names.

D for deceased?

No pls, I've already been fucked once

start packin paco

>and even on a good day, the GOP won't be able to muster THOSE numbers after 2018
>Trump won't win the GOP Primary
>Trump won't win the General

add communism and marxism to that list.

I'm sure those republicans are eager to pass dumb shit and good shit

Well I have been seeing a big push on the left's side to get people out for midterms. I was watching Millie Weaver's latest video at the degenerate dance party and they were talking about midterms.


Damn it.

Either way, it'll be hard to pick up that turd (dnc) from the clean end regardless of which radical leads them.

The problem isn't the constitution. The problem is nobody is fucking following the constitution

Except conservatives want to conserve the constitution. Projecting?

It's impossible to look that far ahead.

I thought the Republican Party would have a hard time winning again after McCain and Romney lost. The "Blue Wall" looked insurmountable.

But that's because no one was predicting a candidate like Trump.

Democrats will figure somethjng out as well. The first gay trans POC deathfat differently abled polyamorous demisexual candidate might do the trick. Or maybe Beyonce will run.

I don't think either party will die off for a long time.

I think what would damage the left the most would be a mandatory sunset provision for every law, past or future. Imagine a constitutional amendment which makes all laws expire 12 years after they pass, or for laws already on the books, 12 years after the passage of the amendment? Imagine how much the government would shrink if Democrats had to repass every law ever written?

Or what about an amendment removing the "general welfare" clause, and restricting the federal government's authority over interstate trade to actual goods moving across state lines as was intended. Bam, there goes the justification for 80% of the federal government's existence.

Or an amendment updating the language of the second amendment, making it clear that the government is forbidden from any law which in ANY WAY inhibits a citizen from obtaining or carrying a firearm, including burdensome taxes. An amendment that enshrines our right to open carry, concealed carry, or whatever the fuck we want because SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED apparently isn't clear enough.

>Trump will not preside over the Final Constitutional Convention that makes him Emperor for Life and expels all Jews that are not related to him by marriage from the country

well your pic says 3/4 of state *legislatures* can ratify the amendment, and that the ratifying convention has only happened once, for the 21st amendment.

I take that back the 19th amendment was a mistake

Well for one thing they could pass an amendment to stop anchor babies from ever being a thing.

Like require at least one parent to be a citizen or at least be a permanent resident.

Birthright citizenship should not be a thing anymore. It made sense when it was passed but not anymore.

I want to dream but I am afraid of being hurt

>Mandatory flat tax.
>Maximum level of total taxation.
>No double taxation allowed ever.
>Pass though taxation of corporate earnings.
>Requirement to agree to medical sterilization as a condition of receiving welfare payments.

The list is endless. You just can't imagine how hard this would BTFO of commies forever.

They might be able to eak out a 2/3rds majority but even if they sweep the Senate elections, they will fall short by 1-2 votes in that house of Congress

It should only count if both parents are legal permanent residents. So if you are an american citizen and you fuck some illegal spic chick her kid still isn't an American citizen. Ditto if you are a slut and let some illegal spic stick his cock in ya'


The ratifying convention is only one method, the amendment can also be ratified by Congress and the state legislatures.

Pic is confusing, it is:
(1)conventions in each state AND national convention of the states
(2) 3/4 of legislatures AND 2/3 of Congress

1000 year Reich

You know it really pisses me off that the only thing really standing in Trump's way at this point is neoconservative motherfuckers, the Dems are, and maybe always were, a bunch of chucklefucks, but these deep staters are the real enemy.

Yeah that makes sense.
The main thing is to get rid of birthright citizenship. That's what causes so many problems.

When people from China fly over to have their kid and get free citizenship for the little shit you know there's a huge problem.

Don't even need to change the constitution for that.
A conservative Supreme Court can easily rule, per the author of the 14's own words, that birthright citizenship does not apply to the children of aliens, ambassadors, or anyone else not under the legal jurisdiction of the United States.

Your going to give guns to black kids?

also throw in an amendment backing up the 2nd with a few underlines under SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED

It's funny, the neocons were only there as controlled opposition for the Left, but the Left became completely dependent on then. Trade the cucks out for someone like Trump and the Left is completely lost. Their only hope is if the neocons can get back in power.

I feel ya. The dems are practically Saturday-morning cartoon villains at this point; they can't do shit. We'd be home free right now if it wasn't for the traitors

digits confirm a goodbye to the 13th

I think it's like 23 Dem seats up and only 9 Republican.

I can see a higher turnout for Dems if those at town halls whining actually go out an vote.

Eh I don't know about that. That's a pretty scary precedent to set of warping the words of the Constitution.

>Democrats will figure something out as well.

One of the big problem that Democrats have right now is a serious lack of talent. The progressive sjw policies is scaring all of their white talent and their minority talent is propped up with affirmative action. The would really need to pull a rabbit out of the hat to get back into shape.

That and stop the goddamn Trump induced tantrums

They're suffering a major crisis as their existing "blue dog" democrats retire or die, their only saving grace is that their party basically has no mechanism for the voters to influence it, their primaries are rigged and a corrupt cabal essentially runs the party hence Perez as chair even though the average democrat is probably sick to death of Clintonites.

Of course when Perez blows 2018 I think they'll probably go full retard, pic related is their "target" seats with the 2016 margins of victory. They're just outright lying to their donors about their chances now.

I'm sure another privileged white Dem candidate will turn off minorities. A Mexican would turn off blacks.

>What would even get passed?
Marriage is only between a natural born man and woman
The government only recognizes biological sex at birth
no personal or corporate income tax rate above 30% except in times of Congressionally declared war
abortion is murder
the list goes on and on. basically everything the republicans want

>paid protestors
>reflecting the actual public
It's gonna be another trump election style BTFO if they keep up with their insanity

but that makes me wonder... what if they WANT the republicans to win?
What if Soros is playing 5D chess to MAGA by using liberals to show how insane they are

Eliminate birthright citizenship. Only the children of citizens have citizenship.

Restrict the vote to born citizens. Naturalized immigrants do not get to vote.

Could they make it retroactive though? That would really make a difference, but turn many off from the vote.

>considering you would need all 50 states to pass a new amendment
cmon mods, this warrants a ban. please kys

No, you can't take away citizenship. The only way that would be possible would be if the supreme court ruled so like this
guy said.

GOP needs 3/4 of the states not delegates

Seems like they're slowly falling in line. McCain and Graham are making a scene. Kasich is saying "trust the pilot".

That's not true. The states can on their own call a constitutional amendment independent from congress.

It's never actually happened before though. All amendments so far have been done starting with congress. But it is possible to bypass them.

You don't need an amendment for that, you just need a judge willing to challenge the activist bullshit that weaseled birthright citizenship into our laws in the first place.

repeal the 13th!!

I'd love a constitutional amendment that would ban no work welfare for physically and mentally fit individuals.

I'd love a constitutional amendment clarifying that only citizens, visa holders, green card holders receive due process.

Everyone else gets a bullet to the head.

The constitutionality of birthright citizenship seems dubious in the first place, didn't one of the framers explicitly say that it doesn't apply in the case of non-citizen parents? Also "our posterity" clearly doesn't include random foreigners that have entered the country somehow.

Every single Constitutional Ammendment after the Bill of Rights has been a disaster, moving us further and further away from the intent of the Founders.

People need to leave that document the fuck alone.

Ten of the Dem seats are in places Trump won bigly, only a couple of the Rep seats is in a place he lost. The Dems are fucked.

There is not right and left at the moment, that's a ruse now.

It's #realpedostate or not. That's what's up. That's why everything is fucked.