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She needs to be deported

>more bullshit fake news
lol nope - they are being paid by russia to make him look like a """puppetmaster""" lol the MSM is such trash. Nobody watches it or believes it anymore.

They've been bitching about this since the election. What makes this any different?

>RUSSIA planted the emails on his computer!

This is so pathetic.

>Russia is the cause of every bad thing that happens

This is pathetically retarded

There's not a chance in hell she has any credible evidence of that.


> (OP)
>She needs to be deported

To a psychiatric ward.

>Russia hacked Podesta's emails and gave them to Wikileaks
>Russia planted the emails on Weiner's computer
>Russia funds Marine Le Pen and the National Front
>Russia literally hacked the voting machines, even though the company that makes them is owned by Soros
>Russia hacked Obama voters, forcing them to stay home on election day
>Russia hacked the media, forcing them to discredit themselves by being blatant partisans
>Russia hacked the Hillary campaign, forcing them to ignore rust belt voters
>Russia stole one sock from my laundry and now I have a single sock without a mate
>Russia made my chicken smell bad, now I have stomach flu
>Russia hacked my wife, and she had a black baby
>Russia hacked my bank account, making me chronically unemployed
>Russia hacked my social skills, making me an unlikable, shrill, loser

This narrative is bizarre and makes zero sense, and seems to be nothing new. What's the story here?

What's her source? Is there confirmation?

Not sure if satire.

That's how bad it is.

News networks have reached their absolute nadir this past couple of years.

fire up those ovens lads

>>Russia made my chicken smell bad, now I have stomach flu

So... Trump won't start ww3?

Shit did Breitbart also pay Russia to hack wieners phone and sext a 15yo so That his computer could be seized as evidence by the FBI

Fucking (((Mensch)))

Oh and I forgot
>Russia hacked Muslim immigrants into raping and rioting
>Russia hacked leftists into rioting and burning cars at universities

The left is fucking retarded. Holding up retarded conspiracy theories only makes them look more unhinged. Alex Jones has a more coherent worldview than the typical liberal who believes Russia is the cause of all wrongdoing in the world.

I must be missing something... is she saying that this is tomorrow's story or just bullshitting?

Have I missed some FBI happenings on the Clinton email case or something?

bitch is having a breakdown

a fantastic test to see how brainwashed people are.

anyone who ends up believing this is hopeless... cut them out of your life completely.

That 15 year old girl was a Russian spy and entrapped Weiner with her wily underage feminine wiles!


They also brainwashed him to send the dick pics too.

>Louise 'Batshit' Mensch types words
Strategy: Ignore

Absolutely un-fucking-believable bullshit.

Unprecedented bullshit, right here, right now.

of course. duh.

Who is this Russia guy and why is he planting emails?

Ya I'm pretty sure their losing their mind with
> much hikkary dindu nuffin
> banon is literally Voldemort and Hitler

Witnessed and checked...

He operates under the alias Pho Chan.

This is beyond bizarre and pathetic. Logistically, it doesn't even make sense that Russia planted DNC emails on his computer, how would they even accomplish that?

>the replies
lefties have turned into Sup Forumsacks
charts and all

This is some of the dumbest conspiracy theory shit I've ever seen. I'd believe aliens built the pyramids before garbage like this. Get your shit together liberals, damn.

Trump has already accepted the intelligent's community position that Russia hacked the DNC.

Yet we're supposed to assume that is where Russia's attempt to influence the election ends?

I had no idea Russia was so mean until recently

They accomplished it the same way they hacked all those voting machines that aren't even connected to anything online, with pure fucking magic.

She also claims that Bannon had Andrew Breitbart assassinated.

Bruh I saw a chick at my uni wearing a maga hat shit made my dick go diamonds. The prospect of me Jamal Shazeer Jabda bending that fine white ass over a counter and giving her my superior,brown, curry drenched cock almost made me forget how infidel you are.


You forgot Russia hacked your car and you could not pickup up in time lil Jamal, your wife's son, from his ballet class.


Fuck Donald Trump, fuck white people, fuck Hitler, fuck Western civilization, fuck white culture and most importantly - FUCK Sup Forums

>Trump has already accepted the intelligent's community position that Russia hacked the DNC.

Maybe he says that but does he believe it... I have my doubts.

Who is this woman and why is ever lefty nobody getting a verified tag?

That shit used to mean something

I really hope we start teaching Occam's Razor in schools, this is so nonsensical to the point of self-parody.

I can't reveal my sources but I know for a fact that Vladimir Putin was driven across PA and MI voting for Trump at voting station after voting station in blackface.

stop being bad people?

At a certain point this must be considered spam.


In the 1940's young men went and died on a god forsaken beach in the name of liberty. Now in 2017 war has changed... meme wars they called them.

She's just mocking the left, r-right?

But user, I thought War never changes?

(((anthony weiner)))


I can't wait till they hang in the streets.

That has more to do with the DNC's pathetic computer security.

If Russia had this level of access, why wouldn 't they put hard evidence of even worse shit, like making a hardcore child pornography ring.

Prove it.

Reminder that ((((Louise Mensch)))) is a literally schizophrenic filthy, filthy, FILTHY jewess.



>Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself - Sun Tzu

MSM is sure dumb as fuck.


If you just accept that they're building a narrative to justify a civil war, none of this is confusing.

One of my sources said you will kill yourself soon.

Repeal 19th amendment. America improves almost immediately.


What baffles me so much, is they can't accept the fact he won. It just shows how immature the liberal mind really is, a bunch of spoilt, crying babies. It really makes them look pathetic. And through all this juvenile behaviour, its making their party even weaker and more fragmented.

They really are massive losers.

>Get your WH card pulled for fake news


Really makes my spurs jingle jangle jingle desu.

Who the fuck is this cunt?

Someone ask her about Seth Rich.

Women shouldn't be allowed to talk about wars they won't get drafted to fight in.


Every fucking time.

The worst part is she isn't even really Jewish. She married a Jew and desperately wants to be Jewish, so she compensates by overindulging in Jewish Russophobia.

Next the (((msm))) will say "muh Russia set up the servers in Hillary's bathroom". Fucking incompentent jews.

If this shit is tomorrow's story, then that means the arrests are coming.

Seaman shoahing his accounts might make sense if the arrests are inbound. Hoo buddy.

guys what if CNN is working for Russia it all makes sense now

B-but the womyn get the worst part of war!! They sons die, their husband dies!!! Womyn are the victim

It's like when a child writes fanfic and just plops unrelated characters together because he likes or hates them.
>Steve Bannon did this ... together with Vladimir Putin ... and Vladimir Harkonnen!

oh shit it's dat socialist!
waddup comrade!

They can say almost anything they want at this point, the public has tuned out. If they try to fearmonger the Dems into open revolt they'll just get fucked and they know it.

But who made him talk to minors?


Even worse than that. When Hillary's crimes are finally exposed (((they))) will claim it wasn't really Hillary but by a Doppelgänger deployed by Putin's people.

Breitbart/Bannon/Twinkletoes are all scumbags.

What a pathetic and embarrassing example of so-called Americans, much like our cowardly bigoted rednecks.

>Conservative. Feminist. Optimist. Patriot.
Is she just not just meming badly?

>Not sure if satire.
It has to be. No way in hell will this be passed off as real news.....I know their customer base is suffering, but goddamn MSM this is not even close to a good idea. Next thing you know Barron is trained in "cyber" by KGB and personally did the transfer of emails.

It's like these retards are trying to be purged.

This can be dismantled using single words.


If anyone with a brain would be convinced of this they would need very specific answers to all 4 of those.

Free speech was a mistake

Words hurt? Need safe spaces where these mean words don't make ur pee-pee hurt?

No, women's right to vote was the mistake.

Russia hacked the Comet Ping Pong /protected directory and planted the child porn there too right? Oh wait those massive .zip files are literally nothing.
Podesta sending an image of a small girl in a file named pizza.jpg is because the Russians were using ELF technology and it wasn't really him right?
Trump's tweet of a "fast trial, death penalty" for the "[massive network of] perverts" can't have rang a million alarm bells in the pedosatanist shadow government, right? Drumpf btfo right haha

This will be how the mainstreaming of the pedo rights movement begins, so says kek.

HAHAHA, Trump is WAAAAAY too dumb to play ball with the CIA/FBI and win. A dumbass half-wit like he is has no business in the same ballpark as experts.

This is so damn funny.

seems legit


neocons like this should be taken out and shot in the back of the head, thats just irresponsibly dangerous.

thats like creating a military alliance with Taiwan and putting troops there, its an one way street to war

Oh shit son. I'm stealing this lol

Oh COME ON... even the most die hard of Hillary supporters isn't going to swallow this one.