he made a rambling live vid last night talking about it while hammered but its down now, ITS HAPPENING
Alex Jones being sued over pizzagate
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Do you have a single source to back that up?
his video he deleted from last night
Fake news
found it
Pizzagate has nothing to do with Alex Jones other then he had an Opinion about it and he is a loud mouth.
they are trying to silence him, Chinese style net censorship, its already here.
Is it true jones married a hooker recently?
>Is it true jones married a hooker recently?
I heard on CNN that Jones gave Trump a bj on airforce one for a press pass.
everybody you hate is secretly fucking a trap/hooker
David Seaman has also deleted all of his Youtube videos and shut down his Twitter. One of his supporters was also banned from Twitter.
Really? That's fucked.
Gonna be interesting
All part of the Illuminati plan.
It has been preordained.
This shits real. Podesta got a job with WashPo and immediately did an interview blaming Alex Jones like he invented PG.
Some bullshits dropping as we speak.
I'm wondering when they try to squeeze Rogan.
(You) Fuck ALEX JONES, fuck white people, fuck Hitler, fuck Western civilization, fuck white culture and most importantly - FUCK Sup Forums
Well they dont have any ground to stand on so its nothing to worry about.
They can be buthurtt about Alex Jones all day but it does not change the facts.
It was other people who started the Pizzagate stuff.
the whole alien thing was a ruse!
someone posted sensitive legit stuff, and they used the aliens to cover up the fact that they had to delete hours of archives.
podesta tweeted #thetruthisouthere before this whole thing...what if he meant the TRUTH was out there? not alien truth..the we-are-comprimised-truth.
Instead of having pol dig into what had been posted, they shilled that "lmaos" are posted and sent many to x instead. making time to go through the archive.
I thought the same thing. Glad the mods shut them down quick.
This. Pizzagate wasn't his doing