Tired with the waves fascism. Any pro-liberty people around?
Trying not to go crazy here with the national socialists. Any libertarians or free thinkers out there left?
Fuck yes man I hate all those fucking nazis on pol. We use to be libertarian!
Millsian classical liberal here. Subscribe to the Austrian School of economics, believe in unrestricted free speech, social liberty, property rights, minimum taxes in proportion to a minimal state.
Libertarian with mutualist leanings checking in.
Me. I want a big black cock to fuck my wife and I want the white race to be replaced by superior PoCs
Care to point out the fascism?
Enjoy your liberty with a shit ton of niggers and spics running around
You know what guys? Fuck this place. Want to join me on Reddit?
There is no small irony in the use of the 1984 meme "against" Trump -- a story about a bluepill whose job is to generate and edit fake news. Best object lesson in his favor.
Thank fucking bob. Seriously, what was once a vocal minority of fascists has taken over this board.
How about we talk about politically incorrect subjects on a politically incorrect board?
Trump is too much of an idiot to ever be big brother. That won't stop him from trying.
Um. The point is that he's not Big Brother -- he's the guy throwing the hammer through Big Brother's fake news telescreen in the original Macintosh ad. And he's smart enough to run circles around the actually idiotic "media".
What? I don't want to be a nazi!
Fuck off. Lolbertarianism is dead. Ever seen a rally? It's all white people, and whites are shrinking fast, just like your ideology.
You racists are ruining everything for us.
Only reactionary conservatism and the removal of leftists can achieve anything remotely libertarian in the long term. For now, you're just marxist internationalists who love low taxes.
>Pro liberty
Is that why he went too go fight for violent commies in Spain?
"what do you mean I need a permit" reporting
Also, libertarianism is just going to lead to degeneracy in the long term.
>widespread degeneracy took root because of freedom
Objectively incorrect
It was government schooling and government back initiatives that sunk us into this hole. The beatniks and hippies were concurrent with the growth of New Deal European style politics.
It was either commies or fascists. Both suck.
He was ideologically pro-liberty to the highest caliber, it just so happens that libertarian socialism is also probably not possible.
they are free to criticize and oppose. nobody is stopping them. it doesn't mean they are right or honest in doing so though.
Fuck nazis fuck commies 1776 is the true American way laissez faire boys.
Yes, commies are so much worse than fascist dictators.
Oh wait they aren't and only collapsed because western democracies led by Amerifat banded together to squeeze the life out of it.
I can always love liberty
emmanual goldstein led the brotherhood to implement ingsoc.
>emmanual goldstein
>emmanual goldstein
Liberty really just breeds a bunch of entitled special snowflakes tbqhwy. Oppression builds character. Left wing dictatorship is most based.
First off, leaf, second, nice ancap meme, third, libertarianism doesnt equal ancapistan.
ayyyyy here we go
all private errythang
desu fiduciary courts handled civil and financial matters in the 19th century better than government courts now.
Also federal officers in the west general worked on a pay basis anyway, and it was rare that someone wouldnt pick up the tab to track a criminal down.
youre actually wrong. Communism is legitimately the one system worse than fascism. Fascism at least works, unlike communism.
>implying the Soviet system was broken cause 'muh American imperialism'
The communists had access to half the worlds resources via the soviet union and a very willing global superpower. The system is just absolute shit.
>legitimately the one system worse than facism
Works fine for China lel
>Implying China isn't the new superpower while America is busy showing a 4 year season of the Apprentice.
Have you been to china? Its a fucking dystopia m8 they implemented capitialism cause communism doesnt work but made it an authoritarian hell hole, literal 1984, censor what you see and can do idk why any 1 would want to live that way. and yes they have become powerful, not a super power, their getting there dont get me wrong but their not a super power, not yet
>works fine for China
holy fuck are you serious? Mao was the biggest disaster in Chinese history, which is quite the fucking accomplishment.
China is absolute shit, they have whole cancer towns.
Every period of growth in China since the revolution has occurred during a period of liberalization
Also theyre not a super power, theyre a paper tiger inflated by American elitists as a way to trim margins. Without the American merchant and political class propping up their unnatural growth at the expense of the American people they would collapse, I shit you not, tomorrow. Even with that, it would take another several decades at the current rate for them to even approach super power status. let alone unseat the US.
Are you trolling or just actually smoking crack?
Liberty is the greatest lie ever told, be it noble or otherwise.
The only time it has ever worked was as a heavily structured and policed liberty enforced by social order and hierarchy, as the concept of shame dies out the rules of societies will have to be enforced physically and actively ic society can hopen to survive past the degradation of morality.
>China is absolute shit
>America stronk
Yes, keep reading that Fox news while the million man army marches on
Maybe it's the general laissez faire and non-aggressive attitude of libertarians that gets them fucked in the ass by every movement that has some kind of resemblance of virility. Even a pozzed transvestite with a strap on and Che T-Shirt has more determination and ability to organize than your typical autistic Rand fanatic.
Classical liberal reporting in.
Minarchist reporting.
>ignoring your own history because you only want there to be one answer to communism and social degradation and it happens to be a European ideology, and the second edgiest one ever conceived
Youd have to be braindead to be an American who is aware of his country's history and legitimately think that we were only free because of government.
China is absolute shit. Mao sent most of the country back to the fucking dark ages. Theyre shit today. The only thing keeping them afloat is massive American subsidies in the form of industrial exportation.
America is bar none the strongest country on earth. There is not a single nation nor feasible coalition of nations on the planet that could successfully wage an offensive war against the US, nor any singular geopolitical bloc that could defend against the United States if it was dedicated. Are you retarded?
Leave aside the massive pollution and blatant corruption in China. Leave aside the fact that despite having three times the population their armed forces only have 1 million more service members than ours. leave us aside the nearly half century technological advantage we have on them.
half the country is recently conquered land filled with malcontent ethnic minorities. Their baby boomers are old, and will die off within decades. Nearly all of their industrial base is in the processing of raw materials and they could never sustain a war machine. Their one advantage is in the civil engineering department and thats more for lack of trying than anything else on our part.
Europe is literally to blame for our current situation. Also I dont want to hear it from the country thats about to put Merkel in power... AGAIN.
>libertarians are shit
>America's great
Yeah we we're built by libertarians. Being led to ruin by the progressive march towards authoritarian.
Yeah, I'll totally vote for Merkel because of the flag above my post, that's why I'm spewing reactionary bullshit on Sup Forums that could cost me my job if it weren't anonymous.
>massive American subsidies in the form of Industrial exploitation
While America is so great it has rotten factories and literal cities going extinct.
>Strongest country on earth
Maybe 50 years ago. Right now you're the laughing stock of the world getting by with the fact that you're the world's reserve currency.
Losing influence all over the World to China and still think you're the 'greatest'
The middle east and Africa are already under China's influence. In time south america will follow.
>massive pollution and blatant corruption in China
Lets not throw stones at glass houses.
lol so fucking true. i used to be one in 2004. :[
Minarchist/Libertarian Trump supporter here. Fuck fascists
>China's baby boomers are old
The average age in china is 37.1
The average age in Amerifat is 37.9
If their boomers are old, yours are older retard.
That and they have 5 times the population. Which means a healthy, youthful workforce 5 times the size.
Wow its almost the movement you support is EVEN MORE neutered than what youre claiming we are.
Youre acting like American Patriots are incapable of organizing and fighting back and using that characterization to delegitimize our ideology. It sounds really fucking stupid when it gets thrown back at you right?
Libertarianism didnt roll over, we were forced at gunpoint to acquiesce to progressivism. Progressivism with its roots in European Cosmopolitanism. "A pozzed tranny etc etc"
Youre right, it doesnt have anything to do with the fact that separatists and militiamen were gassed and had their wives and children shot in the fucking head in the 90s right? Wow what a bunch of faggots, they dont want their fuking families murdered what queers.
Fuck yourself kraut.
Nein. Submit to the new order.
> Quotes George Orwell
> Literally author of 1984
> Literally about propaganda and news distortion
> Who literally said that the very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world and we'll be living in lies
Hate to break this to you user, but Orwell does not agree with you. Criticizing =/= spinning news and posting lies.
> aussiefag nonsense
ya okay m8.
>being taken seriously by anyone
Pick one
Libertarian/AnCap/AnCommie/Oligarchist here
What's up guys
1) from* glass houses you illiterate mongoloid
2) do you actually buy that shit? America is the strongest country on earth. No one with more than two brain cells to rub together disputes this.
>rotten factories and whole cities going extinct
Yeah, because globalists undertake policies that export massive amounts of American wealth overseas. The very same companies that export jobs get billions in corporate subsidies from tax money stolen from our pockets. No massive tax burden=nocorporate subsidies=no minimum wage jacks and regulatory state=no massive exportation of valuable jobs
that difference is between miniscule, firstly. Secondly, yes Americas baby boomers are slightly older. By less than 3 decades. That doesnt mean that their boom generation is young enough to fight.
Also of the 1.3 Bn people in china, nearly 100 mn are those malcontent ethnic minorities I mentioned early. People whom the Chinese ACTUALLY oppress, and treat with contempt in both government and society. You really think theyll fight or sit on their hands in the event of an actual invasion of mainland China? Since you know, China has no ability to project power and could not stop the US from executing such an operation.
Heres a little fun fact for you. The first largest AF in the world is the USAF. The second largest is the USN. Pic related its the formidable naval force china could array against us.
We send a carrier group near a region in the world and stop wars from ever happening. Youre fucking bonkers if you think we have any threats.
We don't have a say in anything since 1945, we're only a shitty carbon copy of you with Sauerkraut and Schnitzel trying to prove the world that we're good goys. Progressivism came from Europe, yes, so did many other things you would claim to be part of your identity, from capitalism to christianity to hamburgers. Also, it's about libertarians now, not that american frontier romanticism from the past before the Pinkertons ruined your day.
> Veins full of degenerate blood
> Country is too close to china
> wtf i hate america now
>america is the strongest country on earth
>launch wars against tiny countries and take decades to win
>leave when it becomes too politically inconvenient to finish the job and let literal cunts worse than the Taliban in charge
My fucking sides, China has seized all the power while you sleepy cunts are still in a deep american dream slumber. Your factories are finished and Industry is dead while China is busy investing in other countries and building infrastructure.
Nobody believes your terrible posturing anymore. Russia literally managed to send spies into your country and affect your elections.
''''''''''''''''''''Greatest Country in the World''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Y'all need meritocracy, the government should mandate high-level education for everyone in society
Classical liberal reporting. Jeffersonian.
Voted Trump, would've much rather had Rand.
Oh well. When people on this board unironically say they think the US should be an all white ethnostate, it's easy to pin them as underage or tinfoil degenerate. Just laugh and move on.
>People should be free to choose who they associate with
>The White House should be forced to let the press in
>hamburgers came from Europe
Hamburgers come from Chicago you mong
Also you still have a say in your own country. And your countrymen keep saying 'Merkel'. And those other things arent a result of toxic European cosmopolitanism. Progressivism is.
>Also, it's about libertarians now, not that american frontier romanticism from the past
I would disagree
liberty isn't the freedom for millions of spics to come here and vote for socialism
How is Justin Trudeau? What is Canada like?
>Russian hacking
discredited completely
Shouldnt have tipped your hand so soon you might have gotten a few more posts out of me.
>responding to actual points with 'nuh uh burger'
>expecting to be taken remotely seriously
I didn't say government played a role in liberty, I said common decency and morality are necessary for liberty. People need to set their own limits for it to work which is where shame and societal pressures come in.
With those gone liberty must be forsaken for the sake of society.
But Sargon is neither an Austrian nor a minarchist.
hes legitimately a Marxist and a Keynesian
t. Sargon fan
Sargon isn't an Austrian, he even admits to not being right wing.
He's basically just a liberal without the idpol
Or you could just stop the government from funding everything that asks for it and teaching our children bullshit.
You know.
I fail to see how more government is a valid solution to too much government.
Liberty is great in a 100% white country. Doesn't work in any other conditions
> justin
> canada
getting worse
Get back to tumblr you spotty faced bitch
Do people in Canada think he's related to Castro or is that batshit crazy?
Is the government going to pay for it? Then you get common core. Suddenly they have a vested interest in making sure everyone succeeds and their money looks well spent to justify the gravy train continuing.
Meritocracy only works from the top down, when a true reformer comes along and cleanses the bureaucracy.
>China has seized all the power
>Your factories are finished and Industry is dead
>China is busy investing in other countries and building infrastructure.
We've heard it all before, m8. give it a rest.
normies don't
it's not even his worst quality
Are there any campaigns we could push to de cuck you guys?
>kiddy diddler general
>implying the government would ever do as the people ask
kek, besides even with funding stopped the damage is done. In this period of cultural uncertainty we need to move really hard and far to the right, remove corrupting influences and then leave it to our children to mellow out without any of the impending threats to our cultures and our people.
You can't have your cake and eat it, liberty is fought for, orchestrated and maintained by morality and the social hierarchy, with it buckling you have to reinforce it rather than piling on more weight.
What is Hamburg, Germany?
Fucking this!
People naturally gravitate towards conservtive liberalism. My interest is in preventing a government capable of moving our society hard and far in any direction. I have 0 interest in instituting such a government only to find that the earth mover of the age happens to have communist sympathies.
>implying I cant have my guns and eat them too
The hamburger isnt called so because it was from Hamburg. Its called that because it was supposedly created by Germans in Chicago. There is virtually no believable source that traces the hamburger to europe.
It also needs to prevent Marxist thought so that said society doesn't get handed to Marxists.
Anyone here considered libertarian monarchism? Seems like it could be pretty decent
ya, here.
Lockean / Jeffersonian Purist
Honestly though, the natsocs arnt all that crazy. Their biggest flaw is that they believe morality can exist in absence of dogmatic belief.
why do you think libertarians would think the president shouldnt be able to screen the press?
We dont let the press walk around and talk to random people in NSA either. They can print whatever they like, that doesnt mean they get whatever access just because they ask for it.