Fuck Civic Nationalism

Libertarian Realist,Tea-Party, Alt-Right, Fascism, Christian Militia, Need To Join or Get BTFO.

>>Civic Nationalism is Cancer.

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But I don't like fascists.

They will see in due time... Not many people are as open minded as we are to the (((problem))) facing western civilization

No one does.

>says "fuck civic nationalism"
>tells fascists they need to get with the picture

What the fuck did I just read?

Civic nationalism: the webm


I'm fucking sick of you faggots strawmaning civic nationalists as cuckservatives and utterly misunderstanding the principles behind it. Especially when you ethno faggots start circle jerking like some faggot redditors. First off many civic nationalists understand that races are different. They are race realists and we don't want to flood our country with migrants and randies. Especially if they inherrently don't have a common culture. Second Most Civic Nationalists are American, because while mostly Europeans settled here (and it would be ideal if that kept happening) it's a land where everyone can thrive if they try and work hard. I understand if European countries wish to be ethno-nationalists and I accept that. But America is not an ethnic state. Next you fucking stormfaggots love to go
>gas the jews
>kill the spics
>lynch blacks
It won't fucking happen. That's the only possible way for America to be an ethnically (((white))) state. I say (((white))) because despite our same skin color, Germans are not the same as Anglos, who aren't the same as Scandinavians. They have a distinct culture and ideals. So quit with this bullshit that America was supposed to be a white only land. If that were the case they wouldn't have imported slaves by the thousands and they would've had a plan to send them back quickly. Understand that while I don't think civic nationalism is an ideal solution, I would rather force blacks and others to assimilate, stop leeching on hard working Americans, and start being good citizens that others will look up to. I don't want to even go and start sterilzing and killing the inferiors. While I think it's bullshit that we are all literally the same with different skin color, I do know they are still humans and it's wrong to kill them based on that. Civic nationalism is the last chance to force cohesion in a melting pot, wheter for good or bad, and keep our mighty nation strong.

There is no us and them. There are nationalists who are about the race and retarded shabbo goyim who are already conquered without knowing it.

If nothing else civic nationalism is the only path to ethno-nationalism

it's a stepping stone

How? Explain

>muh j00s
If anything,civic nationalism is against Jewish globalism as it encourages uniting under one culture and one flag rather than many cultures under many flags under one true flag.


America was a Pan-European ethnostate for the majority of its existence.

You are so ready for this OC.

Bannon Wants RAHOWA We Got are Marching Oder's

> i dont know anything about politics, the thread


There are too many minorites and women who go along with the racial equality groupthink for any white ethno-centric policy to be successful

They'll have to be tricked into thinking it's just civic nationalism until that's done in which case it will turn to full on ethnic-nationalism

Or at least that's how we should be convincing no-compromise 14/88ers to join the civic-nationalist cause



Why is civic nationalism cancer?

Used to be a christcuck SJW femibot. Now pro-segregation christcuck civic nationalist. Still not a supremacist but I see how it's closer than it used to be.

Because it's just the cuck equivalent of being ethno. Sure it's better than what we have currently, but it's basically saying
>well atleast there's no jews
The civics have so much potential if they just go deeper with the race issue.

Fucking this
You 1488ers need to realize two things:

>Mainstream American society will never get on board with white nationalism without first riding a wave of civic nationalism
>Civic nationalism trumps the jew globalists, who are the biggest enemy of white nationalism

Attacking civic nationalists just triggers a purity death spiral and fucks your own movement. Just be "Nationalism" for a while before tossing the "White" in there you fucking niggers

At this point I'm convinced pitting civic nationalism vs ethno nationalism is a shill tactic


Anything aside civic nationalism is the dream of an edgelord who has absolutely no self awareness when it comes to demographics and the political climate in this country.

You will never have a white ethnostate in America. You will never kick all the brown people out. You will never kick the black people out. You will never gain any ground on extreme right or fascist policies. You will never have far right policies when you guys are masturbating over a liberal centrist in conservative clothing like he was the second coming of Hitler.

The only thing you can hope for is to get the dipshits in this nation to accept they are one culture.

Anything else is just a divisive ploy to play everyone against each other.

Keep larping faggots it's all you're good for.

I know this will probably be taken wrong but I really don't mind spics and blacks but I just don't want to live near them. Still prefer them over a white leaf tho. What's the issue with that?

Nothing. What you seek is ethno nationalism. Living far away from all the shits. I don't call for fucking genocide but a ethnostate for whites.

I guess. But I don't need America to be that state. Montana would be good.

But what happens when all the shits start moving to montana?