Dear mainstream media.
Stop with the fake news.
Love from Philippines
Dear mainstream media.
Stop with the fake news.
Love from Philippines
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>this is what the most powerful race in the world looks like
My heart goes out to you pinoybros
How is the international media desestabilizing the phillilines?
wat appin
your country is fake
with fake news. Redditors think the Philippines is like North Korea and they don't believe that we support our president. they think we're being forced to.
Top kek
Good work Soros and fake news
When the left thinks Islam is peaceful, but based Pinoys are oppressed by a good guy
does the Philippines have judge dredd cops yet? that would be pretty dope.
haha get it, dope as in drugs haha
Who needs Dredd when you have free helicopter rides?
Will this be another Armenian Genocide? no one knows or talks about?
I hope not, that would be wack.
Love from Duterte
It's funny that when the people at /r/worldnews are shown the high approval ratings, they think Duterte somehow manipulated the media into publishing it, when every day our local and international media relentlessly publish nothing but fake news that put Duterte in a bad light (misrepresentations, lying by omission, etc).
To Duterte's credit, he's a sport about it. When asked if he'll ban certain news outlets and reporters, he said no, that's their prerogative and that it's free speech.
February 25, 2017 photos
>that's their prerogative and that it's free speech
Tell our liberals he said that, they will love to rub that in our faces for Trump not being like that
I don't think Sup Forums gives a fuck about you flips
I do
Enough to bump at least
good lookin dude on bottom left probably slays pinay pussy 24/7
no homo
Fucking kikes at it again. They don't like any right wing government anywhere in the world. FAKE NEWS
Guess you shouldn't have elected that lunatic.
You guys look like mexican asians.
Chinabro here.
Sorry for the SCS clashes.
I fucking hate the libs and the kikes.
Power to the people!
Praise Kek!
>getting invited to private dinners is free speech
wew lad
It's disgusting that the Western media tries to make Duterte out to be a monster.
I was working with a couple Filipino guys at the last company I worked for and they both loved Duterte, said their whole families loved Duterte. Cleaning up the country is a good thing. Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures which can include violence and physical force.
But in the libshit world we live in they can't accept that. Btw the Filipino guys told me you call them "yellowtards" because the liberal party color is yellow, is that right?
>Dear International Media: Stop destabilizing the Philippines.
The fuck? Trump hasn't banned outlets or reporters from the US.
Duterte is fucking badass
KEK will always remember AMos Yee...
Fun fact: The destabilization of Philippines has been here since the 80s and we became poor.
Well he isnt niggering it up by holding a mag under the handle of a revolver.
Well, looks like the new narrative is Duterte is another Marcos by the liberal party. It will backfire because those who spearheaded EDSA have shown to be more corrupt than the Marcos regime in the past 20 years.
>tfw the rich oligarchs demand Duterte to fund their EDSA ego masturbation session but didn't get it
How did Dutiti tame the local media?
Doing nothing but work. The local media and liberal party already showed their dirty laundry with the Maguindanao massacre and the history of unreported massacres by the Aquinos
Anyone hear anything about the Philippines lately?
Didn't think so.
Ummmmm he doesnt give the drug rapists fair trial, sounds like a dictator to me, you guys need a real free election tbqh
>even without the magazine he still practices trigger discipline
If nothing else, he's no warlord
STOOOP. Why are signs in English? Whom are you trying to fool?
Tha fuq?
What did he mean by this
Also, the only guy who promised to continue the reforms Ramos wanted to push, open liberalized market, federal system and such. Reforms that was repeatedly blocked by Cory.
I used to admire Trump but he's honestly a giant pussy compared to Duterte
Let's not go too far there, Nigel
Yellows on suicide watch?
Since Du30's rise. It's hilarious of them trying to connect him to Marcos when he won't fund taxpayers' money to their annual masturbation session i.e. EDSA.
>you call them "yellowtards" because the liberal party color is yellow, is that right?
Das right! And Duterte's color theme is red, which stands for redpilled.