Bu- bu- bu- buh niggers are stoopid

>see pic related

so what's your excuse for being less successful than a nigger, pol?

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>1 person represents the whole
Not how that works

Reported for racism

They are stupid. That's why they had to lower the standards for them.

>what is affirmative action

almost like you should judge people as individuals instead of as groups, huh?

what are diversity hires/students

>Not understanding how bell curves work

There will always be outliers.


I got the gates millenium scholarship, bitch.

He is better than u

lol, that would be too simple. Then who could you blame for personal failures?

its almost as if group dynamics and their effects is a distinct type of analysis

At least I'm not a nigger

White privlage,obviously

It's amazing how easy it is to get into an ivy league school when they only require a 2.4 GPA due to your melanin levels.

Yes, but the point still stands.

this guy doesn't look like an American nig either, his parents are probably those high IQ Nigerians (i forgot what they are called, but they are the Jews of Africa).


Which totally works in small social systems where interactions daily and iterative but when dealing with 49 million blacks people will employ heuristics

Affirmative action

I got accepted to those schools, the ones I applied to anyway.

No wheres the picture of the white guy with schools practcally begging him to go their shit institution?

You have to go to a school where you can get higher than a 4.0 to be in the Ivy League.
Us rural and suburban retards stand no chance.


I may not have some fancy college degree, but at least I'm not a nigger.

Do you know where you are nigger?

>make him asian

oh look he got rejected from everything

>>Nice affirmative action papers.


b e l l c u r v e
a f f i r m a t i v e a c t i o n


>be black
>apply to school
>get accepted because of quota

Makes you think

Right here, however i litteraly was offered 20k to go to the university of littleton. Fuck that, im in MIT.

I'm always happy to see an intelligent black person amongst the horde of low IQ retarded, violent parasitic niggers.

no shit, look how dark he is.

I don't give a fuck. I'm comfortably retired. He can go to school for 10 years, then work his whole life if he wants. He ain't going to affect my life in any significant way whatsoever.

I'm lazy. Also, affirmative action works against me.

affirmative action is evil. even worse than quotas.

here we got quotas, like, said, 30%. but it's not even filled sometimes because they didnt enough dindus with the minimum score required



I'm not shit colored so I win in the end

If he was white he wouldn't have gotten accepted to all 8, that's affirmative action

[embed] youtube.com/watch?v=KIyewCdXMzk [/embed]


Instead, come watch tv and chat with Sup Forumslacks instagib.tv/sleak42

What does it matter what school he's accepted in? Brilliant failures are a dime a dozen....

Emulate Sociopath Lawyers like Hilliary, or insane college professors all you want. It doesn't get you any closer to a good* life.

Sure nigger. You cherry pick a story that's old. One nigger with brains does not make up for 98% of niggers being thieves.

a black kid can get a 22 act and get into any school




It's almost like being black increases your chances of acceptance...

affirmative action

>but the system keeps us down

niggers are so retarded


What's the matter Sup Forums? Black people threatening your ""superior"" intellect?


Maybe since nothing is absolute, he should be considered the exception to the rule?

Maybe you should stop being a nigger-shill?

Harold is actually pretty smart, but it is true that skin color will affect admissions

I'm doing my college apps right now, and I was chatting with a UCLA admissions officer on leddit XDD about how their admission by exception program (people who don't meet the requirements, 3.4 min GPA a-g courses etc)

A few years back UCLA admitted a kid with a 1.4 GPA, no only did he get in because he was a nigger, he got in because he was a baseball player. He wasn't even a high ranking player

He failed all his classes and never graduated.

fucking waste

But is he a nigger?

How is it underrated?

Its common knowledge...They are biologically irrelevant human beings

they dont add 200 points to my sat scores when reviewing applications based on my race. they also colleges dont hand out scholarships to whites any more. affirmative action has phased that out 100%

Thought it was a pic of him holding his mixtapes.

More like you should judge groups on averages rather than extremes.

He is probably a good student. Very smart people can be good students, and mediocre minds can be good students. We're talking about high school here.

Wasn't this the kid who wrote that "AMAZING" admissions essay (Which the media said was the sole factor in his admittance) and then someone leaked it and it read like it was written by a 4th grader? Wasn't it something about music?

Not on current year Sup Forums it isn't, too many newfags

This is a black man. Definitely not a nigger.

How does that stop a city from becoming Detroit or a country becoming Brazil or a continent from becoming Africa?

You are a very stupid individual

It's called affirmative action, which = applicants of equal footing, getting bonus points on their SAT's, and a leg up.



More like well spent

Niggers are the go to distraction jews use

they use niggers to divert your attention....stop it

Universities have quotas. They have to accept some black people they have no choice.

I'm emotionally stunted from being raised by a single crack whore.

I go to work.
I cause no one harm.
I'm polite.
I work hard.
I have responsibilities that make returning to school now that I've matured untenable.

I blame no one for my short comings.
Not even my dead crack whore mother or non existent violent alcoholic father.

I applied to 4 and was denied by 1, MIT.
Fuckers probably dropped me for some vibrant diversity.

Why can't I hold all of this affirmative action

A monkey in a suit is still a monkey.

Baby steps man. I am aware of them as well. Stop being so aspie, be pragmatic.

I've built a computer too, Obamaleaf. Granted, mine was a bit more elaborate than a water-cooling module on a cheap desktop, but let's not split hairs.


Okay...There is literally no reason for Sup Forums to talk about black people...Pretty much ever. They have nothing to do with white genocide, thats coming from mass immigration, from south America and mexico...The middle east in Europe

They play no role in anything we talk about

Or be black, gay, tran, special or have a family that can build a new dorm. I went through this and my brother did as well. More than qualified but middle class and white, no chance. And this was the 90's, and least one of the interviewers had the balls to tell me.


>so what's your excuse for being less successful than a nigger, pol?
pic related. My excuse is that I don't have the opportunity to be mediocre and get into Ivy League schools because I am white.

I make 250k. I'm already more successful than this nigger will ever be even with all the affirmative action he's getting.

How the fuck does a 11 yo "save" 600 euros? He can't work, can he? Where does he get the money in the first place? My parents sure as fuck didn't give me that much in allowance in my first 11 years of life.

Also putting computer parts together is easy as shit. Though I do applaud him if he was genuinely interested in it as a hobby and got it done.

lol nah you were just too stupid either way

>t. 1.8 GPA nigger applying to jew school

We don't have to hide our power level on Sup Forums

>assemble a computer
Then an average Chinese factory worker is more intelligent than you Mr leaf

You fucking retards realize he's obviously the child of Africans or some other black people who moved to the US within that generation right?

Black people from outside the US who come here tend not to be Nigger tier. It may not even have anything to do with affermative action either.

>nigger stabs someone while robbing a convinience store
>pure coincidence, 1 out of 3 million blacks

>nigger makes it to harward because of affirmative action
>blacks r smarter dan u whiet boi WE WUZ KANGS n shiet akshept it

Here's an excerpt from his "essay". It reads like someone who got a list of high school freshman vocabulary and just stuck one word into each sentence to sound smart. It's full of misused commas and disjointed half thoughts.

>Through my experiences, I discovered my inner resilience. I had been brought up to never give up when faced with adversity but to face any challenge head-on and put forth my best effort. Like a tree, uprooted and replanted, I could have withered in a new country surrounded by people and languages I did not understand. Yet, I witnessed my parents persevere despite the potential to succumb. I faced my challenges with newfound zeal; I risked humiliation, spending my recesses talking to unfamiliar faces, ignoring their sarcastic remarks. I wanted to absorb my new environment, embrace the mysterious white flurries that fell on a cold winter’s day, embrace the golden hues of autumn, and melt into the cultural cauldron of New York. Soon, my efforts were being rewarded as I began to thrive among a new set of friends in a new school. - Harold Ekeh

>Race Quotas

> high IQ Nigerian Jews of Africa

Ibo / Igbo

>muh affirmative action

I've honestly had some great experiences with recent African immigrants. Nothing at all like the American ones.

So he's not culturally involved in dindu relations.That explains it.

mm dat sweet sweet affirmative action, so progressive america, bravo

any retard can put together parts to a computer. thats why so many retards do it

I'm glad for him. Even if he faced lower admission standards, at least he won't be a hood nigger

>t reads like someone who got a list of high school freshman vocabulary and just stuck one word into each sentence to sound smart. It's full of misused commas and disjointed half thoughts.

So basically it's a typical high school essay.

is there credible source for this? tineye brings absolutely nothing.