Legalize it all. Quit trying to protect people from themselves. The complete legalization of all drugs would solve more problems than it would create.
Legalize it all. Quit trying to protect people from themselves...
hm sweet sweet candy
Death penalty for being caught carrying even what is now "decriminalized" would be better.
yeah having a bunch of hopelessly addicted junkies with no money to get their fix would be so great
totally no social repercussions as a result of these unhinged people
if you're arguing some degenerates would die, you're probably right, but cleaning up dead bodies is also expensive
some drugs are cool and all, but you're a retard if you really think it would solve more problems than it would create
if people really want to do drugs, they will do it regardless of the illegality
>complete legalization of all drugs would solve more problems than it would create
My argument is that if we can smoke and drink, there is no reason we shouldn't be able to do the other stuff.
Ban it all or legalize it all.
If you browse Sup Forums and don't think all drugs should be legalized you should kill yourself.
>idiot gets all loopy on drugs
>goes into society
>harms an innocent bystander
>nigger plants some dope in your backpack and makes an anonymous call
Yeah, the prisons are overflowing with moonshiners...
See alcohol.
>Ban it all or legalize it all.
or this
>Quit trying to protect people from themselves.
How about protecting the rest of us. From morons who are doing on crime, spreading disease, generally fucking up the scene. They're a problem. If it was only to themselves then let em have it. Labour camps now.
that would be a reasonable argument if all drugs were comparable in their effects and how addictive they are
but that's just not the case
heroin would be a huge problem if it was legalized, sure you have clean needles and less AIDS or whatever, but like I said, drugs are expensive, when these addicts run out of money they don't just suddenly stop
they either go out and get their drug by force or die from withdrawals, both are ultimately expensive to society
I do like that you're trying to be logically consistent, and I used to think along your lines, but its just not that simple
maybe drugs like weed and psychedelics would MAYBE be okay, maybe even cocaine, but drugs like meth and heroin are pants on head retarded to legalize
>drunk goys get loopy on alcohol
>harm other goys
>hence we should legalize drugs
Alcohol should be banned too
If anything, it literally proves that legalization DOES NOT WORK
Alcohol is ingrained in human society and it's easily created via fermentation.
One "alcohol" vice is enough, we don't need to allow new ones.
nobody cares what people do. we don't want that money going to the cartels that rig elections in the thrid world. thats what the border wall is about. catch up.
What's that rusty metal looking bullshit on the bottom right?
Fuck booze, if we only have 1 vice it should be cannabis.
>legalize all drugs
>companies start putting drugs in food because it's addictive and legal
>people are now literally addicted to starbucks coffee
great idea goys
They knew the risks they were taking when they put that need in their vein. Just the same as a drunk driver who kills a family knew the risks before he got behind the wheel
We punish people for the crimes commited, not make laws to stop them from ever comitting crimes. I stick to my reasoning
I'd be fine with cannibis if potblheads weren't the most obnoxious "people" on earth.
As it stands, I'm against pot only to spite them.
How to bait on Sup Forums without sjw stuff the post
I agree but we shouldn't have any vices.
Fuck off degenerate nigger/spic.
Agreed. We've become way too tolerant with hard drug users. The thinking seems to be that they can't help themselves, have no say in their choices. If they're not responsible for their actions we ought to deal with the situation for them.
>nobody cares what people do
Your community isn't suffering from the scourge of these low life fucks if you can come out with a remark like that. This behaviour is a problem for the society that it's taking place in. A tangible problem. With costs. Huge wave of OD's here. Through the roof. Huge burden on medical infrastructure. Many such cases. Sad. Shoot them all. One or two chances then, bam, a single bullet to the nack of the skull. Good riddance, I hope you enjoyed my bike that you stole, scumbag.
i smoke weed and dream of trump, hate welfare nogs and all that good shit
you just hung around too many burn outs in high school probably
For the love of all that is holy please.
I don't want to pay taxes for it. I like my current set-up.
Get bitcoin, spend bitcoin, gets drugs, use drugs.
Nothing needs to change here.
I agree with you, pothead culture is retarded. But purely from a substance POV cannabis is much better than alcohol.
I may be biased because I don't like being drunk, at most I will have a beer or two on a hot day to cool down.
> we shouldn't have any vices
We don't live in an ideal world though, people will always seek high, be they chemical or other. We should look at substances from a harm reduction POV.
If Alcohol was introduced as a new drug today there is 0% chance it would be legal.
I agree. Watch criminal profits completely plummet over night. No more drug cartels or gang wars on the streets of supposedly first world cities.
But that happens with alcohol every day and its still legal. Alcohol related abuse costs the NHS a lot of money. I should know they had to patch me up a couple of times when I was a drinking moron.
>Quit trying to protect people from themselves.
Doesn't work that way in commieland, libshit.
You expect to steal my monies to treat your overdose? Then I expect the cops to shoot your degenerate ass before it ever sets foot a hospital. No apologies either. I've got mouths to feed.
If drugs were legal it would open up the opportunity for companies. cartels would be put out of business and honestly might even lead to civil wars in countries where cartels are powerful.
stick to your reasoning all you like, but your claim that it would solve more problems than it would create is what I'm attacking because that's a ridiculous notion
Because prohibition of alcohol was a raving success?
SINGAPORE w o r k s. 0.05%. Kill the hedonist
Of course it would.
First of all, people should be able to do what ever the fuck they want to themselves on their private property.
Second of all, half of what is so he bad about illegal drugs is the shit it is cut with,legalizing could potentially eliminate some of this.
Drug use isn't a "victimless crime" as drug addicts always tell you. If you live alone on a desert island and it's your last day on earth, go wild and smoke all the heroin you want. In the real world, your choices do affect the rest of us because we live in this cooperative scheme called a society.
I don't care if her tits are fake, or if she begrudgingly got BLACKED, her faced is so outrageously gorgeous I can't fucking handle it
>because that's a ridiculous notion
Well technically, the guy's right.
Hard drugs were all once legal. Every hard drug that is currently banned was once legal, and banning said drugs has not actually made any progress in helping the situation for society.
Meth for example has been far more of a problem as an illegal drug than it ever was when you could buy it OTC.
However, I still support your position, since paying taxes and funding government is not my desire and as long drugs are illegal, it's not guaranteed I'm going to be paying taxes(in large amount) to the state.
>local dealer
You can't anyway. War on drugs has been going on since the 80s making it impossible for any non-wall street oligarch to get.
Convenient excuse.
What about guns? Gun use carries the same consequences, but I'd be willing to bet you don't mind those. Because you like those.
>People are always going to use drugs
>People will always find a way to get whatever their drug of choice is into their life
The only people who don't want all drugs legal are those who are currently profiting off of them being illegal (i.e. For profit prisons and police unions, pharmaceutical companies, etc). It's not fucking rocket science, you just follow the money. It really blows my fucking braincase when harmless drugs like cannabis are still illegal, when the reason why it was demonized in the first place is because of some faggot who didn't want his paper mill business threatened by hemp plants.
>But think of the children!
Not an argument, I'm not talking about legalizing drugs for kids, I'm talking about legalizing them for adults. Can you anti drug faggots seriously not understand that if you normalize a substance into a society that no one will care about it? If heroin were legalized tomorrow, an informed citizen isn't going to just start shooting up heroin, and even if they did, who cares? If they are an adult, they have the right to make their own choices. The two main legal drugs in society (tobacco and alcohol) kill millions more world wide anually than the hardest drugs.
There's a small complication with
> legalize it all
That personally makes me say no to the argument. Unless you can properly control the effects of them on OTHER PEOPLE, legalizing all drugs should never happen.
There's already endless restrictions on alcohol and tobacco. You can't smoke near others. You can't drink and drive cause you endanger others.
Whether you like it or not, you live in a society and the basic rule of society is to respect other people. I'm sorry but no one wants people legally jacked up in heroine doing crazy shit that affects them. We already have the potentiality of a drunk drive ramming our kids over, don't need more.
> and even if they did, who cares?
I care. When they shoot up heroin, they're not the only ones that may suffer from it. No one can control that they shoot up and stay locked indoors. Do you understand that?
Bann it all!
Ban alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, artificial sugars, colorants, artificial flavors, preservatives, corn syrup, fried foods, watching tv and or playing videogames for more than 1hr/day, pornography, salt, saturated and trans fats, all types of pharmaceuticals that are not prescribed by a doctor without a biased interest in prescribing something, etc.
I would love to see a society full %100 nanny state in every single aspect of things that can be harmful to people and THEN listen to the anti-drug cucks say that they now have it better and all those things are ok to be illegal. Yeah right, they woldn't last a fucking week without their legal drugs.
I will NEVER be affected if you play vidya or watch tv 24/7 or kill yourself from cholesterol over 9000.
But if you're high on LSD and think yourself Kimi Räikkönen and start rallying around the streets, I may be affected.
Do you see the difference? Do you care about the difference?
You actually will be affected if I drink and drive, if i am texting and driving, having a phonecall and driving, all things that I am available to do right now if I want to. So you support my theory then? We should bann everything.
Also, you are affected by people eating like shit, whether you realize it or not.
>legally jacked up in heroine doing crazy shit that affects them
Heroin doesn't jack you up you mong.
If you're going to pretend to know the effects of drugs, take a little pharmacology first.
>We already have the potentiality of a drunk drive ramming our kids over,
You let your kids play in the street or something?
>When they shoot up heroin, they're not the only ones that may suffer from it.
When you drive a car, shoot a gun, play sports, or do anything but sit on your dead ass, other people may suffer from your actions.
You bring up society, but here's what you protectionist morons never own up to. Being alive, being in a society, means risk. All the time. Being alive means you can and will die.
You never own up to the unintended consequences of your moral crusades either. You won't own up to inventing organized crime for example.
Me, I own up to what I do. I buy drugs illegally. This can fund organized crime. I do not care because I do not live in a city where it's a problem for me and I feel no compassion for people who choose to live in cities. I own up to this selfishness, and I do not care.
At least be consistent.
you haven't lived until you've k-holed yourself at 6pm in the bathroom at your favourite club sitting yourself on the toilet trying to pull your shit together while bangers are played outside by the dj
you get kicked out by security who can see that you're clearly off your head, you refuse taking a taxi home saying you can easily walk the distance since your home is close, but instead you end up getting completely lost and a 20min walk home turns into a 2hr walk that you're certain isn't real until you come to your senses and you're in the middle of fucking nowhere with only the vaguest ideas of what the fuck just happened.
>Buy drugs
>spike them with deadly toxins
>drop them in little baggies on the floor in a nightclub
>?????????? profit ?????????
You are implying that texting has the same side effects and dangers as taking psychotropic drugs while driving? Jesus.
> You let your kids play in the street or something?
You ever heard of a thing called crosswalks?
>Being alive, being in a society, means risk. All the time. Being alive means you can and will die.
Ok, so because we will all die one day and there's always the risk of dying, might as well endanger others to die sooner and increase the chances for everyone as well. Fantastic argument. Force us to live life the way you think is best.
>Me, I own up to what I do.
>I own up to this selfishness, and I do not care.
>At least be consistent
Lesson learned. Never argue with druggies.
>get caught on CCTV
>charged with multiple homicides
literally ended your own life to kill a few junkies. was it worth it pal?
>It's just not that simple
It's not unheard of for some countries to have all drugs completely decriminalized you know. I think Portugal is one of them. Most people know that doing meth and heroin is life ruining and retarded.
You do realize that doing heroin once, twice, or even three times wont make you a hopeless addict, right? People that are hooked on drugs are hooked on drugs because that's the type of person they are.
Making them legal would give them the option to go seek help before getting to that point. Alcoholics anonymous, rehab, etc. It would also decrease degeneracy, because it would seem like a stupid thing (cigarettes) instead of an illegal exciting thing (marijuana) to young teens.
The only good junkie is a dead junkie
I hate them god damn bastards, I grew up in an area that was filled with ice head fuckwits, they are scum
What's the brown stuff? Dog shit?
you can't for all best to decrim for small amounts of the worst stuff like fentanyl, meth and even maybe cocaine and heroin because the fist two deteriorate ppl and i know the other two make ppl do crazy things like steel and even sell themselves for it
>You ever heard of a thing called crosswalks?
Ever heard of looking both ways?
>Ok, so because we will all die one day and there's always the risk of dying, might as well endanger others to die sooner and increase the chances for everyone as well. Fantastic argument. Force us to live life the way you think is best.
1. Accept there's risks
2. Stop making small problems into big ones.
>Lesson learned. Never argue with druggies.
Yeah. Wouldn't wanna confront your own failings in life.
Face it you pansy. You're afraid to live because you're afraid of dying. And you want to stop the rest of us from doing our own thing because you're such a coward.
I bet you'd wanna live in paradise too. You ever consider the problem with paradise?
Portugal agrees. Worked pretty well for them.
Ok, you are retarded.
So you are saying that some drugs should be illegal because they are dangerous if you take them and drive.
Other things that are also dangerous if you use or take them and drive are fine, because you like those things.
Also you are saying that someone who drives irresponsibly is not at fault for commiting a crime. It's the drugs fault that he didn't just take lsd and listen to music, apparently the lsd made him go drive a car.
Thus I conclude you:
a) don't know jack shit about drugs
b) are a retard
I'm done talking to you, cuck.
>because the fist two deteriorate ppl and i know the other two make ppl do crazy things
And yet millions of users can use these drugs with no ill effect.
It's almost like it's the person, and not the drug.
Sorta like with guns? You know, how for every Dylan Klebold there's a thousand Hickok45s?
Responsible guns-
Responsible drugs-
>when you simultaneously dick the right and the left in their nanny state asses
Good goy, death penalty for people who try to expand their mind with psychedelics. We wouldn't want anyone figuring out ((((our)))) tricks, now would we?
>Quit trying to protect people from themselves.
because junkies don't steal, rob and kill for their fix
Yeah, and people are still doing it right now when it's illegal. So what's your point? I know junkies in my neighborhood who shit out kids and don't take care of them, of course it affects their child. But they're going to do it anyway, and it's illegal. May as well tax it and offer treatment to those affected.
Drug laws are there mostly to use as a way to jail your political opposition
Have you ever read "Brave New World"?
We're already close enough to that as it is
Im switching from pot to booze. Pot is too much of a fucking hassle to deal with honestly. Also fuck doing any other drugs
Why don't alcoholics do these things?