How is that so hard to get through your fucking skull? I see all these posts about "christcucks worshipping a jew on a stick lol" as if Jesus was controlled opposition by the jews. As if jews want us to worship Jesus soley becuase he's a jew. Jews tortured and killed Jesus in one of the most brutal ways humanly possible, and in the most jewy way possible; by tricking someone else (the Romans) to do it so they could pawn off the blame. Jesus called out the most influential jews of his day for their selfish/blasphemous kikery like no one had ever seen in history. You faggots have no idea. You just spout off to seem cool, ANONYMOUSLY might I add, on an image board to pacify your debilitating hatred for someone better than yourselves; Jesus. You've quite literally been jewed into hating the person they hate most. God made himself into a man like us, to not only prove he understood human suffering to its fullest extent, but to padon you from your own degeneracey by dying in your place the way all degenerates (everyone, myself included) deserve to die. Romans 10:9 New International Version (NIV) 9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Other urls found in this thread:
Jesus literally spent the first 33 years of his life inside a jewish temple
What are you implying?
this desu
Jesus was the jewish Luther.
Still a jew.
That he is a jew's jew. He lived as a jew and died as the king of the jews.
Just because some other jews got him killed doesn't mean he wasn't a jew.
This is the same trick that jews pull today with nationalist israel vs globalist kikes.
I agree with you user... These Jesus haters are Jews trying to push the movement away from the truth... Jesus called out the jews.. Called them snakes, antichrists, synogogue of satan, liars, thieves, dead men's bones, flipped the money changers tables in the temple and more... Said they were going to hell for rejecting him... He is the ultimate redpill.. and he was right all along
"Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews" (John 4:22).
He spawned a religion that defies jewish faith. That he, the messiah, has come. The Bible teaches of jews who stray and accept Jesus as the savior, not all, but some. Jesus called out the jews who were in power, and other "lowly" jews understood they themselves were being tricked by the top jews, the rabbis, the head of the snake.
Haven't watched link, yet. What is that pic, old testament? Old testament after Jesus is closer to a history lesson than a religious teaching
>He spawned a religion that defies jewish faith. That he, the messiah, has come.
That is FULFILLING the jewish faith
The fact that he didn't like rabbis is no different than people on Sup Forums not liking the pope.
>worship a Jew
>the Jewish god is literally the Christian god
>"Christianity has nothing to do with Judaism"
Christcucks everyone.
I'm assuming it's the Talmud now
I hate when cocksuckers like you take shit out of context.. He says in the very next verse that that is the way it is currently, but in the future God's people will be gentiles and people of all heritages...
The jews DO NOT accept Jesus as messiah, they DO NOT believe he has fulfilled any prophecies. If you ask a jew, they will say Jesus was a good man, but he is NOT their messiah
Matthew 5:3-14
3. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
5. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
6. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
7. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
8. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
9. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
10. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
12. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
13. Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
14. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
>t. Jesus Christ
Good stuff and holy cow... double trips... Even kek agrees that Jesus is the Son of God!!
You sir have a watchmens eye for the context of the Lord
People always pull that stuff when it comes to the bible.. they always take stuff out of context.. and it annoys the living hell out of me
>The jews DO NOT accept Jesus as messiah, they DO NOT believe he has fulfilled any prophecies. If you ask a jew, they will say Jesus was a good man, but he is NOT their messiah
No shit. Otherwise they would be called christians.
Christianity is the branch of judaism that believes that the messiah has come.
Kek can be silly but I pray feverishly that it never turn to idolatry. Esoteric digits are the equivalent of a gambler rolling dice. I'll see you on the other side broseph
Jesus was a rebel. He rebelled against the ancient NWO and taught a new way to truly worship God. The New Testament is a record of that happening. Christianity is, at its heart, the teachings of Jesus Christ.
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:”
2 Timothy 4:7 (KJV)
Why are Americans all such Lutheran robots?
The claim was that jesus was a jew and raised as a jew.
Then the responce is just sperging out bible verses.
Do you deny this?
Christianity is the opposite of Judaism... What don't you fucking get... The Jews Killed Jesus and Hated Him and the Christians Live through Jesus and Love Him... They are Opposites... That's why jesus called the Jews antichrists... Why do you think the jews continued to persecute Christians after Jesus' death.. He was the only religious figure at the time to promise salvation for the gentiles... The Jews told the romans to kill all christians... fed them to lions... hung them upside down on crosses.. beheaded them... then the christians rallied around the catholic church which was vehemently opposed to jewish people and fought back until the jews subverted and corrupted that. what don't you fucking get they are our ultimate enemies
question, why does it matter that jesus was a jew? the term jew comes from judean who lived in judea during the roman times, the last israelites with identiy left, who had a religion which was a bastardized version of the ancient israelite religion and culture. the talmud came from this, after jesus was crucified, and thus was born the religion of judaism from where people are called "jews"
i feel like people need to know that cuz they keep on "muh kike on a stick"
Even Paul would quote scripture when he was still Saul to persuade the masses to persecute Christians. Unfortunately for Saul he never had the New Testament to read like these anons who doubt. Paul went on to write the majority of the new testament
Fuck Donald Trump, fuck white people, fuck Hitler, fuck Western civilization, fuck white culture and most importantly -
FUCK Sup Forums and FUCK (You)
Paul was a jew and and a charlatan opportunist.
K so what do you believe in user... What is the enlightened religion of the world... Please explain with details.. I'm curious
Meant for
If you hate Jews because you think they take your money and you go to a Christian church you are a fucking idiot. Please tithe now faggot.
t. australian intellectual
Jesus was raised in a Jewish temple. His parents basically sent him to boarding school.
When they returned, they found Him teaching the leaders of that school. He was teaching the new faith, Christianity.
As a Jew, I'm indifferent to Jesus.
Believe what you want, if it helps you through life, believe what you want.
Don't go to church... I think tithing is a scam in most cases... Don't believe you have to to be a christian... unlike many of my brethren who are deceived
>What is the enlightened religion of the world
Stop thinking like this. Every religion is flawed.
If you want to know the truth you have to hold it to ransom first.
In the same way that Lutherans are the opposite of the protestants. (Not the opposite).
There's nothing in the jewish scripture that says to hate jesus.
This. I was trying to explain to him buthat he's not compregending. Why would jew say their faith and prophecies are fulfilled while completely rejecting Jesus? Autism
So Jesus was jew.
Thanks for confirming.
>Nothing in Jewish scripture to hate Jesus
I guess you never read the talmud LMFAO
Going to church and keeping the faith are two separate, but related things. You can have the faith of God in your heart even if you never set foot in a church.
The 3 most vilified people in all history are Jesus, Hitler and Trump.
Just let that sink in.
have (((you)))?
>Jesus was a jew in the temple
>Preached the rabbis there were corrupt
>and that he was the Messiah
Doesn't seem like a jew powerplay at all desu.
Jesus said to the Jews "your father is the diablos(THE ADVERSARY), a murderer from the beginning, the father of lies". What you call 'the debil' 'satan' is simply the word for adversary in hebrew and later in greek.
Jesus called the father of the Jew the adversary and the ruler of this world.
Jesus further said "do not stone the woman" (a direct negation of Deuteronomy) and then turned it around against the men "if you even look at a woman, you have committed adultery with her in your heart" another direct negation of Deuteronomy (men are MASTER (ba'al) of the woman and can have many females as brides, including female children, including after they rape them). The New Testament also says for the man to DIE for the woman, again: putting the woman as master of the man.
Jesus says for men to become enuniches if they can for the kingdom of heaven. This is yet ANOTHER negation of Deuteronomy (No one who has been emasculated by crushing or cutting may enter the assembly of the LORD)
He then says "better a millstone for anyone who offend a child" (though taken out of context by americans): in the way americans read it (no pedophilla with girls) it is a negation of Deuteronomy 22: 28-29 (
, both which allow men to have female children for themselves.
Jesus called out the God of the Jews as his, Jesus' adversary. He argued for women's rights, and maybe even anti-pedophillia, he encouraged men to slice off their genitals, he put the man below the woman and raised the woman up.
Then he asks why HIS father (Jesus is said to be a high priest in the order of Melchizedek - that is NOT of the God of Deuteronomy (the God of the Armies) but something that came before) abandoned him on the cross?
Because Israel is the land of The God of the Armies, not of the god Melchizedek followed.
Jesus was a feminist. A t.white man
It doesn't matter. I'll probably catch shit for this but not all jews are bad. Jesus called out the jews in power while many jews were closer to regular people like us; poor and not important in any way
Yes english translations of the verses speaking about Jesus...
Says he was the son of a whore...
Says he is in hell burning in his own escriment...
Not to mention says many disparaging things about Goyim such as how Jews can fuck little goy girls and boys and it's no big deal...
So yeah... Judaism is the religion of the devil and Christianity is the religion of Jesus.. exact opposites you fucking dense dumbass
again, read my post here the judaism religion comes from the talmud. the torah is the hebrew name for the first 5 books in the old's NOT the religious book of judaism. judaism came from the talmud which came from the judeans who killed jesus and still believe what the ancient isralites believe , (but it's bastardized)
Did you read what I wrote? Jesus was raised in a Jewish boarding school for monks, but he ended up teaching His faith, Christianity to the teachers of that school. Christianity is the belief in salvation from sin through Jesus Christ, a teaching that is rejected by the Jewish faith.
>Jesus was a rebel. He rebelled against the ancient NWO and taught a new way to truly worship God. The New Testament is a record of that happening. Christianity is, at its heart, the teachings of Jesus Christ.
To the white man, the object of worship is "muh white woman". Thus they love Jesus who overturned God of Deuteronomy and instituted his own pro-woman agenda.
esus said to the Jews "your father is the diablos(THE ADVERSARY), a murderer from the beginning, the father of lies". What you call 'the debil' 'satan' is simply the word for adversary in hebrew and later in greek.
Jesus called the father of the Jew the adversary and the ruler of this world.
Jesus further said "do not stone the woman" (a direct negation of Deuteronomy) and then turned it around against the men "if you even look at a woman, you have committed adultery with her in your heart" another direct negation of Deuteronomy (men are MASTER (ba'al) of the woman and can have many females as brides, including female children, including after they rape them). The New Testament also says for the man to DIE for the woman, again: putting the woman as master of the man.
Jesus says for men to become enuniches if they can for the kingdom of heaven. This is yet ANOTHER negation of Deuteronomy (No one who has been emasculated by crushing or cutting may enter the assembly of the LORD)
He then says "better a millstone for anyone who offend a child" (though taken out of context by americans): in the way americans read it (no pedophilla with girls) it is a negation of Deuteronomy 22: 28-29 (
, both which allow men to have female children for themselves.
Jesus called out the God of the Jews as his, Jesus' adversary. He argued for women's rights, and maybe even anti-pedophillia, he encouraged men to slice off their genitals, he put the man below the woman and raised the woman up.
Then he asks why HIS father (Jesus is said to be a high priest in the order of Melchizedek - that is NOT of the God of Deuteronomy (the God of the Armies) but something that came before) abandoned him on the cross?
Because Israel is the land of The God of the Armies, not of the god Melchizedek followed.
Jesus was a feminist. A t.white man
>based on judaism
>rejected by jews on the basis of messiah status
>still judaism
If you wanted to subdue other people's tribes, this is exactly how you would do it. But that's just my opinion.
>implying I haven't held it to ransom
In the end it's the only thing that makes sense. You think you're better than whatever created humankind? Then PLEASE tell me the meaning of life
Jesus said to the Jews "your father is the diablos(THE ADVERSARY), a murderer from the beginning, the father of lies". What you call 'the debil' 'satan' is simply the word for adversary in hebrew and later in greek.
Jesus called the father of the Jew the adversary and the ruler of this world.
Jesus further said "do not stone the woman" (a direct negation of Deuteronomy) and then turned it around against the men "if you even look at a woman, you have committed adultery with her in your heart" another direct negation of Deuteronomy (men are MASTER (ba'al) of the woman and can have many females as brides, including female children, including after they rape them). The New Testament also says for the man to DIE for the woman, again: putting the woman as master of the man.
Jesus says for men to become enuniches if they can for the kingdom of heaven. This is yet ANOTHER negation of Deuteronomy (No one who has been emasculated by crushing or cutting may enter the assembly of the LORD)
He then says "better a millstone for anyone who offend a child" (though taken out of context by americans): in the way americans read it (no pedophilla with girls) it is a negation of Deuteronomy 22: 28-29 (
, both which allow men to have female children for themselves.
Jesus called out the God of the Jews as his, Jesus' adversary. He argued for women's rights, and maybe even anti-pedophillia, he encouraged men to slice off their genitals, he put the man below the woman and raised the woman up.
Then he asks why HIS father (Jesus is said to be a high priest in the order of Melchizedek - that is NOT of the God of Deuteronomy (the God of the Armies) but something that came before) abandoned him on the cross?
Because Israel is the land of The God of the Armies, not of the god Melchizedek followed
Jesus was a feminist. A t.white man
Worked for western europe and america... now explain that cognitive dissonance
>You think you're better than whatever created humankind?
But Jesus is not God.
The One is transcendent.
Jesus = Hitler
In a good way
The Catholic Church has done far more over the centuries to pervert the message of Jesus, but of course it's all about "der Jews killed Christttt!".
Jesus is transcendent... Every power in the world speaks against christianity.. a religion made by one God-man 2000+ years ago... .If that isn't power and transcendence I don't know what is
>Says he was the son of a whore...
implying he wasn't.
>Says he is in hell burning in his own escriment...
Implying a blasphemer wouldn't be
>Not to mention says many disparaging things about Goyim such as how Jews can fuck little goy girls and boys and it's no big deal...
Implying this is relevant.
>exact opposites you fucking dense dumbass
It's literally based on the same text. It's not the opposite. They differ on one major point of faith.... but agree on practically all the others.
Same relationship lutherans have to protestants.
>teaches that Jesus is messiah
>rejected by jews
>rejected by jews
>rejected by jews
(input australian logic)
>must still be judaism i guess
Catholic Church used to be good... but it was subverted rather quickly
Those sound good to me desu. If you've been here long enough you'd know "hitler was right"
this tbqh
Jesus is the way
t. was a degenerate atheist for a few years before realising it's weak bullshit used to weaken us all
I wonder (((who))) is behind this post
>muh victim complex means I'm right
Spengler wasn't wrong about the roots of the leftist shit that's plagueing us right now.
I don't consider defending against barbarous hordes as turning the other cheek or being meek desu. They should have felt happiness in being persecuted.
Catholicism created the best European countries who went Deus Vult. Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Ireland, Poland. Shit on it all you want just know if you do you're doing the (((globalists))) work for them.
>Jesus called out the jews..
So did Marx, are you a commie now?
This is not impressive. Look at what you are saying. Something is popular so it is true?
How do you know that it is not a demonic trick and that by following Jesus you are sending yourself to hell?
Reminder that Sweden is the most non-religious and atheistic country in the west
Reminder that islam would be ruling the world right now if the crusades didn't happen
Reminder that our current western culture through christianity
>inb4 christcuck
>inb4 christ was a jew
>inb4 christianity and judaism are the same
People do realize that Hitler was a christian and that germany was christian during WW1 and WW2 and that they are currently falling away from christianity now... Fucking numbskull shits
Where did the messiah concept come from then?
I'll wait.
Did you know that Jesus also said if you don't have a sword sell your cloak and buy one... Why would he have said such a thing if he was all about turning the other cheek... God people are fucking dense on this board
>Reminder that Sweden is the most non-religious and atheistic country in the west
What's the most religious one so that we can compare? :^)
>Reminder that islam would be ruling the world right now if the crusades didn't happen
Same semitic shit, that's like crying about how we would all be speaking German right now if the Nazis would've won the war - too stupid to comprehend the irony in talking about this in English.
>Reminder that our current western culture through christianity
No one is denying that, quite the opposite
>the judaism religion comes from the talmud. the torah is the hebrew name for the first 5 books in the old's NOT the religious book of judaism. judaism came from the talmud which came from the judeans
Yes, but jesus himself was aware of these. And referred to himself as a jew in the religious sense.
The fact that modern christians only look at the "old testament" isn't because of what jesus himself taught.
If you accept that jesus wasn't the massiah, that means he was blaspheming. That also means his mother was a whore. It's obvious to everybody who isn't a moron.
Because the Jews who wrote it weren't consistent.
Christianity is a great crime, because it externalizes the divine nature of us whites.
We are a piece of God. With a similar creative power. Think of us as one neuron of the mind of God.
Cucktianity imagines a jealous and vindictive father figure who judges you for every action. This is a jewish perversion.
>That also means his mother was a whore.
So? Read the Bible, user. I'm 20 pages in and had to put it away because of how degenerate that shit is.
Mary being a whore would just follow the established pattern.
>concept of messiah, disputed often between different followers of judaism
>claiming to be the messiah and everything you say is true, a direct contradiction of judaism
Different, but related concepts.
jesus was against satan. a kingdom against itself cannot stand. therefore jesus couldn't be a demonic trick
It's still a cuck religion, so go shove it up your ass.
Your logic is stupid, fuck christianity AND jews.
K well i'd love to carry on this conversation for another hour or two.. but I see it is pointless... I don't understand what people have against Jesus so much... Even if he was just a religious character in a book... people attack him vehemently... don't even see that much attack of Muhammud or Jewish rabbis of the time or anything... It's always attacks against Jesus... Cognitive dissonance must be a bitch lol
>reject all your desires and this sick world goy
How can a holy and perfect God be in the presence of unclean and unholy spirits?.. Please explain slowly so I can understand
>jesus was against satan. a kingdom against itself cannot stand
According to jesus. It is a false dichotomy, a lie.
How do you know it isnt?
>implying liberals praise Jesus
Audible laughter
Fuck all of the people you mentioned. All three religions are spawns of the jew.
>disputed often between different followers of judaism
So Jewish.
Thanks for playing.
1. God is omnipresent
2. unclean spirits exist
K so buddhism, hinduism, sikkhism, etc. are the enlightened religions because they aren't jew made?
yes but jew back then meant JUDEAN not a practicer of judaism, because it didn't exist yet. jews today are practicers of judaism, not judeans
I never implied that. I implied that the thoughts they follow stem from Rabbi Yeshua's teachings, starting with the egalitarian nonsense to the forgiveness of behavior to their own detriment to the original sin they just rebranded to white privilege.