Other urls found in this thread:


wew lad

>that Trump expression and pointing
>Farage's expression

Top fucking kek

Nige always ecstatic when around the emperor

they chilling like bros and stuff


good man

is that ivanka?



"Go check on Christie, tell him he's got 60 seconds to finish that meatloaf"

I love how Donald Lumpf is spending tax payer money to fly his family and friends all over the world just to have a piece of shitty well cooked steak lol well done you orange faced pig.

>massive lefty butthurt on the BBC and guardian incoming


>ywn have dinner with Trump and Farage
We should all strive to change that "ywn" into a "yw".


My fucking sides ahahahah

I would love to hang out with Nigel. I swear to god, that guy has the happiest face no matter where he is. Must be a blast.

Fuck Donald Trump, fuck white people, fuck Hitler, fuck Western civilization, fuck white culture and most importantly -

FUCK Sup Forums and FUCK (You)


Is he having the meatloaf?


Why is he always so happy?

Trump and Farage are the best duo.

Its ok to feel mad

Ivanka is always around, isn't she?



Is that CIA man in the back?

He looks so fucking jovial.


Trump's own security. He doesn't trust the secret service or the rest of the IC

Don't bother, it's a spam bot that's posting this on several threads, typically pro-Trump or threads that mock basketball Americans.

What a cheeky bastard


I laughed harder then I should've

Uh, you don't get to bring friends

people that voted for him got played so hard. no wonder they choose to never acknowledge this. only reason he gives a shit about mexico is because he says some mexicans owe him 12 million for some beauty pageant shit. he's leveraging the average dumb american to get back at them. dude doesn't give a fuck about national security. that's why he doesn't attend briefings and instead watches fox and friends.


Nigel Farage, the man who 7 years ago said (to his face) that the EU president had "the charisma of a damp rag and the appearance of a low-grade bank clerk", is now dining with U.S. President Donald J. Trump.

Where were you when you realized that we control the fucking world?

>stairs off into distance with a very large toothy Nigel smile while the others talk

fucking kek

He had one job and he did it.


the cheekiest cunt in the world I swear

remember he said we'll go after your families

kek. literally to crash the EU with no survivors


Dinner with Donny.

I can dig it. Farage is a likable fella.

wakey wakey

They need a buddy cop show written about them. MAGA: Chicago



Comedy post of the night.


>media reports that Trump is meeting with Kuwaitis at his hotel
>everyone gets their jimmies rustled
>Drumpf is impeached for sure this time!
>The Kuwait thing was a few days ago
>Trump was actually just having dinner with Nige

Top fucking kek

Am I the only one that really appreciates the special relationship that Brits and Americans always have, mainland eurocucks willl never have a friendship like we do, cheers to the lads on the other side of the pond.

Smug Nige is the best Nige


Reported for off-topic

yeah we may disagree with the old man but we're always willing to decimate an entire nation if it tease him

>two politicians having dinner
>not politics
That's at least 83% of politics.

I reported you for reporting me faggot.

>yfw brexit fails

cringe desu, nige has become a joke


hands off snakey


I can't believe he photoshopped himself into a picture with Trump. What a loser




I don't get the joke.

There is no joke, they are just memeing that this guy's post is a useless screencap because it makes no sense. And it really doesn't, he might be retarded or some shit.

>for you

Looks like President Trump seems to be on top of world despite the press saying

>white house is chaos
>Trump doesn't know what hes doing
>Trump just watches TV all day
>Trump didn't actually want to win

It's almost as if there has been nothing but fake news about the President...


>tfw the Ultimate Commonwealth is coming
>the total destruction of our enemies is almost at hand

wonder if Nige had to apologize for the bongs parliament being a bunch of drooling apes.

kek my sides

holy shit he actually got banned, Mods=Gods


>shitposting this hard

Nigel probably has one of the coolest smiles on the planet.



Why does no one call Donald "The Don" ?
Seems like a good nick name for him.

He is quite the boss man.


ok ahmed

>no full version released

They had dinner together and Trump made him order meatloaf




The Anglo Empire

I felt so badly for Trump when he had to give up all his old friends and pals to do this President thing.

Happy he's met and made some good new ones

I approve.

Pretty sure Trump of all people understands the swamps of governmental elites suck in the UK just as much as the US.