>You gain mind control abilities.
>97% of people will listen and believe whatever you say.
>This works with recordings.
Wat do Sup Forums?
>You gain mind control abilities.
>97% of people will listen and believe whatever you say.
>This works with recordings.
Wat do Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Buy ethereum till it surpasses BTC
Anarcho-capitalism works. Everyone stays with their own race. Israel and jews doesn't exist.
Drop the Ultimate red pill and reveal the truth of who we are:
Just as you beat your heart and grow your hair, you shine the sun and wet the oceans. By virtue of being able to do these things you are omnipotent.
You are not your name or your role or your relationship to others. You cannot be described with words. You are beyond language. You are reality itself.
You are the universe expressing itself at a location in time and space. Your location is everywhere, your position is absolute. You are omnipresent.
You are the one universal process. Your body is the world. When you see this, you see that you can never die. You are immortal.
You change from one vehicle of consciousness to another in a wave pattern. The trough is what we call death. The crest is what we call life.
You are God. We all are.
Asuka is best girl. Reifags BTFO!
"Be excellent to each other."
Lots of sex
That's some pretty gay shit, bong. I like how you think.
So, I become a Jew?
and.... party on dudes
>become benevolent dictator
>euthanize anyone with crippling genetic diseases
>sterilize anyone below a certain intelligence threshold
>put 80% of resources towards the benefit of the upper echelon
>format all schools based on performance rather than "no child left behind" bullshit
And some other stuff.
Tell everybody to stop watching The Walking Dead and then jump into a live volcano.
do a podcast with a thumbnail of myself half naked (im a guy) on the website. talk about how hard my dick is
build a fleet of spaceships to colonize trappist
develop ftl drives to jump ahead of colony ships and roll out red carpet for when they arrive
cancel all other projects and businesses that aren't purely for sustaining life and focus all energy on this
create commissions to select commanders for development and mission
put aside your petty temporary differences and colonize the milky way
>The government spills the beans on everything.
>Guilty parties are told to kill themselves
>World peace is achieved
>in the unlikely event that aliens are real we mind control them.
>peacefully coexistence with aliens.
>Everyone goes to space but we leave Jews behind because thats what they deserve.
>With no goyim left to fuck with they eat each other.
I didn't know Deepak Chopra browsed Sup Forums
this already happened. once he told us the earth was round.
All non-whites chimped out and kill each other
Plant my seed in every single healthy female on earth.
>not telling everyone to jus b themslves
Tell the truth
Force 70% to kill themselves, preserving the intelligent population.
Forge immortality.
Obtain the immortality.
Have slaves create a large space-travel ship, capable of exploring the universe.
Kill slaves.
Enjoy earth until the heat death, and then find a new planet.
Continue until I find a new planet, control it's populations, and create the ultimate free/liberal society with immortal life.
And finally, after hundreds of billions of years, exterminate the universe, including myself.
I only need the minds of white men
>all Russian whites (slavs are white) flatten chechnia
>Scandinavians relocate their balls and decapitate the growing caliphate in their lands Viking style
>travel to Germany and lead the 4th Reich wiping out all sand/shit/muzzie scum in West-Europe
>fire up the old ovens, there's some Juden to burn
>stockpile food in Greece from all over the world
>every white man in West-Europe aged 18-40 travels to Greece, East-Europe marches through Georgia en route to Iran
>we march to Constantinople and retake it
>we march to Jerusalem and retake it
>we march to Saudi Arabia and turn it to glass
>continue Alexander-The-Great-4th-Reich-Crusade 2.0 electric boogaloo until every muzzie and shitskin in the world is beneath our boots
Deus Vult
>If you browse Sup Forums kill yourself
the world needs a zero
>on a site that is notorious for being anti whatever is being pushed through media / political agendas.
were are a part of that impenetrable 3% dumb ass
remove kebab
> AnCap works only under mind control conditions
That's a fantastic argument, straight from the mouth of ancap babes. Screencap time.
I would tell everyone "You are now manually breathing".