So I just got my results back. Both of my parents are white..what the fuck happened?
So I just got my results back. Both of my parents are white..what the fuck happened?
BLACKED (and red)
alternative, maybe you're just italian
hi Sup Forums am I white?
>eastern european
And there was a drunk white kid in NOLA who drove a truck into people.
> 40% euro
> 40% sub-saharan
> 20% native
Are you from the Dominican Republic?
There's a nigger in your woodpile, user. Start checking your grandparents and go from there.
you might be italian or iberian, who knows?
Fuck the haters if you look and act white you are white we need as many allies as we can get to defeat this poz garbage being pushed by jews and eternal anglos
>0.4% Southern European
Back to Africa Tyrone
I'm 99.7% Western European, which is pretty incredible considering that some of my family came to America on the Mayflower. That means that in 400 years of living in America, not one member of my direct lineage ever race-mixed. Quite proud of my family.
sit down son, this is gonna shock you
i'm a white guy from new england
No ben you aren't
You just posted proof that you are in fact not.
>.4% black
Why the fuck does every single one of these results contain at least trace amounts of Ashkenazi DNA?
Every fucking time.
this has me wanting to legitimately die. i've been strongly natsoc and against race mixing. i was raised by a single dad from the age of 12 when they divorced
could this actually be a mistake or did my mother get impregnated by a nigger
There's no fucking way a person who is ~1/3 black wouldn't know about it.
Can you do your skin or face with a timestamp? like that non white should be noticeable
>american flag
>b-but muh whiteness
white != ethnicity
>gook and nigger
damn, i'm sorry for the news
- american flag
- expects to be white
Top kek.
this could absolutely be a mistake, m8. if your pops isn't your pops im pretty sure your intuition has/would have already told you.
Rumor is they hardly even use your DNA to build this profile, relying more on sorting via soft information. So there are a couple ways it could go wrong.
and don't get too caught up in the memes . . . a white-mind is the real goal. nurture may be built upon nature, but it is stronger in almost every way.
desu I care much more about culture, IQ, and economics than race in its own right.
I got .9% black and .4% injun, even though I made my family tree and couldn't find any race mixing (my senpai did own a few slaves, though. Sowwy) Am white? I'm 95% NW Euro, I swear.
Also, friendly reminder that the Portuguese have more African than me.
I thought Sup Forums was against civic nationalism.
Looks like OP will have to be a civvie too if he wants to survive the day of the rope
Op is Puerto Rican obviously
>giving your dna to a corporation so they can fudge some inconclusive test on where your ancestors are from
>allowing the gubbinment to frame you for crimes with the dna you provided?
spastic confirmed
>not even a single reply on my first post
You do know 23andme just bullshits this stuff?
They give everyone the same results
no we're just long lost brothers
come back my parents are building a ranch in rural missouri
>be Native Britton
>mix with picts
>mix with celts
>Mix a bit with Roman occupiers
>mix with Danish
We're niggers because we have a bit of blood from the Germans that stayed instead of going off to rape your Abbos, right?
>average of 3.5% African admixture
>look like fucking Arabs
Just to show that not all Americans are fat mongrels
You are completely full of shit. There is no way you're actually even white passing with those results. Post a pic
Get a load of these fucking cucks. Where do you think culture comes from, you bluepilled faggots?
post nose
Maybe you're adopted?
Post a pic of your face with the eyes blocked out. Or at least a pic of your skin. No fucking way you are white.
Sup Forums in a nutshell
Come to Israel you cuck
rate my results infidels
>Both of my parents are white.
Cubans are not white.
Fuck off.
>97.8% Christ Killer
You had a slanty eye and a burned one somewhere up the tree.
My friend is white, as are his parents and grandparents.
He's 1/16th Cherokee due to his mother's side having one in the tree.
breddy good 9/10
Can I apply for citizenship in Israel with a DNA map that says I'm at least a quarter Jewish?
Do it #openbordersforisrael
From a historical perspective this makes sense. White Americans sometimes mixed with slaves and Native Americans.
Your white ancestors were either degenerates or unattractive fat autists incapable of attracting someone from their own race. I guess the apple doesn't fall that far from the tree.
>Southern European
You're not white.
I know, lmaoing my ass off to OP's ancestors that were so desperate had to fuck native americans and slaves.
>tfw my ancestors are superior iberian immigrants
maybe Tiger Woods fucked your mom
What are the other 3/4ths?
someone was fucking their slaves.
your ancestors got raped by moors
White but not huWhite (Jared Taylor's pronunciation, taken to mean non-Jewish white).
40s, 47s, 1:00
Have lots of kids dude.
kys nigger
Well momiji, not all Iberians got raped, my ancestral line goes to north Portugal and north Spain, where mudslimes didn't really go to.
yes but did any of them racemix with the Irish?
same here
>proto-brazilian blood
revolting on physical, intellectual and moral levels
>he doesn't know brazillians are monsters because of their heavily mongrelized blood and native american and black blood
>he doesn't know purebred mediterraneans literally were the cradle of civilization in europe
If you are not a LARPer, post a pic of your skin and hair.
This is a board about politics.
All threads should be about politics.
If you're posting bullshit that isn't about politics, you're probably going to get banned.
Am I white?
>a little over a third white
>thought you were white before dna test
nigger-spics are literally this retarded.
>0.1% middle Eastern
Might as well remove yourself, kebab.
Irish potatoniggers are worse than actual niggers
Don't mix with our women
bullshit your white. you clearly portuguese descended faggot. your ancestors got raped by moors and then racemixed with indian when they got over here.
your not white. youve never been white. and youll never be white.
if i were you i wouldn't even breed. i'd get a vasectomy and let my garbage bloodline finally die out.
>36.2% nigger
who is helping you type?
What websites are you guys using
How many times did your grand parents get shoahed? Was it more than 5?
23andme and GEDmatch
Fuck you, faggot. Irish Americans aren't the same as actual Irish from the 20s, ya stupid as shit retard
>inb4 butt hurt Irish American
They're actually not but yeah Kys
You're adopted
>97.8% jewish
Pick one.
post shekels
I'm middle Eastern Christian. My people refer to themselves as Assyrian rather than Arab. What do you think my results would look like if I did this test?
>not white
Fucking stormweenies lmao
Haha Caldean faggot
Which DNA analysis is this
whats the site called again? my brain's acting niggerish
Yeee, I'm a part of the Chaldean Catholic church. Are you from Michigan?
I am
1000% semite
do not breed k. thnx bye