Dig it Out


>Someone (or 3) gets the jump on you
>Puts a gun(s) in your face
>You can't reach for your ccw
>He/they run your pockets
>Find your CCW
>Get pissed
>Kill you

How likely is this scenario? Also you lose your gun. If this guy was carrying nothing would've been any different except he would lose his gun. You guys seem to think that robbers won't look at your hands. If someone wants to take your phone/wallet/car, a lot of people have the "don't fight for it or I will kill you" mentality, is it worth it to fight for it?

I know that some people don't value their freedom or life as much as others and will literally kill you over nothing.

>inb4: just don't relax haha retard
I know the cardinal rule but you can't always help it

Other urls found in this thread:


Is that Carlton?

will you make me a sandwich

One of the minconceptions with herbal trinkets is that it isn't supported by big pharma. In my personal experience worm wood has worked extremely well in eliminating intestinal parasites.

One of my favorite medical substances I've made is an ancient african medicinal compound called "jenkum" (olde Anglo,new English jen, Norse,welsh Kuhm)

The process of making jenkum is quite easy, what you want to do first is find a decent sized mason jar. Step two consume 8 cheesy gordita crunch wrap supremes and 36 bottles of Metamucil, step 6 defecate into the mason jar and step 9 allow the feces to ferment for 90 days. The result is a strong and potent isotopic substance that cures acne and insomnia. The best way to consume jenkum is orally and if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep

what happened here? i dont wanna watch the vid. i hate violence



He didn't dig it out

nice try kiddo

By the time someone has the jump on you, and they're armed like you said, it's going to be a gun fight no matter what. Try your best to take them out first. Practice drawing. Don't be the fucking idiot who never practices or carries with no round in the chamber. If they have you like the guy in the car, your fucked anyway. Bite, scratch, do whatever to get loose. If you die, well, it won't fucking matter will it? You're dead, nothing matters. Quit being scared.

Here in Brazil our robbers have a shoot first, ask questions later policy. They tell you to put your hands in the air, if you make any weird movement they start shooting straight away. That's why Brazil has so many murders.

If someone gets the drop on you then they get the drop on you. You are still prepared if you have a gun in a way that you are not if you do not have a gun.

We really need to take a not from Islam and amputate the hands off people like this. Shit cut his arms off and let him go. He would starve on the street.

did they kill him? the nigger i mean

it would be nice if there was a nigger holocaust in America

>be taxi driver/uber
>pick up a nigger

You deserve everything that happens to you.

Retention holster.

In the shithole methy parts of Australia kids sometimes try to rob you and you literally tell
Them to fuck off and get a job and keep walking

Very rarely you get junkies trying to rob people with syringes full of hiv or hep blood

That wouldn't work with niggers.

>That's why Brazil has so many murders

No. You have so many murders because you're country is a majority mudskinned shithole, like all the rest.

We have welfare though. If he can't work he gets a check in the mail every month for $4k or so, tax free.

>How likely is this scenario?
The people who shake you down for money randomly at night are not smart people

Yeah, the $19/hr + free pussy almost convinced me to start being a driver but then I found out your car has to be newer than 2005(I drive an old Cobra and occasionally my own replica of Mad Max's interceptor) and that people fucking Rob them even more than regular taxis

>that people fucking Rob them even more than regular taxis

LOL what? Source on this? That makes zero fucking sense since:

a.) Uber drivers aren't carrying cash
b.) If you got in an Uber car they already have your fucking information and the cops would literally come to your front fucking door

Top kek.

This is why I carry a NAA .32 NAA Guardian. Not many could/would attempt get a drop on me. Unless, they have completely deep fried
their Brains. I am 6'8" and 297.3 lbs. The .32 NAA Guardian fit within my hand like a toy cap cap gun, but i will kill and kill good. In fact, it was designated for close engagements like in the video. I get 12.48" to 14.27"" penetration with a 60gr JHP on an agency simugel body.

My off duty EDC:
.40 Super - Wilson Combat X-TAC Elite Comp Carry with two extra 9 round magazines - 27+1 rounds
.32 NAA - NAA Guardian 6+1 round plus a spare 9 round magazine.

When I am on duty, my Patrol SUV is a rolling armory:
5.56x45mm - Select-fire(Safe-Semi-automatic-Auto) FN FN15 Patrol 12.7" SBR with two 60 round SureFire stagger loaded magazines. Mk. 311 50-grain R2LP OTM-F and 62gr M855A1 in those. I keep an additional eight 40 round Magpul magazines in my SUV. First four are loaded with Mk. 318 62gr OTMBT and the other four are loaded 52gr M995 FMJAP with Tungsten cores.
10x25mm/10mm Auto Select-fire(Safe-Semi-2-round Burst-Fully Automatic) H&K MP5/10A5 with five 35 round magazines loaded with 102gr FMJ-SAP and 180gr 10x25mm Bonded JHP.
12 Gauge - Benelli M4CQC. 25 - 424gr Brenneke ATS General-Purpose Slugs and 15 - 602gr Anti-Barrier/Anti-Vehicle Brenneke SFMBPM Slugs.
My primary sidearm: .45 ACP Wilson Combat X-TAC Elite loaded with 175gr +P+ Monolithic Copper Bonded JHP - 12+1 round magazine with an additional with five 9 round spare magazines.
Primary backup sidearm:.45 ACP Wilson Combat X-TAC Elite Carry Compact with 175gr +P CBJHP - 9+1 round magazine with a spare 11 round magazine.
Secondary backup sidearm: .32 NAA North America Arms Guardian - 9 round magazine - no reloads.

>buddy gets in car
>robs driver
>"I din ebun know dat nigga he jus needed a ride sheeeeit"

>goes from africany accent straight to american nig nog killer accent
caught me off guard

Yeah I'm sure your department lets everyone carry 1911s and have select fire long guns.

Faggot LARPer

Good luck opening a mail box with no arms




this is why taxis dont pick up niggers, aside from them not having money to pay for the ride

They were already going to kill you either way.

Depends on the state and the particular department

the nice thing about uber is that it requires an approved credit card beforehand, which a nigger is very unlikely to have

Neither does I know your dad

Get shot.

Unless it's the credit card of the last uber driver they just killed

i would fight back as hard as i could. if i get killed, fine. thats less time i have to spend on this shitty earth


Would you dig it out though?

I drove for Uber for 2 years bruh.

Sure, you get the occasional asshole who gets in and has a chip on his shoulder, can't defuse the tension and basically behaves like a twat and slams your door for no reason.

These are the situations where the fake dog shit comes in to play.

I've made thousands off of placing a dog shit onto my rear floor mats and texting Uber with a hi-res pic of this, with graphic detail of how this fucking drunk piece of shit acted like a moron for the entire ride and proceeded to take a fucking shit in my back seat.

Now, I am a fair and rational driver, but if you don't mind your manners in my god damn car, you get the 500 dollar dog shit treatment.

Not everyone carries 1911's. Troopers and Detectives get .45 GAP Glock 37 or a .45 GAP Glock 38 as their standard sidearms along semi-automatic FN15 Patrol Carbine and a Benelli M2 shotgun.

ACERT Agents get a .45 Wilson Combat CQB LE upon graduation and ACERT-CTU Agents get a Wilson Combat X-TAC Elite upon graduating. $3,900 sidearms are not just thrown around and any additional backup sidearms are purchased out of our own pockets - we get a tax write off for them.

Gang members use guns to intimidate people.

CCW holders use guns to kill people.

If you draw, you've decided to kill them, when they see you draw, they are holding a gun, but they have to make a decision on whether to shoot or not.

You have an edge.

Think about this: training shows that when cops have their guns DRAWN AND TRAINED on a target, they only get the first shot off 50% of the time when their target draws on them.

50%, and they are trained for this role specifically and have no qualms over shooting you dead.

Your chances of killing your muggers in this scenario is actually really good. I would take those odds.

Of course, I also wear a concealable vest, too.

>The people who shake you down for money randomly at night are not smart people

which is why I think they would pull the "ay dis white boi think he's tuff packin one how 'bout we teach dis boi a lesson"

he shouldve put the car in drive and ran him over

Is it true that some police agencies use airsoft to train officers?

While Jamal & Co. are distracted by my "glock fawty" I would simply draw my BUG and begin street sweeping operations.

Yes or Paintball markers if they cannot afford simunitions. My agency uses simunitions, especially the one's of us on the ACERT Team(State-wide SWAT) or ACERT-CTU(State-wide Counter-Terrorism sub-Unit).


>Find your CCW
>Get pissed
>Kill you

Get pissed because you own a gun? If they kill you for that, they were going to kill you anyway.

Not him but

>agency allows waivers to get qual'd with pretty much anything
>I'm qual'd with a 1911 among a fuckton of other guns
>am obscure piece of legislation drafted in the 1800s that was never repealed states that we can carry levergats
>I am qual'd to carry a Henry 45-70

There are a lot of agencies that will allow you to carry a wide variety of guns if you can qualify and buy your own ammo.

My daily carry is a P226 in .357 SIG.

Force on Force training is generally conducted with simunition.

Nice trips.

Also sounds like a pretty big fucking waste of my tax money.

Also why the fuck are you on Sup Forums?

The idea that you can't reach for your pocket implies you have very very short arms. I call bullshit. Headlocking someone will not stop me from reaching into my side arm and putting a few bullets into the asshole that grabbed my neck.

I am a CERT-CTU agent. We get a $75mil/year operating budget. That is to cover a State of over of 5 million.

CERT-CTU - Civil Emergency Response Team - Counter-Terrorism (sub-)Unit.

shove that jenkum shit back up your ass

How many of those are radioactive?

Staties are self-important useless fucks who will gladly write tickets to other cops while expecting to not get pulled over while driving 90+ on the freeway and give no fucks about local jurisdiction.

State Poopers can eat my ass.

Ever stop any terrorists?

where are you?

Whats up with all the cops tonight?

Where as in what state or where as in what am I doing?

Currently I'm sitting here waiting for the hospital to clear my perp because he was having "chest pains" when I cuffed him so I can take his ass to jail.

No idea why so many cops are on. I mean, I'm here all the time, I patrol a rural district at night and have a lot of down time.

>being an uber driver
>letting niggers in your car

Yeah what state are you in?

What'd your perp do? Maybe you should have tazed him to help his chest pains.

Do not cross into Florida or Virginia. All of us in between are chill.

We do a lot of anti-Cartel related raids and stopping Child Sex Trafficking. We escorted Dylann Roof back into the State. He is sadly the "biggest terrorist" since before 9/11, but that was before my time. I am a regular here. There are plenty of LEA Cyber-Units on Sup Forums either tracking down Antifa/ShareBlue/BLM members and/or looking for other crimes.

your a faggot you can get killed with a 9 milli, and get off pol you racist fuck your supposed to be an example citizen

Sir, you look inebriated. Please, step away from the keyboard.

>ld be nice if there was a nigger holocaust in A

>niggers have common sense
Your speaking about a race of people that destroy there own neighborhoods and post pics of said crime on twitter.

>think to myself "state of 5 million? that's a low number"
>look up lowest population states, including DC
>Wyoming has about a little over half a million
what the fuck, i didn't even know that was possible.

I try not to tase people, too much paperwork and shit. Reports are easier if I just go hands on or talk them down.

Discovered perp had warrants during a traffic stop. Basic shit, unpaid fines, unpaid tickets. I mostly don't even fuck with bench warrants but I'm training a rookie so I want them to see the "right" way to do shit.

I'm in Oklahoma.

Is pizzagate fake news?

Are you looking forward to raiding them?

wait what the fuck are you trying to say? that you're better off NOT having a weapon because you MIGHT not be able to effectively use it if you get ambushed?

I mean sure, you could get blindsided and having a gun might not save you in that case, but other times you might have the opportunity to use it to kill your attacker.

In cases where an attacker wouldn't have killed you, but notices you have a CCW, and then decides to kill you because of it? probably very rare. They would have probably intended to kill you either way if that was the case.

It's objectively better to carry a gun than to not especially if you're life/job involve interacting with a lot of unknown people.

Funny how Sup Forums dismisses this cause of a spelling error but he is absolutely right.

Our annual budget for last year was $310mil.

Not sure about the Pizza Gate thing, but we have been breaking up a spic pedophile ring. 68 girls 2-17 years old saved and 184 arrested, thus far. We are bringing 1st Degree Homicide, Child Sexual Abuse, Kidnapping, Gross Bodily Harm of a Child, Torture of a Children, Female Genitalia Mutilation, Sexual Assault(Rape), Child Prostitution, Possession of illegal Firearms(BATF's call) and Possession of Narcotics on each and everyone of the spics arrested.

>hitting everyone with Murder 1 charges

Yeah go ahead and blow your entire case.

Even someone from the OPD could get that shit dropped.

annual budget for what? the department?

that makes me feel good.

Ease up on the racial epithets though bro don't go all Mark Fuhrman.

Female genital mutilation charges? They chopped their clits off?

No more hugs will

We have found 38 Female Corpses ranging from two-four months, up to 17 years old, at the various locations - including a triple homicide. A Mother and un-born Twin shot execution style and in the abdomen. ME's estimate the victim was 12 to 14 years old and the twin fetuses were at 6.5 months old. More corpses have been found like that - I am not going into the details of how many like that were found.

Still, you know just as well as I do that it's going to be difficult to pin everyone with these murders.

They're pieces of shit, to be sure, but the DA already has his work cut out, and he's gonna sign a lot of deals.

Good work though, it's rough out there right now. Hope you can get em all the fucking needle or chamber.

Constantly scared the girls cervical/uterine canals, as a way of birth control. A few had their Clitoral Hoods and/or Labia Minora removed and the Clitoral Glans split and hot-ironed.

he relaxed around blacks serves him right

It is a plan worked out with the State AG. We are going to bring them all up on enough charges, that would get the needle and wait to see whom folds for the plea deals/witnesses/information. They are either getting the needle, Life in General Population and/or deported back.

>rummage through your pockets
At this point you throw your entire body weight into them and grapple while getting your weapon. It isn't a perfect scenario but if you are held at gunpoint you comply until you get a chance to fight back.

Most muggers are not going to actually go through your pockets. It gets them much too close to their victims and means then lose control of the situation by closing distance and distracting themselves.

If you are drawn upon you give them your wallet and wait. If there is no opening you get robbed. Remember their face as best as possible and pass it along. If they make a stupid mistake like looking away or putting their weapon down to loot. You draw and fire until they are no longer or a threat or until you run out of bullets.

>you shouldn't carry a gun because if the armed attacker finds it you're in even worse trouble!
You can take this shitcuckretarded mindset and shove it right up your ass. It is better to be armed and prepared. I would never take such a job because of the insane risk it represents.

>taking on unknown clients
>your back is exposed and you have no sight on your passengers
>often targeted by blacks and minorities as prime robbery material because of the mobile and anonymous relation between most passengers

holy shit. Yeah I hope they fry. I must say, good job.

If I'm ever in OK I'll keep my eye open for a law dog toting a 45-70 lever gun lol.

Also rate my gats

implying Sup Forums doesn't have some of the best people

Hey brother, still here?

Thanks for the advice on the Safariland armor carriers a week ago. It's me. I don't recall if you responded to that thread anymore after that, I had gone home.

I took a look at the Cover 6. I really liked it. I am going to head to the agency and see if they place an order for it. If not, I'll just go ahead and pick it up myself.

The State and a Private Charity are going to pay for pelvic reconstructions on the effected girls. They still likely will not ever really get any pleasure, even with nerve grafts and reconstructing the clitorii. The ones who had their uterine/cervical canals scarred over are all needing complete hysterectomies(Ovaries(most severe cases), Uteri and Cervices).

I remember and replied. You are welcome. I hope that it is approved and serves you well.

Also, thanks for the advice on the groin shots, I almost popped somebody yesterday in the dick. Some nigger ruffian who wanted to look big and bad strapped up with an AK47 and some SAPI armor.

Have any run ins lately with any great Irish gang members of this century? ;^)

LUL, white boi got manhandled by a genetically superior male. Fucking pathetic white boi genetics, y'all are all fucked. White women don't even want your pathetic asses anymore because your basically females with all that estrogen your creating from all the sugar you eat. It's over for you white boi's, might aswell start your hormone replacement therapy now.

Have the barcode/tracking codes on the SAPI Plate traced and see if it was smuggled out of the Armed Forces. That is where most come from and get onto the streets around here. Not that mainly Irish here. French and French Jew decedents.

Why did you exaggerate the video dumbass nigger

We think it was, actually. Smart thinking brother. His family member was in the USMC, served a tour in Iraq. The guy lived, but he won't see the outside for quite some time. Had 4 felony warrants. I'm really shocked he complied. He probably didn't think he had as many warrants, perhaps.

I gotta confide in you, the other night I had a scary situation that could have gotten me killed. A person, who I later determined was armed with a .25 pistol was reaching for his waistband, and for some reason I instinctively reached for my taser. My right hand had a pen in it, and I quickly dropped it and reached for my duty weapon, but it could have gone bad in a heart beat.

Is there anything you could recommend, perhaps surprise training where I condition myself to always reach for my side arm then transition off to less lethals? I never fucked up during training, but that is training. We knew what was expected, this was real world.

I forgot to mention he popped out of the bushes from his homeboy's house, I guess he didn't see us at that moment but it surprised the hell out of me, and his correlation with my call was totally unrelated. He had a warrant, also. But I touched my taser when I heard a snap in the bushes, and I should have went for my gun. Ultimately, I did. Any advice?

Where are you located?

that guy could have drawn from his wasteband and blown the niggers face off with a contact shot and if someones going to kill you for having a gun then they're dangerous enough to kill you anyway so even more reason to have one

This is the stupidest, most childish thing I have ever read. I would love to see you try this is real life.

As anyone who isn't a fucking idiot knows, if you try drawing a weapon on someone already holding a gun on you, it isn't going to go well.

Florida. Not very far off from the location where two officers went down yesterday or the day before from a man with a shotgun. They received pellets to their legs and were discharged from the hospital. Thank God they lived. I was initially en-route but the guy was shot and killed, I wasn't filled in if it was self-inflicted or a police officer took him out.


See if you can appendix carry(1 or 2 O'Clock.(Dick is 12:00) or small of back carry(6 or 6:30) a backup sidearm. The way that I can move my thigh holster/rig around allows me to disengage the retentions, withdraw my sidearm right handed(my weak hand) and keep shooting until I can get to cover/dragged out if my strong arm is injured/shot. Appendix carry allows the quckest draw times weak-handed/across the body.