Is Sup Forums really racist or "jew" is a term used to talk about greedfags and "nigger" a term used to reference uncivilised cucks? Pepe related.jpeg
Is Sup Forums really racist or "jew" is a term used to talk about greedfags and "nigger" a term used to reference...
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Pretty much just tired of the globalists and shitskins who want everything for free and fag everything up instead of sticking to their own kind
we really are racist
I could point out how 9/10 of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.
Sup Forums calls this 'taking the redpill' and it ruins everyone as it's impossible to stop seeing the (((coincidences)))
>is Sup Forums satire
you are satire
What's up huffington post
The word "racist" is a kike invention. There is no basis for discussion on a rational level with blue-pillers as they take left for right and right for left granted.
Kikes meddled with this for over 2000 years to hide their true nature, being the Nazis themselves. They are "famous" for brainwashing everybody. No fucks given though.
Maybe some of the newfags from like reddit or wherever the fuck will say otherwise but no, most of us are genuine racists who believe in Aryan supremacy
I hate every jew I know and greet new ones with extreme scepticism. You should too.
Drop the veil, user. Be free.
>pol is one person
>writing prompt
can confirm, we are actually racist.
All of this is satire.
Marx, Lenin and Trotsky were all Jewish as well
Jewish Bolshevism is a plague, OP
I was racist but not so much anymore. Racism is stupid and wrong. Hatred is never good. I would urge all Sup Forumslacks to lose their hate. It's never too late.
I cant speak for Sup Forums but I don't consider myself racist. I don't hate blacks. I just find them very alien, dont understand their culture and want nothing to do with them. If I was in power, I wouldn't see them all killed, just removed somewhere that my people wouldn't have to interface with them
God I love that video. The sincerity in his voice makes me almost tear up.
Hey buddy
you just blow in from reddit?
/pol is not satire. All the civic faggots and """"Race realists""""" are refugees from r/donald who saw LE TRUMP FROG MAN screencaps and came here.
Sup Forums's racism is... unique...
Nah I've been here since 2012. Turning over a new leaf and growing up. Getting my mind right. You can mock me all you want but you know I'm right.
"Nigger" is not a race to me, but a character archetype. Niggers can be anybody of low IQ, that needs to pull up their pants, that goes to the store shirtless, and/or depends on welfare. I'm not even bringing females into the mix at this point though
"...those who say they are Jews, but are not.."
a better translation would be
"...those who claim to be Judahites, but are not."
The modern day "Jews" are an invention of the Khazars, all Judahites got massacred by the Romans when they had enough of their (((meddling))) in their Empire. Figures these clowns would take on the mantle of a dead people. What's alive today, are Sandniggers of Baal, nothing more.
We are absolutely racist.
Racism is moral, because mongrel races engage in depravities at a far higher proportion than whites. The more bastardized you are (like kikes) the more evil you are.
kek, one of my favourites
The biggest donor to Trump
Sup Forums is racist as fuck, but not in the white trailer park trash sense.
We have a more developed sense of racial issue:
>Standards lowered for minorities to get in college
>Money given to minorities to clothe them
>Money given to minorities to feed them
>Money given to minorities educate them
>Money given to minorities to develop their communities
After ALL THIS they still chimp out and beat white people, shoot each other, and burn their cities to the ground.
THEN Jewish media heads say is because of "white privilege"
>Really gets your synapses snapping
Sup Forums is satire and a few unironic stormfags
Wow user, you've turned over millennia of evident Aryan/East Asian supremacy with one post
"you know I'm right". Huh, never thought of it that way.
Really microwaves your spaghetti-o's, doesn't it?
breddy gud m8
There are plenty of depraved white people who do unspeakable shit.
>t.Pedro Gonzales
I've seen through your tactics ETERNAL BURRITO.
At a much lower rate than you'll niggers or spics doing
>Not being a rational civic nationalist who doesn't follow political binary
I was on this board 2 years ago and on Sup Forums far longer than that. I know what this board was like back then and I know how much better it has gotten now that the stormfags have mostly left.
That's why these lines are in the Apocalypse when GOD curses the fake Jews and sends them to the oven. Literally.
Jesus was a Judahite, and there were Judeah and Israel. Israel took the wrath of GOD and got destroyed, and they are still butthurt although they aren't even the original sinners. No matter, same procedure one last time. Good riddance.
Hate will burn you out. It's no good. Let the love in brother.
Funny side note. Palestine is now what once was Judeah. So Jesus was likely Palestinian.
>I've been here [INSERT TIME] longer than you buddy so that means I'M RIGHT
Really gets the ole noggin joggin
That should explain the butthurt and all that. They had it coming though, can't make excuses a second time, lol. How stupid can you be....
Don Black looks an awful lot like Steven Crowder. It's almost uncanny.
They're probably mongrels, or have been experimenting with satanism.
The Clintons and Podestas of the world are a small portion of the overall.
I never insinuated that you were new. Just stating the facts that I know how different and better this board has become in those years since.
The reason we dislike Jews is because they're waging war against us (the white race and western civilization) - they've been doing it for over a hundred years.
Sooner or later you realize: it really is the jews, that are behind so many of the problems on this planet.
If jews would leave us alone - let's say they stayed in Israel and didn't interfere with anyone - then we wouldn't have anything against them.
Evil exists in all colors my friend. Evil is not racist.
GOD doesn't care about Sup Forumsitics, he literally cares nothing for the squabbles of Mankind. It's their own fault for being this autistic.
Evil is found more often in darker people but I don't know why.... I really can't think about why that happens...
Short answer....yes.
Look at the proportion of jewish crimes over history, niggers etc.
Evil exists in all races, but the mongrels are FAR more evil than pure whites.
They are also responsible for creating the most powerful and most civil societies on earth, something that niggers havn't even begun to do.
You forget that 90% of Sup Forums is subhuman shitskins.
Jews are liberals in camouflage.
You think you are looking at a liberal, when you are really dealing with a Jew.
>All beady eyes
Truly this is....diversity
Just one historical example... for anyone who might not know:
The Russian Revolution was NOT Russian at all. It was a Jewish revolution AGAINST Russia. The Bolsheviks were ethnic Jews.
Supremacy implies that you want something to rule over, kind of like slavery in the US.
I dont want supremacy of any kind, I just want a country to my own people and for niggers to get the fuck out.
Sup Forums isnt one person
And also the most violent and destructive wars to have ever been witnessed.
White people are far from the perfect angels. And there are amazing and wonderful black people. No one is perfect. We are all flawed. We all face evil every day. Racism is stupid.
>comparing historical events to what is happening today in the modern day
>Really gets your synapses snapping
Sounds like something JonTron would say.
Hello Jon Jafari.
Do you seriously think the high IQ jews are retarded as blacks who commit reckless crimes out in the open?
They stay behind the curtains and are overly protected from scrutiny for a reason. Using propaganda and deception to indoctrinate and manipulate and run the very society we live in.
ideology and IQ are more important than race
>And also the most violent and destructive wars to have ever been witnessed.
You talk as if war isn't necessary sometimes, or that no other civilizations have waged war on a massive scale to create empires or societies. Who are the Turks, the Chinese, The Japanese, The Mongols, the Muslims, the list goes on and on.
>White people are far from the perfect angels
No one said that nor was it even implied in my post faggot.
Cherry picking some "wonderful" black folks does not make up for their inability to create civil societies as a race.
xenophobe and islamophobe is probably more accurate for me
and yet faggots like you are always a tiny minority in every single thread.
Yeah I don't know why I keep coming here it just lowers my self esteem. Reddit has gotten very fucking boring I guess.
I'm not entirely convince on the whole jew thing, but i can confirm niggers are a fucking waste of space
So much hate user. You won't drag me down into your pit of hatred and I refuse and reject racism and racial hatred.
lurk in natsoc threads
embrace the redpill
I'm not racist, but I'm also not Sup Forums. I voted for Bernie. :^)
I use terms the way you mentioned. People IRL I take on individual basis or hate equally
beware the lusty jew
I'm not racist but it's probably because most black people I've met were civilized and the Jews I've met were cool. However from what I've seen American blacks are dumb as fuck. I'd probably be racist if I were American.
Jews are exactly what most of us wish we were part of. They have their own nation state and they're pretty smart. If they didn't try to fuck over everyone else, no one would dislike them.
90% of the problem with niggers is cultural. There are a few examples of competent leaders in Africa, but most get killed or corrupted by Jewish or white corporations before they have the opportunity to fix their country.
Sup Forums is for disaffected young men who don't have a job and don't have a future to speak of to find a convenient scapegoat like this
thats what you want to believe more than anything else
All jews and niggers should fucking hang immediately.
Glad i cleared that up for you newfriend.
This, but as a Jew, I want the death of most other Jews for being shifty and whiney(at least don't want to interact with them) and the death of all kikes who are antiwhite
Calling someone disaffected and futureless isn't an ad hominem, and I don't mean it as an insult. Given the economic state of the world and the ever present march of mechanization rendering youth and labor worthless it's only natural that young men are going to look for someone to blame for their horrible lives. If it were easy to start a family and a career before the age of 30 you'd see far fewer people with time or an interest in politics. That all being said, I do feel that blaming one race or another for all your ills accomplishes nothing.
Go back and stop posting.
No, YOU want to believe that there's some higher enlightened cause behind what attracts people to pol. If everyone had decent jobs and families we wouldn't have so many people obessed with bringing on the apocalypse.
Hello Huffington Post! No we are a board of peace!
>white trash racism
When did you realize that white trash doesn't exist and that they are actually right about blacks. They need to all die or go back.
>No, YOU want to believe that there's some higher enlightened cause behind what attracts people to pol.
nope, simply stated that your meme tier 13yo insult ''virgin with no jobs'' point is fucking stupid.
> If everyone had decent jobs and families we wouldn't have so many people obessed with bringing on the apocalypse.
why ? you realize that you thinking this doesnt make it true right ?
But thats wrong
That's my post! im the faggot who cant click boards properly!
Im actually racist
Depends on the poster. Most here are genuinely racist but not against miscegenation for colonizing purposes.
More ad hom.
Really making me think.
>If everyone had decent jobs and families we wouldn't have so many people obessed with bringing on the apocalypse.
There is a reason they don't have decent jobs and families.
>implying a lot of us here would ever have decent jobs or families in any period of time.
Do you know where you are?