So why are liberals so anti-russia?
What is so bad about the USA and Russia being besties?
So why are liberals so anti-russia?
The left hates communism
>So why are liberals so anti-russia?
The media told them to.
>What is so bad about the USA and Russia being besties?
the "left" is basically a tool for criminal elements of the military industrial complex playing themselves out through the deep state
they want nothing more than perpetual war with an unknown enemy in order to keep the war machine profit machine churning
Why is this board pro Russia? Yeah the media definitely has a hit job going against Russia and trump but Russia isn't trustworthy at all. Putin is a manipulator and can't be trusted.
You guys really think Putin would put the interests of Russia aside to be bffs with usa? Kek
I'm struggling to fathom the logic. A lot of liberals actually liked Putin in a black and white way, if you watch any of his speeches on YouTube you see them praising him blindly. I think because most people are retarded and really are not experienced with US intelligence' constant lying and manipulation, they just assume their own countries' intelligence agencies to be true.
Probably because of "muh homophobia"
when the anti war liberals got into power and became the establishment, then suddenly war was fine.
really pathetic.
Because liberals want whites to hate each other, plus Russia doesn't play the kikes game of "invading" countries, gain nothing and make everything worse.
>>What is so bad about the USA and Russia being besties?
strategic differences
The media told them to and probably because of muh homophobia/womyn
>Why are liberals anti-russia
Because the media said so
The implication that they are "besties" is totally unfounded. Also, where have you seen anything that gives you the impression that he will put another countries interests before his own?
That's funny. They seem to want a communist regime, but refuse to outright say it.
Because IT WAS HER TURN but then Putin hacked the mainframe, now they have to suffer literally the holocaust under Drumpf and they blame Russia.
Putin isn't exactly a great guy, why do you think we wanted Trump to win? Hillary at the helm would have triggered war with him.
Always knew they were self hating.
Russian dicks are too big. I swear every Russian couple on Chaturbate has a hung guy. I can't compete.
Back during the soviet union days, the left masturbated to the thought of the USSR gaining the upper hand over the US and NATO.
Even Ted "Keg" Kennedy tried to subvert against the US in the Senate for the Ruski's. The left today is very communist.
Now, all of a sudden, the left is 180 pissed at the Russians and want a nuclear war. Probably have a sex tape of Hillary.
>A lot of liberals actually liked Putin in a black and white way, if you watch any of his speeches on YouTube you see them praising him blindly.
He will always play the side that will tamp down on US policy where it interferes with Russian interests. Trump came to the presidency pretty clueless and people were worried that he might cede substantial amounts of US influence and power in Europe for a temporary counter-terrorism alliance.
>Hillary at the helm would have triggered war with him.
Hillary is not that much of an idiot. Both countries are nuclear armed and the US is entangled in several conflicts where Russia has options to play with, but she knows the game of power politics very well and would pursue it ruthlessly against the Russians. Trump has been much softer on Russia and possibly clueless on foreign policy, which Russia is willing to gamble on rather than on Clinton
They don't hate Russia they hate what they're told to hate.
The left is anti-Russia because the CIA and NSA blames Russia for hacking the DNC (who knows if it's really true). Now the DNC and the liberal media are using Russia as an excuse for the colossal failure that was Hillary Clinton's 2016 Presidential Campaign.
The Washington establishment is also angry with Russia over Crimea and Syria, so they want to make sure Trump doesn't become besties with Putin.
Is Canada opposite land?
Yes, but only because the establishment leftist government who was in charge at the time told them Russia was anti-gay. The only reason liberals hate Russia is because the government told them to. Governments in general hate Russia because they stand in the way of the the New World Order. USA specifically also hates Russia because of Snowden.
There is also a small possibility that USA is spoiling for a fight with Russia in an effort to immanentize the eschaton, or prevent Russia from doing so.
Because Russia isn't communist anymore.
We are the most multicultural country in the world and have zero identity politics, and it works somehow (almost - fuck Chechens). I would be triggered too.
>So why are liberals so anti-russia?
Russia remains a sovereign nation. Globalists do not control Russia. Guess whether Soros likes this
they think the cold war is still a thing
russia hasnt been communist since the 1991.
>>Russia remains a sovereign nation. Globalists do not control Russia
I don't think you'll get that answer from most liberals
Its simple. Russia is a world superpower and fiercely nationalistic. A war between the two would weaken both nations and them ripe for assimilation into the EU/North American Union.
After at, its pretty much a globalist checkmate
>a fucking leaf
That's because then, the Russians were communists.
because russia invaded our ally, and they want to invade more of our allies. actual americans (non-trumpfags) stick with our allies.
Even russian liberals are antirussian, they call 90+% of the population vatniks for not agreeing to their bullshit.
>>because russia invaded our ally,
i can't recall which one.
The Liberals formerly in power are on the same Military-Industrial train as the neocons on the right. They need a strategic long-term enemy and Russia has fit the bill since WWII ended. They were not willing to go after China thus far, and places like Iran dont really scare people.
Russia is the nuclear boogeyman. I dont think any actual besties type of shit can actually exist between US and Russia, but possible partnerships would be ok on some things.
> Aggressive warlord Putin
> Stupid aggressive population
Pretty much enough.
They invaded cuba remember. Your most staunch of allies
Tribalism. They hate it because Trump likes it.
The left has been butthurt ever since the Soviet Union collapsed and they no longer had their foreign overlords fueling their subversion efforts.
>>The left has been butthurt ever since the Soviet Union collapsed and they no longer had their foreign overlords fueling their subversion efforts.
I think this runs counter to the globalist narrative that is accepted around here.
Russians hate niggers and faggots...liberals are scum.
Russia is an opponent of the U.S. based integration model. It's not just "liberals" that are anti-Russia, it's most of the prominent Republicans too. Trump is an exception.
Russia is trying to reintegrate it's former Soviet Empire into an Eurasian Economic Union. Ukraine was supposed to be a big part of it, the vital component to push it to critical mass of relevance on the world stage (~230m people, instead of around ~185m)
They are driving the opposite values of the U.S., and differing economic policies. The U.S. is trying to drive specific social and economic models, basically giving U.S. companies advantage and inserting U.S. cultural influence into these countries through "democracy".
Russia is trying to prop up historic models of development in the region. They are highlighting the connections the countries have with Russia, and the similar paths of development. They are trying to strengthen the role of the State and political control in the economy. They are promoting traditional values instead of "progressive" or "democratic" ones. This is not to say they don't want democracy. Democracy is totally fine, it's the Western style democracy where the public opinion is constantly ignored in order to push for more privatization, degeneracy and American influence that they object to.
TL;DR: They have the opposite regional (and global) objectives. The U.S. is an implacable enemy of what both Russia and China are trying to do in their neighborhoods.
The have the chinamen for that now
buncha fuckin' white males
I should also mention that in addition to Ukraine, Uzbekistan was eyed as becoming a part of EaEU, which would'be put the total population within said Union to around 260M people. The Soviet Union had 290M, so this would be as close an approximation to the revival of the economic sphere of that time.
This triggered Clinton to claim in 2012 that Putin want's to "re-Sovietize the region":
Liberals inside Russia also hate Russia. I don't know what that means, but it means something.
Russia is perfectly tolerant. I walked by some faggot wearing lipstick the other day, and no one was beating him up! No one even called him names.
Actually, this frightens me. It should have been me, bros. Diffusion of responsibility
What's the sentiment toward America right now in Russia?
The russians I've talked to seemed to be very pro-trump and pro cooperation between america and russia.
People are sobering up now that it turned out Trump wasn't our puppet after all. The sentiment switched from delusional hope to business-as-usual.
Same as vice versa. Hopeful and optimistic, but everyone is just waiting to see what will happen.
Why are you so pro-Russia? What have they done for you that makes you like them so much?
Europe has been by our side far longer and has served our national interests better. Russia is looking to stem its loss of power and slowly - inch by inch - get back onto the world stage.
We shouldn't necessarily be antagonistic, but there's no reason we need to be Russia's buddy.
you could have at least called him a fag. you disappoint me
Because the media is controlled by the IC and they consider Putin the biggest single threat to their agenda. They have internal studies showing that eliminating Putin would do the most to change the geo political situation. No other single person has a status like this. It would look retarded however if they focused just on him with their rhetoric, so they target the entire state and all the organs of power.
You think that's bad, you should see how many niggers there are in Moscow these days.
- per day? Yes.
10/12,000,000 is decent. Stop bitching. You guys have partnerships with African countries that lets them come to your schools for cheap.
>You guys have partnerships with African countries that lets them come to your schools for cheap.
Didn't you guys have a partnership like that too where you let them come to your countries to work for really really cheap?
They tried using it to sway oldfags that hear the word Russia and go into "Kill Commie!" mode.. except the democrats forgot they are on the same side as the commies.
One of the most common tropes in Cold War Anti-American propaganda was to paint the USA as extremely racist. It was very effective at tugging liberal heart strings and creating and overflow of white guilt, especially in the social climate of the Civil Rights and Vietnam eras.
Fast-forward to 2008; that same generation of Americans voted for a painfully unqualified Presidential candidate, not for his positions but his skin color, in another attempt to shed said guilt. At the same time, in Russia, they're throwing bananas at black soccer players and Kremlin officials call Obama a monkey.
They got played, and rather than admit it, they hate on Russia.
>So why are liberals so anti-russia?
Not a liberal.
Hate russia.
70 years pf imperialist marxism
20 years of imperalist putinism
Mug ww3 nuclear apocalypse threatened, for what? The ussr or putin?
Fuck russia, tyranny, poverty, a big fat failure.
Always a clique of criminal authoritarian kleptocrats ruling an impoverished bunch of slav(e)s
1. MSM have been shitting on Russia and Putin for many years with varying degree of intensity.
2. Liberals are idiots who can't critically think and simply swallow what [liberal] MSM is giving them.
>Not a liberal.
But a brainwashed idiot nonetheless.
Putin doesn't permit the gay agenda or leftism or any of the other mental illnesses to propagate in Russia.
slave country at slave times
To be fair, they gave Aiden McGeady about £60,000 a week for a few years.
slaves by the river
Yeah but they have no problems with muslims right
They're worried that Putin will swoop in and take eastern Europe once America's been pacified.
Slave school
Not in this timeline f a m
liberals are not left wing, they are centrists
actual leftists like jill stein are pro-russian
Hillary's masters wanted another war. Hillary's followers lapped it up.
Post some pictures of the gulags why you're at it so we get a full view of things.
Village slaves
Post some pentagon and CIA office photos. I mean, you're prohibited from taking photos in such places.
btw I think it's funny how quick democrats & republicans have changed their minds on russia, it's so easy to manipulate americans
are you that guy from 2ch?
But if for some reason you have some legit photos you could post'em
No, but I was on 2ch some time ago (not politach though)
It's not. The majority of people on this board are centrists and think fairly logically once you learn to sift through the constant trolling.
It's unwise and illogical to treat an entire nation, especially the second most powerful nation on earth as a perpetual enemy of the state, a forever boogieman.
So most people on this board simply point out the fallacies in hating Russia while incorporating some decent trolling.
There's people who actually really love it sure, but they are few and far between.
It's the same reason there is such a "support" for Trump on here. The left has gotten so whacky and so out of touch, and the media isn't even hiding their hands anymore and it's outrageous so people are choosing to go against them.
>not politach though)
you should visit it
funny place
shill yourself
The wonders of a two party system!
I gave it a quick look a couple of times, found nothing interesting
For numerous reasons we refuse to walk the path that globalists show as the only right one.
Moreover, russian mentality is quite different even amongst pretty diverse european nations.
On top of that western liberals are generally most ignorant, narrow-minded and illiterate type of people i've ever met.
>What is so bad about the USA and Russia being besties?
I think western bureaucracy mainly needs Russia as a boogieman, same way they need ISIS and Iran.
It keeps them backed by unlimited resourses and rights for ''security'' reasons.
The eternal bureaucrat needs justifications to stay in power. EU and NATO should be grateful to Putin because he is the reason why this monstrosity is still alive.
I have a theory that liberals is a type of people globalists will destroy the first despite the fact they created it. It's like Zuckerberg saying that people who trust him are dumb. Perhaps the whole sjw ideology was created to filter people who can be deleted in eugenics program without too much of remorse
Perhaps if Putin wasn't such a dick, they could be on more friendly terms.
really makes you think
> Blame the Russian boogeyman for all your failures
> Instead of learning from your failures double down on what caused them (elect another Hillary shill to lead the DNC, continue supporting terrorists in Syria and Ukraine, Putin hacked Brexit, Putin hacked Le Pen, Putin hacked AfD, Putin hacked the refugees into rapefugees by binary shifting e >> ape, etc)
>everything utterly collapses because blaming Russia allowed the real points of failure to go unchecked.
> MFW Russia ironically brings down democrats/globalists/neocons without actually doing anything simply by being the most convenient scapegoat of all time.
They hate whatever seems closed to Trump.
Russia is the biggest obstacle to the plans of NWO globalists. It is a huge country which can be on its own. They have recourses to sell and they are not tied to global economy commerce and international Judaism usury scheme. China may have biggest gdp but they are economicaly dependant on world system. Also the stockpile of nuclear weapons make sure they can not be attacked like Iraq. Finally their ideology is nationalist, and anti- degenerate.
Apart from globalists plans USA and Russia have no differences.
Left is butthurt as fuck that Russia gave up on Communism
No. The "Neocons" and liberals hate you, for more deeper reasons than that. They hate you with burning hatred, with passion. Maybe because you are white, because you are Christian, I'm not sure exactly, but they want you dead. Neocons are jews in case you didn't know.
I think they hate us (white Americans) too, and they want us to kill each other.