Great family life. Great christian. Great republican. Dream wife. Dream house. Dream job. Then destroys it all by messaging a filthy cam whore. Thoughts?
Quick rundown pls
Its in the OP
mormonism is a disease
plural marriages translate to degeneracy
Drunk guy posted lewd stuff
Hypocritical americans loose their shit
He only has one wife
Why did he? Surely he knew it would get out there at some point. I'm obsessive about making sure I'm anonymous for certain things online. How can you be so careless?
No idea who that is, but your description sounds apt for a christian republican.
Gonna need a quick rundown on this guy
you know what "Shay Carl" is
Basically hes a youtuber vlogger. Who preaches about the importance of faith,family and maintaing a happy attitude. It has recently come out that hes been messaging a cam whore on twitter for the last 3 months.sorry for quality of pic.
She posted the conversations?
Good, im sick to death of fucking youtubers.
Except pewdiepie, he is legit
This! pewds is the only good one out there
Yeah. The girl said that Shay's kid was really cute and Shay lost it at her for beinging his family into it and said he'd stop messaging her. So she got salty and released the logs.
Later she posted the exact conversation where he told her he no longer wanted to talk to her. He was actually civil about it. She's a lying whore.
Oh well. Shay fucked up.
Well, that sucks.
Doesnt change the fact that hes a retard who traded a life of bliss for a cringy chatlog with a woman who prides on putting things in her asshole on camera
yea no shit
How does that make americans Hypocrits. Hes the guy saying how people should be faithful and be good people than goes texting whos. Que¿
I liked this guy.
Do we know who the cunt is that doxed him? I used to watch this guy when he was still overweight.
Didn't even recognize him until I read the file.
How long has it been since he was a fat fuck?
Regardless, it's always some sort of sex scandal with men. Only way you can really break a great man down.
Fucking idiots need to learn to control their dicks.This shit didn't need to happen, CONTROL YOUR HORMONES!
This guy is still a thing?
The Nive Nulls guy got caught cheating online too. Sent dick pics. Though considering he's married to a ugly black chick it's understandable.
I hope Demolition Ranch guy doesn't end up a degenerate. I like his vlogs.
I think he should change his name from shayTard to reTard
>This! pewds is the only good one out there
Pewd's is a devout National Socialist that calls Hitler a cuck. I'm not sure if I want to go that far.
>Knowing who YouTube personalities are
It is called biology! he had probably 10 years and more on the wife!
Biological urges of reproduction (you can take it as God Plan), made him look for a new futile female!! that's all!
We are animals!