Korean internet commenters worship half-white, half-korean girl

4. [+681, -57] The power of mixed genes...

4. [+16, -5] Wow.. so pretty... mixed genes are so different

5. [+9, -0] Maybe it's true that DNA is better mixed without limit for superior genes... Mixed people definitely have better visual genes

6. [+5, -0] She has stronger Asian genes than her unni... mixed genes are the best ㅜ

7. [+4, -0] Mixed kids are always pretty


So can you guys stop bitching about white genocide? Every first world country is getting brainwashed with jewish propoganda. Its not just white countries.

Other urls found in this thread:


Are you a pedophile, user?

Thank you for your report. I'll get right to fixing it.

She looks full Korean. The yellow gene is too strong.

basically the non surgical option to get themselves better looking

Of course they think mixed asians look better. They're fucking ugly so anything they mix with will be an upgrade.

>still looks completely asian
So this is the power of....diversity

Am a hapa and I could confirm this. Black hair and brown eyes + germanic jaw line = master race. All you whyte boi and niggers should bow down to me.

Hapas sense of identity is completely fucked up. I almost made one with an Asian goddess but in hindsight I'm glad I dodged that bullet.

They are right though.

Ok, that's enough, let's go back now >>Sup Forums71253854

Hapas tend to be fairly attractive and fairly smart.

Did the white genes just increase her eye size by like half a centimeter?

I agree. Mixed Asians are master race

Were Harris and Klebold any better? There have always been dissatisfied young men.

Half Korean Half Whites confirmed Powerful Hybrids

There are cuter half koreans.


Racemixing is degenerate btw.

hapas are the future

>tfw a qt korean girl clearly has a crush on me
>tfw she has autistic mannerisms and just sort of acts silly around me
>tfw i'm just as autistic and would never take the first step to approach her
>tfw we will never have a perfect mix-gened baby

>half white Koreans are better looking than koreans

She will look more white as she grows up. Asian features are strongly neotonic (infantile), while whites are the most sexually dimorphic.

wew lad, that titty bounce is giving me yellow fever

and she still looks asian

Also, if you think about it Eastern Asian + Germanic Hapas are the masterrace of Hapas with Mestizos being the sub-race

wtf you pedo she's 16!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, by scientific standards, half-asian, half-white mixes are the most objectively beautiful people compared with other pure and mixed races

Feminine beauty is determined by the neoteny or pedomorphism of the skull. Asians already have the most neotenous skull shape of all the races (round faces, no brow ridge, raised cheekbones). When you combine that with the neotenous features of caucasions (big eyes, small noses), you get a very hyper-neotenized face.

This ideal is reflected in, for example, disney cartoons, or anime. The characters in that don't look quite white or quite asian, but combine the best traits of both races. It the perfect idealized race. And white asian mixes embody that.



I'm 17, can't stop me lad

South Korea seems the natural progression of humans. Stay at home doing weird shit.

Japan, too. Increasing the west as well. The Asians were just faster to develop their societies.

This. She looks full chink. If I wasn't told she was half white I would have never known.

To white people she looks pure asian.

Is this really a surprise? Pureblood gooks are absolutely hideous.
A typical 5/10 White girl automatically becomes a 10/10 in any gook country.


>Some random person's blogspot

user, Koreans are notoriously racist towards anyone non-Korean and non-white. Along with Chinese and Japanese people.

They're the only people left who don't include "diversity" just for the sake of doing so. Their women want nothing to do with mudskins.

Half here

She just looks like a plastic surgeried korean

and they are probably just pretending to not acknowledge that she actually is just a plastic surgeried korean. koreans are weird like that. they like to draw a lot of attention to a lie in order to cover up the truth

she's like 6 years old you retard

she's so pretty

>Somi has triple citizenship as she was born to a Dutch-Canadian father, Matthew Douma, and a Korean mother, Jeon Sun-hee. She also has a sister named Evelyn who is eight years younger than her.
The girl in the pic is the singer's younger sister.

webm related is her literal dad btw

superior alpha white genes

Nope but the mods sure will!

okay elliot...

stale meme

No, we will not stop bitching about white genocide. We're not being conditioned to breed with Asians. We are being conditioned to breed with darkies. Sorry, but the Japanese are the victims of a close proximity behavioral sink. They won't breed with Caucasians. They won't even breed with each other anymore.

>Worst Korea

If I infuse myself with shark blood I'll be able to swim good and breather under water.

I find Korean girls too pale, they always wear so much make up that they look like a corpse being prepared for a funeral. Looks too unnatural and artificial.

and? tons of korean parents get plastic surgery for their babies so they don't have to experience the pain when they are older

her dad is/was a model

i'm pretty sure his genes are good enough that he isn't going to get his 6 year old daughter plastic surgery you dumb fuck

Welp if the world is doomed to continue to race mix then white might as well mix with koreans.

How is this Sup Forums related? Sorks aren't people. Take this shit to /an/ if you want to talk about bugs.

Yu-Jin is looking to procreate! U interested?

Asians seem to like half-asian half-white babies in general to my limited knowledge. My guess is it's probably because the kids still have asian-looking features but have lighter skin color and for whatever reason it seems a lot of asians like lighter skin.

Who is this woman? Can someone give me a quick rundown on her?!?!

based user

let's admit it without the pressure and the darker point of the society against asian and mixed asian in general, his future would be much brighter, a dream ruined just because our misunderstanding. I dont really like race mixing but his fate and probably many mixed asian out there is tragic.

Black and mixed black is like the gem that you have to favour in the society, while Asian and mixed asian treated like 3rd rate citizen and abomination.


Not going to lie, korean men are very handsome. The only race I'd mix with. Either a strong korean man or a white cuck who drones on about how oppressed I am.

She's an Asian girl who used Wesson oil injections to make her face more round. Welp. Apparently nobody told this girl that a little Wesson goes a long way. Now she needs a Smith & Wesson

very average looking asian woman though.

For a good looking white man there is millions of asian women out there who would easily fall for him. Surely he could have picked one a bit prettier

is this any surprise? Korea is the most cucked Asian country by miles

That's not his wife

I know a 35-year old Dominican who looks exactly like this, but has brown skin.

got a pic of her?


wendy dung's a bit of an ugmo though

this is her

>Wanting a good looking plastic goblin
Your daughters will want plastic surgery too, and your sons will shoot everyone on his class, what's the point.
I don't understand this yellow fever

not too bad for an asian.
Gotta admit she doesnt have the Mongoloid huge cheek bones and tiny eyes that is so typical.
unless plastic surgery?

Americans love Asian chicks for some reason

loli threads stay on Sup Forums


her kids are cute and they definitely haven't had plastic surgery

If they are anything like user they will do those things either way.

He could have easily passed for a handsome Mexican/one that isn't so brown looking. Elliot's issue is that he was raised by fucked up parents and developed autism because a girl made fun of him in class one time.

In his manifesto, he even claimed that Mexican girls hit on him but he considered them "of inferior blood," then on the next page claimed that he has never received attention from women. Top kek. Dude was nuts.

>Dude was nuts.

most of them are.

just watch some of this hapas videos


he openly admits he is mentally fucked up due to hapa identity issues.


It's literally the only way in america to find a women who will fit a gender role and borderline rarely complain.

>will take care of kids
>will attempt to find a career of some sort
>is actually okay with you saying off color jokes, even aimed at other Asians ( thank god there's a billion different ones and they all hate each other)
>her family will be crazy supportive of their grand children
>will actually attempt to integrate where ever you bring them



That's not being brainwashed with jewish propaganda, that just the undeniable fact that mixing in white dna improves the results.

>gooks and chinks need white genes to look good-looking
>whites dont need gook and chink genes

Whites = superior then?

>For a good looking white man there is millions of asian women out there who would easily fall for him

Lol, no there isn't

Asian are generally very ugly

What so what is her combo? white mum or white dad?

She looks fully East Asian, though.

s-so pretty!

If he had migrated to Korea he would have lived like a king.


Sure John Chang, nothing can rival the beauty of the aryan race, certainly not your half chink flat short girls.

They are.

East Asian women have become the dominant force in my ideals of female beauty.
When I picture a woman now, a Platonic vision of a woman, she is East Asian.
When I see East Asian women, I see potential partners.
When I see white women, I see people who are not potential partners, the same way I see boys or women far older than me.

The transformation is complete. I am now yellow fever.

can confirm
knew a half-scottish half-chinese kid growing up

looked 70-80% chink before puberty
looks like keanu reeves after puberty

My daughter will want to look like THIS? Oh no!

If you have a son you just gotta make sure he drinks a fuck tonne of milk and eats a tonne, too. WMAF tends to be with smarter guys who don't make sure that their kid grows into an alpha, unfortunately. This is a mistake.


>autism detected

Regardless of how many fucking plastic surgery they have, pure blood Japs look still retarded.
Look at your mother.

If your so beta that's a good thing. Grow some balls and talk to her. Faggot.

>drink milk
All that estrogen. Sounds great user.

The plastic surgery here is off the charts, don't be fooled

You see in the fossils of humans what kind of effect milk-drinking had. Right about the time that proto-Europeans developed dairy farming, they became bigger, physically. And the lactose-tolerance gene spread very quickly throughout Europe, because it was so beneficial.
You watch MMA and you'll see black man's leg snap (youtube it). This is because blacks don't drink milk like whitey do.
Hopefully hapas are lactose tolerant, because milk is GOAT.

Tfw white asians ruined by le mister chow xD

Are you trying to compare mixing with starcraft gods vs mixing with monkey?

why the FUCK do beautiful women do this to themselves? these women should be settling down with a white man and starting a family. Instead, they whore themselves out and get creamed on by Chad for a few dollars. It's fucked. What the FUCK man.


Regular koreans (and all gooks) are so ugly this weird ayy lmao looking mongrel looks pretty in comparison

Canadian father and Korean mother. Her name is Jeon Somi

Hapa here. Our race needs to be exterminated and our parents shot in their sleep.