When did you know he would win?

when did you know he would win?

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When HRC posted a writeup on why pepe is a hate symbol

When he said "Only Rosie O'Donnell"

Trump is controlled opposition.

I honestly didn't think he would

Not until he won Florida. I was initially sad because I wanted to tease trumptards over it but in hindsight I'm quite happy as he turned out to be a total catastrophe with what looks like a chance at impeachment. Lots of potential for shitposting

I was pretty sure he was going to win from the start. Not sure enough to take those 1000:1 odds that I had, but hey. I'll become a millionaire some other way.

As soon as the FBI re-opened their investigation into the email server. I knew she had absolutely no chance. If the email scandal never happened she actually might have won.

when he wasn't going away after saying McCain wasn't a war hero. As soon has he doubled down on everything, I knew we were in for a wild ride

when pedosta told us to go to bed

I didn't. I honestly thought Hillary and her connections would rig the election. I fell asleep hammered halfway through watching the election results and couldn't believe he actually won.

>picking that moment for this point
Yeah no

never really "knew" for sure

thought he was done after pussygate, but he came back fighting

Weiner and Huma were a nice treat bu never sure. Media knows how to fuck with your head

When he was ahead in Wisconsin with like 50-60% of the vote in. He had already won FL, OH, NC but we all knew he needed to flip one more state. It was about midnight ET on election night.
Before then, I thought he was going to lose. He had too many powerful forces against him. But the American people were on his side.

"Because you'd be in jail"

Late 2015.

>he actually believed pol and t_d

FBI didn't reopen it. It was just James Comey (director) talking shit but not really sure why. Speculation is that it was to pacify outspoken senior FBI. Before you think he's pro Trump he's the one who's opening the investigation into trumps links to Russia which he was under no obligation to

I was a Berniebro for a while into 2016. I hated Trump for mocking that reporter and thought Putin would love Trump cause he'd play him like a fiddle. Then my friend made me sit through John Oliver's Drumpf episode, calling it a systematic destruction of Trump. I supported Trump after that

When Clinton asked rhetorically why she weren't 50% ahead in the polls.

when this happened i knew he could not lose

>lel impeachment meme

Anyone who mentions impeachment is instantly disqualified from any intelligent discussion. They have no clue how many votes it takes in the House and then the Senate. Good luck with that. Its way too high of a bar. 60 votes in the Senate?? Hahahahaha

Sorry, typo. Its 67 votes in the Senate.

When Hillary betrayed Bernie and tainted the reputation of her own party among an insane amount of disenfranchised voters.

Also more specifically when she was caught cheating at the debates and Donna Brazile had to step down because of it.

>"Only Rosie O'Donnell"
Megyn Kelly claims in her book that Roger Ailes leaked Trump that opening question, thus giving Trump time to prepare a quip.

>Then my friend made me sit through John Oliver's Drumpf episode, calling it a systematic destruction of Trump.


sometime around august 2015

Source or it didnt happen

Basket of deplorable
Declaring war on Pepe
The stumbling video
The second debate

There honestly wasn't just one moment for me, but rather, several.

When I conducted an impromptu poll in March-ish and tried to look at things impartially... hillary was just someone I couldn't imagine any real groups supporting. Bernie might have awful ideas, and actually be a dick, but he's good at pitching an image, Bernie may have beaten trump, in fact I bet he would have, Hillary? I'm amazed she did as well as she did. Bitch has the personality of a walking dead extra.

Glad Trump took it, though. The US is in bad, bad shape

When zuckerberg released a facebook statement saying people shouldn't demonize republicans as facebook is 'free discourse' and all that shit

Summer 2015. But then the media went after him like nothing I've ever seen, so I can't say I was 100% confident. I think he would have blown her out had he not made the dumb unforced errors: obsessing over Megyn Kelly, the Muslim lawyer & wife, and the Spanish whore...and not preparing for 1st Hillary debate.

Even if Democrats won EVERY SINGLE RACE in 2018, even in the Reddest of Red states, but lets just say for arguement they do, they win EVERY SINGLE CONGRESSIONAL AND SENATE RACE, they'd STILL BE 10 SENATORS SHY of removing Trump from office. 10!!!!

Anyone who says they are going to get rid of Trump via impeachment is an electoral moron.

lmao reddit /r/politics is literally on Sup Forums and thinks that bullshit flies here

I was on the hook till the last minute.

I was actually pretty nervous he might lose because of (((reasons))). Like, there's no way he would be ALLOWED to win.

Hindsight is 20/20, but I was pretty unsure till the end

That was a concern of mine too actually, I knew he'd "win", but would he win? As in be allowed to take office? Ehhh.

If he would have prepared for first Hillary debate it would have been over in September. She was weak, he was winning in the polls... but he was lazy and didn't prepare, gave her momentum.

When he roasted HRC with "Because you'd be in jail." At that point Trump just had too much swagger vs his opponent to lose.

When every sign I saw in my area was a Trump sign. I saw maybe a handful of Hilary anything.

I will remember those 2 years of shitposting for the rest of my life. Bonus points for anyone being in college/uni at the time and seeing liberals assblasted all day every day. great meme war

Also, when she fucking died on 9/11 in front of the car i knew that was it

t. reddit drone

I live in a liberal area of a red state, saw NOTHING for her, it was all Bernie and Trump

Around 2130 EST November 8, 2016.

I was in the Orlando aiport waiting on a connecting flight and CNN was playing with sound throughout the terminal. The story was right after the debate when he said "you'd be in jail". I was in a sea of normies and heard guys saying "what a lying cunt" etc. They replayed the voiceline of "you'd be in jail" and there were literal cheers, LITERAL CHEERS, like a bad europoster 'be american' greentext story with people laughing and yelling. I knew he was fucking invincible after that.

Ever since that day

after he won the primary
i had a vision

Yeah, I don't remember seeing that many political signs for any election prior to this. Saw more Trump stuff that any political candidate. Seems my area is not political until they get fired up. I stared telling people in October that that is why I knew he would win. I wish I would have made some bets.

Honestly, only once florida got red. Was ready to go full nihilist and stop browsing Sup Forums and pretend I never cared about politics to begin with.

Gut feeling victory was coming when he started the wall and the Media couldn't stop talking about him.

90% he was on the fast track to the White House when the media started doing 24/7 shilling to the point it wasn't even quality shilling showing true desperation even though Hillary was clearly going to be the winner and Trump needn't bother with his campaigning.

100% sure when he took the oath of office.

When Wisconsin flipped. Florida was close for a long time but I felt comfortable about it for about an hour before WI came in out of nowhere and clinched the election. Then MI flipped and finally based PA came in to seal the deal.

I remember going into election night really curious about the rust belt and even looked at the map thinking that if only one of those states flipped, Don would have it.

when he destroyed JEB, despite jeb having $120,000,000 of wall street kike money. hillary was just another jeb.

I was switching between all the major news channels and there was one point where Fox News had way more states called than all the other channels so I figured the other news channels were just trying to delay the inevitable

I was sure during the last year... but I was a supporter since he fought Obongo on the birth certificate

When I saw Trump speak January 19th 2016 in Ames, Iowa (college town). People were lined up hours in advance in the snow to see him. Once I saw she wasn't drawing ANYONE and Trump was filling stadiums, I knew she was cashed.

Wait for the ass pic

those boots

dat ass

seeing pepe on msnbc was just surreal. i knew they were retarded kikes, but the pepe thing was just something else.

i hope it pulled back the veil for a lot of people.

From the moment he finished talking in his announcement to run speech. What he said had never been said before and I knew it would resonate. Never doubted him TILL election night and Laura Ingram came on Fox business and was totally deflated, blaming republicans for not supporting him. For those few hours I was convinced they had found a way to steal the election.


It was already over

>Because you'd be in jail
Because you'd be in jail
>Because you'd be in jail
Because you'd be in jail
>Because you'd be in jail
Because you'd be in jail
>Because you'd be in jail
Because you'd be in jail
>Because you'd be in jail
Because you'd be in jail
>Because you'd be in jail
Because you'd be in jail
>Because you'd be in jail
Because you'd be in jail
>Because you'd be in jail
Because you'd be in jail
>Because you'd be in jail
Because you'd be in jail
>Because you'd be in jail
Because you'd be in jail
>Because you'd be in jail
Because you'd be in jail
>Because you'd be in jail
Because you'd be in jail

I don't particularly like or agree with Palin but Jesus Christ I want to break a dick off in her and her slutty daughter.

He beat hillary. He beat her badly. He did not do nearly what he did to ¡Jeb! to Hillary.

I have no love for Yeb, but that shit was like, war-crimes level. Absolutely fucking eviscerated him.

Neat. Refugee ban?

Probably on
otherwise known as the Florida nightclub spree shooting which is all guns fault. A gay night club on Cuban night in a gay Cuban filled state was horrifically shot up and people massacred with 911 call evidence of the shooter claiming allegiance to a terrorist organization and praising their satanic god. The president at the time blamed guns and would not, still will not, admit it was an islamic terrorist attack.

As soon as my cuck of a prime minister spoke out against him.

that was from when he said he'd bail on the fox debate and do a fundraiser instead.

Where is the girl with the big knockers in the background

When he announced he was running.

That's even better!

Goddamn, Palin has got to be pushing 60 and she is still smokin hot

I was in a waiting room and CNN was on the TV after a debate. You could tell everyone wanted to say they loved Trump but were too paranoid about the racist meme... finally an old man says the media being bullshit and something something crooked hillary and everyone laughs. Next 20 minutes everyone is chiming in how they love Trump / hate Hillary.

Oh ye of little faith.

When my roommate's illegal Dominican friend tried to troll me about Clinton's lead in the pre-election polls. He was so confident. I laughed because his attempt at trolling was the true mark of a soon to be loser.

Such a beautiful story of community

indeed. the salt that week was amazing. Also checked.

>media seriously giving Trump a 1% or less chance of victory

The moment I knew something was up, they desperately wanted us Drumpflstiltskins to not go out on voting day

call your friend up right now and tell him "user says to kys"

I'd have to say her e mail investigation being re opened 2 weeks before the election, I assume it left a bad taste in the mouth of Democrats

Ok, maybe I need to lurk more, but what's with the canada shit going around? Is it just a thing because our country is so fucked right now?

it was willed by the strongest of powers

It was like that everywhere. It wasn't a meme, there really was a moment when you could tell the "silent majority" got tired of the bullshit

I will never forgive her for that. I knew the exit polls were going to be wrong. But the way she spoke I thought for sure she had inside info on final internal polling data. Dam her!

Even after he technically won,I want sure they'd let him until he was actually sworn into office. That's how little faith I have in our democratic institutions

When he shaved McMahon's head

Once the electoral college voted and HRC had the most faithless electors in the last century, it was clear they weren't going to force her on us unwanted.

I was worried about an (((event))) at the inauguration though, especially after that dog whistle from the MSM.

I had Trump winning on my personal electoral map which had Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida for Trump with Hew Hampshire, Nevada and Colorado flipping.

I would have never had thought Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania would flip, with Minnesota close with 42,000 difference.

I always thought Trump would win because of the literally stadium size crowds and the fact Clinton (either one) is a legitimately horrible human being.

I honestly didn't think he'd win until election day. I was going through some bad shit at my job and him losing just seemed like the perfect topper to that.
Then he won and the work shit cleared itself up(obese female boss hates me, I think because while I was working for her I lost 30kgs so she pulled me up on literally every petty infraction possible, turns out I'm great at bullshitting and made good enough excuses to get through it).

2017 looks like the future I've spent a lifetime waiting for!

Hang in there m8, it only gets better from here!

Well he can still get JFKd

better hope the dumb fuck who tries is a lone wolf and not a part of any political group or the next thing you'll see after that attempt is that group getting blown to kingdom come.

As much as Trump is my beloved don't think for one second that I wouldn't put my grieving on hold to end islam first because some durka tried for it.

when THIS happened:

i was just following the thing distantly until then, but after that i was 100% on board.

Second he announced his candidacy

When he got the most primary votes of any republican victory

With 80000 people running in said primary

When he beat the Bush family.

Summer of 2015. Told my family. They were incredulous. Coming up on the election, my spouse really really wanted him to win but had no faith--understandably, I guess, after pussygate etc etc. I still felt he would win.

Late on election night I got all my (you)s. It was so unbelievably satisfying. I'm glad I told everyone, instead of keeping it to myself. I even told the fucking idiots I know on FB, topkek. They were so butthurt. "HOW DID YOU KNOWWWWW??!?"

I paid attention, motherfuckers. I listened to all the voices out there and really heard what they were saying. I didn't hide in some dumb hugbox and crack arrogant "carrot" and "Drumph" jokes and play pretend.


I'm not entirely convinced he did.

When Hillary Clinton said I need to do a better job listening when black people talk about seen and unseen struggles

Go to bed Jason

Something something space chess

That but also because 99% of Canadian posters are just constantly spamming blacked threads and contribute nothing

It gets very annoying and is hard not to just disregard any leaf post

dont tell me what to do you cuck