Why did he win the Nobel Peace Prize and Trump didn't?
Why did he win the Nobel Peace Prize and Trump didn't?
Because Obama helped to create a 2-state resolution for Palestine.
And Trump helped to create... nationwide protests.
affirmative action
Obama should put a stick of dynamite up his ass.
xause the joos
Because he drew a far larger crowd to his inauguration, seriously, it was huge, Trumps crowd? Sad! The worst!
amen basically
Obama has the balls to attend the Correspondents' Dinner
Cause he's black.
One-line writing prompts are not legitimate.
He's a nigger
#realpedostate in action.
Obama literally won because he wasn't George Bush.
Obviously it's because he has a bigger high score on the number of children killed by drones.
What? You're fucking mumbling dumb shit from your spilling taco. Your family is coming back soon cholo.
Nobel prizes have lost all meaning nowadays. You have Bill Clinton, who won the peace prize for "protecting the Albanian minority in Kosovo" (or better put, going on a bombing campaign, killing thousands of innocent Serbs, destroying tens of billions of dollars, and creating an American vassal, drug cartel, and ISIS base state all in one in Europe), and you have that jackass who won the prize for discovering how to cure hiccups with anal massage.
Kekles Jeckles
And please tell me one thing Canada has to say about helping other people, go back to treating your native shitskins like shit till they last.
So is Trump.
>Obama helped to create a 2-state resolution for Palestine.
No he didn't. I'm a liberal and even I know you're full of shit
>I'm a liberal
No you're not
No he won because his a nigger
It was a right get out of jail free card to nuke israel.
fucker pussied out.
no worries. if the libs win everyone will win prizes just for participating. so i mean at the end of the day letting the nog have a piece of metal - great for him, but who gives a fuck? can you without google name all the awards given to people you gave no fucks about from the most recent winter/summer olympics to the nobel?
who fucking cares. trophies are for faggots, you can't carry it to the next life.
correction - the only trophies that are worth something are AA chips, which you can trade for free drinks.
he helped create a 2 state resolution to coalescence in america, by dividing the races and masses - and distributing the finances to dindus - free phones and health insurance for claranace and jamal while they sell heroin on the chicago street corner...if they catch a stray bullet at least they don't have to pay for a hospital bill - instead we all do. PEACE PRIZE...
fuck this shit tho really.
That dinner is a liberal dick sucking contest. Brave my ass.
If I'm ever nominated a nobel peace prize, I'm going to club the fuckers that put my name there like baby seals.