We need to get ready for Meme War 2.0 in 2020. Mark Cuckerberg, who represents everything I despise about SJWs, is possibly running for president. This is a guy who controls the best sheeple-herding device known to man, and is known to censor alt-rightists and conservatives and constantly pander to feminist libtards. I'm fucking concerned...
We need to get ready for Meme War 2.0 in 2020. Mark Cuckerberg, who represents everything I despise about SJWs...
Please tell me he doesn't say hes going to run this would be toxic
I don't believe in condoning violence, but that asshole is a threat to American culture and democracy. Someone needs to put a bullet in his brain ASAP.
Thats the kind of shit liberals say when they lose.
If kikeberg actually wins your country is already fucked.
He won't old enough to run for president retard.
that fabrication of globalist elitist shillery known as facebook needs to be taken out
>implying this dead-eyed, uncharismatic, stuttering, autistic kike have the ability to connect with people.
That would be some scarey shit being as he's already recording everything we say and do on Facebook and censoring it, it would be 1984 overnight.
My new slave master!
Dude would have conflict of interest all over the place.
He will use artificial intelligence to teach him how to appear human.
Nah nigga 2020 is going to be the GOAT election between The Rock and The Donald
i really hope you guys dont use facebook
Gotta be honest here I was lucky to pick up some stock 4 years ago and with my gainz I was able to learn that this is all a big joke among the billionaire class. Like Soros Buffet Trump Zuckerber its all of them laughing at working poor people as they distract them and make it so they can build their space bunkers and then cleanse this planet of all the so called unwashed masses.
"I don't need briefing on the NSA cos I AM the NSA"
Easiest solution is to push for FB to be broken up for anti-trust reasons. Any europeans with FB accounts request they hand over all their data on you as required by EU law. They hate that and it costs them money.
Pushing for very large social media platforms to be treated more like phone companies as carriers would also work.
He'll be 33 this year. He has to be 35 on the day of his inauguration, which would be just under 4 years. I think he can pull that off
He won't run because
>a) he's a beta nerd running against a hyper-alpha. very likely he'll backout
>b) his daughter was just born
With as much as I drink, I probably won't be alive to see the election in 2020 to be honest.
You mean Kanye and Donald
I don't think legislative solutions do anything ever. Ultimately, people give him their information.
Pick one you spineless beta. If the guy who talks like a 12-year-old is a "hyper-alpha" you're the bottom of the totem pole.
Forget about the obama phones already?
Rules are for fools and rethuglicans. We democraps are too enlightened to be concerned with mere rules! Yes there! I said it! Rules are for the little people!
>not Kanye vs. The Rock vs. Lindsay Lohan vs. Mark Zuckerberg vs. The Donald Battle Royale
So, any troll masterminds have a plan? I mean I know he's an autistic little shit, but the millenials really love him for some reason, we gotta knock him down a couple pegs. Remember how we convinced Buzzfeed about the Trump Golden Shower story for lulz? What if we convince the feminists that Zuckerberg is allowing pro-Nazis and alt-rightists to run activist pages to get more support from Trumpsters. I think they're definitely dumb enough to buy that, it'll really damage his reputation.
Or the Sharebluecrew? Well, whatever you identify as nowadays kiddo, your terrible shitposts are always so comfy.
Just wouldn't be the same without you cucks constantly outing yourselves like faggots
You're autistic as fuck. I've been defending Trump on almost all of his actions since he took office.
He isn't an "alpha" by any means. He's a giant orange demagogue who speaks like a 4th grader on a daily basis. He's an autists version of an alpha.
Doesn't mean he was worse than Hillary.
Let's not focus on whether or not Trump is ultra alpha for the time being. What we know is that he is infinitely preferable to Cuckerberg, and we need a plan to smear him and stop him! What if we convince the feminists that Zuckerberg is allowing pro-Nazis and alt-rightists to run activist pages to get more support from Trumpsters. I think they're definitely dumb enough to buy that, it'll really damage his reputation.
That video of the inside of his sweatshirt will tank is campaign
>Trust me goy, I'm not a lizard
Zuckerberg can and will win 2020/4. He is a trendy billionaire tech guy who is seen by millenials and gen z as a messiah of technology. His agenda and policies will resonate very well with this youth. He will promote open borders and inclusiveness, but try also to show how country GDP growth and investment in these new Americans can help current middle/lower class families in America. Black people will vote for him because they have heard of him, just look at the black guy in OPs pic.
At least Hawaii already hates him for displacing native hawaiins and building a giant wall. This ass bag breathes hypocrisy.
she converted to islam literally not going happen
>constantly panders to SJW and libtards
And yet here we have thousands of pages about the Duce with livestreams of his speeches, and the Lidl page has been littered with anti-gypsy comments.
That's weird, I thought she was dead.
> President of the USA
> Multi billionaire property tycoon
> Super hot wife half his age
> Literally beat down the whole global elite structure to win.
How the fuck can he not be alpha you mongoloid.