Pol/ what's the big deal about eugenics? Is there something I'm not understanding? Why are so many people against it...

pol/ what's the big deal about eugenics? Is there something I'm not understanding? Why are so many people against it. Shouldn't we only want the best to breed and carry on the race?

It pisses off the inferiors

>what's the big deal about eugenics?
fat, stupid, and ugly people feel that it's wrong

>Why are so many people against it.
fat, stupid, and ugly people are not people

>Shouldn't we only want the best to breed and carry on the race?
Of course

The majority of people, AKA the idiots won't be able to breed, and they'll revolt

And the inferiors happen to be white "people." Only Sup Forums seems to be against eugenics.

I figure if all the pretty and smart people keep breeding with each other, and the ugly, fat and stupid people do the same eventually we'll have two breeds of human.

We'll have a brilliant perfect race of gorgeous people living in their utopia.
Then we'll have the underground goblin slaves too stupid and ugly to do anything but work themselves to death to allow for the happy lifestyle of the former.

I'm fine with this future.

this. fpbp.

>we'll have the underground goblin slaves too stupid and ugly to do anything but work themselves to death
so pretty much like it is now, except the uglies will actually be working instead of collecting welfare? doesnt sound too bad.

Natural selection just works. No need to fuck with it just let it play out and the human genome will survive as it's always survived.


We're getting there, yes.
It's the natural course. Species split off, natural selection does its job. Humans are no exception, we warp the rules, not stop them. Beauty breeds success, success breeds wealth, wealth breeds education, education breeds more wealth, and then the loop repeats in reverse. The genetic gap will only widen as the species splits off. I doubt we'll get the full on goblin slaves in my lifetime, but we'll come close. It won't take that many more generations. Soon.

If that's a reference to H.G. Wells, you're forgetting the part where the underground goblins eventually eat the surface-dwellers.

Until future liberals decide that goblin slaves are oppressed and should breed with the beautiful elven overlords.

You're also forgetting the part where the smartest people have the lowest rates of reproduction. It will be Idiocracy.

Brave New World wasn't meant to be seen as a positive future, user.

Why not? It looked like a fabulous time for everyone involved.

It isn't. I've actually never read whichever book you're referencing. It's just a pretty logical course for things to take. It's rare for a sexy educated success to make a baby with an ugly uneducated failure. Species split. Goblins will become real, and it's very likely the rich successes will enslave them.

That does worry me a bit. Smart people avoid teenage pregnancy or having 8 kids and all that. It will be a real coin flip based on timing and the current political landscape. Here's hoping.

Fuck goblins. I'm decently attractive and in University. I won't live to see it but I'm closer to team Olympus than team Gobbo.

People already practice Eugenics without the interference of government.

What if eugenics means breeding out all white people?

Whites have the cleanest most advanced countries, BUT they have a racist history. White people took advantage of color races. Now things are more equalized than they were 200 years ago, but racism is institutional and colored races haven't recovered equally. The most effective way to make everyone equal is through miscegenation.

eugenics wars. ww2 was kinda about that, with the germans and japs thinking they were genetically superior

Fuck you. Muslims in Africa and the Middle East enslaved vastly more people than whites in Europe or the U.S. ever did, and they still do. Africans alone enslaved more of each other than the U.S. ever did. Only 1.5% of white southerners ever owned slaves. Asian-centered and middle-eastern-centered empires historically were just as large as the largest European-centered empires. Everything you just wrote is a lie.

It's worth a try, but don't push it. It may have unforseen side effects you may not like. Natural evolution plenty of time to weed out most errors and false positives.

If you're against eugenics, you're for dysgenics.

kys La Raza Cósmica goon.

I don't think the classes will split into subspecies, any more than they already have. The odd lucky goblin couple with produce a smart and beautiful baby, which will rise up the hierarchy, and there will be those in the upper classes who will pop out dumb decadent heirs who'll fall into obscurity and marry down. 'Twas ever thus.

There's a reason they beat eugenics, along with racism, to death to the point the mere mention of it to a normal person automatically cuts off discussion.

Not true, I know a lot of autistic/retarded people that support eugenics because they wish they were born better. It pisses off the parents of the inferiors.

>No need to fuck with it
Which is precisely what the welfare state does. It focibly diverts resources from the most to the least fit. It allows the least fit to breed far faster than their superiors, and those children are then raised at the fittest's expense.

If we didn't fuck with it, natural selection would set us straight pretty damn effectively. Unfortunately, this is not the case right now. Eugenics, whether passive or active, forced or voluntary (Gattaca-style), is the only solution while the welfare state exists.

I'm in favour of a policy whereby people below median income have the option to get sterilised in exchange for a sizeable lump sum (or a pension if that doesn't cut it).

I told a friend i believe with future tech..even tech we have now we could build a better world in 100 years or so.
all people born on earth are genetically modified to be the best they can be smart/tall/strength so. This Trumps the whole idea of only one race beating all others . I believe in the future we will have some type of problem a sickness of some kind and the only fix will be a pure blood black/asian/white and because instead of eliminating races we develop the best of each race our earth will be saved and our humanity.
So we need to make all humans the best not because we should be good but because one day in the future it will help preserve us.

yes i believe we should make it illegal to have kids without being modified

You don't have to pass any laws, just repeal them. Once human gene editing becomes a thing, people will willingly flock to get therapy. Because who wants a genetically deficient child when you don't have to?

Those who are too poor or religiously opposed to it will have inferior and sickly children, and their genes will die off sooner or later. What remains are genetically perfect humans.

What if (((somebody))) decided that white skin is bad and should be (((corrected)))? Eugenics is good when you're not getting the short end of the stick.

Who defines the best?

>Shouldn't we only want the best to breed
this is the conundrum. who gets to define what "best" is.....

This. A welfare state can only survive long-term with some form of population control.

Also, on a somewhat similar note, we should only give aid to Africans on the condition of sterilization. The nog problem would be gone within a year.

no. the technology should be free and mandatory.people will go out into the woods and have secret kids..those are the ones that after 100 years we can either completely eliminate or place them in a zoo type scene *the natural humans . mostly kept for scientific testing.

Actually America practiced eugenics before WW2.
Hitler took it as an example.
That is where the ble eyes, blond hair meme comes from: California.
But Nazi Germany lost, and EVERYTHING that was even slightly connected to them became "evil".


>less genetic variation is good


At the very least people should be tested to know if they are a carrier of a horrible reccessive genetic consition like Krabbe disease

Eugenics offers little more than aesthetic development. It wouldn't be good for the human species to deprive itself of ethnic diversity. White people living in their mothers basements already look like potatos and they lack the education to compete in a capitalist society so the whole eugenics thing doesn't play out well. For one too man poor people. Also what are you going to focus on? The brightest are hardly the most creative and there are people still alove who thing megan fox is a gem.
Which is to say you peobably would need to start with a noce cull of white people along with other people and then focus on the most beautiful and brightest people from all ethnic origins. Thats like reducing the population by %90. Then you need to deplete men further. So there goes the president because hes too old anyway. Men should have to live that long. After 50 men kind of take up space. At least a 50 year old woman can look like anjelina jolie and as long as theres kyjelly doesn't matter how dried up the gash is.
So in the end you end up with a ratio of 9:1 women to men. I'd be included youd be dead and the future would look a little like it already does now for most of you. Its just that at least you can live and have a semblence of come uppance.
In short
Every dog has their day.
Thats why the establishment lets you live.

Lol thats like all the ugly cucks in Florida and all the Beautiful people in Sandiego. That mayan blood has some regeneritive quality im telling you

>pol/ what's the big deal about eugenics?

Try it on yourself and find out.

than people living in northern climates would be more susceptible to vitamin d deficiency.

Physical and/or mental markers?