>Dolezal has applied for over 100 jobs, but has received no offers, even from a supermarket. She has, however, been offered work in porn and reality TV. While a friend helped pay her rent for February, Dolezal expects she’ll lose her home next month.
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>nearly homeless and on food stamps
Sounds like she's trying to be as black as she can be. Its all part of the act. She just won't stop.
That's pretty sad actually
now we just need shaun king to join her
Race traitors get what they deserve.
Well she wanted to be a nigger, right?
homeless and foodstamps.. holy shit she is black
So when is her first feature porno coming out?
Who's this woman? Is she a coalburner?
This is both funny, and sad, but funny though.
Cosplay the coal, pay the toll.
so she really is black?
No mercy for the misguided
She's a mentally ill white girl. Pic related.
thi sis transracism, wtf its 2017 people
turns out """"activists"""" don't really have many skills huh
>lie about her race
>build her entire life's work and professional connections around her racial identity lie
>get shat on when your lie is exposed
sounds like justice
When larping gets out of control.
Meanwhile, Shaun King still going strong.
Thread theme -
How on fucking Earth can you not get a job as a Safeway bag packer?! Oh wait, she's probably obnoxious and arrogant as fuck. Yeah, go fuck yourself, play-negress.
White woman who tanned and artificially supercurled her hair in an attempt to pass as black, and then became head of an NAACP chapter. When it was confirmed she was white, she was forced to resign and now noone wants to hire her for anything so shes SOL
someone needs to just shave the mustache off & he will be exposed
She'll live forever thru this meme so she's got that.
Because this bitch literally lied for over a decade about being black, so she could get government subsidies and now anyone who googles her will immediately see the kind of bat shit crazy she brings to the workplace.
What a lovely Black couple
It's fascinating how he cowed so much of the left into supporting him. He'd entrenched himself too deep for them to excise him.
As for Dolezhal's mental illness, it's actually pretty sad. It's a mother fucker.
It's the first solo-interracial.
So liberals will respect gender identity but not racial identity? Those hypocritical fucktards need to all end their lives immediately.
Shaun King could pass for one of those shaved head white supremacists.
so when does this happen to shaun king? aka talcum x
God Shaun King pisses me off because it is the most piss poor attempt at black race ever. At least Rachel was smart enough to tan her fucking skin a darker color. That piece of shit Shaun just picked the goofiest looking hair and mustache combo and then dyed it fucking black. God damn piece of shit, HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS
This is the lady from Spokane, right?
lmao, that's what you get for being that stupid in Spokane. Spokane is a strange mix of hick, christian conservative, rich kid conservative, people who don't give a fuck about politics or leftist bs, and then college pot-head liberal.
That's what you get for pushing that shit here.
>applied for over 100 jobs
Lost my job once. Applied for over 100 jobs in the first week or so.
#transracial whitebread has "applied" for over 100 jobs in over a year (nearly two years now), thinks she's somehow "trying."
Must've been nice when everyone thought she was a nigger and handed her cushy, do-nothing "work" for hundreds of thousands in gibs-me-dats.
She didn't even bank enough of it to get her through a transitional period back to her actual race. She blanged dat bling all away.
I guess they are right. Once you go black, you can never go back.
What the fuck is wrong with white liberals?
Seriously. They're all fucking demented. Meanwhile most non-religious conservative white people are normal, rational people.
No. She really is a nigger.
Not gonna lie fellas, I would totally plow her
Sam Hyde offered her a job
She was actually a cutie when she was still "white". Shame. Could have found herself a nice white husband and took care of her family and been content.
m-maybe she is black
>Who's this woman? Is she a coalburner?
White woman who pretended to be black for years and was a famous black activist.
Carlos .......
Please, please, please do the porn.
Nothing is hotter then fapping to a women's shame after being disgraced and tossed from society.
>nut chow
We love our Sammie dont we?
kind of feel bad for her honestly. What exactly happened to make her so hated?
>100 jobs in over a year (nearly two years now), thinks she's somehow "trying."
What the fuck is she doing? I needed work either full time or part time until August when my course starts, and in the span of 5 weeks I applied to 600 jobs, got 20 call backs, accepted one and quit it for another with better hours and pay.
Honestly outside of people who are older and thus likely to be overlooked for obvious reason, I can't see how anyone in this day and age can go more then two months looking for work if they're serious about it and not living in a ghetto. And with the military, even being from the ghetto isn't really an excuse.
Make Rachel Black Again.
This chick is everything wrong with PC culture. She's a lily white girl from the sticks, but because she 'identifies' as a nigger, she thinks that makes her a nigger. They can have her, no self respecting white man would touch her,
Holy Fuck stealth R A R E, I thought you were lebanon.
From what I've gathered black girls come in two varieties. The kind with pussies that dark (the majority) and the kind with pussies that are pink like white girls (a small minority.) Imagine all the black cock she's taken and the black men's delight at that pink pussy. They must have been thinking, "This is my lucky day. It's just like fucking a white girl."
We can only hope it happens soon, but I give it about 6 months to a year, though I wouldn't be surprised if it takes longer.
>Its all part of the act.
did someone tell you this?
Would kinda be hilarious to see her get blacked.
God damn Australia. That's fucking great. I might actually pay for porn to see that.
Let us not forget the part where she denied that her white parents were actually her parents. This was in the early days of the news cycle when she was still trying to claim that she was actually, genetically black.
I'd forgotten this part.
Born to white parents in Montana.
when keeping it real goes wrong
the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice
she also sued a past employer for discriminating against her FOR BEING WHITE
this cosplaying as a proud spiritual negro woman of color who don't need no man is a relatively recent invention in her life (the plan was probably to set up another discrimination lawsuit, before she got found out)
Let us not forget, she also brought a random black guy to an event and claimed he was her father
It's almost like she's passively admitting niggers are stupid and will do anything for white pussy...
Meh, I don't find this shit funny. She's a scumbag who's mentally ill.
I hope she finds work and is able to live a life alone with her own family
Impossible. White people don't know what its like to be poor.
An OC I threw together at the time. It's all just so fucking absurd & surreal. NAACP was protecting & defending her at the time, said shit like "We'll decide how to deal with her, she's one of our own."
Before she had her NAACP position in Spokane, she worked at a university where she files police report(s) about hate crimes committed against her. At the time, people where she worked thought they were fishy and the weird vibe was so bad she moved on ... where other "hate crimes" suddenly cropped up against her. All with no evidence or otherwise compromised "evidence." Several folks came forward who thought from the beginning she was manufacturing them to bump her rep.
That was eventually her undoing ... one of these reports got investigations into her going that revealed her transracial history. that's when the whole thing blew up in her face.
I am half black half white and I hate shaun king. My mom was extremely pale so I have fair skin and light eyes but you can still tell that I'm not white. This faggot couldn't even pass for an italian he's so white. How people can defend this literal nigger larper is beyond me.
also i feel bad for rachel. she should be able to at least get a job at a supermarket.
yeah she pretended to be black to get college grants; everyone says "she is taking the place of other blacks who should have received the college benefits."
No one says that affirmative action is another weapon on the genocide or the white race and she is just adapting to the laws. she is a hero to the whites
Just do the porn.. we all want to see the blacked episode
>on food stamps
That's sad. Taxpayer funding shouldn't be wasted like that.
Yeah she has two kids with a black guy but she's famous for pretending to be black
the fuck is that font son
Nicely written.
Who is this bitch?
>when she was black everything was literally handed to her
>she's outed as white
>she finds out how much harder it is to be white
>she becomes white nationalist
>rachel "gas'em'all" dolezal
Reddit really has invaded this board.
Potential candidate for the head of the National Association of White Guilt
And where IS good ol' dad?
made me chuckle
She's a liar and a scammer.
Cosmic justice.
Hopefully jeffery shaun kang is next.
This is poetic and karmatic though, KEK's karmatic justice for being a lying cunt.
I feel bad for her. She should about face and become a white nationalist, now that she sees who the real oppressed people are.
Damn she used to be quite the qt. 10/10 would bleach
They split up soon after kids arrived - shocker I know
>pretends to be black to get college grants
I swear there's a movie about a guy doing that, but I can't remember what it's called.