Galactic Liberation Feb 26 2:55pm GMT

inb4 b&, inb4 /x/
IF this is real it would explain so much about why our world so miserable; ESPECIALLY the corruption and degradation or our POLITICS, ECONOMY, and CULTURE.

>Most sentient creatures (humans) receive 'life' from the cosmic center (god).
>Some sentient creatures receive 'life' from negative emotions (parasites / vampires).
>Thousands of years ago a group of powerful psychic parasites captured earth and enslaved the souls here, to be used as negative psychic cattle.
>These creatures, called Archons, control 99% of EVERYTHING on this planet: POLITICS, ECONOMY, CULTURE, RELIGIONS, REINCARNATION. Even our very bodies and genetics.
>The Archons have been sewing chaos and retarding technology for THOUSANDS of years with the help of loyal human servants (the elites).
>The Archon's only limits are causing too much negativity all at once and everyone committing suicide, and/or refusing to reincarnate, and/or (too much) genocide (like a nuclear war). This would destroy their "food" source (us).
>The rest of the sentient universe has been trying to liberate Earth while the Archons threaten to VAPORIZE THE WHOLE PLANET.
>NOW humanity is becoming too spiritually advanced to be (completely) controlled by the Archons.
>Between (some) humans breaking out from the inside, and helpful Aliens attacking from the outside, we are on the verge of a new (Archon free) golden era.
Imagine: THOUSANDS of years of hidden technology released in the next DECADE. The corrupting influence of the Archons erased from this planet, who cause 99% of the problems (especially resource scarcity) gone in the next 10 years. We've been conditioned since even BEFORE BIRTH that this festering shithole is "normal". THIS PLANET IS NOT NORMAL. By Galactic standards this planet (and humanity) are deeply physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually sick (perfect for feeding Archons).

(1/2, continued...)

Other urls found in this thread: LIBERATION&iso=20170226T1655&p1=3343

(2/2, ...continued)

What happens tomorrow? Thousands of people are going to meditate during the SOLAR ECLIPSE, trying to weaken the multidimensional Archonic machine that keeps us all imprisoned, and (spiritually) retarded, here on earth.

When? February 26th:
3:55 pm Central European Time (CET)
4:55 pm EET in Cairo
2:55 pm GMT in London
9:55 am EST in New York
8:55 am CST in Chicago
7:55 am MST in Denver
6:55 am PST in Los Angeles
10:55 pm CST in Taipei. LIBERATION&iso=20170226T1655&p1=3343

How you can help? Learn the meditation, or just pray for a better world, or even just try to be positive and erase the sick (unnatural) corruption of this world.

Good luck Anons! Good luck to us all!

> wake up 6:55am on a Sunday



What the removal of the Archons will be like?

First off it won't be like a "Rapture" or an "Armageddon". BOTH these terms were invented by the Archons themselves and embedded into the religions that they also invented (or corrupted).

What will happen is that the Global Control Network will start to fall apart without support from the top. Corruption will start to be exposed. Pizzagate, pedogate, bribery (which are all just political control networks) will all come out into the open and begin to unravel. The various crimes committed by the "Shadow Government" (especially the CIA) will start to come out as well. This is what you will see on the news.

Freed from these control networks (the remaining) politicians will start to do what is in the BEST INTEREST of their constituents, not the Archons. The Archons don't actually care about money, it's just another resource that has to be made artificially scarce to keep the global misery level high, so the economy will start to become more efficient, and more just.

Mostly, people will notice technology improvements. Imagine cures for cancer, and all known diseases. (Remember cancer+disease = suffering = Archon food.) Imagine having to only work an hour a day to take care of ALL of your needs (food, housing, health care, clothing, leisure).

Basically imagine what the world would be like in a thousands years, but TODAY.

The Event, huh

you have the octarine hue of my edge.

One hundred fold archons will bleed on the otherside tonight

I know that feel (Pacific time also). I'm going to hike up a mountain to meditate starting at 4:00 am.

I don't know if any of this stuff is true. What I DO know is that there is something terribly terribly wrong on this planet. And we are all so numb, so spiritually battered, that we can't even notice it anymore.

It doesn't have to be this way. It can be better.

Explain this theology. What are the Archons? Who made them? Who discovered this?


fuck off to /x

Anyone got the Bog's number?

We need to verify.

bump, will pray/meditate

I'm putting my 4pass hat on to tell you I've been waiting for this since 2012.

These threads used to pop up from time to time on Sup Forums and more commonly on /x/ in 2012 and I used to hope that we would be saved.

After several years of nothing happening, I'm starting to lose hope that an outside force will rescue us.
I'm starting to think we are going to have to rescue ourselves from this corrupt system.

>NOW humanity is becoming too spiritually advanced to be (completely) controlled by the Archons.

This is what I'd like to question. In what manner is the population of this rock, or even certain extraordinary individuals/groups here spiritually advanced, compared to history?

why don't we just ask kek to close the portal? *shrug*


>THOUSANDS of years of hidden technology released in the next DECADE
When you don't understand exponential growth and you think technological advancement can and or should be measured in human time.

I kind of want to believe this but, you know... this might just be another derail thread like the ones in this last week about
>something, something HAPPENING is coming
>Hab u seen alium pic
and now this

And Archon seems like a name you pulled out your ass.

I'm free from any control already, anyway.

Good luck freeing yourselves... if you are even able to.

Can't we just nuke these archon fucks?

I've recently felt a great connection to the sun, and peaceful meditation on the sun along with a weird "vibratory upswing" in my inner emotions and will happens when contemplating this.

I have also developed the ability to uplift my emotions at will.

Something is going on. We are freeing ourselves.

You have my will at the point in consciousness.

It's from gnostic texts from the ancient Emerald tablets.

... yeah, I think you forgot about the whole "Archons threaten to VAPORIZE THE WHOLE PLANET" part. Even if we could break free they'd just süperweapon us.

>want to be rescued for years
>only two consolations have been sent;
>an incredibly chaotic (and as it stands, not easily-accessible) psionic network "meme magic"
>an ancient chaos god who can only be reached through erratic and random means

i want a more dependable god

I've been waiting since 1980.
>The harmonic convergence of 1987
>The forgettable stuff in the 90's
>2005 (5/5/5)
At least some of the change has to come from us. Also the Archons are FIGHTING BACK. They are not just sitting there waiting for us to meditate them away. A lot of my sources said that electing Hilary would have started WW3, causing massive misery and severely lowering the spirituality of this planet for generations to come.

Maybe a better word would be "Awake". Being spiritually awake doesn't make you a touchy-feely new age faggot. It's a growing awareness of the true (non-physical) nature of our multidimensional world.

The Archons love taking spiritual awakening and perverting it into chaos and corruption. Look at the altruistic Swedes who want to be good people, so their "leaders" invite millions of violent rapey people into their land. They could just as easily help those people by donating money to make safe spaces in the Middle East. This way, the Archons:
1. Destroy Sweden
2. Discourage altruism and empathy
3. Expand the control of the (eventual) police state (their servants).

>I'm free from any control already, anyway.

>implying you can break free of jewish influence as long as you inhabit this planet

Do not underestimate Lord Kek.

Friendly bump

We don't say /x/ because we're edgy. There is a specific board for fucking idiots like yourself and it's called /x/.
We are just trying to help you get to your friends, you should thank us.

They are interdemensional.

Look up Alister Crowley - Lamb

fuckin schizos

>Spiritually advanced

Please, dont be so pathetic

Get on board bitch nigga, or would you rather be the archon's bitch?

Yeah, because the emerald tablets are totally not a scam. Have you ever seen one?
Sucks to be you, then.

>A lot of my sources
Aka I read it online but saying "sources" makes me sound important

So this group of hippy lunatics edited 4 years before coming back? They disappeared after the whole December 21 2012 thing didn't play out.

My god, the inculture, they read one wikipedia article and see some memes and they think they are sages

They were translated by Isaac Newton himself you retard.

Then you'd just be preaching to the choir?

Convergence begins, Praise KEK!

I know about Hermeticism too.

Read the Kybalion, the sacred texts etc.

The memes are an intro.

And that makes the tablets, the public never saw and never had the chance to, legit.

Alright then, leaf.

Newton thought they were legit. Are you implying you're more intelligent than Isaac Newton?

If only the world was so interesting

This is all just David Icke bullshit.

Would you believe me if I said that I just came to the same conclusion during and after a HEAVY psychedelic trip last night, and just independantly explained every one of these points to my girlfriend ten minutes before I came here to see this thread at the top of the page. 100% no bullshit, it's true. God, please make kek grant me digits...

he also drank mercury and believed in witchcraft rituals and christianity

>a fucking leaf

No, i'm not. I'm just being rational here.

Just because he thought them to be legit doesn't mean he was right.

And you still didn't answer my question.


Yes, the occult teachings are real you fucking plebeian unitiated faggot.

He didn't actually drink mercury you idiot, alchemy is not about actual mixing of substances, it is ort of a western version of chakra ascension. The actual mixing of substances was only a cover so the cucktians didn't burn them at the stake.

There you have it folks, God does not approve of us worshiping kek, it's time to focus our praise on the God himself.

user, how did some break free from the inside?

Find light within

Are you pretending to be or are you really this retarted?

If you're pretending, then please get better at it.
Although, you just might be really this stupid.

Doesn't mean everything he believed is wrong

Subhuman atheists need to get off Sup Forums. You just stink up the place. Back to plebbit germcuck .

Light? Is that not Lucifer's trick though? Or are you talking about logos, or the black sun? The unseen light?

Does all of this have to do with Antarctica?

You have to go back

The is supposedly why the other aliens species don't just attack and exterminate the Archons for being such perverted psychic vampires. It's a lot like a bank robber holding a hostage. If he shoots the hostage, he gets shot immediately. This is also how the technologically (and spiritually) inferior Archons can hold out against the rest of the galaxy.

Keep in mind that vaporizing the earth wouldn't harm our souls. But it would create a giant psychic wound for our species, and this galaxy. This is OUR (humans) planet. We were here FIRST. We evolved here from lower animals, and someday will ascend from this planet.

>And Archon seems like a name you pulled out your ass.
"Archon" is just ancient Greek for "Ruler". The oldest texts that identified them simply call them the rulers of the physical world.
>Level 0 Non-physical Archons
>Level 1 Incarnated Archons
>Level 2 Shadow Government (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Black Nobility)
>Level 3 (((you know who))) + good goys
>Level 4 Governments
>Level 5 Local Police
Remember this order during the next holocaust (or holohoax) when you go looking for (((people))) to blame for our problems, as the Archons laugh and slurp up the delicious hatred and violence.

Why don't you just put your faith in God, without worrying about the stupid shit we have going on here in the world, and just see if you feel more right with everything? Try it, it works.

nah man, we are all connected to eachother and also to earth and cosmos, theres a light within us, find it and you are free

Ok, so why are you still here?

Is not living in this shithole not being free?

>Why don't you just put your faith in God,
I already do.
>without worrying about the stupid shit we have going on here in the world
I have to be aware, though
>and just see if you feel more right with everything?
I am always right with everything.

What twisted logic did you follow to assume the things you did?

>We evolved

We were made by God.

Now i ask again: what about Antarctica? The seed vaults from wikileaks.
Do they connect?

nice sword you got there, dream-walker...

>called Archons
way to misspell Jews

Light in most cases refers to the truth aka God. When might is referred to as a trick of Lucifer is referring to our perception of reality, as in seeing physical light with our eyes. Lucifer uses illusions of reality to deceive.

>Subhuman atheists need to get off Sup Forums.

Indeed. Their intellectual weakness and fedora tipping does not belong here.

i have the alien picture. i downloaded it seconds after it went up. and also took a screen shot

i have copied both to numerous external sources.

come and get me you fuckers.

Why is it so hard to believe that people are just assholes.

Iam in. This bastards have to go back.

Kek will smite these interdimensional faggots.

The way you fucking write with brackets thrown in in every sentence disgusts me

Evolution is a universal law designed by God. He designed us, yes... but we still evolved.


Jews are not at the top of this. They're just selfish fucks who are willing to sell out humanity.

Destroying your own planet goes a bit beyond being an asshole. It's madness.

i was born, i will have to die

its a shithole because of us humans and the condition we put on eachother, not in itself

We are going to do it, because that is God's will, otherwise he would just rapture us away and cleanse the corruption on the planet himself. Have faith.

Dafuq am I reading here in this thread ?

Get a job and stop smoking weed you goddamn morons.

More dependable than k.ek? You mean like trusting God himself instead of jerking your mind off to chaos itself? I think you may be on to something here.

Humans couldn't destroy the planet if they wanted to. Temporarily fuck up the ecosystem? Sure. But nothing even resembling the Permian extinction.

>We were made by God.
Our SOULS were made by God (the source). But when first made we are like babies. We LEARN to be "grown ups" (ascended) by INCARNATING as more and more complex lifeforms.

Someone made fun of me for saying "my sources", so "some people" are saying that Antarctica is where the global elites and physical Archons hope to retreat to if they lose control of the planet after the non-physical Archons are exterminated. Some people say that the the Archons would love to escape and start over on a less evolved planet but the WHOLE SOLAR SYSTEM is surrounded by anti-Archonic forces. Apparently they already did this escape and start over bullshit once in the past, and the rest of the galaxy isn't willing to let that happen again.

Wikileaks (if they aren't compromised) will just be one (of many) ways the global control system will be torn down, by exposure.

OP hasn't met any pakis or pashtuns

Most of humanity is a product of circumstance. We're born into a shitty situation.

Nigger its 2017. You have been wrong at least once before. Fuck off.

you should have looked at the second sticky. Alien shit belongs on /x/

The world wasnt supposed to end in 2012. It was just the beginning of a new age. The age where we destroy the old world order ( AND the NWO). Trump is the Reincarnation of Jesus!

Kek confirms.

But the situation is not you, it is possible to live free of all the suffering

This is how I know you are deluded.

>Light? Is that not Lucifer's trick though?
Jesus is a lie.

>We were here FIRST.
This is totally wrong. Where are you getting this from?

Me too.

This. Almost anybody on here has awoken at least partially, but it's time to take the God pill if you haven't already. Put aside religious extremism and focus on your personal connection with God. That is all it takes, I was a miserable atheist my whole life, but finding God made me feel whole.

''humans'' were non physical a long long time ago. The materializition of the the spirit happened over time and I believe we have reached a critical stage in our existance

>Trump is the Reincarnation of Jesus!

>when lucifer tries to trick you again
god damn lucifer, cant he just chill?

Do you honestly think anyone on Sup Forums is going to read all that?!

I stand corrected, and apologetic. I am truly sorry to have questioned your faith.

>when you read of a great happening for the first time
>and its actually happening today
coincidence? i think not