>black people still think the earth is flat

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Niggers BTFO

>Still believing that the earth is real and not a hologram made by Jews

Send him to space and make him wear a monkey suit so he can see that beautiful curvature.

Good idea

I am be Science Man coming in with the flat earth jokes

This is easy to figure out. I'd just need to know which two cities those are and where he is standing.

>2017 believing the jews are real and not holograms

>made by Jews
>implying the jews haven't already been forsaken

*smokes weed*
earth is flat bruh

>Black people
Don't disrespect is like this. B.o.B is retarded.

>believing holograms are real and not jews

not just him, kyrie irving and many other black famous people. look it up

Wow it's almost like those buildings are significantly farther off the ground than well, the ground.

Pretty cool pic though.

>Rapper and basketball players
Neither of those professions require a high school education. Any black person who isn't an entertainer?

Of course, those are just the first names that came up when i was googling it

lol how small does he think the earth is

bout tree fiddy


This nigga at Stone Mountain in the same place every black person starts heading back down

"SIZE" is a white man's trick.


Fucking Hoteps. They're all retarded.

Low-hanging fruit.

Makes sense since he's a nigger science communicator.

>still believeing in spherical jew
just face the truth retards

>still denying the turtle

top kek


Can you refrain from posting that face


made me audibly kek, thanks

Just another dumb nigger in niggertown Stone Mountain GA

Hindus proved it, read a book



What you see in that picture is the PERFECT representation of a curved earth.

You don't see the whole city, just the tallest buildings. The tallest buildings are only half visible, indicating that the curve is causing them to only be half visible instead of claiming the whole city is, which it's not.


More white people, proportionally, believe in a Flat Earth. Niggers don't even think about Earth I believe.

Those quads

which book


>believing jews are not a world dominating african tribe's puppet to deceive people into thinking the jews are the bad people