Uhhhhh.... guise, was there a trump AMA a little while ago?
Other urls found in this thread:
>thinking its real
Trump probably doesn't know Sup Forums exists
Yes, if you believe it was really him. Said he would post about "4" later in the week as proof it was him. Someone probably has screencaps
Dont care if real, did anyone archive?
Cool. Thanks
Thread was promptly gassed
Holy shit 4s of confirmation.
it was removed.
Could you be more newfaggy.
Do you honestly believe that?
Fake and gay
You guys are really autistic
This is important stuff here
Trump here
Using a VPN now as (((they))) know
Yes, it was real and I'm disgusted by the moderators of this supposed board of free speech. Will be advising my team to investigate the corrupt and biased moderators of this wonderful forum.
I don't have time to continue posting here presently but know I acknowledge you and thank you for your support.
I highly doubt trump would visit us
Besides it's probably best he doesn't
Last thing we need is him getting ultra redpilled and dropping a nigger bomb accidentally
Can you imagine being so autistic you make a thread pretending to be Trump, then instead of using sniping tool or even fucking prt sc, you take photos of your screen.
>then you make another thread talking about the previous thread
It's time to stop user
What if you found out that homeless guy you fucked in the ass last night was actually god?
>a 70yo computer illiterate man knowing about some Japanese anime forum
I'm Pope Francis btw
How autistic do you have to be to genuinely believe that Donald Trump browses Sup Forums? I'm literally laughing at the stupidity
I want to believe.
I was there when Ben "Kike Killer Crusher" Garrison was in a thread here at Sup Forums . it was amazing
Yes. Was positively bro-tier.
Some seemingly high ranking pedoshills came to disrupt, but were called out immediately.
Ever heard of the Print Screen key?
>trolls on twitter all day
>knows all about spreading memes
>posted a rare pepe and MGL parody youtube on his twitter
he's more of a Sup Forums poster than most Sup Forums posters who are too scared to use social media under their real names and have no idea how anything works and just copies what other people say
If you where a famous person who wanted to shipost without leaving a record that could be traced back to you where would you shitpost?
Lots of celebrities use Sup Forums. Lots of business people too. People who have stuff to loose for sharing there opinions in the open.
Yes. He gave me all the money and said that i was his favorite. Also, he yelled at us for being angry at the jews.
Moot banned him. He hates Sup Forums, posts on best chan though.
>please use ''insert word you use all the time'' in the next tweet to prove that you're real
you got to be shitting me, fucking retard
>using Botnet browser
>using Spyware 10
>doesn't know how to screen capture
>didn't clean identifying data from picture
Step up your infosec casual, holy fuck.
I'd be surprised that his name is sally
>expecting some old cheeto man to know about technology
Is this thread supposed to be satire or is the IQ of this thread really sub 90?
please provide proof of a significant celebrity posting here
people who do this need to be flayed
specifically flayed
>takes photo of desktop instead of using printscreen.
I wonder about this place sometimes.
here's anthony cumia getting spotted & subsequently triggered
>Picks up switchboard at random in WH and talks to random people calling throughout the day
>Has always been known for that type of stuff well before his run
>Loves the everyman
>Has a matter of fact tone in thread
>Usage of language and speech patterns seemed similar and lined up to me
>Didn't kiss ass with confirmation bias which makes people believe it easier
>Constantly underestimated in terms of what he's capable of and will actually do
>Didn't slip and talk in polspeak once
>Was direct and to the point, with hints of ocd
It was at least a believable larp. Putting it past him that he would post on here is pretty indicative you still don't know his character very well.
Trump is posting his own posts again
It's believable to me only because he's the type of guy that would see the true value of a shit posting army and not judge it on its face value.
>no tape over the webcam
whole timeline is fake news now.
i post on a fake account because black people don't get banned for breaking the rules while white people get banned because they're white and dared to tell a nigger to get a job.
didn't Katrina Pierson mention Sup Forums on twitter?
something about how us and reddit helped trump out a lot
someone post the Taylor Swift png
The chances Spicer is a Sup Forumsack and surely a Sup Forumsnimetard are 99%
The chances he was the Don's twitter manager with all the use of the memes are more or less the same.
The chances he is in fact a /m/echtard and a Sup Forumsrowser are 100%
Those statistics don't add up
>The chances he is in fact a /m/echtard and a Sup Forumsrowser are 100%
spicer if you're reading this pls make kamen riders real
Because they don't need to.
I browse /pol but not /a
>not joking
the fact that he had to clarify this makes me believe it's fake
On a serious note, myself and numerous others worked closely with one of Trump's close campaign advisors during the campaigning. He definitely knows about Sup Forums, and subtly played it up to his advantage.
You can see his campaign spokeswoman giving a small shoutout here: twitter.com
>imlpying trump team didn't astroturf all the fuck over Sup Forums (and plenty other sites) for the last two fucking years
its like you don't even internet
I wish I was this bluepilled
>tfw you've taken so many redpills you revert to blue pill mode if you go more than a couple hours without a redpill
remarkable, we actually influenced a presidential election lel
I want to believe.
But then again, if 'no other images' is proof of authenticity, then I also have to believe that the ayylmao is also real, for the same reason.
Which I guess I want to. Makes life even more whacky and unpredictable.
So GOD EMPEROR TRUMP is confirmed Sup Forumsitician and lmaos walk among us. Cool!
Trump can't use a computer. There is 0 evidence he has ever used one.
The guy gets news sites printed out because he finds then difficult and confusing
Melania put it on her twitter. Its Baron is the tiger
>implying Barron doesn't shitpost President Trump General threads and create Pepe memes on a near daily basis
>Trump being a discordfag
Was this.. actually legit??
Make me Holy Roman Emperor pls
>He is an old man and heart attacks happen every day
He was asked about tackling Soros and the Greentext was his answer. I don't think the real Trump would write something like this.
This is copy pasta of what he said:
I consider this a state issue
Trudeau is an old friend when he stood with me at the podium you saw him submit.
We have soldiers more secret than the seals rangers somenyouve never heard of we take americas security very seriously I will not allow America to be attacked. Not happening
I expect to win every competition I enter. Change your thinking and be a winner
He is an old man and heart attacks happen every day
You mean my son in law & daughter? Racism isn't acceptable I won't allow you to bully them and won't allow them to bully you
no greentext
>implying trump writes run-on sentences like that
I genuinely think Steve Bannon posts here.
I genuinely believe that Steve Bannon doesn't use us, but is a genuine Sup Forumslack who was corrupted by Sup Forums.
I doubt Trump does though.
Well, the grammar is spot on.
The creator of Rick & Morty posts troll threads on Sup Forums.
Deadmua5, Andrew W.K. and Robin Williams daughter.
At least three female celebrities visited threads made about them that they were linked to via twitter.
One said she found it "incredibly disturbing".
Also an actor named Dane DeHaan posted on Sup Forums and claims he frequently visits Sup Forums.
You have no idea how many celebrities are anons in secret, newfaggot.
>implying anyone in the trump family has a discover card
> Implying Trump isn't the original frogposter.
That was really him , i can tell.
Part of his mission in this lifetime is to climb down from his castle and mingle with the common folk.
I'll try and dig it out of the archives, but a Scandinavian MEP once posted on /r9k/