The following is inspired by a quote from Thomas Paine: "He who dares not offend cannot be honest...

The following is inspired by a quote from Thomas Paine: "He who dares not offend cannot be honest." There are a number of reasons President Donald J. Trump isn't telling us as to why he wants to drive us into a state of apoplexy. In this thread, I will expose those reasons one-by-one, on the principle that it's often hard to decipher his self-pitying comments. Obviously, Donald flees clarity whenever it involves unpleasant shouldering of responsibility, but I believe that in this case, his insinuations prove that he did little to no research before concluding that he is always being misrepresented and/or persecuted.

>So what's the connection between that and his communiqués?

Other urls found in this thread:

The connection is that I, not being one of the many rummy woodenheads of this world, keep saying that Donald has an uncanny knack for making evil appear good and good appear evil. Sure, a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse, but perhaps if I'm persistent, Donald will eventually realize that the suggestion that opportunism is a viable and vital objective for our nation's educational institutions is wrong, absurd, and offensive. Nevertheless, Donald's vassals like to suggest such things to distract attention from the truth, which is that I don't know what makes Donald think that we can change the truth if we don't like it the way it is. Maybe he's been sipping cuckoo juice. The fact of the matter is that I have no set opinion as to whether or not this is typical of the kind of noise Donald enjoys making. I do, however, really think that if we don't remove the Donald J. Trump threat now, it will bite us in our backside faster than you can say "histomorphologically."

shut the fuck up leaf

Strange, isn't it, how obtuse gutter-dwellers are always the first to court an unpatriotic minority of sneaky plotters?

You haven't said shit yet. Just a bunch of vague large words for filler. Any moron has a thesaurus. Get on with it before I give you a cerebral hemorrhage

>Thomas Paine
I live in the town this traitor is from, in fact i live about 500 yrds from his old home.

We have a statue of the cunt too, one day i'll smash it up

>diary of a high-functioning person with schizophrenia

an audible kek was emitted

Donald is a drooling, hydra-headed monster of force and terror. His support for freedom of speech extends only to those who agree with him. That is, Donald believes in "free speech for me but not for thee." I guess that's not too surprising when one considers that Donald contends that all minorities are poor, stupid ghetto trash. Has anyone, at any time, ever been more wrong? The complete answer to that question is a long, sad story. I've answered parts of that question in several of my previous threads, and I'll answer other parts in future ones. For now, I'll just say that Donald's meddlesome buddies are nothing more than subservient blobs of easily controlled protoplasm. That's why they're so willing to help Donald manufacture and compile daunting lists of imaginary transgressions committed against him. Unfortunately, I can already see the response to this post. Someone, possibly President Donald J. Trump himself or one of his menials, will write a ghastly piece about how combative I am. If that's the case, then so be it. What I just wrote sorely needed to be written.

Terrible, OP, just terrible.

wow, your verbosity is extremely fucking cringey to read. It brings to mind the image of a pseudo-intellectual jew looking down his big hook nose as he talks us plebs

>someone...will write a ghastly piece about how combative I am.

No, but we'll certainly take your shitty bait just to tell you what a retarded, dim cunt you are. Really, please go fucking kill yourself, you're the worst.

I am unimpressed with your argument as you still have yet to clarify any type of logical stance against any of his policies. You have just literally spewed the workings of what you consider free speech. I am going to assume that you are educated. As smug and as flowery as you write. So you have just copy pasta what the left wind media has been saying for months now. Why that sounds like a controlled narrative! Is that not the exact opposite of free speech? To allow idea and speech to be said? Without one tongue come in and say that all others are wrong and only ours are correct? We have already seen what the left means by free speech at Berkley.

Kudos for lauding how free you are when you are chained just a tight to the boot as the minorities that you claim to serve by separating them up into groups and then talk down and flowery around them cause they are uneducated and won't understand. They will just understand the emotion. After all, they aren't really people are they? Just groups that you can control.

You disgust me leaf.

Although I would very much like to provide light, information, and knowledge about President Donald J. Trump's lusk conceits, there are several obstacles that make it difficult to extend the compass of democracy to the most bleeding-heart hoddypeaks you'll ever see.

Before you start formulating a smart reply, don't bother because I'm just not interested.

stop smoking weed you lazy ass leaf

its cuz hes a fucking pot head he isnt actually saying anything its just high ramblings he thinks sounds smart cuz hes stoned

>His dishonesty means he's truthful.

Stop it.
You're paranoid.
It's a minimum 4 years.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Go to fucking church or something.

>He who dares not offend cannot be honest
True. This is why i know Trump is an honest man, as he dares to offend everybody and has done so all his life.
>mfw shills btfo themselves in the first sentence of their slide threads

stoners are stupid. especially canadian stoners

I fucking smoke pot. I voted for Trump. That is no excuse if you can't think or hold conversations stoned then you obviously don't need to smoke. He is just a blathering idiot stoned or sober. God help the poor cretin.


Donald's coven appears to be growing in number.


ITT: enlightenment era shitposters


I suppose you think the faggot Trudeau is a winner?! Fuck off you twat. sage

>There are a number of reasons President Donald J. Trump isn't telling us as to why he wants to drive us into a state of apoplexy.
>accusing someone of making you mentally unstable, and also paranoid since you imagine it is a secret plot by said person
top kek

Is anyone reading this? No, because Sup Forums is engaged in perpetual one-upmanship over who more deeply enjoys Donald's perceptions.

>Donald is a drooling, hydra-headed monster of force and terror.

I wish that someone would tear the muscles they use to breathe and speak in the process of screaming the word "REDDIT" at you.

Not an argument

fucking how new are you faggots

This thread is interesting.

Masterful bait

Okay Chomsky


>Donald is really exasperated by the limitations that have thus far denied him the ability to identify political and religious groups that are his political enemies and re-label them as "lubricious pissants" in order to justify operations against them.
>and as a result of that, he could use a heavy dose of sensitivity training.


>I, not being one of the many rummy woodenheads of this world


The takeaway message of this thread is that the mere mention of President Donald J. Trump's loathsome name jacks my blood pressure up into dangerous territory.

For a fat pseudo-intellectual like yourself that is very concerning leaf.
You should fuck off forever for your health.

This thread isn't about the Prime Minister of Canada, it's about the President of the United States.

The stark truth of the matter is that Donald is exceptionally eager to initiate a reign of juvenile, insincere terror. His insuperable acrasia is partly to blame for that, but another part of the story is that Donald constantly insists that he has the experience, ideas, leadership, and integrity to move your nation forward. But he contradicts himself when he says that things have never been better.




Do leafs get off on being the shittest posters on this board, or have proxyfags just taken advantage of past stupidity and no that no one will question them posting garbage through a Canadian proxy?


I unequivocally feel that he's a slatternly autocrat. How else can I characterize a person who did all of the following and then some?

>Condemn children to a life of drugs, gangs, drinking, rape, incest, verbal abuse, physical abuse, and a number of other horrors
>Subject his critics to all sorts of terrifying autos-da-fé
>Extinguish the voices of opposition

I could lengthen this list, but I shall rest my case. The point is that my position is that the vast majority of Donald's flacks spend most of their lives in one of two places—the local pub or jail.

slanderous buzzwords! no proof! I can keep going on but I won't! Believe what I say or you a idiot and a bigot!

>drive us

You have the reading comprehension of the average bear.

Were you nefarious, lascivious rascals born without a self-awareness gene? If I'm not mistaken, there's a painfully simple answer. It regards the way that you have been staggering around like punch-drunk fighters hit too many times—stunned, confused, betrayed, and trying desperately to rationalize Donald's unstable, hubristic obiter dicta. It is not a pretty sight.

>condemn children to a life at all, to rise above horrid circumstance like many other great heroes in the past
>populist hero takes shots at widely reviled and deserved targets
>voices of opposition behave in a way that there is no sympathy but understanding when they are shut out

a fucking leaf etc

We get more from Donald than we do from most uncivilized tricksters. We get more lies, more distortions, more fear, more hatred, more division. We get Donald J. Trump behaving like Donald J. Trump.

I say we should give Donald more power—preferably, 10,000 volts of it.

Obiter Dicta? Hahahahahahaha. Do you even realize what you are talking about?

holy shit you clueless fucking idiots

Winners aren't losers, loser.

>"He who dares not offend cannot be honest."

Read your own post nigga goddamn lol


Looking at it on the bright side, wherever you look, you'll see Donald enforcing intolerance in the name of tolerance. You'll see him suppressing freedom in the name of freedom. And you'll see him crushing diversity of opinion in the name of diversity. One of Donald's favorite tricks is to create a problem, then offer the solution. Naturally, it's always his solutions that grant him the freedom to parlay personal and political conspiracy theories into a multimillion-dollar financial empire, never the original problem.

>don't bother because I'm just not interested.

>says Trump wants to stifle free speech, not interested in hearing views other than Trump's own

the best way to handle this idiot is just not to respond to him

I love this meme.

Fuck Canada

I don't have the patience to read this

op has been copying and pasting from from the start

One can't have a debate with someone who is so willingly ignorant of the most basic tenets of the subject being discussed. There's a Kikuyu proverb I'd like to recite for Donald. The proverb is, "Kari itara gathekaga kari riiko." It means, "The green firewood drying above the hearth always laughs at the dry firewood burning on the hearth." Although you may be laughing at me now, some day i'll be the one protecting our peace, privacy, and safety.