Can some intelligent, educated American explain to me how such a big portion of the US is so extremely retarded? How can they vote for this obvious retard? Is this a joke and I just don't get it? I really can't figure it out. Please help me out bros!
Can some intelligent, educated American explain to me how such a big portion of the US is so extremely retarded...
>I don't represent the globe!
Decades of immoral media practices, and heavy religious influence on legislation and education.
Don't blame the ignorant arrogant citizens of the USA, blame the system.
Well if you were actually as smart as you like to pretend you would already know that this is in fact a rhetorical device.
This is a good explanation of when you see people asked about why they think Trump says it like it is and whatever else they say about his speech, it is because he is deliberately choosing his words so that they invoke the emotions he wants.
Sometimes you have to take a step back to take two steps forward
You are over endowing Trump. He is not the genius that you think he is.
I don't think he is a genius, he obviously makes many mistakes but theres a different between something seeming retarded and actually being retarded
>he hasn't realized Trump is a genius yet
>still in the denial phase
You are a cuck with a woman for a leader. Shut your damn mouth.
Uranium can do bad things.
Makes sense to me.
>how such a big portion of the US is so extremely retarded
The Christian church.
You cannot begin to comprehend how many people in the U.S. are meth-smoking cult members.
They got it into their head that Satan created Hillary, and absofuckinglutely nothing from fact-based reality will penetrate their fear of burning in Hell for all eternity if they don't vote Republican.
There are other factors involved (such as right-wing money that actively promotes this form of terrorism), but this is one of the largest at the foundation of it.
Trump is the puppet that the right wing needs to sign all the important papers to push their agenda through. It's really just an Armageddon-suicide cult that promotes party over country, or even basic humanity, at any and all cost.
Keep in mind that some of these people are far from retarded. They are craven and evil, with no shred of moral decency or conscience. they are the ones using the retarded masses and driving the herd to stampede in profitable directions.
this is a real quote lol what a retard
Our leader finnished school with the best grade you can possibly get and has a Ph.D in physics.
Hey come on. We all know Hillary would have spouted retarded shit if she hadn't advisers to always tell her what to say
If you think meth addicts care about god or conservatism then your perception of the world unbelievably wrong.
We all know than American are not as intelligent as they pretend... See some stats about general culture in USA and you will be sad for them... I think it the same in every country but they have a huge brainwashing system and are extremely self centred. They don't really learn from other country.
He knows his audience, speaking like this got him president without any prior political experience.
This is true though
That doesn't mean shit, anyone can do that with money.
Ahmed please, you're in no position to talk. Both Merkel and Schulz will replace you with the new tanned germans.
Maybe in the US, not in Germany though. Her family wasn't rich anyway.
Him and his voters aren't the smartest peanuts in the turd, we've already established that. Thanks for your input though, Dutchbro!
I voted for him because I know he is going to start a war. Don't get me wrong Hillary could have also started one but trump has his narcissistif idgaf attitude.
I literally just want to see this world be clensed from the human parasite so it can start again.
Most of us here are human and make mistakes. I would rather have a President who messes up speaking once in a while than one that sells out our country to Soros and the UN
supreme court seats
But doesn't it bother you that the bulk of intelligent people are laughing at Americans, although it was a minority which voted this chimp into office?
Hurt people hurt people.
No one gives a flying fuck. She's ruining Europe and you cucks feel so guilty for being white and European that you're happy to see your country enriched into ashes.
Nah. The rest of the world is waaay more retarded. Trump is an anomaly, much like Obama. Everything had to fall in line just right in order for him to take power. Really fascinating really. Shit will recede back into the norm in about 4 years. Notice how he has 2000 vacant seats to fill, the govt officials ((they)) are playing the long con in order to limit the amount of back pedaling the president elect is going to do. They can't impeach or kill him because that shit would cause a civil war. The us can go toe to toe with 99% of the world but a civil war would end it. Ultimately he was a far right wing outlier that will not occur ever again so enjoy these next 4 years.
Who are dumber in Germany SPD or CDU voters?
Not at all. I'm very proud of beeing a German. I'm a big patriot really. This country works so great, it's unbelievable. This very year our state made an record profit of 24 billion Euros, despite taking in so many refugees. I'm currently studying medicine in the most prestigious med school and I only pay like 200€ per Semester. Germany is so great, it's ridiculous.
Britain on the other hand just voted for Brexit and it's a big mess. Really makes you think.
Why should I care ? Everyone will be dead by fire or radiation soon.
They arent very intelligent if they are thinking in terms of people electing trump and not people electing what trump will do.
It just shows how resigned to being ruled over the rest of the world is if the primary thing they think about in a leader is how he communicates to the public.
Its unfortunate trumps the way he is. It might be some kind of elaborate act to throw off oponents or it might just be the way he is, or it might be the natural way he is but it throws off oponents naturally and thats how he managed to become successful in the first place, i dont know. It really doesn't matter, he will keep creative interpretists out of the supreme court.
>trump is a retard
>we failed to win against a retard
pick none or both
And somehow managed to rape your native peoples with exorbitant taxes and millions of shitty immigrants. Great job with that PHD.
Gee, how did people ever rule without PHD's in the past?
B--b-but rural Michigan is so important
>the rust belt is insignificant
The average American isn't very intelligent, no.
>Lecturing other countries on their leaders
It was obvious to me that many decent people voted for Trump and it was the retarded and brain washed Libtards who voted for Killary. Hans, you are retarded mate.
> Ph.D or Phd?
She should have got a job in a research company in that case. What a fucking disaster she has been for Germany and the EU. The good thing is that she has fucked the EU anyway. The sooner the EU dies, the better.
>They don't really learn from other country.
I don't know so much... Obama imported cucked Liberalism and now the U.S. is swamped with self-genocidal SJW's. I worked in the U.S. for a few years and it's true that there is a bigger divide between the rich/educated and poor/uneducated but I think it's a myth that 'Americans' aren't intelligent. I was meeting a lot of highly intelligent Burgers when i was out there. I also think it was true that Burgers tend to live in their own American bubble but that's changing. Younger Burgers are much more switched on to the wider world.
What the fuck are you talking about, monkey? I never said having a Ph.D is a requirement, it was just a response to the other retard virgin who stated that women couln't be competent. It shows that she is intelligent, that's all. Germany is perheps the best functioning state right now. The poorest German still has great healthcare, a flat, enough money for himself and if he has a family even for them. Also, Merke did never put new taxes on the German people. So again, what are you talking about? Also, how is she raping our native people? The Germans themselfs don't have many children. This does not have anything to do whit the refuguees we're taking in at all. Nobody is forcing Germans to marry people of other ethnicity if they don't want. Nobody is forbidding German couples to have many children. There is no fucking war against the white race you illeterate conspiracy theorists.
>I would rather have a President who messes up speaking once in a while than one that sells out our country to Soros and the UN
Absolutely! I think it's a sign that the U.S. is maturing as a nation to not be fixated with having a good looking cookie-cutter President. Fucking brain washed Libtards loved Obama but he was a complete stuttering imbecile when not speaking with an auto prompter or whatever they call it.
>kraut doesn't understand donald trump uses baby talk when communicating with the public, so the lowest common denominator, the typical voter, can understand him.
Are you really a total fucking idiot?
It's hard to tell these days.
>I really can't figure it out
Demagoguery and telling people what they want to hear.
>He's only pretending to be retarded
Shitty bait mate.
>But doesn't it bother you that the bulk of intelligent people are laughing at Americans,
That's just bullshit Hans. You're obviously a pathetic little troll with nothing true or sensible to contribute. I suggest you go and get a life, learn something about the world and grow up.
>although it was a minority which voted this chimp into office?
You are obviously ignorant about the electoral system in the U.S. and parrot lame rhetoric used by stupid immature Liberal twats. Honestly Hans, you're the most stupid German I've come across in Sup Forums.
>a literal retard turned a relatively low amount of starting capital into several billion dollars
>Britain on the other hand just voted for Brexit and it's a big mess
More ignorance from the most stupid Hans Sup Forums has ever seen. The UK's economic growth is actually at the top of G7 BECAUSE we are leaving the EU you dumb fuck! Imagine how much stronger the UK would have been if we had never joined the EU?!
Sorry for your hurt feelings, user. Let me help.
Trump is a successful businessman.
All men like him in business throw out ideas for comments. Everything is allowed.
"There are no dumb answers" means that what X says may be built on by Y, then Z, and new ideas that no one has considered may come up.
You'll note, if you read any news, that Trump doesn't do anything until it's been talked to death.
Try to apply logic, instead of emotion, when you read about American conservatives. Then it will start to make sense to you.
I stated that the majority of the American people did not vote for Trump. I never lost a word about the elecoral system you illiterate moron.
Only insecure people feel a need to needlessly throw around $20 words to indicate their intelligence
>Are you really a total fucking idiot?
So, how long have you lived in the U.S.?
>those tears
>majority of the American people did not vote for Trump.
>elecoral system
You did, but in your ignorance didn't even know it.
The two things are really the same thing.
>Trump isn't a genius. That's why he was able to take down the Bush dynasty and the Clinton dynasty simultaneously with tweets.
>>Britain on the other hand just voted for Brexit and it's a big mess
>More ignorance from the most stupid Hans Sup Forums has ever seen. The UK's economic growth is actually at the top of G7 BECAUSE we are leaving the EU you dumb fuck! Imagine how much stronger the UK would have been if we had never joined the EU?!
How can you be this fucking dumb Nigel? Please just tell me! Germany just now overtook the UK and is the fastest growing G7 country you stupid fucking moron. Do you read any news or are just watching conspiracy videos on youtube?
>vote for a retard that may enact policy to help your country
>vote for a corrupt career politician that will go out of her way to enact policy to specifically make our country shittier with less rights
Yeah seems real fucking hard.
Maybe AfD and Die Linke voters.
>I stated that the majority of the American people did not vote for Trump. I never lost a word about the elecoral system you illiterate moron.
Oh boy, you really are digging a deeper hold for yourself and proving that you're dumb fuck. The majority of people didn't vote for Merkel but she still won. Or are you talking about the majority of those who voted? Please try harder... I know it must be difficult for someone as dim witted as you. Either way, you've demonstrated you know fuck all about the U.S. electoral system whether you (((lost))) a word about it or not.
We weren't voting for a retard, we were voting to execute a retarded world system.
Because Trump's totally going to do all the things he said.
You Trump voters are just amazing, I have to admit. It's literally not the same thing, retard! While not getting the majority of the votes, Trump won the election. Ergo: Getting the majority of the votes and winning the election is not the same thing! Do you understand this?
t. Eternal Kraut Merkel-voter
>Do you read any news or are just watching conspiracy videos on youtube?
Learn to read please Hans. I posted the fucking Telegraph article. Jesus, you really are the most fucking retarded Hans I've ever come across!
I could ask the same question about your country and Merkel or worse Shulz who's coming up.
The alternative was an even bigger retard. The difficult thing to explain is why people nominated them in the primaries.
hilary was the alternative. she is nothing more than someone who must have done anal intercourse in her life to have lead to her being a shit leaking woman.
it is not right to have a president which has been/is used to bending over like that.
He was pretty nervous that entire debate. I would like to see you do better, leaf.
We don't want to end up like your country. PC police tracking down people on facebook, swamped with muslims, rapists and commies and have no ability to defend ourselves or make the government do it because we are disarmed.
>While not getting the majority of the votes, Trump won the election.
Hey, Dumb fucker... The U.S. has had an 'electoral college' system since the Founding Fathers put it in place - for a very good reason. Trump planned his campaign for that system while Hillary Clinton's campaign totally fucked up. The 'popular vote' was marginally larger for Hillary Clinton but not by much and that was all down to the voter fraud that was going on such as 'dead' people voting, multiple voting by the same person and bussing in voters, etc. Get informed before you open your ignorant mouth.
>He buys the evidence-less Russia conspiracy shit
I think you're the one on Meth, buddy.
The UK is not the fastest growing economy in the G7 you stupid fucking shit! You were clearly not telling the truth, I proved you wrong. Is this now all you have to say? That, altough not knowing shit about your own fucking economy, you're not that bad because the link you posted was not a Youtube video?
>It's literally not the same thing
If we didn't have the electoral system, New York City, 8 million people, could outvoted Kansas, Nebraska, both Dakotas, and throw in a couple more western states.
Our system is designed to give everyone a voice, despite where they live.
It is LITERALLY the same thing.
this is pretty pointless…why does it matter about foreign countries voting preferences?
Read the fucking article you twat
as long as our daily lives do not change, WE DON'T GIVE A FUCK.
near as I can tell, european lives change when politics change.
in america. it's a lot of bullshit hogwash.
filibusters prevent change from happening. obamacare is the only thing that changed for the average american while obama was in office. and the current president wants to get rid of it.
how does that compare to enriching your country with a bunch of dune coons because your merkel wants to fork over mansions to them? trump is out to ban them from even setting foot on US soil.
>stupid fucking shit!
Getting angry is blinding you to understanding the points being made.
>Our system is designed to give everyone a voice, despite where they live.
Correct. Hans is literally the most ignorant Kraut I've seen in Sup Forums
I never once in this fucking thread talked about the electoral system. Read, for fucks sake! All I was trying to say is, that not every American is an uneducated suburb shit and that the majority did not vote for fucking Trump!
What did he say that was wrong? Isn't uranium used in nuclear weapons and stuff? Can't you do bad stuff with it?
>obamacare is the only thing that changed for the average american while obama was in office
Ideally, you are correct. But Obama violated the oath daily, and Congress never stood up to him.
Everything changed under Obama.
That's why leftists are so angry. It's being undone.
>Trump isn't a genius
>It's just coincidence that he turned a million dollars into many billions of years, lived a lifestyle as luxurious as any in all of history for his entire adult life and then swept away the entire American political establishment in 18 months despite literally every establishment media and political group, including all the power-brokers of his own party, working against him
trump must just be the luckiest guy in the universe! some bozo like him getting that kind of life and then becoming President? pretty unbelievable when you think about it!
Read your own fucking post you little peace of shit! It was literally about the UK beeing the fastest growing economy of the G7!
Pick one
And no, he didn't become a billionaire because of an inheritance. His dad didn't die until 99. And no, he wasn't handed money to start. He started with a million dollar loan and repaid it with interest. Most of you geniuses would piss that away over night and then be in debt until you put a bullet through your empty skull.
>I never once in this fucking thread talked about the electoral system.
Because you didn't know about it.
Now that you do, the thread can be closed.
Well, got to go now. Han's, compared to most Germans I've enjoyed debating with in Sup Forums (apart from the obvious shills), I'm being honest when I say that you are the most ignorant Hans I've come across. I suggest you take a break from Sup Forums and do some research because, right now, you're about as useful as a fart in a spacesuit.
hey idiot. government is not a popularity contest. it never was.
government itself is motherfucking unpopular with nearly EVERYONE.
would you like to be ruled by a popularity contest? AKA POPULAR VOTE
nevermind. you probably are ruled by such a circlejerk contest.
You poofters voted for Merkle. Nuff said.
butifel merkele
It wont mean much when shitskins make you the next sweden and crash it to the ground
Yeah, she is in office for 11 years now and there is hardly any country which is as successful as ours. As mentioned here:
Enough for today. You retards are just amazing. Keep it up. Always fun coming to Sup Forums, it never fails to make me laugh. Have a good day.
The foundation for the success of Germany today was laid by white people generations ago.
Your infrastructure is 2+ generations old, produced by white people, maintained by aging white people.