What happened to the alien Sup Forums?

uh, is that the actual image or another fake?

Regardless, I think the entire think was cover for the CNN leaks that happened recently, or the gov't testing how quickly they could scrub something from the internet if they wanted.

holy fuck, where did you get this?


Found it on another thread from /r9k/

The user claimed that it is the real pic but purposefully distorted.

Guys i feel sick

Ayy lmao

I feel sick too.

What the actual fuck.

This one is disinfo, it's not the same as OP's

It's the one op posted is fake, a dude showed a 3D model for it. Just placebo guys

me too wtf

Wtf is this shitty thread about


Please remember me

>is that the actual image
It is but why is it blurred?

Explain yourself.

This is correct.


I think that's a flying saucer behind him


mods start banning these stupid fucking canadians

I welcome our overlords.


It's a tree

>The user claimed that it is the real pic but purposefully distorted.
Do you know why?

I have seen variation blurred versions. Someone is drip feeding it. For lulz or some other reason.

what is this? image for ants?

>please post new ones to make up for it!
This is proof right there that they are trying to cover something up.

Of course they want you to post new images - so that the original would be buried

I do too but ya because I fell asleep in a sweater after turning the heat up.

i heard that jesus was a ailen enginer, anyone heard this rumer 2???

Because if he posted the real thing it would be deleted, he'd be banned, and it's under a filter to trigger some sort of intelligence agency to come get you

There was an user on Sup Forums yesterday posting that pic in 3 different threads. Each time he posted he'd reveal a little bit more of the actual pic and leave parts distorted like that.

All the threads got deleted before he revealed the full pic though.

fucking /x/ mod banned me for alientrolling, wtf is this thread not deleted

I am begin to wonder mods target me personally


It is the thumbnail of the original image, it's not safe to post or save anything but the thumbnail

I think he said that the FBI was promoting the spread of the fake/distorted images to keep the waters muddy.


do you dumbfucks think aliens travel through space naked??

>a filter to trigger some sort of intelligence agency to come get you
How can they van all of us?


If they have a tough exterior my OPic then they wouldn't have the need for artificial covering.

>implying cloth is the apex of technology


The real question is why are the MODS so bent on covering it all up if it was fake as it most probably is?

Are they in cahoots with the authorities?

>tfw to smart too wear clothes

>Are they in cahoots with the authorities?
No doubt. Sup Forums isnt the back alley it once was.

Wait a second, has the same background as the OP image, just reversed.

I think there are a few possibilities with this entire thing

#1 The image and subsequent censorship was created as a way for the NSA to test scrubbing technology, using an alien on Sup Forums was good cover for that

#2 Some elaborate shitposters concocted the entire thing for lulz

#3 This was used as deliberate forum sliding because of the release of #CNNLEAKS from project veritas. I think this is most likely.

#4 The image is an actual alien, and the powers that be don't want the image floating around. This one seems the least likely.

you people are fucking retarded

how is this relevant to us in any way?
how will it change ANYTHING in your life?

pictures don't prove anything anymore thanks to cgi, hell, we're almost to the point where video can't prove anything anymore.

What's the whole point of pushing shit like equality if you're going to exempt aliens? or even worse, give them the fucking "minority" treatment. Is it any wonder if they did exist people would want to keep it quiet?

and again, it's a PICTURE and this is x tier retardation. You think alphabet soup doesn't know about the streisand effect?

Aliens would change a lot of things dramatically

scrubbing is a shitty approach to containment.

Its spam, dude. Garbage.
I would be on a ban spree if i was them, too.
That shit was and is fucking annoying and made this board unenjoyable.
Fuck that alien bullshit, they'll come when they wanna.



No matter how terrifying it may be...