Russians can apply for free land in the far east.
Why don't a bunch of Russian user's all get land next to each other in Kamchatka or some shit and we can make a pure white country.
Russian Lands
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You don't realize just how cold and empty it is.
Sounds like a great way to increase lands worth so that later the government can tax the shit out of you
we can hunt animals and fish and create trade
and you say that likes its a bad thing, rusbro.
Kamchatka is empty, could easily turn a section into a gleaming crystal city
Also, Japan is like a 2 hour flight
Ever experienced -35c?
Design domed towns for the far east. Keep the chinks out, Russian bro.
Great, dirt.
Great, white people. Uneducated white people who don't even know calculus. I would rather live among pajeets.
Sup Forums village: 47°08'14.4"N 152°15'43.0"E
My understanding is when a place gets that cold, it isnt cheap to live there.
There was something in the papers a few months back about Putin giving away land to Brits who could live there for a few years or something like that.
When the global warming kicks in, we'll be millionaires!
you can have cheap geothermal heat, whole place is volcanic
babushka titties everywhere
this. but if somehow it could be separated from the control of kremlin kikes, it could be a dreamland for white ppl.
Yes I was once in Vorkuta. Met girl on train. Name forgotten. Moments lost in time. tearsinrain.png
Yes. Wear two pair of socks, and it's fine you pussy.
yes. actually -38 at a national park near ruka kuusamo in finland. and it was great.
Skip to 6:24
Well if a bunch of you settle there it will be cold but not empty i guess
Fucking air currents ruining local climate, China is rightfully a desert
Cold and empty is fitting for pol
holy fuck
that being said, securing the existence of our people is worth wearing a net over your head.
also I doubt they bomb for mosquitos but thats the first thing we'd do
What are mozzies doing in -35? I thought they only like tropical places
Continental places get hot in summer and freezing in winter. Mild climates are for Island niggers.
Russia isn't already white enough for you?
Siberia is sorta like colder India in the summer, idiotically humid
Because it's fookn freezing.
For some reason people in siberia age much faster. 40 year olds look like they're 60. It's not a place for white people. It's not as bad as say Israel, where a young white woman turns into a granny in 3 years, but it's still no good.
>Mild climates are for Island niggers
Thats you and me Paddy!
We dont get mozzies here either, I think we get gnats dont we?
And Wasps grr, those fucking things, drinking my beer in the garden
Just leave out a bit of beer for them.
parts of Alaska are uninhabited because the mosquitos and flies are so bad
Severo Kurilsk it is!
Why not Greenland instead?
>people answering to this post that its a fine temperature
say what you want but there isnt human civilization where its not worth it, you cant have big cities in those condition
Yeah it's a fun camping trip for about a week and then you shoot yourself a week later in the snow.
many insects where marshes and water, mainly this shit in northern siberia.
You took it like a champ for a day or two? Nice.
Now try living in that temperature.
Can you grow anything? If yes it can't be worse than Saskatchewan.
>Israel, where a young white woman turns into a granny in 3 years
Some of those bugs looked like wasps.
Cant deal with that.
Also to everyone in this thread. There are probably isolated places with shit weather in your own countries that you can settle.
those biting flies?
got these?
global warming will fix that
How about near the caspian see
I've gone to work in weather that resulted in frozen hydraulic fluid. I've probably walked to Dairy Queen in -35C to get a nice blizzard to cool off with. Not much to do in rural Minnesota.
Russia is shit. Russians are shit.
They all want to leave Russia and live in a western country.
I thought Russians evolved adaptations to cold climates? I've seen you crazy fuckers go skinny dipping in ice water
Wherever we create wealth, shitkins will come, even in Antarctica
Just drain the swamps (literally) and the mosquitoes will disappear. Europe used to be like this as well, you know ? Especially Poland.
>not just going innacountryside
There's isolated places in your own countries retards. And those places are usually 100% white.
doesn't it apply to the areas around nippon and chinklands though, those are more temperate
Saskatchewan is based
It is a nice place but as far as habitability goes it wouldn't be anyone's first choice. If Russia's open land is similar it could work out.
Hardly anything.
Climate-wise, Primorsky Krai and the southern part of Khabarovsk Krai are not that bad, with its humid monsoon climate, the rest though… no, you definitely don't want to live there.
Nowadays the temperature problem is not as big as it used to be.
The problem will be to find enough people to start their new life there and enough capital to get started!
You need to establish a small society that attracts more people to join this society. That keeps people in the society.
If there is no doctor, no electricity, no water supply, no teachers...this will cause a fluctuation of citzens. And this could be a major problem.
You need to establish a whole working system in a short time. If you fail to do this it could affect everybody. For example if your only electrician decides to leave because his wife is pregnant and there is no doctor.
I know that Kamchatka already has an infrastructure and a society, so the problems mentioned above are eliminated to some degree.
I was talking about starting over in a wasteland.
I've seen two great documentaries of some Germans beginning a new life somewhere in Yukon, Kanada. Days away from civilization. In one of these documentaries a group of young Germans spend a few months in the forest build their house from scratch, went hunting, like its the 19th century. One friend of them came by once in awhile with his plane, bring them some spices, gas, flower and shit like that. So one day one bitch is sick, some tooth problems and her boyfriend tells her to fly to the city and see a doctor next time the pilot comes. She does. She was suppossed to return after two or three weeks but at the end she is away for six or eight weeks fucking the pilot. One day she is back and her cucked boyfriend tries to deal with it.
The cold can be fixed. For instance, we could build a beautiful national solar park, to power the heat mats under the roads.
Or maybe put our cities in a heated dome or something.
What kind of faggot do you need to be to live in that place In The middle?
Kekistan lads?
Well, I was referring to cold and harshness of the weather. If the soil is bad and climate is arid then there's no point.
Their skin goes to shit in a second, their bodies are simply not built for that. To say that the climate is unsuitable for whites would be underselling it.
Kamchatka is already a pure White country. I don't believe any Eskimos live there.
OP is a retard
These threads pop up once every week or so and are fucking stupid because Americans don't leave their basements and figure "hey it'll be like Canada or somethin?!"
we trade ore, technology items or at least snow crabs
its part of russia
>he posts from a commieblock in Tomsk
why don't you apply for a piece? the point is that people are talking about Tuvalu or Tokelau or Nuku Hiva or the Faroes or Greenland... but people already prove they can live in Kamchatka, and Russians get to apply for free land, so put two and two together
>a fuck ton of mosquitoes in the 2 month summer >subzero temperatures for the next 10 months
Gee I wonder
>47°08'14.4"N 152°15'43.0"E
Nice, but how did you even find that?
>Kamchatka is already a pure White country
By Sup Forums standard of white
>Russians can apply for free land in the far east.
It was like on hectare, not even enough for sustainable firewood production.
Make it 100 hectares and i consider it.
Over 48,000 requests have been received this week from Russian citizens responding to a state-backed program giving away a free hectare of land in the Far East.
>a free hectare of land in the Far East.
>a free hectare
Literally fucking nothing
comfy as fuck desu
the free land is some small plot like 4 acres
not enough to be self sufficient on
remote acres here are $500, cost to develop is a lot more though
the transaction costs are probably more than the actual price of the land
there's similar programs here
>Ever experienced -35c?
Was out in the wood sleeping in tent when it was below -40c in the military. Not to bad once you're used to it and have the right clothes. And its not like you have to be outside for extended periods of time when it is that cold anyway.
Guys, we found the property we need.
>wetland meadow
Ha. The point is to give gormless Ivan half a share for access to his patch, and leave nothing standing.
>the free land is some small plot like 4 acres
>not enough to be self sufficient on
Yeah its literally fucking nothing. I can buy less then 10k eurobucks and have more land here. It will be closer to a road, i can probably get 100/100 internet there cheap (internet infrastructure is great here desu) and it won't be days away from a hospital.
>muh cuck muh immigrants
They hate the woods, they will be as much of a concern in the woods here as they would be in Russia, non existent that is.
1.9 hectares for 7746 USD
no wonder you lost the cold war
I don't get why the plots are so small
here and in america it was standard to give 160 acres, and that was per person so a husband and wife would each get that much, and then when their kids were old enough they would too
cant even find rural plots that small here, it would cost more to subdivide and sell than anyone would pay
But Tomsk is a comfy old russian town, it has the least commieblocks. You mean Norilsk
your an idiot or a shill... i wager both
that's the issue here; FAMI-LY
you cucks are dreaming of settling down in a faraway place, why? because you lack a strong fami-ly
guess what that's exactly the challenge you'll meet wherever you go
>47°08'14.4"N 152°15'43.0"E
>copy/paste in ggl
mfw I had to refresh the page before my heart restarts...
you have a trillion dollars lying around?
even that wouldnt be enough as a community is supported by what it produces, not its starting capital
>not living in comfy valley on the shores of the Baikal
Come on, Ivan.
>what are greenhouses
This is why you drunken slavs never made it to the Moon.
looks nice
shame about the russians tho
Or you could buy good land in the US midwest for 5000 an acre. Good black soil land stolen from the Indians like God intended.
Put cattle, soy and corn on there and take all the govt gibmedats.
Come home, white men!
> We're going to colonize Mars
> muh -35°C
yeah, a small square 100x100 meters
in the middle of nowhere
You just need to gather as much friends as you can, each one gets their hectare, then buy back them for 10$.
ever wondered why death convicts were sent to Siberia?
these places are not possible for people to live
>we can hunt animals and fish and create trade
>a bunch of scrawny autists will go to Siberia and catch enough fish to compete with global fishing companies
wanna get some land in Kamchatka and build big comfy commieblock there 1960s design
I think you can't buy or sell it for a long period of time
It's actually a good idea though. I would apply for it. The only problem would be, how do you find enough food, water etc. to be able to live.
You could probably get it to work if you could buy shit from Moscow (holy city of the immortal comrades, peace be upon them) and then attract tourists to >muh secluded open air wastelands an sheeeit
I doubt that you will be ok moving from +30 celcius to -50 celcius
66147 ppl have already applied
I would've tried theoretically if I had 200k USD or something like that