Under what circumstances do you think it's acceptable to kill civilians?
Under what circumstances do you think it's acceptable to kill civilians?
If they worship a warmongering pedophile
As long at it will help you win a war, there's no such thing as a noble war or surgical strikes, there's always collateral damages.
liberals and non whites
It's really an unavoidable thing during war. Not saying it's right but it's should be accepted as part of it.
when they're criminals
When a civilian fights back he stops being a civilian
Future terrorists.
When they violate the NAP
When they invade your country without permission.
This. If you support rebels/government forces/militia or anything that the opposing side could deem as actual support or help of their enemy, you are no longer a civilian. Whatever side you may be on.
when they commit a capital offense
When they are not white,
>Under what circumstances do you think it's acceptable to kill civilians?
It is a tragic consequence of armed conflict that civilised nations forces take great efforts to avoid.
The prosecution of war demands the greatest moral consideration that the evil being addressed with applied violence is worse than the consequence of war.
When they allow their country to become a danger to the west.
In any situation when killing civillians will give you significantly better result than not killing civillians.
It's perfectly acceptable to kill white "people"
When they are shit arabs.
All times.
>It's perfectly acceptable to kill white "people"
And see above for why killing muslims in in fact a legitimate form of self defense.
Commies and Jews need to be wiped from the planet.
Only when they are White trash
sounds legit.
Whenever they are not me and my family
Islam preaches jihad against anybody not Islamic as a the sacred duty of every worshiper.
There are no civilians.
Kill any of them. Given the chance to get away with it they WILL do the same to you.
And when they threaten, or complain, or moan about it, kill more of them.
Until, they are all wiped from the face of the earth.
Religion of peace my ass...
Add sexual deviants and nonwhites to that list and you're spot on
>bomb muslims countries, kills children
i-it's self defence
All muzzies must be removed.
Given that metric, any civilian populace is an enemy actor, the only difference being relative.
If seeking to utterly destroy a nation's ability to make war, one must make that nation incapable of even subsistence agriculture.
A frightening, if sobering thought.
It's not really war until you're trying to wipe out your enemy man woman and child.
spoken like a true bolshevik
Kill yourself Pajeet
when it's funny
Nonwhites and degenerates only become an issue when Jews are around to manipulate them.
We will kill every last one of you pig skins
Most people fall into the overuse or underestimation Total War analogs.
We, Bolsheviks, are trying very hard to learn from our Anglo sempais, we even copied your concentration camps and artificial famines.
Hate generate hate especialy when a theocratic regime speaks louder than the reason and logic
When they are in the way.
Hey everyone.
FISA Section 702 is scheduled to expire at the end of 2017.
(warrantless wiretapping)
PATRIOT Act provisions expire in 2019.
Don't let Congress extend them.
Spread awareness.
when i don't like them, desu
When they're palestinians.
soldiers will not fight for their families if their families are dead :^)
If that civilian becomes a combatant.
if they have brown skin
Permission to invade lol
When you want control of the land they reside on
when they get in the way of your ordinance? I guess I don't understand the question.
Muslim hate thread?
When it is about to protect the aryan race
What did Thoth mean by this?
Leftists or non-Whites and if it's for the greater good of White Europeans.
>wiping out women instead of taking them as conquest
what the fuck, burger
According to the convention of geneva : When proportionality and neccesity checks are met
when they are infidels
Anyone who doesn't submit to the authority of the khan.
When they're jews. Duh
*or american naval vessels
If you don't kill all of them you end up with South America. Sad!
they are non white
Actually your enemy wasting their resources killing your civilians is a win/win like it was for the British in WW2 when Hitler took the bait and started bombing British civilians out of revenge.
What happened is he allowed the Royal air force to recover and prevent an invasion while wasting all his strategy on worthless civilians. The more that die, the more hatred for the enemy and more domestic support you get for fighting them. You also win with propaganda by showing off dead kids, meanwhile none of your military assets is damaged.
Governments probably hope you will kill their civilians
When they're muslims. Not only is it ok, but in fact it is our duty to rid the world of this filth.
At all times. Let's make war easier and focus on damage and what matters.
My thoughts exactly.
This meme doesn't work anymore because plenty of white civilians get blown away in Donetsk everyday by indiscriminate mortars and artillery fire and nobody in the media cries about them either.
Any and all. We're going back to the good old days of pillage the village.
Looks like meats back on the menu boys!
When they are jews or their lackeys, americans.
If it's in the interest of your own group.
Nailed it. Make the civilians give up the war. Not the soldiers.
I disagree, bombing civilians is unacceptable.
Well that isn't vague.
It's never okay to kill civilians intentionally. Killing civilians intentionally it's terrorism. It's not acceptable, even in the worst of wars. When civilians are killed unintentionally, its a tragedy..it happens though, and it's sad.
Killing civilians intentionally is what separates an army fighting a just war from terrorists, evil people.
All wars kill civilians..it should be avoided and prevented as much as possible.
Even seeing anons joke about it is disgraceful... We try not to kill civilians, period. It's what makes us the good guys.
When they're in the way.
Not if they're my country's civilians though. I'm not a teamkilling fucktard (on purpose)
Any circumstances where it would save more than one life.
Aka, a basic utilitarian mindset.
When war is on. You only kill the enemy. If civilian decides he wants to pick enemy side. He becomes enemy. Feel free to shoot him
Praying 5 times per day for all other people to be killed - not civilians
when they are not white
when they are communists
when they are blocking the road i am driving on or the airport im trying to go to
Must suck to have morals to hold you back.
I totally believe in firebombing the cities of your enemies.
If they support the military infrastructure and supply logistic of the enemy in any way, ie. produce food of manpower reserves for them.
muhammedans and commies. They are like cancer, if you leave a few cells behind it will grow back.
>ID: cuck1AJI
hahahahaha, fuck off burger.
Never unless it's dishonourable mainland chinese scum or terrorists
When the civilians become combatants, when the civilians are in a national mobilisation of total war.
When civilians in a democracy vote directly for war they are in effect instigating and condoning aggression. As did happen to Athens in its assault against Sicily so too is it now happening against the West in the form of Islamic terrorism.
In other words there is an argument to be made that a democracy or a nation in total war there is no distinction between civilian and military.
You forgot Jews.
Pajeet shouldn't be talking about things of war until they know how to use a toilet. like all civilised peoples.
>not white under any circumstance
>I'm bored and would find it amusing to needlessly ruin people's lives for entertainment
Good thing I'm not in political power I suppose