Sup Forums, did you do this?

We invented shoes for a reason you hippie fucks

No shoes No shirt No service

Dan Schneider did it.

What's the point? I don't get it

>Trial lawyers and ambulance chasers make up the bulk of the Democrat party

We really need to get the Left to eat themselves alive. Have the trial lawyers sue and make this illegal everywhere once some special snowflake steps on a sharp object and gets seriously injured.

I bet you wear polished italian wing tips everywhere.

No, I'm not a dirty hippie communist sympathizer.

This is true.

Can we start a "break-glass-everywhere" day?

how do people think this is not illegal
or don't they
or are they just being stupid still

I don't know wtf that is I'm not a bird nigger

it's always nerdy hippies that did this. had to kick them out. One was like why do I have to wear shoes and I said for sanitary and hygiene reasons. She thought only for her and not about if she is spreading nasty shit from her feet.

Cool, another opportunity to virtue signal!! I knew my mommy was right when she said I'm special XD

Not if you live in the country.. yeeouch

>walking through carpark
>get tiny shard of broken glass in your foot

Go for it.

To play devil's advocate...

Being barefoot is actually healthier for your musculoskeletal system due to inadequacies in the ergonomics of current footwear.

But yeah, it's not very hygienic and the danger of stepping on something sharp or getting a worm in your foot is pretty bad.

It's not that it's illegal, restaurants and businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone they want. Most realize people not wearing shirts or shoes are disgusting to look at and turn them away.

So really, these idiots are just upset over businesses telling them no.

Can't wait until one of them steps on a syringe or feces.

You go right ahead and not wear shoes. Just don't drag public locations into lawsuits for negligence when you slice your foot on a piece of glass and get tetanus.

underrated and meta as fuck

Get warts, fungus, hepatitis, shards of glass

The market has shoes that is essentially just a glove for your feet. I forget what they're called, but they're common in field and track.

Foot glove or toe shoe.

They're gaining popularity in sports. I already have enough trouble finding comfy shoes in my size, though...

Jokes on them, I have a foot fetish and welcome the qt democrat college girls going barefoot.

Checked and KEK'd

Hippies aren't communists, you stupid shart-in-marter, they are anarchists.


A lot of them were just libertarians. They all get bundled together, though. Much like the "alt right".

i can't imagine who would give a shit about this.

even the poorest of poor cover their feet

I can assure you that most hippies were, and are, communists. The very name of communism implies a theme of communal sharing that Hippies regularly defended back in the 60s (i was 16 at woodstock with an older sister who was my guardian, yes we were hippies, and yes i am an oldfag on this shitty website). If i had a dime for every time a hippie argued in favor of communism during the 60s and 70s, i would be fucking rich, man.

Poo in loos step in shit all day long, and they live to the ripe old age of 35

I cut my feet in a pool once as a lad and now I wear snake boots (hunting, not western kind) almost everywhere

Never again, so many people bitching out and screaming at an 8 year old because the pool had to be drained

Well, I guess I won't clean bathrooms or sweep broken glass off the floor of my store on those days. Stepping in some liquid horror and getting gangrene from the foot lacerations ought to learn them to wear some fuckin' shoes.


Then one dude will step on a needle, get aids, die, and everyone will stop doing it.

Who gives a shit.


>m-muh broken glass
If you walked barefoot everywhere, you wouldn't care about stepping on small pieces of glass because the skin on the soles of your feet would be several millimeters thick. Face it Sup Forums, rejecting the foot covering Jew is a necessary step toward the red pill. How will you survive the race war with your innocent and unspoiled baby soles that can't handle anything less smooth than a hardwood floor?

I fucking hate these hippies

Eww, bare feet are gross.

If this ever takes off I can see foot fetishists being the next big issue.

That's a dumb idea.

ur gross, damn kike

I'm a pole, thanks.


>creepy gloves for muh feet

>If you walked barefoot everywhere, you wouldn't care about stepping on small pieces of glass because the skin on the soles of your feet would be several millimeters thick.

I had a friend who did this and it's true. The thick skin also tended to break into painful crevices and required a lot of moisturizer and maintenance.

Feet were also rough and ugly, like a person with callused hands.

What I really don't get is the "it's natural" argument. We're a species of tool users. One of our early inventions was foot wrappings and later shoes. This invention lets us walk fast and steady over all kinds of surfaces and protects the feet from damage.

So of course neo-luddites would say it's bad.

Fucking retards should live without shelter too. It's natural to freeze to death outside.


>To play devil's advocate...
>Being barefoot is actually healthier for your musculoskeletal system due to inadequacies in the ergonomics of current footwear.

The whole barefoot running and going barefoot craze is garbage.
They always bring up the 'but our ancestors were barefoot' argument, which is laughable.
Even our ancestors realized a few thousand years ago that wearing footwear was better and safer than going barefoot, and that was before they had modern shoes and before the ground was covered with garbage, chemicals, and all kinds of man-made hazard.

same shit as breastfeeding in public
it's natural

>me taking a massive shit is natural too
>i'm not doing it in the middle of a fucking restaurant

Sounds like more a Sup Forums thing.

Jizzing is natural too