Minorities aren't the reason white people are going extinct...

minorities aren't the reason white people are going extinct, they are fucking irrelevant we should think about how the fuck to fix white women

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true but it's much easier to complain about migrants.

It's not that minorities are making us go extinct.

It's that when our population is on a decline we don't want to take care of so many shitty minorities who can't contribute in a meaningful way.

Most people here are ok with, or would be ok with Brain drain if the minorities respected the fact that we want these places to remain white. But instead they're fucking cunts who let the entire third world in and have ideas for a globalized world so they can bring their own shitty area out of poverty on our hard work.

Minorities have a tier list of how good they are and what top % of the country they are from. But niggers are never allowed in, holy shit they're awful. Getting a Lebron James for making $ is not worth 1000,0000 criminal niggers.

The fact that they almost always get lead around the nose by fucking Marxists as well is a massive problem that quite simply is not fucking worth our time.

I don't want my taxes going to Tyrone's nigger kids and Tyrone's nigger jail time.

there isn't a "problem with white women", there's a problem with the peasant-tier people that make up 99.99% of the population. 99.99% of people are naturally borderline-retarded, and this has been well-documented since the beginning of recorded history. They are born, farm the land for some feudal lord, fuck some other worthless peasant, have kids, and die. Forgotten within a month.

it's not about white. women are unfixable in general. their fucked up mindset is always destructive and they enjoy it.

>"Can you not"

Can I not what? Stare at your mostly exposed boob as you wear such a slutty outfit, and then blame me for staring because of the top you wore which you chose to expose yourself for attention? Fuck off!

clones of supermodels crossed with genius women (lol)
that's the only hope now


>it's not about white. women are unfixable in general. their fucked up mindset is always destructive and they enjoy it.
trouble in cockroach nest myy friend?


Sayy nigger

Maybe you guys would have better birthrates if your women weren't such fucking sluts


You fix them by not being a pussy whipped bitch and showing them what is right and what is wrong. Women have no respect for emasculated manchildren that are obsessed with porn and video games and with no real aspirations in life. And when most men around them are just like that they start doing whatever stupid shit they think will make them standout to a real man.

stop single moms

So surely some fan snagged a non-stickered picture. Where is it at?

>how the fuck to fix white women

It's fairly straightforward and following this simple method you can remove the immigration, "refugee", nigger, rape and national debt problems. Remove the Jew.

it's written on her nipple.

Isn't that placed digitally?

Isn't her nipple visible in that outfit?

Fucking slut.. I'd hatefuck her to the end of the earth.

Whites by-and-large fell for the globalist overpopulation bullshit and have less babies because they don't want to contribute to the "problem" of overpopulation.

You care about women too much, first of all.
Second of all, to change something, start with yourself.

Find a proper woman, doesn't have to be saint or conservative, just make sure she wasn't slutty, they eventually absorb worldview of their man.
Then create babies, look at Varg for example, he has like 5 fucking little blond shitheads.

But to marry and have 5 kids you need to have money. So back to point a, start with yourself. Study, lift, get hobbies, meet people, make an example.
Women are getting fucking shit because they have no proper people to look up to.

Also, not every feminist is lost, just weed out those non-sluts, believe me, they exist.



Labour camps. Arbeit macht frei. Remove Jewish degeneracy from the social spheres, remove influence they have. Start anew with the fresh generations. Purge the degenerate if they are incapable of transitioning from subverted to healthy. Move the Overton window and make sure it stays socially ultraconservative.

this selfhate

oh boy here we go again

every time

White people work and produce. It is difficult to do both. Change your standard of living so the woman can stay home and raise your baby your way. Teach your children of Jesus and send them to a Christian school. The forces of evolution are upon us for the end times. God will send a strong delusion to ensnare the wicked, the choice you have made. If you think it is OK to kill a baby in the womb this delusion is upon you!

Repent of abortion evil and call on the name of the Lord with your heart and he will heal you.

In Jesus' name I ask our Father in heaven to protect our president. Even so, God's will be done, l


Overpopulation only exists in third world shitholes. The thing is white countries are big and have plenty of room.

She's ugly as fuck desu


All white women are ugly without makeup.


Thank you for that, I almost lost hope for all of humanity.

It's simple, we kill the feminism

This is why democracy was never a good idea. Even the ancient Greeks hated it once it was fully in effect.

No m8. They loved it. They also had a SLAVE ECONOMY that did all labor in society for them so they could all day every day governing.

The only time democracy was successful was when the entire nation was homogeneous and didn't differ politically at all or at least very little.

Not really, maybe in burgerland with the diets. Plenty of women like this.

post more of her please

Only male Athenian citizens voted. Slaves did much of the labor and did not vote.

The system was still incredibly chaotic and people were routinely executed or exiled simply because others did not like them--
Barely better than mob rule.

And was fucking tiny. And lived mostly in a single city-state. And kept tight restrictions on citizenship. And didn't let women vote. Etc etc. Even then it was often chaotic. And this was in a sufficiently high-IQ population to invent the system in the first place (before the Greeks got SANDED by Arabs like the Sicilians and the Spaniards).

why do they want prematurely aged hair?

Slay me?

Maybe if you lot stopped fucking little girls yours would go down a bit.

We can't fix women.

Women are not equals to men. They look different, they think differently, they behave differently, they ARE different. For as long as you analyze them from a male point of view your analysis will be flawed and you'll end up lost, confused, and disappointed.

Pic related isn't just a meme. This is how human societies have been for hundreds of thousands of years. The vast, vast, vast majority of males never had a partner, nor offsprings. You give women "sexual freedom" and they will behave like that, like the child they are. Females used to be constrained in their society-destructive behaviors by a strong, stable, patriarchal collective but then somehow weak and emasculated cucks managed to took over and "liberate" women. Your pain is the result.

For as long as our societies will value individual and equal freedoms for everyone over traditional values I'm afraid this is how your life is going to be. You cannot "change" or "fix" women: it's in their brain and DNA. It's in their nature.

Want to go back to when things worked? You've got 2 options: elect a far right dictator who's going to get things done his way with actual physical force or wait until society collapses and women will crawl back like worms in the safety and comfort of their traditional housekeeper roles (relevant video: youtube.com/watch?v=5tSYGfEg1IY). Well, maybe there's a third option: wait for sexbots and artificial wombs.




Fix the culture, these women listen to rap music and shit all day.

Would smash pre-makeup desu.

That "contouring" shit that women do with their foundation just makes their face look unnatural, the left face looks more genuine and inviting.

Sup Forums was right again. This is getting weird, thb.

Fembots is the only save.

Pic not related right? None of them are white, and Tana barely passes.

Minorities establish cultural bases in our fucking countries and then use those bases to attract our degenerate white women that would normally have settled for a degenerate white drug addict/SJW/cuck/etc.

What would you rather:

White women birth white/minority mixed offspring that almost always associate themselves with the minority group when they grow up becoming advocates for said minority group. These people are the worst thing to ever happen to western countries in most cases...


Same women have options limited to white fuckwits and produce children that are at least intergenerationally salvageable and not an insidious threat to their societies culture.

if you want to fix white women then push back this stupid feminist agenda and start red pilling them. brutal honesty is the answer, truth always wins in the end.

side note: the amount of makeup these broads have on makes me sad, am i the only one that finds noticeable makeup unattractive?

white women dindu nuffin

Been a problem since the 90s man

Something like 80% of white American girls listen to nigger rap music and glorify crime murder and tattoos and drugs so of course you guys are fucked. Atleast in Europe from what I've seen traveling around almost no European girl listens to that shit so even though Europe is more cucked there is way way far less racemixing then america

>Best post
>Best post
>Best post

>not a single picture of herself besides her profile pic
>not a single tweet about her life
>recent account because """"got banned for insulting a fascist""""

this one hurt at first but after a little bit of investigation i'm almost positive it's a fake account, possibly a male kike pretending to be a pretty blonde jewish woman

>from dartmouth
>no linkedin profile
>misspelled dartmouth

>jewish woman

>pretty blonde woman
>nothing about herself, not even career stuff on her personal twitter

it just doesn't add up and the account is brand new too...

pretty worrying if it actually is a male kike behind it though, it's crazy how far these perfidious rats are willing to go to subvert the white race

You know thats not true.

you're probably talking to a beta weeb, friend, don't even try

How can we save Japanese women from degeneracy?

Yeah, that's exactly why they do this.

You want women to not be sluts? Stop rewarding sluts. Your lock and key bullshit is meaningless in the face of reality. If one party is fucking around, the other will too.

Either way, most white women in America are still voting Republican. Some of you don't seem to realize how deadly even a 10% minority group can be in democratic elections. They never needed to completely replace whites, they just had to give themselves enough of an edge to win a two man race.

This. It's White Men who gave their women too many freedoms and shirked their patriarchal duties that created this mess.

Women don't have agency. They are not responsible for their actions in the way that a man is. If a 4 year old does something bad who do you blame? The parents. This is because the 4 year old doesn't have the mental capacity or awareness to know right from wrong on his own and needs guidance and teaching.

Similarly women need guidance. They are far too impressionable for you to have such high expectations of them. They are easily manipulated by Jew media. They always take things at face value, which is why emotionally abusive shitbags are able to use them as cum dumpsters so easily. They just live in a world without reason and accountability. Us men have to provide that for them.

We know who controls the media

>minorities aren't the reason white people are going extinct, they are fucking irrelevant we should think about how the fuck to fix white women
yes, good goy, and while you are at it we will flood your countries with millions of foreigners that have no effect on your society or culture

no need to resist it, just work on white women while we ethnically replace you
