Bill Gates is going to help to curb the non-white population growth

Is he /ourguy/?

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He also gives a fucktion of vaccines to Africans, so no.

Good. Now they're all autistic.

Well, he's increasing their autism which will also reduce population growth.

Trump stopped giving those organisations aid.

For some reason they are supposed to be entitled to that money? They're not even in the US.

Women in those countries don't want abortions enough to pay for it? Or to lobby their own governments to pay for it?

No for some reason the money has to come from the US or Bill Gates.

I've always thought this entire issue was stupid. Trump wanted to cut foreign aid, so he picked some arbitrary rule that would please his constituents and cut it based on that.

Pay for your own damn social programs lol

> he also use the African continent to test shittons of new medicine on unwilling guinea pigs in countries with 0 rules and laws regarding testings.


Considering he created the greatest population crisis in human history, he has a lot of making up to do. The impact of what he did by "saving Africa" has taken Africa from 300 million to 2 billion, and is projected to be 4 billion by 2100, so thank bill but your a little to late.

Saved millions from suffering, so billions can suffer.

Great going way to help a population who has no idea how to help themselves and only looks for handouts.

No absolutely not he is a filthy eugenisist and population culler.
If you want to reduce the human population, start with yourself you chicken necked nelly.

>he's 61
this man is 64

There are people dumb enough to actually take Trump's words seriously? No wonder he's the President now, you're a bunch of dumbasses

Intelligent people should encourage eachother to breed and have a responsibility to reduce the stupid population.

Our future depend on it.

He's turning the mosquitoes gay, too. Or something like that.

>across the globe

Yeah, only for poor people so you niggers probably get some too.

You are not intelligent.

I want to believe.


He still thinks africa will magically become a good place to live if more africans survive to adult hood, which perhaps would be true if we didn't take any african with over 90IQ and send him to american / european schools where he stays and becomes a diversity officer instead of a leader of his people.

>120 million women worldwide
>assume for arguments sake that 50% of a nation is women
>510m women in India
>510m women in Africa
>520m women in China

>120m / 1.54b

wow its fucking nothing

>Bill Gates literally bought the code that made him famous with $10,000 he borrowed from his parents from some kid in his college class that was poor as fuck
>Elon Musk is literally operating a Ponzi scheme and fleecing the American tax payer daily

By intelligent you mean "intelligent" and by people you mean (((people))) presumably. Safe to say that you're the type of person who shouldn't be encouraged to breed.

An IQ of 130 is not intelligent?

140 is the minimum for MENSA isn't it?

*tips tinfoil fedora*


136 or 142 (2 different tests i forget which requires which score)

makes sense, his dad, Billy Sr was head of a eugenics outfit called Planned Parenthood,

>tfw 13 inch iq.
>tfw women gasp when I whip it out

But keep in mind that they will only be funding the dirt poor, who in these countries have at least 8 kids a pop.

even assuming the campaign is only 50% effective, that is still half a billion less poor minorities being born.

Thank you bill gates

Sell me abortion, do you get to eat the fetuses or something?

I got the job I wanted because I put on my CV that I was part of MENSA. The interviewer told me it was the reason she chose me.

So because Kwameh used a rubber when he raped and killed all the women and children in the village next door he doesn't have AIDS and when he goes home to his wife and has eight kids with her they're all going to live a lot longer.


Are you a part of MENSA?

He has been improving the life expectancy of the third world for ages. He is one of the main reasons why the african population is exploding.

No. Never got myself tested.

I'm too fucking honest for this world...

Bahama hah

There is absolutely nothing wrong with eugenics.

The future is B L A C K unless we stop those apes from breeding.

When looking at that graph you can exactly see when Bill Gates got involved in Africa it's fucked....

and even in 2100 we will be FUCKING FULL

Check what they do to fertility

autist spotted

you have been vaccinated, haven't you?

There is when its evil fucks who are social darwinists who decide who lives and dies.

Not him, but probably.
>countries with high vaccination rate have high rates of autism
>gee whiz I wonder why

Gates was never /ourguy/

fuck off

>sweden and germany blue



Birth control isn't exactly too good on the brain.

Vaccines causing autism are actually plausible. Just take a look at this shit, which mostly happened in your country.

"Igor it's Bill here. The plan was a success. A Microsoft computer in every home. Every school. Every office. Every government. Just say the word and I will activate Stage 2".

Nothing wrong with that.
>population culler
Nothing wrong with that, either. Stop being a Christian.


>Only got 72 points in my last IQ test
Well, at least I didn't vote DRUMPF GET REKT U BITCHES

muh dick

The 4 billion Africans are going to be a real threat. Even if all Caucasoids teamed up, they only have 3 billion. It'd be easy to demographically replace not only all of Europe and North America, but even the Middle East, North Africa, and India, if they had a mind to do it.

That's not even a fear that comes to mind, what you have in Africa currently is a billion 70 iq niggers running around and destroying the entire continent of Africa. Africa is experiencing mass extinction event's because the niggers have no understanding of conservation, no understanding of their environmental impacts.

They are like locus, they don't give a fuck about their impact, and that's going to have a huge factor on the global Enviroment.

Try and explain to niggers what over fishing is, or that killing endanger species is a bad thing...

Personally I care less about Africa's ecosystem being devastated than I do them doing it to Europe.

Where do you think the black horde will converge once they're done fucking up their own backyard?

>Melon Husk
>such a welfare queen he has to suck up to a president he hates to keep the GA cheques coming

There is nothing wrong with eugenics

Why is this a bad thing? The gibs aren't coming out of the treasury theyre coming out of a rich cunts pockets

We need a stealth sterilization program in Africa now!

Bill Gates seems like a pretty good man desu. I've heard he plans on donating the vast majority of his wealth when he passes away and giving a small amount to whatever kids he may have. That's pretty generous of him.