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Is that Tsar Nicholas II, you rancid, bourgeois swine?

>implying traps breed

boipucci can't pop out babies, it's not like your mpreg doujins

We can try :3

Are you a dead Russian princess ?

I wish I could fuck a qt trap.

maybe youre not fucking them hard enough

>clearly visible tits

The Romanov's have really gone down hill haven't they?

>person from 2016 has literal cuckold grandfather
Are you sure your grandfather isn't Rasputin


I wanna HUG that grandfather.

you have no idea

If everyone was a cute girl except half had penises, that would be cool and is a future worth striving for.


>Are you sure your grandfather isn't Rasputin


How do I go about finding a trap with a fempenis in my area that doesn't completely look like a dude? I just want to get my dick sucked and play with their penis and rub our cocks together.

Craigslist? Grindr?

literally shaking right now so damn hooottttttttt


Wtf I love Grandpa now

>How do I go about finding a trap with a fempenis in my area that doesn't completely look like a dude? I just want to get my dick sucked and play with their penis and rub our cocks together.
It's extremely rare, mate.
And there is a huge difference between nicely taken pictures and seeing it up close.

A dude looks like a dude except if he had hormonal change BEFORE maturity.

You'll have 999 trannies for 1 cutie trap.

HTC Vive

How do I locate one in my area though? I have no idea how to use tumblr, and I would look like a creeper if I started a new tumblr with no content on it.

This is what I was afraid of. That's a shame.

traps dont want anything to do with you faggots because you always chiken out at the last minute

t. trap

But where can I find the cutie trap?
I just want a cosplaying cutie trap.

So a lot of them are edging waiting for the right guy to come along huh?


Maybe you should stop trying to steal their kidneys.

You honestly have more chance to find a nice trad girl cutie than a trap, to be honest.

I know we hate women here, but you can find one if you look for her, I was with one for six years.

Remember the rule "Not all women, but most", that means there are some who are pretty nice.

You probably still look like a man fammie.


Thread about ancestors and Romanov turns into Tinder for traps.

Sup Forums in a nutshell

>My grandfather
>Tsar Nicholas is my grandfather
>I'm a fucking Romanov
HOly shit you guys


What does that mean, a girl who is trying to transition into a guy?

>implying youe weed lmao kidney is worth jackshit

>Americans still believe that Anastasia wasn't brutally murdered by communists
Thanks Don Bluth
>was the last Emperor of Russia, ruling from 1 November 1894 until his forced abdication on 15 March 1917.
>During the 20th century, zoophilia was legalized in the Russian Empire in 1903

>clearly visible tits
Oh, you naive thing...

Why ? What's the alternative reality ?

Wow he's cute, the one on the right, haha right.

>implying humans will still be breeding in 2090
>implying we won't just be immortal thanks to anti-aging treatment and cloning

all traps look like men except in select pics burgerboi

>Thanks Don Bluth
I will

Guys help me, for past 6 years I managed to avoid the vagina tyrants and fucked traps, but now I am getting attracted to genetic girls again.
I don't want to be exposed to their sadism and torture again.
Is there some way to stop being attracted to genetic girls and fuck traps again(I am slowly getting less and less aroused by traps)

>royal Tsar Nicholas II jewels
An instrument that fucked Tsar Nicholas II's wife.

Damn, I thought it was Medvedev on the left.

sauce. I must investigate this degeneracy.

why dont you go fuck you own traproach?

high test likes boipuccy

>you will never be forced at gun point to suck a cute traps cock

Why even live.

>Medvedev is a Romanov

Holy shit

That or one of his cousins who looked exactly like him.


It'd be funny if it wern't true.

Hah, no one will ever see ther picture of a Nikolai II as their grandfather because communists did a good job by exterminating every single whelp of that spineless inept fuck.

kek, rekt

This doesn't make sense. The tremendous fag on the right is never going to reproduce.

Isn't there somewhere a conspiracy theory that Medvedev actually decedant from Romanov Dynasty?

We really should breed traps like this en mass. Sex robots are far off and unlikely to ever be able to compete with a cutie like this.

Kill yourselves mentally ill repulsive fags

don't excite me like this, I thought someone was legitimately responding to my request on how to find some cute boipucci

calm down senpai

I am pretty sure my grandfather was not Nicholas Romanoff

thisyou fucking disgusting gayreek.
pay me for the rope and ill think about, oh wait you cant

i know u are but what am i ;3

his sperm will be milked out (via prostate stimulation) to breed more qt trap

Kil lyourselves ugly tranny freaks

STFU faggot loving freaks

What the fuck is "OwO"?

stop posting ugly trans men, post cutie greek fempenises

i want to see their prostates leak

Kill yourself deranged repuslive mentally ill faggot

got any greek dogpucci

you have a folder full of traps and somehow we are the freaks?

I also have a folder of merchant memes? Does that mean I am a jew?

I'd hit it

this is pretty pointless…why does it matter what your grandparent did one time?

Only the global elites

Me too. With a baseball bat to the head multiple times until it dies

Just because your ancestors are criminals doesn't mean its fine for everyone elses to be.


>memes=nudes of girls with dicks
o-ok mate, you're totally not obsessed with traps

After some dicking, yes.

check out this qt trap guise. Want to see her boipucci?

>denying his heritage
Pretty good example for showing what's recently wrong with the western /world/mind.

Post more pics of the grandfather on the right pls

me on the right

Trapfags destroyed Sup Forums and Sup Forums is honestly mostly to blame for it. They founded that shit back when this site was first made. Over the years they've forced this degenerate anti-white birth trap shit on most of the boards with their endless pouring.

Traps are gay they have penis get over it.

I'd rather not know desu senpai

trap faggots need to die

Traps have and always will be part of fourchan culture just like animu and if you don't like it you need to fr*ck off.

fuck off faggot

That is entirely correct but I don't see anyone sage this shit at all so might as well go with the flow.
Sup Forums is going to get /r9k/'d and that's exactly what the board culture wants.

Try going on Sup Forums,/his/ and /biz/ and see how they respond to this tripe you force on others.

OwO what's this?

It's what r/the_donald and crossboarder faggots want. Most oldfags want Sup Forums to go back to its original state.

Oh my god my dick holy shit more

doesn't that mean that the trap fucked a woman
that's pretty hot

This right here is the cancer that's killing Sup Forums they need to leave and stay on Sup Forums

>Try going on Sup Forums,/his/ and /biz/ and see how they respond to this tripe you force on others.
ah yes the high quality boards of Sup Forums

but seriously how new r u?