MGTOWs are beta male losers
Varg on MGTOW
Funny thing is that Varg Is actually a fellow MGTOW
Varg is a faggot but this is true
>Varg is married and has a kid
wew lad
>having wife and kids
calm down autismo, I was talking about how he follows his own path in life, he has made the trully a way with the red pill and he kepts enlighting men thanks to the internet.
That's the very definition of going your own way, hating women and even more your own genepool is optional
>you should live your life to be an alpha and reproduce
>only the alpha can reproduce
>reproducing is weeding out he worst and benefitting the thea earth and its population
There is 7.2 billion people on earth, doubling in the last 50 years. Anyone and their retarded brother can make babies to futher overpopulate the earth. What on earth is this man babbling about ?
>mexican intellectuals
>hating women and even more your own genepool is optional
it's not optional, it's the exception
varg ain't mgtow, you beaner
autism out
White countries are underpopulated, The only countries overpopulation effects are African countries,China and India. America,Russia and Australia has plenty of room for more white babies.
>((they)) are pushing MGTOW to kill whites
>MGTOW is good because it weeds out betas
Don't expect logic from a neo-nazi murderer
Varg , you fucking fag, this is literally /r9k/ tier.
There is no such thing as an alpha man or woman, only socially dominant ones. We evolved from monogamous gibbon-like creatures which also branched off into chimpanzees, orangutans ect- which are all completely different animals.
There is a reason why pot smoking lazy faggots have children they can't support properly over child support , while the intelligent, patient money making individuals bide their time to find a good woman instead of banging anything with holes- to ensure their own future properly.
If you believe in an "alpha" you believe in polyamory and therefore you're a science denying degenerate feels leftist faggot.
Human beings male or female don't want to share, we want the best for ourselves no matter what social standing.
Is he about to drive to the French welfare office to pick up his gibsmedats?
>going to jail for murder
>D&D review YouTube videos
Great genes there bud
The main reason he has so many subs is because his fanbase is drawn to the "le epic nazi murderer philosopher" and "i'm not a degenerate if i stop watch porn and shit in buckets" thing.
Right after he gets hiss blessings from his favourite imam.
MGTOW is a jewish trick anyway
His wife is extremely ugly 3/10, so in his case he'd be better off as a MGTOW.
If you had to be convinced by other people that a little faggy group of bitter guys who resented women and formed an "internet movement" around that bitterness was anything other than a glorified pity party then you are fuckin dorkmax.
Enough of these emotional support groups, dorks.
>leaf being an emotional lame fuck
It's always a leaf. Why is it always a leaf?
is she varg's wife?
that's a solid 9/10 from where I came from buddy
There literally is no wrong way to MGTOW except getting married. Gynocentrism and all that. You can even have kids if you want but understand the risks far outweigh the benefits.
>that's a solid 9/10 from where I came from buddy
this is pretty pointless…why does it matter if some guy doesn't have sex or a girlfriend or wife?
What a man wants is less important than what the white race needs. If any group needs mgtow, it's black men.
>be famous musician
>can't even pull a decent looking chick
Who's the beta now?
She's as good looking as Varg. I'd say 6/10.
she is probably unnaturally obsessed with pleasing him and he has a megalomaniac complex and gets off on it
either that or his game is just that shit
>the intelligent, patient money making individuals bide their time to find a good woman instead of banging anything with holes- to ensure their own future properly.
This is how Beta "men" cope with being virgin loser´. They are just too intelligent for sex lmao.
There's nothing alpha about committing yourself to a self entitled narcissist.
>instead of banging anything with holes-
this speaks volumes about your general mindset btw.
you are single because you are fucked up and have problems with trust and intimacy so you make excuses like the geopolitical situation is tense and you aren't financially set yet etc etc. you need to work through your shit and stop putting guards up to the world. this has nothing to do with all these strawmen women you are complaining about. that is just an excuse to tap out from it all.
be real with yourself, mate. if you still don't feel like taking any risks on that front right now at least be real with yourself about the actual reasons why.
M8 have you been here? THe Ozone layer having a hole is murder for white skin.
t. brown person
I'm convinced the requirement to be a 9/10 for brown people is just "be blonde". I know a woman who's fat, short, late 30s who gets constant attention from sandniggers just because she's blonde.
Bumping for an actual, legitimate response to this serious enquiry.
Haha holy shit the gall of this autist to call anyone a beta male. Prison must've really fucked him up
Because it's literally the purpose of your life.
If you fail to procreate, you fail at life.
Here's my take on it.
Barbarossaaaa coined the term Alpha Male Primitive to describe guys like these a few years ago. "He's the apex and the end result of a skewed form of masculinity defined by the feminine. His main focus is eliminating his competition and securing access to females he believes you're competing with him for, whether you are or not. And if you're going your own way you most certainly are not competing for women. This will not stop the Alpha Male Primitive from seeing you as a threat, however. This is the guy who secures access to sex by attacking other men both in the the physical and indirect sense. He prefers unprovoked attacks on other men. He ruins your good time if you're having one simply because your good time is a threat to his access to women."
he's right
+ she's a legit autist (not memeing) with whom he has like 5 kids, sad!
woah.... so this is the power.... of the aryan race.....
I'd cut off my pinky for an autistic virgin wife to marry and breed with
Blame the government for either subsidizing that behavior, or interfering in the process of rearing, get rid of gov't interference and the r/K breeding patterns will return to normal.
"Virgin Shaming" will not fix the problem, it never will, to fix the problem, you have to get people to stop interfering with raising children
Here is a legitimate question for you naysayers, are you doing a service to your offspring by bringing them into a world without the means to care for it? Do you really think Papa Gov't will keep the spigot of entitlements flowing?
So by that logic niggers should be fucking master race now, because they're all alphas and they reproduce.
Applying alpha beta dichotomy to humans is retarded. Civilization basically exists only because betas and omegas were able to reproduce, alphas are mostly only violent psychopaths, as is actually the case with Varg.
No guey. No he's not.